Do I need to grease paper pans for baking muffins and Easter cakes? How to properly use disposable paper baking cups?

Perhaps every novice pastry chef dreams of learning how to bake tall, even sponge cakes: so tall that you can cut them into several layers and immediately assemble the cake. But often not everyone is able to achieve such a result. And it seems like they kneaded the airy dough and preheated the oven, but the sponge cake still doesn’t rise. Are you familiar with this situation? If yes, then let's figure out what went wrong.

As a rule, if you manage to achieve the correct consistency of the dough and if your oven bakes properly, then the reason for the non-rising sponge cake may be hidden in the baking pan, or more precisely in its improper use. Therefore, today I will share with you the basic rules for preparing a mold for baking sponge cakes and tell you in which forms the biscuits turn out the best.

How to grease the Easter baking dish?

A slight difference between these forms and paper ones is that you still have to grease them from the inside with vegetable or butter (some use rendered pork fat) and remove the cakes almost immediately after baking, as they can become damp when cooling.

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How to choose paper baking dishes?

Depending on what exactly you are going to bake, you should choose paper baking dishes:

  • For Easter cakes, you can choose tall and narrow ones, simple or decorated with designs (they appear on store shelves on the eve of the holidays)
  • For muffins and cupcakes, special small, trapezoidal ones with a corrugated edge.
  • For pies and muffins they sell special wide “dishes”

IMPORTANT: If you do not find the paper form you need, you can use a regular sheet of food-grade parchment paper to line the bottom of a classic form or baking sheet in the oven.

Parchment paper for any baking

Is silicone harmful for baking?

For housewives, it is important not only that the dish turns out tasty and beautiful, but also that it is healthy. It is believed that silicone molds contain a lot of dyes and chemicals, which, when exposed to high temperatures, penetrate into food and cause a negative reaction in the body. This is indeed possible in the following cases:

  • when preparing a dish in a container made of cheap material, for example, “technical” silicone;
  • in case of non-compliance with temperature conditions.

Only those utensils that are made from “medical” or “food grade” silicone are safe for the body. Even with strong heating, it does not release harmful substances into the environment. Therefore, you can safely prepare dishes for the whole family in it, without fear of harmful effects.

Do I need to grease paper pans for baking muffins and Easter cakes?

Do I need to grease paper baking pans? There are several features here:

  • Some molds may have a “waxy” appearance. This feature makes it clear that the paper is already IMPREGNATED IN ADVANCE with fat, which means it can be used without any preparation or lubrication. Just put it in a regular baking dish and pour (place) the dough.
  • Other molds have a noticeable “tenaciousness” and even “stickiness” of the paper. As a rule, such molds are cheaper. You can test whether the dough sticks in advance by attaching a piece. If yes, don't risk it. Grease with any fat or oil, and then add the dough.
  • The muffin tins are not soaked at all, but the paper looks good, smooth, thin and even transparent. This mold should be placed in the dish immediately. After baking is completed, it can be easily removed from the baking crust without harming the dish. In addition, a muffin or cupcake looks aesthetically pleasing in a paper tin and is easily transported.

IMPORTANT: Most often, if the paper form is light in color, it does not need to be greased; dark shades require complete lubrication (this will prevent the appearance of the baked goods from being spoiled).

The paper baking dish does not need to be soaked in fat.

How to prepare the form

In order for the culinary product to bake well and then easily separate from the dish, it must be properly prepared. Important: preparation rules depend on the material used to make the baking dish.


Disposable aluminum molds must be lubricated with vegetable oil before use. All surfaces with which the dough will come into contact should be treated, including the bottom, walls, and lid (if available).

If aluminum cookware is intended for reusable use, then first rinse it, then wipe it dry with a paper towel, and only then grease it with oil.


Silicone molds do not require preliminary preparation, unless they are not in demand for a long time. In this situation, you just need to rinse them with warm water to remove dust and let them dry.


Dishes made of heat-resistant glass just need to be greased with butter or vegetable oil, or put parchment paper on the bottom. It is not necessary to lubricate glassware if you are preparing a pie or shortcrust pastry cookie.



  • egg = 1 pc.;
  • butter = 100 g;
  • soda slaked with vinegar = 1 tsp;
  • milk = 1 glass;
  • flour, sugar, semolina = half a glass each.


Specialists from the Bakery “It’s in the Dough” recommend baking a delicious semolina pie using a simple recipe:

  • melt butter;
  • Mix all ingredients, lastly add slaked soda. The mass should not be too liquid, but not very thick either;
  • lubricate the container;
  • lay out the dough;
  • bake in the oven at 180° for 40 minutes;
  • cool;
  • cut into portions.

Bon appetit!

How to use paper baking dishes?

Let's figure out how to use paper baking pans!

The principle of working with them is very simple:

  • Prepared dishes (glass, metal, ceramics, silicone)
  • Put a paper form inside
  • Grease or NOT grease the paper form
  • Put it in the oven
  • Got it out of the oven
  • Waited for the baked goods to cool down
  • Took off the paper form

Cardboard baking dishes

Is it possible to place ceramic dishes in a preheated oven?

Ceramic can be used in both gas and electric ovens and can also be used in the microwave, but beware of sudden changes in temperature. For safety reasons, it is recommended to place clay utensils in a slightly heated oven, and only after 10 minutes gradually add heat.

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“Every weekend I bake raisin muffins for my husband and children. For us, this has already become a pleasant family tradition. Over several years I tried a lot of dishes, but for a long time I could not find the ideal one for myself. Either I didn’t like the unpleasant smell or the products that came out of it. My husband gave me a large uniform with several cells from , I was satisfied with everything. But it cannot be washed in the dishwasher. As soon as I did this, the dough immediately began to burn on it. Several times after that I had to grease it with oil, only after that the cupcakes stopped burning.”


“I have a mold at home. Her husband says she is “unkillable.” At first I only cooked desserts, pies and cakes in it, then I started baking main courses of meat and vegetables. I recommend cooking in it. Firstly, they cook faster than in metal or ceramic dishes. Secondly, there is no need to add oil, which makes the dish lean and healthy.”

Silicone mold is the best kitchen assistant for a woman. But in order for it to live up to expectations and allow you to prepare beautiful and tasty culinary delights, you need to choose it correctly and cook in it. Taking into account all the nuances of this material.

Subtleties of preparing a new form

Before using a new baking dish for the first time, it must be prepared in a special way. The algorithm of actions depends on the material from which the dishes are made:

aluminum (applies only to new reusable containers):

  • wash in hot water with detergent,
  • dry in the oven for 20 minutes at approximately 70°,
  • grease the inner surface with vegetable oil,
  • heat in the oven at 250° for 10 minutes,
  • let cool;


  • wash with warm water and detergent,
  • dry with a cloth or paper towel,
  • lubricate with deodorized (odorless) oil.


  • wash with water and soda,
  • dry in air or with a towel.

Varieties of forms

High-quality baking utensils must meet several requirements:

  • be heat resistant;
  • have good thermal conductivity;
  • have non-stick properties.

Today in stores you can purchase goods that meet the listed requirements, in various sizes and from a variety of materials.


The most popular materials for preparing culinary products are metal, aluminum, glass, ceramics, and silicone. Below is a little more detail about each of them.

Cast iron, steel

Metal conducts heat very well. Therefore, metal containers are indispensable when you need a pie to have a crispy crust and bake quickly. Metal baking sheets are used if the recipe calls for a high oven temperature. But it is not used when preparing products with berries or fruits.

This does not apply to stainless steel or non-stick cookware.


As a rule, aluminum baking dishes are produced for one-time use. This is very convenient because they do not need to be washed. This is a good heat conductor, so it is ideal for dishes that require even baking.

Aluminum containers have a high oxidizing capacity, and therefore are not recommended for preparing desserts with sour berries and fruits.

Heat-resistant glass

Provides cooked dishes with constant, uniform heating and slow cooling. It is worth considering that glassware not only takes a long time to cool down, but also heats up for a long time. A big plus of glass is its inertness to acidic environments. Can be used to prepare recipes with a wide variety of ingredients.



Its properties are similar to glass - it heats up and cools down slowly. Thermal conductivity is not inferior to cast iron. Has an attractive appearance.


Ideal for baking at low temperatures up to 250°. Ready-made pies and cakes are very easy to remove.

Important: there are a lot of fakes among silicone products. Poor quality silicone can cause poisoning.



Baking dishes come in a variety of sizes and configurations. The most popular options are:

  • round - optimal for making cakes, biscuits, pizza. There are detachable and non-detachable. For cakes, you should choose molds with a side height of about 5 cm, and for pizza - 1-2 cm. Sizes vary from 11 to 33 cm in diameter;
  • round with a hole in the middle - designed for tall muffins. The hole allows hot air to penetrate inside the cake and thereby bake it evenly;
  • mini molds - ideal for making muffins. Their diameter is up to 100 mm;
  • curly - designed for baking cakes of unusual configurations, for example, in the shape of a heart or a flower. Their size is measured by volume;
  • with wavy edges - convenient to use for making single-layer cakes. Their appearance is very impressive.

Paper baking dishes: tips, reviews

Lyudmila: “I always use paper baking pans! For me, this is the basic rule of cooking healthy food. Well, think for yourself, the dough does not come into contact with metal or silicone, and does not absorb harmful substances.”

Ekaterina: “And I think that paper forms are a salvation from an unsuccessful result. Everything goes much easier for me if I pour the dough into a bowl with parchment lined in advance. Pies come off easily, less dishes to wash – beautiful!”

Evgenia: “I love muffins in paper skirts! It's not just beautiful, it's also convenient! Fat dough does not stain things, clothes and other items when you take it with you on the road. “It’s always easy for my “skirt” to come off the cupcake, and it’s also very easy to take it off.”

Maria: “I once baked muffins without paper and I still can’t forget this HORROR!!! It was simply impossible to get them out of the mold, because the dough was quite liquid. It’s so good that someone came up with paper inserts!”

Tips for preparing the form

Confectionery professionals are confident that several proven recommendations on how to prepare a baking dish will help even novice cooks prepare a delicious cake or pie to order.



To prevent the dough from sticking to the bottom and walls of a deep container, they should be covered with parchment. The paper should lie flat so as not to deform the edges of the future culinary product. You can lay the parchment evenly as follows:

  • Lubricate the surfaces from the inside with oil;
  • place the container on paper, outline its outline with a pencil;
  • cut out the drawn circle and place it on the bottom;
  • take a thread or string and use it to measure the circumference of the dishes;
  • Use another piece of thread to measure the height of the wall;
  • Mark the measured length and height on baking paper;
  • Draw a rectangle using the marks and cut it out. You will get a ribbon;
  • Place the cut strip on the inner edges.
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