How to clean silicone grease? The best tools and recommendations

Update date: 07/23/2020 11:19:20 15203 Share:

Author: Dina Frish

*Review of the best according to the editors of About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Silicone grease is an indispensable material in construction and farming, industry and mechanical engineering. Popularly known as sealant. In its structure, it is a solid substance that adheres firmly to the material. And if silicone gets on the same clothing or interior item, it will be difficult to get rid of it.

We have prepared for you ways to remove silicone grease stains from various surfaces and materials.

Methods for removing silicone grease stains from clothing, floors, and other surfaces

Silicone-based oils and greases are common today in many areas of human activity, so a stain from silicone grease can appear on any thing. Fortunately, if you approach the cleaning issue correctly, at home it is quite possible to wash clothes stained with silicone and remove dirt from the floor and furniture. Let's look at the main methods and choose the most effective ones.

Useful tips

Aggressive substances are usually used to remove silicone grease. In order not to completely ruin the item, you must first test the chosen product. To do this, apply the selected product with a cotton swab to an inconspicuous area on the product. This can be an inner seam or a place under the collar, on the back of the cuff. If there is no reaction after an hour and the cleanser does not damage the fabric, it can also be used to clean the front side of the garment.

When removing a stain with a cotton swab, it is necessary to direct movements from the edges of the stain to its center. This is especially important if solvents are used for cleaning. If you rub the dirt in different directions, you can spread the stain over an even larger area.

After cleaning the product with aggressive substances, you must wash it, rinse it twice in a large amount of water, or set the automatic machine to a mode with additional rinsing. This is necessary to ensure that all harmful substances are removed from the fabric. After treatment, it is advisable to dry clothes in the fresh air.

As you can see, there are several reliable ways to remove silicone grease from clothing or fabric items. Don’t be upset if your husband once again comes in with soiled clothes - you can save them even at home with your own hands, using simple and affordable means.

It doesn’t matter if yellow stains appear on your down winter jacket after an unsuccessful wash. To cope, It happens that you have to wash vomit stains from upholstered furniture or clothing, and, It is very difficult to clean a mattress from red stains and the smell of urine, but there are methods. You can. Removing stains is always a long and labor-intensive process, especially if it concerns traces of food or

Why is silicone grease difficult to clean?

Very often, disadvantages become advantages shown “at the wrong time, in the wrong place.” Stains from silicone-based lubricants are difficult to clean for the same reasons why these substances are so popular in technology and everyday life.

Here are the most important properties of silicone lubricants that interfere with stain removal:

Don’t start removing stains without understanding all the details! Inept actions can easily damage the surface and ruin the item being cleaned.

To understand how to deal with silicone grease, you first need to understand what it is. Having understood the structure, it is easy to select a suitable solvent.

What is silicone?

Silicone grease is a white translucent mass that is widely used not only in industry and everyday life, but also in aviation. It is used to preserve rubber parts and lubricate them, and protects various interior parts and equipment from destruction. This material has the property of transferring heat during the operation of electrical elements and can withstand temperature fluctuations from -40 to +250C.

In addition, silicone grease is widely used in equipment for dentistry, printing, plumbing, and in chemical laboratories for sealing and lubricating special utensils. In everyday life, silicone can be used to lubricate locks, hinges, seams, seal mechanisms, and seal parts of water models.

Determining the type of lubricant

In its chemical nature, silicone is close to rubber. In order to create a lubricant (as well as a sealant, glue or other silicone mixture), the silicone must be dissolved in a suitable liquid.

There are two types of solvent most commonly used:

The cleaning method depends on the type of solvent. Therefore, in order to remove the stain as quickly and completely as possible, before starting work you should read the composition of the product on the packaging.

Removing stains from clothes

Dry cleaning specialists will help remove silicone stains from a down jacket, jacket, jacket. But such a solution is not always acceptable. In some cases, it is not possible to spend 2-3 days waiting for the item to be returned after cleaning, and you don’t want to spend money.

At home, several methods are used to remove silicone stains from clothes. Each of them has positive and negative sides, so let’s look at them in more detail.

The mechanical method will only help against fresh stains that have not had time to dry.

Before cleaning clothes with a chemical for the first time, test the strength of the dye by spraying the solvent on the clothes in an inconspicuous place. If the product does not damage the paint, it can be used.

Traditional methods

If you don’t want to use aggressive chemicals or are afraid of scratching the fabric with a knife when removing the sealant, you can try using traditional methods to remove machine grease from clothes. This way you can even remove graphite grease.

The simplest option is alcohol-containing liquids. This could be ethyl alcohol or medical alcohol, vodka or even cologne. A napkin made of natural fabric that does not fade is soaked in the product. Then it is applied to the stain so that it is well saturated with alcohol. Granules will form at the site of contamination and will need to be removed.

If the stain is already old and has long dried out, then you can remove it like this: cover the stain with damp gauze and iron it with a hot iron. The silicone will soften and can be easily removed with dishwashing detergent or scratched with a knife.

Vinegar essence is another proven remedy that can remove silicone grease. The dirt should be poured generously with 70% essence and left for half an hour. After this treatment, the silicone can be easily removed from the fabric with a napkin. This cleaning should be carried out only with gloves and a mask, so as not to harm yourself with harmful fumes. This method is especially effective for removing sealant. Which contains acids.

Any solvent will also help remove the grease. You can take white spirit, highly purified household gasoline, acetone, or even nail polish remover with acetone. A cotton pad is soaked in the liquid, then the lubricant is wiped off with it. All that remains is to wash the clothes.

Every motorist has a special means for cleaning the brake system. It must be sprayed onto the stain. This way you can remove even very old stains.

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You can wash off the grease with regular baby soap. Of course, you won’t be able to remove the stain the first time, but if you lather it thickly and leave the item for several hours, the stain will soften and then be easily removed. The procedure must be repeated until the fabric is clean.

How to wash or remove grease from furniture?

The same methods used for cleaning clothes will help remove stains from fabric-covered seats.

It is easiest to remove silicone from plastic furniture: this surface has minimal adhesion to silicone. Large pieces are cleaned off with a spatula, and then the remaining stains are washed off with acetone or another degreasing compound.

The silicone is carefully cut off from the wooden parts and polished. Solvents and abrasives will make the surface cloudy, so you will have to do it manually and as carefully as possible.

Removing stains from the floor

To remove silicone stains from linoleum, Penta-840 is the best solution. Acid-based compounds will be helped to dissolve vinegar essence, but it is important to make sure that it does not destroy the linoleum itself.

Silicone is removed from tiles in three stages:

Finally, we note: the sooner you start removing stains from the silicone composition, the easier it will be to do it. Don't put off cleaning!

*Review of the best according to the editors of simplerule. ru. About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Silicone grease is an indispensable material in construction and farming, industry and mechanical engineering. Popularly known as sealant. In its structure, it is a solid substance that adheres firmly to the material. And if silicone gets on the same clothing or interior item, it will be difficult to get rid of it.

We have prepared for you ways to remove silicone grease stains from various surfaces and materials.

An effective product that will help get rid of sealant

Construction hypermarkets sell a special liquid. The variety of types of products is quite wide, so the question arises: how to wash off silicone grease from metal and how not to damage the surface? Which type of remover will be most effective?

First, find out what type of silicone grease was used for the seal. They come in one- and two-component types. The latter are often used in industrial conditions, so it would be appropriate to consider household one-component sealants.

Based on the type of vulcanizing agent, they are divided into neutral and acidic. Neutrals include:

To safely soften acidic silicone on a stainless metal surface, use concentrated vinegar (70% essence). Medical alcohol is suitable for dissolving alcohol sealant, and acetone, white alcohol or gasoline for remaining neutral silicones.

From purchased special products, you can choose Antisil or Penta-840, which are suitable for cleaning the surface regardless of the type of vulcanizing agent used to produce silicone grease.

How to remove silicone grease? It is better to purchase a special product to be sure that the surface will not deteriorate during cleaning.


Silicone grease stains are some of the most difficult to remove. Therefore, preparing to remove them will require time and “tools.” You will need:

Knife (razor blade or hob scraper) or metal brush;

Baby or laundry soap;

A thin, sharp object (a needle or pin);

Optionally, you can use special tools:

Silicone grease remover;

Any general purpose solvent such as acetone or solvent 646;

Brake cleaner.

But they can be replaced with improvised means.

How to remove silicone grease from clothes

It is better to dry clean clothes made from delicate fabrics. It may not withstand chemical or mechanical influences. But with the rest it’s easier.

Tip: This method is suitable for removing fresh stains. If the stain is old, a vinegar solution will help, in which you will need to soak the clothes, then rub the dirty area with a cloth. On colored fabric it is necessary to use a local method. Wipe the mark with vodka or alcohol, wait 15 minutes and remove the residue with a medium-bristled brush.

Place a thick cloth under the stained fabric. Use a bottle of brake cleaner. Spray it on the contaminated area. Wait 20-30 minutes. Send things to the wash.

Any solvent will do: purified gasoline, acetone or nail polish remover. Wear gloves to avoid chemical burns, as well as a respirator and goggles. Soak a soft sponge in solvent. Gently wipe the silicone mark with it and leave for half an hour. After the specified time, repeat the procedure. Rinse clothes in hot water, then put them in the washing machine. When washing, use high-quality washing powder.

Baby soap will help soften the stain if you lather thoroughly. Wait about half an hour, then hand wash the clothes in warm water. Then perform the manipulation with soap again.

If there is an old stain on your clothing, apply damp gauze to it and steam the top with an iron. The structure will soften, after which the rubber will remove the silicone grease.

Since solvents are caustic substances, washing after such treatment must be carried out especially carefully. It is advisable to do this several times to completely remove the smell of gasoline or acetone.

Mechanical cleaning

It is advised to remove fresh, not yet hardened sealant with a sharp knife or blade. It is necessary to cut carefully to the very base of the fabric. The remaining greasy residue on clothing is washed off with warm water and soap or dishwashing detergent. Clean with an iron brush and coarse salt.

Old cases

It is not always possible to immediately detect traces of sealant. Therefore, the soiled item will have to be cleaned in other ways. Use liquids that can dissolve silicone to remove stains.

Vinegar essence

70% vinegar is suitable for removing drops of silicone sealant, as it dissolves the substance well. It is necessary to moisten the stain with acid and leave for half an hour. After aggressive exposure to silicone, it is easy to wipe it off with a dry cloth. The effectiveness of the product depends on the type of sealant. The acid destroys the alkaline structure of the sealant.

When working with vinegar, be sure to wear gloves, being careful not to get the liquid on your skin. It is advisable to protect the respiratory tract from penetration of acid fumes using a mask.

The smell of vinegar from clothes can be removed by washing with conditioner.

Rubbing alcohol or vodka

Alcohol compounds have a destructive effect on sealant stains.

To carry out the procedure, you need to moisten a cloth or cotton pad with alcohol, vodka, denatured alcohol, and apply it to the area of ​​contamination. The silicone will begin to roll off, and it will be easy to remove it from the item.


Solvents are a good way to remove frozen drops of sealant. They process only natural fabrics. Synthetics can deteriorate from the action of solvents.


To remove drops of sealant from things, use pure acetone. In some cases, it can be removed with nail polish remover. But they add various substances that can contaminate the fabric more. Before use, carefully study the composition of the liquid.

Leave a cloth with acetone on the problem area of ​​clothing for several minutes. Place paper on top in 3-4 layers and apply a hot iron.

White Spirit

This solvent is used to clean sealant and glue. It can take effect a few minutes after application. Light stains are wiped off with a cloth soaked in white spirit. After the procedure, the item is washed in a warm soapy solution.


Gasoline can be used to clean off any dirt. To do this, soak a cloth in a flammable substance and place it on the silicone stain for a few minutes. Then scrub thoroughly. Apart from the silicone film, there will be no greasy stain left on the fabric.

Peroxide and wash

Hydrogen peroxide is not diluted with water, but take the liquid, moisten a cotton pad with it, carefully wiping off the silicone drops.

The operation is carried out until the liquid stops foaming. Now you need to rinse and wash the item of clothing.

Special means

Some people don’t believe in the effects of folk remedies, so they prefer professional ones. The chemical industry offers products that successfully remove sealant from any type of fabric.


Liquid translucent silicone thinner allows you to remove sealant stains from any surface. Apply the product for 10-15 minutes. After removing the sealant, wash off the residue under running water.


The silicone film is easily separated from the fabric if exposed to the product for several minutes. When kept longer, the sealant breaks down. But before removing a stain from clothing, it is worth checking the effect of the solvent on an inconspicuous place of the item. The composition is used at any air temperature, but it does not retain its properties well when frozen.

Vegetable oil

Oil has been used to remove paint and grease for a long time. You can remove dirt from the fabric using a cotton pad soaked in vegetable oil. It is necessary to hold until the silicone begins to dissolve. All you have to do is wash the item manually or in an automatic machine.

Car brake system cleaner

Brake cleaners actively remove tarry substances and grease. A stream of liquid is directed at the stain. After a few minutes, you need to clean the dirty area with a soft cloth.

Before using the product, test it on the fabric so as not to spoil the item with an aggressive liquid.

Baby soap

A minor stain should be removed with warm water and baby soap. Apply foam to the damaged area of ​​clothing. Wash thoroughly after a few minutes. The procedure should be repeated until the sealant residues completely disappear.

How to remove silicone grease from glass and tiles

In this case, it is not necessary to resort to solvents. You can just scrape it off:

If after the repair traces of sealant remain on the glass or tiles, a mechanical method will help. If used carelessly, these surfaces can be scratched. Therefore, this method is best suited if you don’t mind glass or tiles and are planning to change your interior in the near future. Use a knife or blade to scrape off most of the grease, then sand with a pumice stone. An oil stain may remain, which can be easily removed with any detergent.

If the tiles and glass are completely new, then gasoline solvent or white spirit will help. Wear gloves. Apply white spirit to the mark, wait 2-3 minutes. The silicone grease will soften and can be removed with a thin blade. Wipe over the surface with a cloth soaked in solvent, then wipe with a dry cloth.


You can also use white spirit to treat acrylic enamel in the bathroom. The main thing is to act very carefully so that a complete restoration of the bathtub is not required.

How to remove silicone grease from furniture

The choice of processing method depends on the material from which the furniture is made:

Silicone is the easiest to remove from plastic furniture. Large pieces must be cleaned with a spatula, then treated with acetone or refined gasoline to remove traces of fat.

It's more difficult with wooden furniture. Solvents are not suitable, as there is a risk of damaging the surface, especially if it is varnished. Take a wooden scraper and carefully scrape off the rubber mixture. This method requires time and patience.

In addition to a wooden scraper, you can also use a plastic one. Or a regular bank or discount card. Just try to scrape off traces of silicone grease with it.

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