15 Best Ways to Get Rid of Strong Vinegar Smell

Many housewives use vinegar as a means to remove complex stains, clean surfaces, and also for cleaning premises.
But not everyone knows how to eliminate the unpleasant acrid smell of vinegar that remains after using the product? In order to quickly remove an unpleasant odor, you need to know what substances are neutralizers and how to use them correctly? Why does vinegar have an unpleasant odor? The specific aroma of vinegar is due to the fact that the substance is obtained using acetic acid bacteria from alcohol-containing raw materials through microbiological synthesis.

The acetic acid contained in the product allows it to be used not only for culinary purposes, but also to eliminate unpleasant odors and remove stains. Vinegar is often used as a disinfectant that kills most pathogenic microorganisms. The only and most important drawback of the product is that during and after use a sharp unpleasant odor appears in the apartment, which cannot be eliminated by ventilation. And if vinegar gets on your clothes, it will take several washes to completely eliminate the unpleasant odor.

Nature of smell

Vinegar has a rather strong specific aroma due to the fact that the substance is obtained with the help of acetic acid bacteria from alcohol-containing raw materials through microbiological synthesis. Due to the fact that the product contains acetic acid, it is often used not only in cooking, but also to eliminate unpleasant odors and remove stains. Vinegar is often used as a disinfectant, as it can eliminate a large number of pathogenic microorganisms.

The only drawback of the product is that when used in large quantities, a pungent odor appears in the apartment, which is difficult to remove. If vinegar gets on things, sometimes it takes more than one wash to get rid of the obsessive aroma.

Features of fish aroma

All fish, to a greater or lesser extent, have a characteristic aroma, which appears for the following reasons:

  1. The fatty acids contained in the product quickly oxidize, which causes an unpleasant odor.
  2. Many species of fish are carnivorous. There are special enzymes on their body that facilitate digestion when they reach a larger individual. When a fish is caught, the enzymes remain on its body, thereby speeding up spoilage and causing the release of an unpleasant odor.
  3. Fish protein decomposes much faster than similar elements in other animals. Cold does not slow down this process, so within a few hours a characteristic aroma will emanate from the carcass.

All this leads to the fact that upon contact with chilled fish, an unpleasant odor quickly permeates clothing, but it is not easy to eliminate. As soon as mucus or pieces of fillet get onto a T-shirt or trousers, measures must be taken to get rid of the specific aroma.

How to clean indoors

If vinegar was used for cleaning or disinfection, or accidentally spilled on the floor, then getting rid of the smell in the room will not be difficult. First you need to ventilate the room, and if this does not help, then additionally carry out wet cleaning using household chemicals.


Getting the smell of vinegar out of a room can be difficult, especially if a lot of the product has been spilled or used. To make the smell go away faster, you need to create a draft by opening windows, interior and entrance doors. Depending on the intensity of the aroma, airing can last 2-4 hours.

If success was not achieved at one time, then the procedure is repeated after some time.

Wet cleaning

Wet cleaning will help neutralize the obsessive odor. To do this, fill a bucket with warm water and add a little dishwashing detergent with a pleasant aroma. The floors in the apartment are thoroughly washed and allowed to dry. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

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Instead of detergent, you can add a little of your favorite essential oil to the water, it will help reduce the unpleasant aroma.

Soda and salt

Baking soda and salt absorb foreign odors well, so in a room where there is a strong smell of vinegar, you need to place open containers with these products. This method is one of the most effective, and the adsorbents should be changed every 2 days to better eliminate unpleasant odors.

Causes of unpleasant odors in the car

Everyone knows that unpleasant odors in a car interior do not appear out of nowhere. However, not every motorist can guess that there are so many reasons for their appearance. In order not to be unfounded, we will present the most common sources of this unpleasant problem.

1. Smoke . Molecules of gaseous substances are able to penetrate most deeply into various porous and fibrous structures that make up the interior of each car. The problem of smoke odor is not limited to tobacco odor. If a car has problems with the exhaust gas cleaning or exhaust system, then one way or another, they will be sucked into the cabin atmosphere.

2. Mold and putrefactive bacteria. Ineffective ventilation, dampness and food debris are the factors that lead to fungal and bacterial contamination and the appearance of a moldy smell in the car interior.

3. Leaks of technical fluids or fuel. The smell of gasoline or diesel fuel is familiar to everyone - it indicates a clogged fuel tank ventilation system or fuel leaks on the way to the engine. But the source of the sweetish-sweet aroma can only be guessed by some drivers. This indicates that antifreeze is leaking somewhere. To prevent the smell of gasoline and other petroleum products from appearing, carefully monitor the condition of your car. The intrusive aroma disappears quite quickly. The only exceptions are motor oil and diesel fuel - their presence can only be removed by radical measures.

4. Pollutants of physiological origin. Persistent and unpleasant odors are generated by waste products of people and animals - feces and vomit, urine, etc. In this case, the problem is further aggravated by the fact that both the atmosphere inside the car and the upholstery suffer - such persistent stains remain on it that they cannot be removed even by dry cleaning.

5. Food. If you eat a lot and often in the car, and even prefer strong-smelling delicacies, then their smell is absorbed into the upholstery no worse than cigarette smoke. For this reason, you can overcome the musty smell in your car using the same methods as stinking tobacco amber.

Getting rid of most annoying “odors” is not easy. You will achieve a good result only when the source of the stench is found and eliminated and a whole range of measures are taken to restore a pleasant atmosphere in the salon.

Video: How to get rid of bad smell in your car forever

Eliminating odor from shoes

In this case, it is important to consider what the shoes are made of and select the necessary cleaning method accordingly. Most often, ammonia or salt are used to eliminate the smell of vinegar.

Ammonia solution

This method is suitable for leather and suede shoes. A small rag should be moistened with ammonia, and then the product should be treated inside and out. Then the shoes are additionally wiped with a damp sponge soaked in water and set out to dry.


The simplest method. Coarse salt should be poured into foul-smelling shoes and left for a day. If the method does not give the expected result, then the manipulation is repeated. After this, the salt must be thoroughly shaken out of the shoes.

In the case of canvas sneakers or ballet flats, you should wash them in a washing machine using powder and conditioner, and then put them on an intensive rinse cycle.

Traditional methods of removing odor

You can remove the unpleasant odor using simple, accessible methods.

Hydrogen peroxide

Moisten a cotton swab generously with a 3% solution and wipe the inside of the boots with force. The tampon is changed several times during the procedure. The treated pair should then be dried at room temperature.

Peroxide will not only remove odor, but also get rid of pathogenic bacteria. This is a good disinfectant. The method is suitable for people suffering from fungal infections of the feet.

Baking soda

To remove the unpleasant odor, you need to pour a small amount of baking soda inside, spread it over the insole and leave it like that overnight. Then shake out the contents and remove the remaining particles with a vacuum cleaner. The odor will disappear due to the absorbent properties of soda.

Activated carbon

Another good sorbent is activated carbon. It absorbs unpleasant odors. To rid shoes of odor, you need to place 7-8 tablets in each shoe and leave it overnight. Charcoal will draw out odor and excess moisture.

Please note that the tablets may leave black stains inside light-colored shoes. You can remove them with hydrogen peroxide.


Acetic acid is a good way to combat unwanted odors. To implement the method, a cotton pad must be generously moistened with vinegar and wiped from the inside of the shoes. If possible, remove and wash the insoles, and after drying, also apply vinegar. Then the treated pair must be opened as much as possible and dried at room temperature or in the open air.

It is necessary to work with vinegar carefully; there should be no children or pets nearby. If liquid gets into your eyes or mucous membranes, rinse them immediately with running water.


The liquid has a sharp, specific aroma. To get rid of the smell of sweat, just moisten a cotton swab with liquid and wipe the insoles and side surfaces with it.

The treated pair should be dried in the fresh air or placed on the balcony for ventilation.

Tea or coffee

You can remove the smell of sweat from your shoes by drinking tea. Simply put a couple of used tea bags in each shoe and wait 10-12 hours. Both green and black tea are equally effective. This method can be combined with essential oil treatment.

Another natural aroma absorber is natural coffee. The dried coffee grounds are wrapped in a thick paper napkin and placed in boots for 5-6 hours.

Essential oil

For mild odor, essential oil will help. It is better to choose oils that have an antibacterial effect. This oil is geranium, cedar, mint, rosewood, chamomile. Ginger, gasoline and eucalyptus are also suitable.

To refresh your shoes, just apply a few drops to a cotton swab and run it over the inside of the shoe.

Drying at low temperatures

You can remove the foul smell from shoes by exposure to cold. The pair must be wrapped in a plastic bag, tied tightly and placed in the freezer overnight. In winter, shoes can be stored on the balcony. Frost will destroy all bacteria.

How to remove stink from carpets and furniture

There are several ways to clean your sofa and carpets from unpleasant odors:

  1. A solution of washing powder and ammonia. For 5 liters of water take 2 tbsp. l. powder or detergent for washing woolen products, 1 tbsp. l. ammonia and mix thoroughly. The resulting composition is used to treat foul-smelling areas of sofas and carpets, and then wipe these areas with a wet cloth. It is important to ensure that the products do not get wet. The final stage is drying wet spots using a hairdryer or vacuum cleaner.
  2. Soda. Vinegar stains are covered with baking soda and left to act for several hours, after which the powder is removed with a vacuum cleaner.

Some housewives like to use dishwashing detergent. It is applied to a sponge in a small amount, foamed, and then treated with a foul-smelling area. The foam is removed with a damp cloth and the products are dried using a hairdryer.

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This pharmaceutical product will help you solve a delicate problem. The solution will need to be treated with the couple inside and out. Then take another cotton pad or piece of cotton wool and soak it in ammonia. Put this in your shoes. Take her out to the balcony.

The fact is that ammonia neutralizes acetic acid. But most people also don’t like the smell of ammonia. Luckily, it dissipates much faster than the vinegar smell. But still, give a pair of shoes a good airing so as not to confuse others with strange odors.

Removing odor from fabric shoes is not that difficult; throw a pair in the washing machine and fill it with twice as much rinse aid as you usually do. After such a hygienic procedure, the terrible smell will disappear.

If you used vinegar to remove stains and the aroma remains in the apartment, then there are several options for dealing with the nuisance. Ammonia will not help here, since this solution eats away the color of things.

What to do with clothes

If vinegar was used to remove stains, then there is a high probability that after using it, the clothes will emit an unpleasant aroma. Washing in a machine, baking soda and ammonia will help get rid of the obsessive smell.

In the washing machine

If the aroma is not very pronounced, then it is enough to wash the odorous item using powder and fabric softener with a pleasant smell. In this case, it is recommended to set the double rinse program.

The washing mode is selected based on the composition of the fabric, but this method is best suited for thick synthetic or cotton items.


This product is ideal for delicate fabrics. A little ammonia is diluted in a large amount of water, bad-smelling clothes are placed in the resulting solution and left for half an hour. After this, the items are rinsed in clean water and hung to dry in the fresh air.


You need to prepare a saturated water-soda solution and immerse things in it for no more than half an hour, then rinse thoroughly in plenty of water and hang to dry. It is important to remember that ammonia and baking soda should be used with caution when washing synthetic items, as such clothing may fade and become faded.

How to get rid of the smell?

In order to remove the problem, it is necessary to find out the location of the persistent aroma. To neutralize acetic amber localized in a specific place, taking into account the characteristics of the objects themselves, the following are used as suppressants:

  • ammonia solution - 10%;
  • synthetic detergents;
  • various fresheners and laundry conditioners;
  • table salt;
  • baking soda;
  • simple washing soap;
  • preparations for washing and cleaning dishes.

Neutralization of the apartment

You can get rid of the smell of vinegar in your apartment by ventilating it as much as possible and doing wet cleaning.

Complete ventilation of the living space will help get rid of the smell of acid solution in the apartment after determining the location of “contamination.” To do this, you should open the windows to the maximum, and if possible, the doors. Afterwards, it is recommended to carry out a superficial wet cleaning of all surfaces in the home. This process will take from several hours to several days. Salt and soda placed around the apartment in small open vessels, the contents of which are periodically replaced, effectively neutralizes the vinegar smell in the room.

You can also use flavorings to solve this problem - substances that “hide” an unpleasant odor and replace it with your own. It is advisable to use natural ingredients, which are filled into improvised containers and placed throughout the contaminated residential area. For this, dried citrus peels, roasted coffee beans (you can use cheap ones), aromatic herbs and tea, cinnamon and vanillin are suitable. These products will give the airy filling of the room a special piquant taste that will not be cloying.

Cleaning things

If vinegar is used excessively in cleaning things, the aroma of this substance will be felt for a long time. To remove aroma from a sofa or carpet, it is recommended to follow these steps:

Ammonia and washing powder, which are diluted in water, will help eliminate bad odors from the carpet.

  1. Pour 30 ml of washing powder and 15 ml of ammonia into 5 liters of water.
  2. Using a foam sponge, apply the mixture to the “epicenter” of the smell, carefully wiping the surface.
  3. Wash off any remaining foam with a damp cloth.
  4. Dry the treated object with a vacuum cleaner or naturally.

Another cleaning method can be done using liquid dishwashing detergent. To do this, the identified area is sprayed with water, a chemical is applied and cleaned with a brush. To remove foam, wipe the fireplace with a rag and dry it using natural ventilation processes or use household appliances - a vacuum cleaner or hair dryer.

To effectively clean clothes from sweat, mustiness or stubborn dirt, acetic acid is used, which leaves a specific aroma. To combat it, place the item of clothing in the washing machine, additionally adding fabric softener. It is recommended to additionally use the “intensive rinse” function. After this, the item is dried naturally outside the apartment. If it is not advisable to run one item in the washing machine, then you can soak it for ½ hour in water with the addition of ammonia.

When disinfecting cutlery and dishes with vinegar, a persistent aroma of the substance used remains. A solution of heated water and kitchen salt mixed in it, in which the smelly dishes are additionally washed, will help get rid of it. After this, the cutlery is wiped with a clean rag and dried.

Treating Food to Remove Vinegar Odor

You can remove the smell of vinegar when cooking by boiling it with the lid open to allow evaporation to occur.

When cooking, an overdose of acetic acid sometimes occurs. Don't panic, you just need to leave the dish on the operating stove with the lid open and continue the process of boiling or stewing the dish for ½ hour. In this case, under the influence of heat treatment, the diffusion of vinegar will occur faster, and it will evaporate naturally.

Although the smell of acetic acid is acrid and cloying, doctors recommend not to rush to get rid of it. It is recommended to additionally apply the substance by spraying in such “problem” areas of the home as a sanitary unit with its elements, kitchen sinks and cutting boards, trash cans and places where they are kept. All of these measures, which are inexpensive and include a natural component - organic acid, will provide additional protection against viruses and bacteria.

Removing odor from hands

After cooking or cleaning, an intrusive aroma of vinegar is often felt on the skin of the hands, which ordinary salt will help remove. It is necessary to pour a little substance into a container with warm water to form a solution, put your hands in it for about 3-5 minutes. After this, rinse the skin under running water.

It is important to remember that salt has a drying effect, so after the procedure it is recommended to apply a nourishing cream to the skin. This method will not work if you have cuts or scratches on your hands.

Dishes smell like vinegar

If the smell comes from kitchen utensils, soak them in highly salted water. And then wash with your favorite detergent.

If the aroma of acetic acid is emitted from the refrigerator, then purchase a special odor absorber or simply place an open pack of soda inside. It works no worse, but costs several times less.

You've freshened up your apartment and linens, but now you feel like the smell of vinegar is coming from you? If the aroma comes from the mouth, then this is a symptom of severe poisoning. Contact your doctor immediately. If the odor comes from your body, it may indicate that you have diabetes. Be sure to donate blood for biochemistry and consult with your therapist. He may prescribe a series of tests for you.

Using professional products

If the smell of vinegar is very persistent and cannot be eliminated with improvised means, then you should pay attention to professional household chemicals. Below is information about the most effective and popular odor neutralizers. All of them are simply applied, and the effect after their use occurs immediately.


These are special salt crystals from various manufacturers, which are designed to eliminate unpleasant odors in refrigerators and rooms. The product is simple to use - it is placed in places with the strongest aroma of vinegar. The crystal should remain in the chosen place until the smell completely goes away.

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Urine Off Multi-Purpose is an organic odor remover. Available in spray form and can be used to treat furniture, carpets, shoes, clothing, wood, tiles and other types of coatings.

Allergy Free

PIP Allergy Free is a room microflora stabilizer that is recommended for use by allergy sufferers. The product can be used to process any materials; it completely eliminates unpleasant odors of organic origin.

Magos Dream JSC

A liquid product designed to eliminate unpleasant odors in any type of premises. You can use either a concentrated product or prepare a solution in a ratio of 1:5 to 1:20 by mixing with water. After this, the drug is poured into a container with a sprayer and rooms with an unpleasant odor are treated.

OdorGone Animal Gold

This product is designed to eliminate pet odors, but can be used successfully to combat vinegar odors. The product is sprayed onto the foul-smelling surface and allowed to absorb.

Despite the fact that the products described above are made on the basis of safe and highly effective ingredients, when using them you must strictly follow the instructions and avoid contact with the skin and mucous membranes.

Ventilate the apartment

Vinegar helps housewives get rid of stubborn stains, including traces of grease and mold. Typically, households use apple cider vinegar: it has bactericidal, bleaching, antifungal, and softening properties.

After treatment, a sour aroma can be felt everywhere in the apartment. The first thing to do is open the windows. If possible, ventilate the room for 1-2 hours. The next step is wet cleaning with warm water and a simple detergent. It should have a pleasant smell. Even dish soap will work.

Another solution for quickly removing odor from a room is water with salt or soda. They wipe all surfaces with it after airing.

Another trick with salt and soda is to place bowls of this substance around the house and wait. Products absorb foreign odors from the space, including an unpleasant vinegar odor.

Sometimes a simple draft is enough if the smell of vinegar is light. Against strong amber, don’t limit yourself to just airing, try to quickly apply additional cleaning methods.

Open all windows and doors wide. Create a draft at least for a while. This should be followed by wet cleaning of the room. Add a strong scented detergent to the floor cleaning water.

This could be washing powder, floor washing liquid, fragrant hand soap. Alternatively, brew mint and pour the solution into water. It will refresh the room.

Important! If you are thinking about how to remove the smell of vinegar in the house during the cold season, then first wash the floors and then ventilate the apartment.

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