How to get rid of cockroaches: the best folk remedies

Photo: “Uninvited guests” in an apartment is a real nightmare, especially since it’s not so easy to drive out cockroaches. It seems that they have not been afraid of any special gels or plates for a long time. But, oddly enough, folk remedies, tested by our great-grandmothers, come to the rescue. We share the best ways to get rid of adversity!


Every day, baseboards, corners, and areas along cabinets and pipes are sprayed with an aqueous solution of vinegar. You can also wipe surfaces with it as an additional antiseptic method.


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Apartment processing process

Upon arrival at the site, specialists close all windows and doors tightly and prepare an insecticide solution, then pour it into the fog generator and begin treating the room. The entire disinfestation procedure does not take much time - 2-3 hours for a typical average apartment. After treatment, you will have to wait another couple of hours until the cloud settles, and after that you can already enter the room.

The first thing to do is open the windows and ventilate the apartment well, then use a rag soaked in soapy water to wet clean all touching surfaces, appliances, and door handles. There is no need to do general cleaning. It is carried out two weeks after treatment. By this time, disinfectors arrive for a control inspection of the premises and make a decision: whether re-treatment is necessary. If necessary, then the timing of its implementation is stipulated; if not, then general cleaning is allowed.


This is an alternative to boric acid and the same sodium tetraborate. Prepare mashed potatoes from one large potato, mix it with an egg and 1 tbsp. Boers. Next, stick bait, spread it out and make sure that there is no more open food or water in the apartment. Or mix the powder with flour and sugar, and sprinkle it into the cracks.


Tips for folk remedies for cockroaches

Experts recommend using an integrated approach to the destruction of mustachioed pests. For example, combine treatment with aromatic oils with the installation of traps.

In apartment buildings, it is best to first agree with neighbors about joint processing. Otherwise, cockroaches may go to them. And after a while they will return to you, after the neighbors have carried out their processing. Thus, they will “roam” from apartment to apartment and it will be almost impossible to remove them.

Instead of vinegar, you can use wormwood, although its smell is weaker than that of vinegar. Therefore, the effectiveness will be lower, but you will be able to get rid of headaches and normalize blood pressure.

Cockroaches are creatures that are predominantly nocturnal and they don’t really “like” light. Therefore, leaving the lights on in the kitchen and bathroom at night will force them to eventually leave the “inhospitable” apartment. True, the method is effective only with a small number of “guests”.

Bay leaf

Take a few leaves from a regular spice jar and grind them finely to intensify the smell. Place them throughout the apartment, and spray hard-to-reach places and work surfaces with a strong decoction.


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Instructions for working with hazardous professional insecticides

What to do if you decide to use professional products yourself, without resorting to the help of disinfectants:

  • Assess the situation, whether it is really out of control and requires the use of highly dangerous toxic agents;
  • choose a toxic substance suitable for your case based on considerations of maximum safety: are there small children, elderly relatives, or pets in the house;
  • prepare the room as recommended by disinfectors; the effectiveness of disinfestation will largely depend on this. Often, a well-prepared room does not require re-treatment;
  • Read the instructions carefully and act according to the recommendations, avoiding any amateur activities for safety reasons. Remember that the life and health of your loved ones and yourself are in your hands;
  • evacuate all residents of your apartment, including pets and aquarium fish:
  • put on protective clothing, pay special attention to the respiratory and visual organs, as these are the most vulnerable places;
  • return to your premises no earlier than the specified period and, first of all, ventilate the apartment well and carry out wet cleaning using a rag and soap solution:
  • take all measures to protect yourself from repeated attacks by cockroaches and, first of all, this is cleanliness throughout the house, the absence of leaking taps and leftover food and garbage.

Remember that all of the listed products, despite their high effectiveness, are highly toxic substances and require special skill in use. Using these drugs at home without certain skills is extremely dangerous. Disinfectors, when working with insecticides, use special protective suits, goggles and respirators. Only qualified specialists who have undergone special training are allowed to process housing. Spraying is carried out using special equipment that maximizes the effectiveness of insecticides. This effect cannot be achieved at home.


Oddly enough, flowerpots with flowering geraniums are an excellent means of combating any household insects. And all because its specific aroma repels all pests, including ants, moths and cockroaches. But it is better not to grow geranium in the bedroom, because it often causes headaches.


Preliminary preparation

Without it, the effectiveness of the effect on insects will be lower. Experts recommend starting the fight against parasites in winter; in this case, many things can be further frozen - books, soft toys, carpets, rugs, etc. In rural areas there is no problem with this; in the city they can be taken out onto the balcony for a couple of days.

There is a substance without which cockroaches cannot survive - water. It can save an insect even from poisoning with strong poisons, just give it a drink. Therefore, it is necessary to completely block the access of pests to life-giving moisture. To do this, wipe the sinks dry, turn off the taps, and make sure that there is no liquid left in the cups on the table. We inspect all pipes for leaks and repair them if found. Such simple preparation will enhance the effectiveness of folk remedies for cockroaches in the apartment.


You can also find this herb under the name “pyrethrum”. The principle of use against cockroaches is the same as with bay leaves: grind and spread around the apartment.


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Low temperatures

Cockroaches cannot tolerate cold, but the temperature should be lower than –8-10°C, otherwise there is no point in carrying out the procedure. The main disadvantage of this method is that it must be frosty outside. The cockroaches will begin to run away or die from the cold.

What to do:

  1. Completely turn off all electrical appliances that produce heat.
  2. Turn off the heating and cover radiators to prevent pipes from bursting.
  3. Open the windows wide. If possible, then doors.
  4. Leave and return in 4-5 hours.

There is a risk of pests returning when the air temperature in the apartment returns to normal, so take preventive measures immediately.

Turpentine and kerosene

This is not the most comfortable, but very radical method - to wash the floors and all surfaces with water, turpentine and kerosene. There is a nuance: until the room is completely weathered, you cannot live in it. To treat parquet, you can dilute mastic with turpentine.


Tenacious insects

Cockroaches are ancient insects that are well adapted to changing external conditions.

They live only 7 months. But they multiply very quickly. You can get rid of them only by thoroughly studying their reactions.

These pests quickly adapt to toxic chemicals and stop perceiving them.

But some natural remedies cannot be tolerated, such as vinegar or kerosene. Traditional methods of getting rid of cockroaches are based precisely on such negative reactions.

Jar trap

A simple jar baited with bread, honey or any other piece of food will make an excellent mechanical trap. To prevent cockroaches from getting out, lubricate the edges and walls with Vaseline or oil. By the way, you can pour beer or a little wine into jars - they also attract pests.


Methods of application

Are cockroaches afraid of vinegar? Vinegar is often used against pests . You can use both 9% table and essence.

They rub it on baseboards, floors near walls, cracks, and ventilation. A homemade spray based on water, vinegar and red pepper has worked well.

This mixture is poured into any bottle with a fine spray and treated walls, floors, kitchen cabinets, thresholds, and baseboards. You can pour vinegar into the kitchen sink and wipe the work surfaces with it.

Essential oils of geranium, eucalyptus, lemon balm, mint, lemongrass, lemon, citronella, cedar or vetiver help get rid of harmful insects well . It is enough to dilute a few drops in a glass of water and wipe the places where they may appear.

A spray based on water, vinegar and cedar or mint oil is ideal. You can easily make it yourself: for 0.5 liters of water - a spoonful of vinegar and 2-3 drops of oil. Walls and floors in the house are treated with this solution. Or you can simply drop a few drops of any essential oil behind the baseboards, in the cracks, on the kitchen table, cabinets.

Important! The use of strong-smelling solutions does not kill pests, but only has a deterrent effect. Essential oils against cockroaches are good to use in conjunction with poisonous baits, as well as contact preparations (for example, Regent or Fas).

Instead of vinegar or oils, you can use ammonia for cockroaches: a small amount (1 teaspoon) is diluted in a bucket of water and the floors in all rooms are thoroughly washed. The same product is used to wipe the sink, treat the trash can, toilet and bathtub.

The definitive way to get rid of cockroaches is to completely freeze out the apartment . These heat-loving insects cannot tolerate low temperatures. In winter, getting rid of them is as easy as shelling pears, because they die already at t – 8-10C. For final destruction, 3-4 hours are enough.

Attention! Before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to carefully cover the heating radiators and pipes with any heat-insulating material to avoid rupture of the radiators.

How to fight cockroaches in an apartment using folk remedies? Another universal remedy is Pyrethrum .

This drug based on chamomile flowers is used against bedbugs, cockroaches, and ants. It is safe for humans or pets.

The principle of preparing poisonous baits is the same as in the case of boric acid. Some craftsmen advise sprinkling dry Pyrethrum powder on areas where insects accumulate.

It is worth noting that cockroaches are not the only pests in houses and apartments. It happens that a person is bothered by ants, bedbugs, fleas, moths, wood lice and dust mites. From the materials on our website you can find out what these insects are and how to fight them.

of cunning traps with bait inside have been invented . For example, you can take a small glass jar, pour a little beer or honey into the bottom, and grease the edges of the container with Vaseline or sunflower oil. Leave 2-3 of these traps overnight. In the morning all that remains is to destroy all the insects that come across.

A strip of double-sided tape is glued onto a wide piece of cardboard. A drop of honey is placed in the middle of the cardboard. In the morning, a lot of Prussians will stick to the trap.

If there are a lot of cockroaches in the apartment, then you will have to resort to more aggressive folk methods of fighting cockroaches - treating with kerosene or turpentine . It is enough to lubricate the baseboards, corners of cabinets, and bedside tables with them to rid your home of unpleasant guests.

Professional exterminators recommend combining the use of different compositions and methods. For example, use both traditional methods and the chemical Cucaracha in hard-to-reach places.

Why are cockroaches afraid of light? They are nocturnal pests, so traps and poisoned baits must be laid out at night.

As a preventative measure, it is necessary to keep the apartment clean, wash dishes promptly, and regularly take out the trash. And to forget about cockroaches forever, you should get a geranium. Its pungent smell will prevent harmful parasites from appearing in the house.

Getting rid of cockroaches using the traditional method requires a lot of time and effort. It is advisable to carry out such procedures together with neighbors to avoid the reappearance of insects.

If traditional methods do not suit you, then you can use proven chemicals:

  • aerosols and sprays: Raptor, Clean House, Raid, Executioner;
  • gels: Global, Dohlox;
  • traps: Combat, Forsyth;
  • crayons: Mashenka;
  • powders: FAS.

Let's draw conclusions. We talked about various folk remedies for cockroaches at home. Now you know how to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment forever using folk remedies, even if they are flying cockroaches)

Sticky traps

Cut out medium-sized squares and rectangles from cardboard and cover the edges around the perimeter with double-sided tape. Drop some honey in the center, put some minced meat or any other bait. During the night, cockroaches in search of food will stick to the tape.


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Safety precautions when using chemicals and substances hazardous to people

It is necessary to use independent professional poisons against cockroaches carefully, observing all safety measures.
In everyday life, there are often cases when baiting of cockroaches ends in the death of the homeowners themselves. What do you need to know before purchasing and using dangerous toxic products? All insecticides are divided into 4 categories according to the degree of danger.

Products from groups 1 and 2 are considered extremely dangerous and highly dangerous

, respectively. Only professional employees of sanitary and epidemiological stations have the right to use these means for disinfestation. They are used in extremely rare cases and not in residential premises. They can cause serious harm to health and be fatal. Such means include, for example, “Quikfos”. The use of this drug in residential premises is strictly prohibited.

Drugs belonging to group 3

, classified as moderately dangerous. These are really good products that we find on store shelves. The most popular ones are shown in the table. Drugs in this group should be used with caution. Read the instructions carefully and strictly follow all safety precautions. Ignoring this advice can also lead to serious consequences or even death in children, animals and people with poor health or serious illnesses.

Group 4 drugs are the safest

- low-risk. But as a rule, one should not expect long-term effects from them. These products are suitable if there are single individuals of parasitic insects; they will not cope with large populations.

Please check all safety certificates before purchasing. Nowadays there are a lot of unscrupulous performers who take advantage of the negligence of buyers. And remember, a high price is not always a sign of quality.

Preventive actions

To prevent the reappearance of “uninvited guests”, take preventive measures:

  • try to avoid the appearance of dampness and mold in the apartment;
  • ventilate rooms more often;
  • repair leaks in the water supply system in a timely manner;
  • keep clean not only in living rooms, but also in storage rooms;
  • throw away garbage promptly;
  • store food in the refrigerator or closed containers;
  • place several pots with strong-smelling plants around the apartment;
  • Make sure there are no cracks in the walls.

Cockroaches are tenacious insects that are able to adapt to various living conditions. Pests especially love warm and damp places. They can live for a long time without food, but they won’t last long without water. If you have Prussians, begin to act immediately and use several methods of destruction or scaring away at the same time. Don’t forget that the key to a successful fight is cleanliness in the apartment.


You can use chlorine powder in its pure form, but it is easier to purchase “Belizna,” which is very well known to everyone who lived in the USSR. For cockroaches, chlorine is destructive - when the fumes enter the respiratory tract of insects, they cause severe irritation and swelling, leading to suffocation.

The surviving individuals urgently “evacuate”, but after the smell disappears, they can return. Therefore, treatments are repeated every 2-3 days for 3-4 weeks.

An additional advantage of bleach is the simultaneous disinfection of the room. For a forced “neighborhood” with cockroaches, this is very important, since they are carriers of many dangerous diseases.

The specifics of the treatment depend on the concentration of the solution. If the insects have not yet had time to breed in large numbers, 2-3% is enough, in severe cases it is increased to 5-10%, saucers with undiluted “White” are placed near the habitats of cockroaches.

Treatment includes washing floors and wiping all accessible surfaces. It lasts about an hour; it is not necessary to leave the room when using a weak solution.


We all know what pyrethrum is. This is a wonderful flower of the Asteraceae family. But few people know that poison for cockroaches is made from this flower. Pyrethrum flower is ground into powder, which is sold in stores.

Pyrethrum can be used for more than just killing cockroaches. It is also effective against:

  • helminths;
  • ticks;
  • bedbugs

Benefits of Pyrethrum:

  • non-toxic;
  • versatility (can be used to kill other pests);
  • environmental friendliness (the powder is made from natural raw materials);
  • the active ingredient of the powder is practically non-addictive in cockroaches;
  • good value.


  • exclusivity (the powder can only be purchased in specialized stores);
  • valid for a limited time;
  • low efficiency.

How does this powder work? The components of the powder block the transmission of impulses in pests. Therefore, after a few seconds the cockroach dies.

As a rule, pyrethrum is ordered from online stores (most often foreign). The limited quantity of products is due to a lack of raw materials. The flower is demanding in terms of maintenance conditions.

Therefore, our compatriots often use ordinary pharmaceutical chamomile instead of pyrethrum. Naturally, chamomile extract is less effective.

You can also make the powder yourself:

  1. collect flowers;
  2. dry (preferably in the attic);
  3. grind into powder (you can use a blender or coffee grinder for this);
  4. You need to add a little soap before use.

Using pyrethrum is very simple:

  1. First you need to purchase a household spray bottle or spray bottle from the store.
  2. Prepare a solution (add a little water to the powder).
  3. Next you need to refill the sprayer.
  4. Treat the room.

The components of pyrethrum powder block the transmission of impulses in pests


People (with rare exceptions) like its smell. But for cockroaches, with their very delicate sense of smell, it causes great discomfort due to its harshness. If you constantly “maintain” a persistent aroma in the apartment, after a week or a week and a half they go in search of new habitats.

To combat cockroaches, you can use both fresh and dried mint, but practice shows that the first option is more effective. Plants are placed in places that cockroaches most often choose to live - in kitchen cabinets, drawers, next to baseboards, ventilation ducts, under furniture, sinks, bathrooms, and so on.

An aroma lamp with menthol essential oil helps maintain a very persistent aroma. Drop 4-5 drops into the water and light a candle under the container. Under the influence of heat, the liquid begins to gradually evaporate.

Are cockroaches afraid of cats, pets, spiders, relationships with other living beings?

The presence of cats in the house will not affect cockroaches in any way. A cat can play with an insect, but will not hunt en masse. Lizards or spiders are another matter; they feed on insects and are able to slightly reduce their numbers, but no more.

And, perhaps, one of the types of smells that cockroaches don’t like is the pungent aroma from a cage with rats. Those who have kept decorative rats know that they need to clean the cage often, otherwise a strong unpleasant odor appears. This is what will scare away the pests. It is believed that cockroaches do not like the smell of fresh fish, also because of their special sensitivity, although if they are hungry, no smell will scare them on the way to a food source, rats or something else. They will eat fresh fish with pleasure if other products are not available.

So what animals are cockroaches afraid of? People have noticed that cockroaches are most afraid of rats, lizards, frogs, birds, i.e. those animals that feed on insects.

Many people are interested in whether bedbugs are afraid of cockroaches. There is no fear as such, but Prussians can eat bedbug eggs, thereby reducing the population.

"Des Group"

  • has been working in its niche since 2014. Reviews about the company can be read on the official website of Dez Group.
  • Registered by Rospotrebnadzor as the official Sanitary and Epidemiological Station.
  • The company has at its disposal all the necessary Certificates and Permits for carrying out pest control work and drugs that are safe for the health of adults, children and animals, approved for use in Russia.
  • "Des Group" employs only experienced, certified specialists who regularly improve their professionalism in relevant courses.
  • The company operates only under the Agreement. One copy remains in the hands of the Customer.
  • Disinfectors provide free consultations on preparing your home for disinfestation and provide further detailed instructions to ensure everything is successful and safe.
  • Dez Group works on a 24/7 schedule, visiting sites at any time of the day.
  • All types of work are guaranteed.
  • The treatment is carried out using modern means, the cold fog method, which allows you to instantly rid the room of all harmful insects.
  • Prices for services are 24% lower than market prices.
  • Professional staff.
  • For certain categories of citizens, as well as to order the first processing
  • preferential terms are available.

"Des Group" copes where others helplessly give up!


Acetic acid

The most pronounced odor is possessed by ordinary table vinegar with a concentration of 6-9%. Therefore, it is better suited for fighting cockroaches than wine or apple.

The apartment is treated with a solution of 100 ml of water and 30 ml of table vinegar, paying special attention to identified and hypothetical habitats of cockroaches. Spraying and wiping surfaces is repeated daily or every other day until the insects leave the room in search of a more comfortable habitat.

Important! When using a vinegar solution, you need to take into account that even in such a weak concentration it can

ruin the varnish or paint on the furniture.


Another effective natural insecticide, wormwood can be used as an alternative to tansy. Most people characterize the smell of this herb as pungent, but not repulsive, so there is no need to leave the room while processing. And for cockroaches it is almost unbearable.

Wormwood is used both fresh and dried. Its decoctions and tinctures give the desired effect. If the owners of the apartment have the opportunity to leave it for 2-3 weeks, greenery is spread like a continuous carpet on the floor in all rooms, including the bathroom and kitchen.

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