Delicate attitude and no rush: how to wash a cashmere coat at home?

Cashmere coats are deservedly popular. They are light, warm, elegant and always at the peak of fashion.

To maintain a pleasant appearance, cashmere requires appropriate care. This rather capricious fabric does not tolerate high temperatures and aggressive influences.

How to wash a cashmere coat at home and is it possible to do without washing it directly? To clean a cashmere product without damaging its shape, color and structure, you must follow certain recommendations.

How can you clean cashmere outerwear?

Dry cleaning, machine washing, hand washing, dry cleaning are possible options that will help bring cashmere clothes into proper shape.

To decide on an option, you should start by examining the manufacturer's tag sewn to the product. In each individual case, only she will provide comprehensive information on caring for the item.

Cashmere is an expensive fabric. Sometimes manufacturers add cheaper natural and synthetic fibers to coats.

If the sewn-in label says WS 100% or 100% CASHMERE, this means that the product is made only from cashmere fabric. In this case, the item cannot be machine washed. The optimal solution is dry cleaning.

Products made from natural cashmere are impregnated with a special composition that maintains their shape and increases the service life of such clothing. Washing in a machine has a negative effect on this composition, washing it out of the fabric.

If the tag contains mention of other materials added to the fabric structure:

  • viscose,
  • nylon,
  • wool,

This will make caring for the item a little easier.

The manufacturer may allow delicate washing in a washing machine, dry cleaning or hand washing; the exact care parameters are outlined in the form of symbols on the coat label.

Coats made from natural fabrics do not like exposure to water. After water procedures, the item shrinks, losing its shape ; sloppy pellets may form on the surface, which spoils the appearance.

What are we going to wash with?

It is equally important to choose a detergent wisely. Regular washing powder is too aggressive, so you should look for a special detergent for washing cashmere products. There are many options for such gels, but it is better to pay attention to the following brands:

  • Wellery "Delicate wool". It is a gel product intended for wool, cashmere and silk. Deals with stains of any origin without damaging the fabric structure. Its advantage is that intensive cleaning does not wash out the color of the material.

Wellery is approved for use manually and in automatic washing machines.

  • "Emulsio". A universal gel that can be used for both hand and machine washing. It does not foam much, is completely washed out of the fibers and perfectly removes even stubborn stains. It is hypoallergenic and suitable for children's clothing and people sensitive to chemicals and fragrances.
  • Almacabio. Product for the most delicate wool materials - cashmere, silk and merino. Completely natural, biodegradable and absolutely safe. It has an antibacterial effect and is suitable for hand and machine wash.

The listed products are expensive, but practice shows that cheaper analogues often wash out poorly, leave streaks on the fabric and cannot cope with serious stains. Such savings can lead to significant financial losses in the form of a damaged cashmere coat.

How to prepare a product for washing?

The rules for preparing a cashmere coat for washing are identical to the rules for any outerwear:

  • carefully study the instructions for cleaning the product on the label;

  • unfasten the fur, remove the belt and overhead decorative elements;
  • check the internal and external pockets and remove all items from them;
  • remove visible stains;
  • When washing clothes by machine, fasten all the buttons and zippers, turn them inside out and place them in a special laundry bag.

If you don't have a laundry bag, you should use a regular white duvet cover . Additionally, before washing, you can use a sticky clothes roller to go over the entire surface of the coat. He will remove:

  • small hairs,
  • hairs,
  • threads

The collar, pockets, cuffs and lining should also be refreshed using a soft brush lightly moistened with water.

Step-by-step preparation of coats for cleansing procedures

If you decide to wash the product, then hang it on a trempel and use a special soft clothes brush (it has no lint) or a sticky roller to clean the material. To avoid deforming the natural weave of the fabric threads, do not use ordinary brushes or sponges.

First, use a roller to collect stuck hairs, threads and dust particles. After this, brush in the direction of the pile. For high-quality cleaning of “problem” areas such as cuffs, collars or pockets, the brush can be slightly moistened with warm water.

Do not press hard on the material, do not squeeze or rub it - this will damage the fiber structure. Carry out the procedure with gentle movements, as if blotting cashmere.

Immediately before washing cashmere, remove the belt and unfasten (or unfasten) the cuff patches, fur collar or hood.

How to properly wash by hand?

Hand washing a cashmere coat is quite a painstaking task, but the result is worth it. It is important to observe the temperature regime, gentle force of influence, and the quality of rinses.

Only liquid detergents are suitable for washing this type of clothing. If you don’t have this on hand, you can use regular hair shampoo.

The algorithm for washing a cashmere coat by hand is as follows:

  • Pour warm water into a sufficiently large container, the temperature of which does not exceed 30°C;

  • dissolve the detergent, do not add bleach;
  • completely immerse the clothing in water, lightly pressing the fabric with your hands;
  • leave for twenty minutes;
  • with smooth movements of the palms along the surface of the fabric from top to bottom, walk over the entire product, squeezing and rubbing is not allowed;
  • particularly contaminated areas can be brushed with a soft brush or sponge;
  • rinse the coat several times, thereby removing any remaining detergent;
  • drain all the water, lightly press the item, getting rid of excess liquid;
  • spread out on a horizontal surface, laying it on a cotton cloth or towel, changing them as they get wet.

Water for washing and rinsing cashmere products must be at the same temperature , otherwise the material will deform and shrink.

Features of washing coats of different colors

To wash a cashmere coat, it is not enough to know the composition; it requires compliance with the temperature regime and a thorough approach to choosing a cleaning product. Failure to comply with these points is fraught with shedding of the material and a change in the color of the product.

A light cashmere coat requires a meticulous and thoughtful approach. It is better to use the services of professionals by contacting a dry cleaner. But, if dry cleaning is not available, arm yourself with patience and special means to remove stains. Before general exposure by machine washing, remove problem areas locally to reduce the affected area and prevent further spread.

The specifics of cleaning a dark coat are identical to the methods for washing a light-colored item. Requires preliminary removal of large dirt and the use of special compounds. It is worth noting that the use of products containing bleaches is unacceptable.

Bleach for colored cashmere coats is strictly prohibited. Exactly the same as the use of special powders for white fabrics.

When choosing powder or liquid laundry detergent, pay attention to the color classification. The white shade is not afraid of compositions for cleaning colored and dark things. The reverse rule does not work: damage is inevitable.

You can use conditioner to soften cashmere. It is noteworthy that you can use regular conditioner here for delicate scalp.

Can it be washed in a washing machine?

If the product label allows machine washing, it means that the manufacturer has provided this cleaning option, and strict adherence to the requirements of the pictograms will preserve the appearance and refresh the item.

Sometimes, after washing, cashmere can lose its original color, bright colors fade. This should be taken into account when deciding how to clean your coat.

The process of washing a cashmere coat in a machine includes several steps:

  • this item is washed alone, there should be no other clothes in the drum;

  • pour liquid washing gel into the special compartment of the machine, be sure to add conditioner - it will soften the cashmere fabric after washing;
  • there is no need to pre-soak the product;
  • select one of the following washing modes – “hand”, “delicate” or “wool”, turning off the spin function;
  • maximum water temperature thirty degrees;
  • the coat must be rid of the slightest traces of washing liquids, otherwise unsightly stains will remain; for this, use an additional rinse or the “rinse+” mode;
  • After washing is completed, the clothes are laid out on a horizontal surface, pressing lightly, and blotted from excess water with a terry towel.

Read the section on how to wash coats made from other materials.

How to properly wash a cashmere coat

It is important to choose the right detergent for washing your coat. This should be a special shampoo, gel or liquid powder for washing cashmere or other delicate fabrics. It is important to choose liquid products! In addition, conditioner for cashmere and delicate materials is added for rinsing. It will soften the water and the product.

You cannot wash a cashmere coat with other things! For washing in a machine, choose a delicate cycle without spinning at a temperature of up to 30 degrees. If your washing machine has similar functions, select the “Wool” or “Cashmere” mode. After washing, the product is thoroughly rinsed. Remember that the coat cannot be wrung out!

A cashmere coat can also be washed by hand. To do this you will need a large volume of cold water up to 20-25 degrees. For washing, use the same liquid detergents for cashmere.

Soak the product in a basin or bath with water and product. Rub greasy areas and heavy dirt with a brush. When washing, do not rub, rub, wring out or twist cashmere!

The coat is then rinsed in clean cool or cold water with conditioner added. You need to rinse at least two to three times until the detergent is completely washed off. Otherwise, soap stains and marks will remain on the material.

Dry clean without washing

This cleaning method involves the use of dry substances and solutions, minimizing contact of the fabric with water.

After preliminary preparation of the coat for cleaning, shake it several times, getting rid of small debris and dust, place it on hangers in a vertical position, and fasten it.

For dry cleaning, use a soft bristled brush or sponge . You can lightly moisten it with water and carefully clean the entire surface of the product with gentle movements from top to bottom:

  1. Dishwashing detergent can help remove greasy stains: apply a drop of it to the dirty area, wait a few minutes, then easily wipe with a cotton pad.

  2. The same stains on light cashmere fabric can be removed with talcum powder. The algorithm is as follows: pour a thick layer of talcum powder onto the dirty area, leave for a couple of hours, and clean with a brush. Talc can be replaced with salt.
  3. Contaminants from coffee and tea are removed with a mixture of glycerin and ammonia in a 2:1 ratio. After applying the composition to the stain, blot the area with a damp sponge.
  4. Lipstick marks can be removed with alcohol.
  5. Stains left by ink are removed with soda, a little water is added to it, turning it into a paste, applied to the ink mark and left for ten to fifteen minutes, then brushed off and wiped with a damp sponge.

When using industrial stain removers, make sure they do not contain chlorine.

After cleaning the contaminated surface, the coat should be allowed to dry, carefully smoothing the fibers of the fabric in the affected area so that it does not differ from the rest of the material.

How to wash a polyester coat. How to properly wash polyester, methods at home

Features of the material

Polyester is a synthetic fabric made from polystyrene. Polystyrene is a product of petroleum refining. Fiber is obtained from the liquid fraction after purification and processing. In the textile industry, it is used to make fabric used for sewing clothes and equipment. According to the characteristics of 100% polyester, it is close to cotton fabric, and in appearance it resembles pure wool.

Advantages of the material:

  • wear-resistant;
  • does not fade from the sun;
  • moisture resistant, dries quickly;
  • does not wrinkle when cutting and sewing;
  • pleasant to the skin;
  • does not absorb odors.

Disadvantages of synthetic products:

  • low hygroscopicity;
  • high density (rubbed upon contact with skin);
  • become electrified;
  • attract dust;
  • flammable;
  • lose their shape at temperatures above 40 degrees.

To improve the quality of the fabric (firmness, elasticity, density), cotton, wool, viscose, and elastane are added to polyester.

The following are sewn from polyester materials:

  • thermal underwear;
  • sports;
  • outerwear;
  • home textiles (tablecloths, curtains, bed linen, carpets);
  • equipment (backpacks, tents);
  • the wrong side of suits, dresses, jackets, coats.

Synthetic fibers are used as filler in down jackets and jackets (holofiber).

How to wash

Polyester is deformed under mechanical stress and temperatures above 40 degrees. Before washing a product, you should read the manufacturer's information on the product label.


The manual method is more gentle than the machine method. If the item is not heavily soiled and has a large volume, then you need to wash it yourself.

How to properly wash things in an automatic washing machine

The water temperature must correspond to that specified by the manufacturer: 30, 40, 60 degrees. It depends on the composition of the fabric. Mixed materials are more resistant to elevated temperatures. You cannot wash it in water temperatures below 20 degrees: the powder will not dissolve. The detergent can be powder or liquid, depending on the type of item being washed.

Washing mode – delicate. Time – 30 minutes. Adding conditioner will make the product softer. Pure polyester can be washed without spinning. The item is laid out or hung, allowing the water to drain. Combined fabrics are wrung out at minimum speed.

Hand washing rules

When washing by hand, the water temperature is controlled by a thermometer. Use washing powder for hand washing and conditioner. It is not allowed to rub the material with hands or a brush. Wipe things in soapy water with a soft sponge. Rinse in cold water – 2-3 times. Dry on hangers or flattened on a horizontal surface.

Features of stain removal

To remove stains from polyester, use homemade or store-bought products that should not contain acids or chlorine. As homemade stain removers, use a warm solution of laundry soap, baking soda, and dishwashing detergent.

What not to do

When using things made of polyester, you need to know what is absolutely unacceptable to do when washing

Failure to comply with the precautionary requirements will lead to deterioration in the appearance of the products and failure


Synthetic fibers will melt at a temperature of 100 degrees. Things will lose their shape and become unusable.


Twisting will break the structure of the polyester fibers. There will be creases and folds that will be impossible to fix.

Chlorine destroys polyester fibers, causing them to deform.

General tips and tricks

Polyester items quickly become dirty due to their ability to attract dust. This is especially true for outerwear, sports and travel equipment. Regular cleaning of products is required. If we generalize the conditions for washing polyester products, they can be divided into 2 groups: how to wash and with what.

How to dry?

It is important not only to carefully follow the recommendations for washing cashmere clothes. Properly organized drying of the product is also of great importance.

A few simple tips will help you complete the coat cleaning process without any problems:

  • after washing, spread a large terry towel on a flat surface (table or floor) and place the item on it;

  • straighten all the folds and bends, giving the clothes the required shape;
  • Use a cotton cloth to blot the entire surface of the product, pressing;
  • periodically change the towel and cloth to dry ones;
  • hang the almost dry coat on wide hangers and dry it in a vertical position;
  • You can iron this item from the inside out through damp gauze;
  • Steaming is carried out without touching the surface of the clothing with the iron.

In addition, there are three limitations to remember:

  • Do not dry coats using heaters or hair dryers;
  • the item should not be in direct sunlight or in a draft;
  • It is prohibited to dry wet cashmere items vertically.

Failure to follow these rules will lead to shrinkage of the coat, sagging of the lining, the appearance of folds and creases, and deterioration in the appearance and thermal qualities of the product.

It is best to store a cashmere coat in a special case; it will protect the material from the adhesion of small particles, dust, and contact with other things.

Which program should I choose?

Now let's decide on the mode. Ideally, you should choose a special Cashmere program. But this is not always possible, since such a button is present only in the latest models of washing machines. More often there are alternatives close to it - “Delicate Wash” and “Wool”. They set the most optimal conditions for washing, but it is better to double-check that in the settings:

  • the water temperature settled to 30-40 degrees;
  • spinning and drying were cancelled;
  • rinsing is turned off.

Don't forget to calculate the weight of the item. Cashmere is highly absorbent and becomes very heavy when wet. Therefore, it is not recommended to load large coats into drums with a maximum load of up to 7 kg. Otherwise, the clothes will not be able to be fully washed, and exceeding the permissible load will lead to an imbalance in the automatic washing machine and mechanical breakdowns.

Cleaning for light soiling

It is not at all necessary to wash the item immediately if the contamination is insignificant. In order to clean your coat, you can use one of the effective and surefire ways to solve the problem:

  • The absorbent removes greasy stains. All you need to do is sprinkle the contaminated area with talcum powder or starch and leave for 2 hours. If it doesn’t help, increase the time, and then remove the remaining product with a clothes brush;
  • If there is dried dirt, you can treat the desired area with a mixture of glycerin and ammonia in equal proportions. Carefully remove any remaining product with water or a damp sponge;
  • You can get rid of unpleasant odors (for example, sweat) using a soap solution and ammonia. You just need to first rub the stained areas and then rinse with water.

Fabric type and wash

A coat made of natural wool can be dry cleaned. If it is not possible to use the services of a professional dry cleaner, you can clean the coat yourself. Study the label carefully. Do not wet a product made from material that contains 100% wool. This coat can be dry cleaned. Woolen items are washed in a washing machine when the fabric contains less than 50% wool. It is necessary to use the “Hand Wash” function with a minimum water temperature and without spinning.

You can safely wash the product by hand. Fill the container with warm water. Add wool detergent. Immerse the product in the solution for 10 minutes. Then rub with your hands to remove dirt. Do not use a brush during the washing process as this may cause pilling and abrasions. Drain off the soapy water. Rinse the coat in cool water. During the final rinse, add conditioner to the water to soften the fabric. Hang your coat on hangers to drain water. After this, transfer to a ventilated room to dry. Leave the coat to dry on hangers or place it on a clothes dryer. Place the dryer near the radiator to speed up the drying process. When the product becomes slightly damp, iron the fabric through the gauze with a warm iron.

Cashmere coats are washed by hand. If there are stains on the fabric, try to remove them without washing the product. After washing, the material shrinks and pills form. Remove dirt using a cotton swab and detergent suitable for this type of fabric. Wash off any remaining product with a damp cloth or sponge. Do not overuse liquid and friction of the material. The washing and drying procedure is the same as for wool products. The details of the procedure are described above.

Synthetic coats can be washed by hand or by machine. For washing, use detergent for synthetic fabrics. A prerequisite for washing is:

  • “Hand wash” or “Delicate wash” mode.
  • Water 30-40 C°.
  • No spin.
  • Additional rinse.

Place a cap of washing gel in the drum along with the coat. When the washing completion signal sounds, remove the product. Place it in the bathtub to drain the water. Use a hanger or mannequin to dry your coat. In the room where the product is drying, open the window. This will avoid the appearance of a damp smell on the material. In summer, dry your coat outside away from the sun. During the drying process, the fabric of the product is leveled. There is no need for ironing. After washing, do not wring out the water.

Down coat. When washing a product, the main thing is to prevent fluff from getting lost. To wash a down coat, use water at a maximum temperature of 40 C°. Turn on minimum spin. Start the gentle wash cycle. Along with the product, place 3-4 tennis balls into the drum. This will help distribute the load of the household appliance during the washing process. Do not use powder as it is difficult to rinse out of the fluff. The procedure for drying a down product is the same as for other fabrics. Every 3 hours you need to beat and shake the filler to avoid the appearance of lumps.

A drape coat can be washed in two ways: by hand and using a washing machine. Remove grease from collar and sleeves using a soft brush. Place the product in the drum folded in the case. Use minimum temperature and spin.


It is not only important to clean the coat from various types of dirt, but it is equally important to maintain its shape after such procedures.
This can only be achieved by properly drying the product. In this case, you should immediately abandon the “drying” mode of automatic machines, as well as the usual hanging of things on clothespins. These actions will negatively affect the form and leave noticeable traces of past actions on the item. It is also prohibited to iron the surface of the product with a hot iron without additional fabric, as it may contain corresponding stains and marks. There are several ways to dry your coat. The most common of them is the horizontal drying method. After washing the product, it is laid out on a thick terry sheet and then carefully wrapped in a roll. When wrapping it, periodically squeeze out any excess liquid remaining during the washing process. After this, it is rolled out again for subsequent transfer to the surface of a large dry towel. Carefully straighten the folds on the lining so that after drying they do not remain on the surface. The coat is laid in the correct shape, excluding the formation of large and small bends. In this horizontal position, the cashmere item is left to dry completely.

Another drying method is based on the vertical method. The washed product is hung on hangers and all its buttons are fastened. Then they straighten the shoulders over the hangers, pull up the bottom of the lining and hang it in the bathroom or in the open air to dry.

With this drying method, it is important to select the required width of the hangers so that the shoulders of the coat correspond to their width.

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