How to wash fucorcin from skin, sofa, clothes and floor: what “experienced” people advise against pink spots

05/04/2017 Maria Ivanova 0 comments

Fukortsin is a solution that is often prescribed by doctors for chickenpox, wounds, abrasions and other skin lesions. Replacing the well-known “brilliant green”, it has a specific color – bright fuchsia. Fukortsin is an excellent disinfectant, but along with its medicinal properties, the solution paints the skin a bright color.

This happens thanks to fuchsin, which is part of the components of the medicine. But don't worry. There are a lot of available products that can easily cleanse your body and skin of unsightly tints. The main thing is to use them only on healed areas. Damaged areas should not be touched until complete recovery.

How to wash Fukortsin from the skin on the face?

This question worries many patients or their parents. The best option is to wait until the medicine washes off naturally. But if there is no time, then other proven methods will help.

The delicate structure of the facial epidermis requires careful handling. Therefore, the components included in the products with which it is planned to cleanse the face from Fukortsin should not only wash off the medicine well, but also not cause harm to the skin.

In this case, it is better to avoid ingredients that are too aggressive. These are alcohol tinctures, solutions with hydrogen peroxide, etc. The following options may be an alternative.

  • Vegetable oil or very rich cream for children. These two ingredients will well dissolve the crimson color in the upper skin. You need to apply them to the face with massaging movements until completely absorbed, then wipe the skin with a cotton pad, removing any remaining product.
  • Vitamin C powder. It needs to be mixed with boiling water. Wait until the mixture cools down and apply it to your face using cotton sponges. Vitamin C is sold in pharmacies.
  • One simple method is a prepared soap solution. Stir shavings of baby or laundry soap in a small amount of water. Soak a piece of cotton wool in the prepared product and wipe your face. However, you will have to be patient. The procedure will require at least twenty repetitions.
  • Fresh lemon juice applied to a cotton swab can be used to lubricate the pinpoint areas of the face where Fukortsin is present.
  • Visit to the bathhouse. Hot steam will perfectly steam the skin, which will make the medicine defenseless against water. The remains of Fukortsin will be easy to wash off. In addition, this procedure will be beneficial for the whole body. A facial sauna can be easily done at home. You just need to boil water, add chamomile and thoroughly steam the skin over hot steam.
  • Makeup removers. However, they will give effect only after frequent use - at least once every two hours.

Washing methods

After treatment of chickenpox rashes with Fukortsin is completed, all patients ask themselves: how to get rid of bright pink spots on the body? The crimson pigment is strongly absorbed into the skin and fabric of clothing, so it is not removed by normal washing and washing.

The safest way to get rid of traces of a caustic solution is to wait for the natural renewal of the dermis at the cellular level. But if you can’t wait, there are several effective recipes that are equally effective when used in children and adults.

The safest way to remove traces of Fukortsin is to wait for it to wash off naturally.

How to wash Fukortsin off the body?

For the body, methods are used where more aggressive components are used as components .

  • Hydrogen peroxide and laundry soap . Mix soap shavings with the same amount of peroxide. Apply the composition to the raspberry areas, rubbing in with a soft brush. Rinse everything off with warm water. Do not rub the brush too hard, otherwise you may damage the skin.
  • Laundry soap and calendula tincture (it is sold in pharmacies). Preparation of the composition is similar to the first method. The application method is the same.
  • Alcohol and salicylic acid . Mix the two components in equal proportions. Treat the affected skin areas very carefully. Since the product contains alcohol, this method is not recommended for use in young children.
  • Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide . To prepare the composition, mix two tablespoons of peroxide and one tablespoon of ammonia in a container. Due to the fact that the solution is very aggressive and can dry out the skin, add a little shower gel or mild liquid soap to it. The product is applied to a cotton pad and passed over all areas where Fukortsin is present, avoiding contact with clean areas of the skin.
  • Acetylsalicylic acid is a very harsh but effective method. You need to prepare a solution of 2 tablespoons of water and 5 aspirin tablets. The result is a highly concentrated product, so you need to use it in the same way as the composition in the previous method.
  • Cologne . A cotton swab is moistened in it and pointedly passed over the painted areas. Thanks to the alcohol contained in the cologne, Fukortsin stains will dissolve and disappear. But the procedure will have to be repeated several times.
  • Baking soda, fresh lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide (no more than 3%). Mix all components in equal proportions and apply to damaged areas with a cotton pad. Rinse off with warm water.

All products that are recommended for cleansing the face of Fukortsin are also suitable for the body.

Composition of the drug

This medicinal solution contains boric acid, resorcinol, and acetone. The fucorcin solution received its bright color due to the presence of a component such as fuchsin in its composition. Because of its bright color, fucorcin is also called Castellani paint. Fuchsin, entering into a chemical reaction with acetone, gives the medicine a rich fuchsia color. Thanks to boric acid, the drug has disinfectant properties, while resorcinol gives it antiseptic qualities. In the network of modern pharmacies you can also find colorless fucorcin, which does not contain fuchsin. This drug will not cause problems with removing stains from the skin, but is less aggressive towards pathogenic fungal diseases.

Methods for sensitive baby skin

Children need to wash Fukortsin with milder means. The same methods can be used for adults if their skin reacts very sharply to external irritants.

Here are the main ones.

  • Hydrogen peroxide (no more than 1.5%) and warm boiled water. Mix the components in equal proportions. Despite the fact that peroxide is a rather aggressive substance, its low concentration in the solution will not have any negative effect on the child’s skin.
  • If peroxide is not found in the house, it can be replaced with Chlorhexidine. It is a little softer, but works just as effectively. Among other things, the antiseptic and bactericidal properties of Chlorhexidine will have an overall positive effect on the baby’s skin after treatment with Fukortsin. This applies most of all to skin that is affected by fungal and streptococcal infections.
  • A highly concentrated solution of water and laundry soap. But you should first try it on a small area of ​​the child’s skin to avoid excessive drying, because the procedure will have to be repeated at least 20 times a day.


The plant is used as a tincture. Calendula can cleanse and disinfect the skin. Due to its mild effect, the tincture is recommended for cleansing the skin of children. Calendula can be used to wipe stained areas or make lotions.

It is better to use alcohol tinctures of calendula, available at the pharmacy. But you can prepare the product yourself. To do this, you will need to infuse the mixture for 14 days, so it will take more time to get rid of the hated stains.

The medicine stained your teeth and hair

If Fukortsin gets on tooth enamel or blond hair, the following methods will help you quickly wash it off.

  • Teeth. The ideal solution would be a product that is used at home to remove plaque. Hydrogen peroxide is mixed with soda, applied to the brush and treated the surface of the teeth. The same remedy will prevent carious deposits.
  • Hair. To prepare a cleaning solution, mix ammonia and olive oil in a 1:2 ratio. This composition will remove crimson color without harming the hair. The only negative is the unpleasant smell of ammonia. Olive oil can be replaced with any other vegetable oil. The oily structure of the oil will dissolve Fukortsin and prevent it from spreading to other areas of the hair.

Features of the use of fucorcin

Initially, the main area of ​​application of fucorcin was body marking in oncology. Doctors used it to mark those areas of the patient’s body that needed to be irradiated. Then fukortsin began to be used as a preoperative marking on the patient’s skin. Thanks to its bright crimson color and antiseptic properties, fucorcin coped with its tasks: it highlighted the incision site and killed microbes.

An alternative to fucorcin is brilliant green or iodine. They do not stain your hands even after drying, like fucorcin. But still, due to its medicinal properties, fucorcin solution is still used in medical practice. It better disinfects wound surfaces, copes with serious purulent skin diseases, and is used to prevent the spread of skin diseases. Fukortsin relieves itching and irritation, dries the skin and disinfects it.

How to remove Fukortsin stains from furniture, linoleum and clothing?

If handled carelessly, Fukortsin can get on household and interior items.

How to wash it in such cases?

  • It is recommended to wash linoleum or other floor coverings with chlorine-containing compounds. This can be a bleach such as Domestos or whiteness. Such products will instantly wash off Fukortsin, but can damage the floor surface, so you need to work with them very quickly. The less effective, but safer “Vanish” will also wash off Fukortsin, but not the first time.
  • The furniture can be cleaned with baking soda, which is applied to a sponge and rubbed into the stains. Use this method carefully as the crystals may scratch the surface.
  • Chlorine-containing bleaches will remove traces of Fukortsin from white things. If the fabric allows it, you can load the laundry into an automatic machine and set the washing mode to a temperature of 90-95 degrees.

Colored linen will be saved by Vanish, designed for colored clothes. The soaking procedure will have to be repeated several times, but in the end the result will please you.

Cleaning clothes

In addition to the skin, the crimson pigment is eaten into the clothes of a patient with chickenpox. Therefore, the issue of washing soiled items from the corrosive solution is urgent. There are several stain removal products:

  • Bleaching powder. To remove raspberry marks, you need to apply a little lime to the stain and rub a little. It is important to consider that the product is active in relation to the structure of the fabric, therefore it quickly destroys the fibers and makes the woven fabric more loose. It is recommended to use bleach only on white or light-colored fabrics.
  • Sodium sulfite. The product is characterized by increased activity when exposed to tissue and is able to retain its properties for a long time. Therefore, after treatment, you need to wash things with powder. The advantage of this method is that it can be used when cleaning colored fabrics.
  • Classic bleaches in liquid form. Standard recipe: 1 cap of concentrate is diluted in 1 liter of water at room temperature. Soiled items should be soaked in the resulting solution for 24 hours and then washed as usual.

Special Recommendations

  1. Cotton pads, sponges, sticks, and soft facial brushes are useful as improvised means for washing stains.
  2. You won't be able to completely remove stains the first time. Any procedure will have to be repeated at least twice.
  3. Do not use solvents (gasoline, kerosene, acetone), as well as stain removers, bleaches or products containing chlorine as a component for the face and body. There is a risk of chemical burns, despite the effectiveness of these methods for removing crimson stains.
  4. An alternative to laundry soap is regular baby soap. It is somewhat softer in composition and will not dry out the skin as much.
  5. To cleanse children's skin, it is better not to overuse procedures. Just wait a few days and Fukortsin will wash off naturally.

You can wash off the medicine using any of the above methods only on completely healed areas. After cleansing, wash the skin with warm boiled water.

How a bath will help

Steam and hot water reduce the concentration of all components of Fukortsin, acting as an additional solvent for carbolic acid, boric acid and resorcinol. As a result, the solution applied to the skin becomes discolored. Liquid stains containing organic substances (such as phenol) are easier to remove from the heated surface of the skin.

See also

How to wash and remove blood from clothes and furniture at home, what to wash with

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