How to remove the smell of burning and smoke in an apartment quickly and effectively

Every housewife has at least once encountered such a nuisance as burnt food in the kitchen, clothes burned by an iron, or even a small fire. The main question that concerns you after eliminating the problem is how to get rid of the burning smell in the apartment? It is no secret that the odors of smoke and burning are very persistent and can quickly be absorbed into clothing and furniture upholstery. To freshen the air and eliminate the cause of the fire, you should use the following effective tips.

First actions

If acrid smoke fills the apartment, do not panic. The first thing you need to do is get rid of the reason for its appearance, after which your action plan should be like this:

  • Extinguish the fire and eliminate the cause of the fire - remove the iron, turn off the gas and electricity.
  • Open all windows and doors in the apartment. The room will be filled with fresh air, which will displace the persistent smell of smoke. To speed up ventilation, turn on the fan.
  • Do a wet cleaning. If you have a steam cleaner, great. With its help, you can refresh furniture upholstery and remove smoky odors from hard-to-reach places. Instead of a cleaner, you can use a washing vacuum cleaner. Be sure to wash the floors, wipe down all surfaces and wash the curtains.
  • To completely remove the smell of burning from your apartment, use an air freshener, light a scented candle, or scatter orange peels around the house.

Features of removing aroma from different surfaces

Depending on what surface needs treatment, methods of combating the smell of smoke differ:

  1. Clothes and bedding that smell of burning must be washed. In addition to the powder, it is recommended to use fabric conditioner. After washing, the items are hung out to dry in fresh air. This method is suitable for all fabrics.
  2. Things that cannot be washed are hung out to air for several days. If this method does not help, you can treat them with steam.
  3. Upholstered furniture is wiped with a damp cloth and vacuumed. You can also use a steam cleaner.
  4. Household appliances need to be washed using a vinegar solution or cleaned with soda.
  5. The walls, ceilings and floors need a thorough cleaning. All surfaces that can be wetted are treated with water and specialized solutions. If the fire was small, then this measure is sufficient. If the fire is significant, repairs will have to be made.
  6. The tiles are treated with soda solution.
  7. Windows are washed with a specialized glass cleaner or water with a small amount of alcohol added.

Ventilate the premises

If you encounter a problem such as burnt dinner or burnt wiring, be sure to ventilate the apartment after eliminating the cause of the problem. Open all windows and doors wide to allow for a draft, and turn on the fan or air conditioner at full power. If something burns in the kitchen, don't forget to turn on the hood. It often happens that the smell of smoke is too strong. Then be sure to throw away the remains of burnt food, soak the burnt dishes, and put the spoiled item in a small bag before throwing it in the trash.

What should you do first?

Immediately after the source of ignition has been eliminated, you need to begin neutralizing the smell. Correct actions will help you quickly cope with the task and completely neutralize the consequences of the fire.

Points that need to be completed first:

  1. Ventilate the room.
  2. Create a draft.
  3. Eliminate the source of the burning.
  4. Humidify the air and ensure its quality circulation.

First, you need to ventilate the room to release the smoke outside. If you do not do this, it will be deeply absorbed into all surfaces. The smoke is dangerous to human health and should not be inhaled.

To ventilate the apartment as best as possible, you need to create a draft . To do this, open not only all the windows, but also the doors, including the entrance door. When the air does not just stand in the room, but moves, aromatic molecules do not penetrate the surface of the furniture and the fibers of the fabric.

The next step is to eliminate the source of the burning. Burnt electrical appliances, food, dishes or damaged household appliances must be thrown away immediately or they will continue to emit an unpleasant odor.

If it is not possible to immediately take them out of the house, then damaged items should be packed in plastic. This will help block the smell inside.

Moisture helps absorb combustion products, so it is recommended to humidify the air in the affected room as much as possible.

The following methods are used for this:

  • include water;
  • hang wet towels around the house;
  • Place containers of water around the apartment.

If the kitchen is equipped with an electronic hood, then it must be turned on at full power. Air conditioning will help deal with unpleasant odors. If you don't have one, you can use a fan.


It is impossible to cope with the acrid stench of smoke and burning without air humidification. If you have a special humidifier, you can use it. If you don't have this device, do the following:

  • Turn on the water. If a fire occurs in the kitchen or bathroom, this is the fastest and easiest method of humidifying the air. It is best if the water is hot. Over time, condensation will begin to accumulate on surfaces, so be sure to wipe it off.
  • Hang the wet cloth. If the smoke is insignificant, the unpleasant smell of smoke is easily absorbed by wet towels that can be hung in the room. Place towels throughout the apartment, and especially in the room where the fire occurred. If the smoke is too acrid, you can wet the cloth with vinegar solution instead of water - 2 tbsp. l. vinegar per 5 liters of water.
  • Place containers of water. You can quickly humidify a room by collecting water in small bowls and placing them around the rooms. After a few hours, the burning will begin to be felt much weaker.
  • Boil a decoction of herbs. You can add a pleasant aroma to the air and cover up the smell of smoke by placing a pot of lavender, oregano, mint or thyme on the fire. These herbs perfectly neutralize burnt odors and serve as a natural air freshener.

How air purifiers work

Smoke is a multicomponent substance, to combat which it is important to know its composition. The main elements are:

  • The gas fraction in the form of molecules depends on the object that is burning or smoldering. Gases are most often toxic and are divided into organic (phenols, toluenes, formaldehyde, benzene) and inorganic (ammonia, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, etc.)
  • Aerosol in the form of particles - drops of oils, water vapor, tiny particles of soot, evaporation of resins. The type of particles affects the color of the smoke and the smell.

Based on this, the question becomes relevant: what filters in the purifier can eliminate burning and smoke odors?

Filters and their properties

  1. Pre-filter - allows you to retain large mechanical particles. Relevant not only for combating the results of fire. Allows you to trap animal hair, large particles of dust, sand and other mechanical impurities.
  2. HEPA filter is effective in combating aerosol fractions. The fibrous structure of the working surface, as well as many layers of material, retains about 95% of soot and other solid particles. Please note that HEPA elements have different adsorption classes. They are designated by numbers and tell the size of the particles they hold.
  3. The carbon component of the filter is effective in combating gas fractions. Most often, equipment manufacturers use activated carbon of plant origin. The more porous the surface of the coal, the more molecules it retains. Such filters are effective in combating organic and inorganic gases.
  4. An additional option may be humidification, air ionization or ultraviolet treatment, electrostatic treatment, deodorization.

Each manufacturer chooses its own unique combination of functions for different models. For example, Tion Clever MAC will get rid of odors.

Before buying an air purifier, we recommend that you decide what types of pollution will need to be dealt with, in what size rooms, and the level of initial pollution. This will allow you to choose the best option with an attractive price and the required performance.

We recommend the product

Air purifier Tion Breezer 3S Standard 6 reviews

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Effective cleaning: from allergens, from viruses and bacteria, from gases and soot, from odors, from dust, from tobacco smoke, from animal hair |

Benefits of Using Air Purifiers

  • The devices are compact in size, modern in design, illuminated and can be used as a night light. Low noise level allows the units to be used in the background.
  • Multifunctionality - they not only clean the air from burning and smoke, but also absorb most allergens, remove animal hair and dead skin particles, dust and sand, harmful microorganisms and bacteria, fungal and mold spores, the smell of tobacco, etc. from the air.
  • Low energy consumption with high air purification speed. Also, many models are equipped with additional functions: humidification, aromatization, ionization of air make it more useful.
  • Possibility of continuous operation. Devices such as Prana Air Cleaner Pro have several degrees of protection and can be used continuously in areas with high levels of pollution.
  • Most models have built-in sensors for analyzing air quality, information about the level of pollution is displayed on the display, and when operating in automatic mode, the system itself adjusts the processing power to optimize the cleaning process.

We recommend the product

Air purifier Prana Air Cleaner Pro 3 reviews

In stock

Cleaning area, m²: 51-60 | Effective cleaning: from allergens, from viruses and bacteria, from odors, from pollen, from dust, from toxins, from tobacco smoke, from formaldehyde, from animal hair |

Available means

How to remove the smell of burning in an apartment? The best way to deal with this is with available tools that can be found in every home. One of the most famous and effective is acetic acid or regular table vinegar. It is very easy to cope with the smell of burning with its help:

  1. Take a large saucepan and pour 3 liters of water into it.
  2. Gradually add 1 liter of vinegar to the liquid.
  3. Place the pan on the fire, bring to a boil, then reduce the gas.
  4. Boil the vinegar solution for 1.5 - 2 hours.

An excellent remedy for the burning smell after a fire is coffee. Grain is best, but ground can also be used. Pour the grains into saucers and place them in the rooms. For ground coffee, the shelf life will increase to several hours.

You can remove the burning smell with citrus fruits. Don’t throw away the skins of lemons and oranges—they will come in handy later. Place the peel on a baking sheet in the oven and dry for an hour over low heat. The fruits can also be cut into slices and boiled in water.

Application of sorbents and flavors

To remove the burning smell, they resort to flavorings. Of course, they are only effective after thorough cleaning.

The necessary ingredients will definitely be found in your kitchen:

  • Natural coffe. What you need is not the aromatic drink itself, but its grains. Place bowls of coffee around your home. After 12-14 hours, the smell of smoke will be completely absorbed, and the house will finally smell fragrant.
  • Citrus. Grate the lemon zest and spread around the apartment. You can eliminate the stench with a decoction. Place the fruit in boiling water briefly, then cool. Pour the product into a spray bottle and spray the furniture.

Just be careful on light-colored surfaces—juice stains are difficult to remove.

  • Cinnamon and cloves. Add spices to boiling water and spray the room every half hour. The apartment will begin to smell of spices.
  • Herbs and conifers. A strong and effective remedy is natural flavors. Young twigs cut from spruce and pine trees help remove the smell, even if they are simply placed in a smoky room for several hours. Mint, oregano, thyme, wormwood, rosemary, and sage are also effective.

Special means

There is a special SmellOff product for removing odor after a fire or smoke. This neutralizer will help you get rid of the burning smell without putting in hard effort or spending a lot of time on it. In order to achieve the desired effect, you need to follow a series of simple, consistent steps:

  1. We mechanically clean all visible contaminants, including soot, carbon deposits and soot. Leave the surfaces until completely dry.
  2. We apply the neutralizer using a spray bottle or garden sprayer to all surfaces that have managed to absorb the smell. It is necessary to pour the product onto those surfaces that were as close as possible to the source of the fire, since they absorbed the odor most deeply. It is important to treat all, even hard-to-reach places, including corners, ceilings, and walls. To process walls and ceilings, you can use a roller.
  3. Then leave the product to dry completely for 12-24 hours.
  4. We ventilate.

Please note that due to its natural composition, the product is harmless and therefore you do not have to leave the apartment during treatment.

Removing the stench

If your food is burnt, and the measures taken were not enough, and the smell of burning is clearly felt in the room, you need to resort to more effective methods of control. Initially, it should be noted that conventional air fresheners are ineffective in this case. They temporarily replace the unpleasant odor. But this disguise quickly wears off, and through the aroma of the freshener the same fumes that have not gone away appear. There are special products designed to eliminate burning. But they are unlikely to be available on the farm. Therefore, it is more advisable to use available means that will help eliminate the pungent odor.


Peculiarities. Vinegar is one of those products that does not mask the smell, but breaks down and neutralizes it. While the air purification procedure is taking place, it is best to take a walk outside so as not to inhale harmful fumes. The vinegar solution will almost completely “eat up” all the stench.

  1. Three liters of water are poured into a large saucepan.
  2. Add a liter of vinegar to the cold liquid.
  3. The container is placed on fire. When the water boils, turn on the fire.
  4. This “brew” should boil for about two hours.

Natural coffe

Peculiarities. To eliminate the odor, you can use unpeeled coffee beans. This product is considered a natural and very effective deodorant. But there is one important rule. Only natural products absorb odor. Instant coffee will not bring the desired result.

  1. Pour whole beans or ground coffee into saucers and place them around the apartment.
  2. If the grains are whole, then the smell goes away for 10-12 hours.
  3. If the coffee is ground, it takes two to three hours to neutralize the “aroma.”


Peculiarities. If you have orange or lemon zest on hand, you can use this supply. Both dry peels and fresh citrus fruits will do. The dry crust is placed on a saucer and set on fire. In the case of whole fruits, things are done differently.

  1. Lemon or orange is cut into thin slices and placed in a boiling pan of water.
  2. The citrus decoction should boil for 10-15 minutes over low heat.

Cloves or cinnamon

Peculiarities. To neutralize the smell of burning in your apartment, you can make your own “freshener” that will not mask, but absorb the unpleasant “aroma.”

  1. Place 20 clove sticks in a pan of water (about one and a half liters). If desired, they can be replaced with cinnamon.
  2. The spices are allowed to boil and boil for about half an hour.

Read also: If fluorography is bad, what to do?


Peculiarities. Snow-white crystals can serve not only as a spice for dishes. They are able to save the house from unpleasant burning. Salt is considered a natural adsorbent that easily absorbs any odors. It can completely absorb the unpleasant bitter aroma of escaped milk and clean the oven from the effects of burnt food. To eliminate the unpleasant odor, simply pour a little salt into a plate and leave it overnight. But there is another way.

  1. Make a highly concentrated saline solution: about 10 tablespoons of salt per liter of water.
  2. Leave the container with the solution overnight in the room where the emergency occurred.
  3. In the morning the liquid should be cloudy and dirty.


Peculiarities . To eliminate the burning smell, you can use your favorite herbs at home. You need to go cut some fragrant plants. Wormwood, mint, and sage are suitable. If the accident occurred in winter, then the grass can be replaced with pine needles.

  1. Place fresh herbs or pine needles on paper sheets.
  2. Distribute them throughout the house.
  3. Plants should gradually dry out, emitting a fragrant odor.


You can get rid of the burning smell once and for all only with the help of radical actions, such as general cleaning of the apartment. It is best done using modern detergents. Wash all surfaces thoroughly with special gels, powders or other detergents. You can neutralize the pungent odor using air freshener sprays. It is best to choose those that mask the smell of smoke or tobacco. For different surfaces, take special products - for washing tiles, for carpets and upholstered furniture, glass cleaners and washing powders.

How to remove the burning smell if a pan burns

In addition to all kinds of cleansing agents, there are also time-tested, effective folk methods. First method:

  • Place the dishes that need to be cleaned in a large container;
  • pour boiling water;
  • add 200 ml of vinegar or citric acid.

This will make it much easier to clean the dishes from burning.

If the incident occurred while relaxing in nature and there is neither detergent nor vinegar at hand, then river sand will solve the problem:

  • pour water into the dishes;
  • add 2-3 handfuls of sand;
  • boil.

Eliminating odor after a fire

In the event of a severe fire, general cleaning should begin as quickly as possible, otherwise the fumes may become deeply embedded in all surfaces. Once the cause of the disaster has been resolved, do the following:

  • Take all things out of the house. First of all, curtains, pillows, bedspreads, carpets and upholstered furniture should be removed from the room, as they strongly absorb smoke.
  • Remove burnt items. If furniture, interior items or household appliances cannot be restored, they should be disposed of immediately. The same must be done with the flooring, walls and ceiling - remove the soot with a spatula and prepare the room for renovation.
  • Thoroughly wipe everything that has survived with water and detergents. Don’t forget about hard-to-reach places - cornices, chandeliers, the space inside shelves and cabinets.
  • If necessary, carry out repair and restoration work. Repaint the ceiling, change the wallpaper and flooring. This will get rid of the burnt smell, and will also stop reminding you of the trouble that happened.


After a fairly serious fire, you need to act radically. Just general cleaning and regular aromatization is not enough here. Remember, burnt things will constantly saturate the room with a heavy spirit, and nothing will be able to interrupt it. Therefore, urgently remove all sources of stench:

  • it is necessary to replace or restore burnt furniture,
  • remove damaged interior parts,
  • reinstall burnt flooring,
  • repaint the windows, floors,
  • re-glue the wallpaper (even if it was not damaged by the fire, but was saturated with smoke),
  • change the upholstery on furniture.

Can't completely remove the specific smell from your wardrobes? After repairs, place linen bags with aromatic herbs, dry rinds of citrus fruits, and coffee beans on shelves and drawers.

Don’t be lazy: to return to a comfortable life in an apartment damaged by fire, you will have to work hard!

Material updated 07/17/2017

How to scent the air

If you don’t know how to get rid of the burning smell in your apartment quickly and effectively, use air fresheners. They will perfectly kill the pungent odor and fill the room with the aroma of flowers, herbs and fruits. The most effective air fresheners are sprays, aroma lamps, candles and sticks. This is quite enough if food or a small item is burnt. Within half an hour or an hour there will be no trace of smoke left, and a pleasant bonus of using air fresheners will be the saturation of the air with your favorite aroma.

The smell of tobacco in the house: reasons

There are not so many reasons that contribute to the smell of tobacco in an apartment or house.

  1. Firstly, quite often smoky apartments pass from one owner to another when buying or renting. Sometimes the previous residents smoked in the room and did not go outside or even onto the landing, so even the walls in the apartment smelled of cigarettes.
  2. Secondly, if there is a heavy smoker in the family, and he smokes even on the balcony, a small gap is enough for the smoke to get from the balcony into the room and stagnate there.
  3. The smell comes either from the balcony when people smoke on it, or from the landing directly into the apartment.
  4. Well, the rarest case is when you quit smoking and after many years suddenly discovered that the smell from cigarettes does not disappear from the room.

We found out the reason, now let's talk about ways to solve this problem

Water treatments

A high level of humidity in the room and mechanical cleaning of objects and textiles will help to effectively remove fumes. The method is versatile and suitable for use in a country house and city apartment.

Water activities include:

  • Filling containers with water, with the addition of natural essential oils with a pronounced aroma (mint, lemon balm, eucalyptus, lavender). Just adding a few drops is enough. Containers should be placed throughout the home, periodically removing settling particles of soot and soot on the surface of the water.
  • Hanging wet fabrics in rooms. Wet towels and sheets absorb unpleasant odors well. They will need to be rinsed periodically in clean running water.
  • Evaporation of liquid with vinegar. You will need to fill the pans a third with water, bring to a boil and add 100 ml of vinegar or a packet of citric acid, at the rate of 20 g. per liter of liquid. Then the heating power must be reduced to a minimum, ensuring gentle evaporation of the solution. After the procedure, get rid of condensation on surfaces using rags or clean rags.
  • Washing things. The stench of smoke can be removed from clothes only after several washes. Finally, you should add a special conditioner for rinsing clothes. It is recommended to wipe leather jackets and accessories with special compounds for leather.
  • Wet cleaning. To remove soot and soot in places of combustion and smoldering, it is optimal to use a solution of vinegar and ammonia. You can prepare the product using a proven recipe. You will need 1 teaspoon of ammonia, 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and 5 liters of water. Or you can use chemistry based on Odorgon - an excellent remedy for stench of any nature.

Wet activities should be carried out comprehensively and in a timely manner. All surfaces are thoroughly wiped or treated with a steam cleaner. The floor and windows should be washed with detergent; aromatic care products should be used for furniture and wooden parts. It is recommended to wash tulle, curtains, curtains and textiles or dry clean them.

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