4 folk remedies that will replace Calgon for the washing machine

There are conflicting opinions among Internet users regarding the use of the sensational Calgon machine tool. Great interest in the product is, rather, the result of high-quality marketing than its “miracle properties” in the fight against scale. The high cost and unproven effectiveness of this water softener encourages users to look for cheaper “anti-scale” agents for washing machines. We will tell you in this article what can be used as an analogue of Calgon.

Lemon acid

The product removes existing scale and prevents the formation of new deposits. It removes unpleasant odors and cleans internal surfaces of pathogenic microorganisms. It is enough to use it once every 6–12 months. More frequent use harms household appliances.

How to use citric acid:

  1. Measure out the required amount of product and place it in the washing powder compartment.
  2. Set the water temperature to +90°C, run a “idle wash” for 90–120 minutes.
  3. When the machine has finished washing, open the door and wait for the internal surfaces to dry.

The amount of product used depends on the capacity of the drum. If the maximum load does not exceed 6 kg, 100–200 g of citric acid will be sufficient.

Ready replacement for "Kalgon"

The main disadvantage of Calgon is its high cost. However, a wide range of household chemicals on the market allows you to choose a more inexpensive analogue with similar properties. Below are the TOP 6 alternative products for caring for washing machines.


This is the general name for a group of anti-scale products. They are available in the form of powders and liquids, and are used not for prevention, but to eliminate already accumulated deposits. The composition depends on the manufacturer. The main substances of Antiscale:

  • sulfamic acid;
  • sodium citrate – citric acid salt;
  • ammonium chloride;
  • thiocarbamide (thiourea).

Manufacturers supplement the composition with fragrances, dyes and components for the care of parts of automatic washing machines - for example, anti-corrosion additives. The products are available in the form of pastes, powders, tablets, and suspensions.

Anti-scale is used separately from laundry - in large quantities it negatively affects the structure of tissues. The product is poured into the SMA and the washing mode is started at 60 ° C. When the water is heated, a chemical reaction occurs between the acid and the scale - the solid deposits are destroyed and then removed with the flow of water through the drain hose.

Benefits of using Antiscale:

  • high efficiency - the result is achieved in 1 application;
  • profitability - the product is consumed for a long time;
  • safety for the components of the SMA - with the correct dosage, the components of the product do not affect the integrity of the rubber seal and plastic parts.

As a disadvantage, it is necessary to note the possibility of blocking the drain channel with large scale particles. Other possible problems may be associated with violation of the instructions for use.

It is better to buy liquid products. They dissolve faster in cold water, so they act more effectively on limescale.


Producing countries: Russia, Türkiye. The product is available in the form of a fine-grained powder and is sold in cardboard boxes. Package weight – 0.5 or 1 kg. Depending on the volume, the average price is 110-180 rubles. In composition and effect, “Alfagon” is similar to “Calgon” - it neutralizes magnesium and potassium, thereby softening water hardness.

"Alfagon" is used at any temperature conditions together with washing powder - the dosage depends on the hardness of the water. The minimum volume of powder is 1 scoop.

When using Alphagon, you can wash even in the hardest water without adding an additional volume of washing powder.

No scale

Universal powder for automatic washing machines. It is used both for prevention and for effective removal of scale. In the first case, the product is added according to the instructions to the SMS when washing clothes, in the second - it is used without loading laundry.

“No Scale” contains technical soda and a mixture of complexing agents. Advantages of the powder:

  • economical use;
  • effective removal and prevention of plaque;
  • used with all types of laundry;
  • low cost (average price is 120 rubles per 500 g package).


  • not suitable for colored laundry.

The “No scale” product is intended only for automatic washing machines. Its use is prohibited for kettles, irons and other similar equipment.

Luxus Professional

A highly effective product for eliminating limescale in washing machines from the German brand ORICONT. Produced in powder form. The composition includes citric acid, amidosulfonic acid and excipients.

“Luxus Professional” has gained great popularity and trust from consumers thanks to its high quality, excellent cleaning properties and a number of advantages, the main one of which is safety for human health and the environment.

Mode of application:

  1. Remove laundry from the machine.
  2. Pour the product into the CMA drum according to the instructions.
  3. Start a wash program at 60°C.

Available in packages with various designs. Another brand name for the product is “Kristall-fix”.

Top House

The express cleaner is manufactured in Germany using modern technologies, taking into account the recommendations of world leaders in the production of washing machines. Available in powder and gel form. Benefits of use:

  • in 1 application completely removes scale from heating elements;
  • extends the service life of the SMA;
  • reduces energy consumption and program execution time;
  • treats internal parts and rubber seals with care.

"Top House" is suitable for all types of washing machines and is recommended for use 1-4 times a year.

Magic Power

An environmentally friendly product based on citric acid. Manufacturer – Reinex GmbH (Germany). Release forms: powder, liquid. Composition – organic acid, complexing agent.

Use the product without loading laundry. It is poured into the main container and the washing program is turned on at 40 °C. "Magic Power" is ideal for starting up an automatic washing machine for the first time. Special components in the product:

  • dissolve factory oils;
  • wash away various contaminants from the inner surface of the drum.

Regular use of “Magic Power” ensures that scale residues will not contaminate the laundry during further washes and will not damage the SMA drum.

Baking soda

Sodium bicarbonate reduces water hardness and cleans internal surfaces of plaque. There are two ways to use this tool:

  • Mix a small amount of soda with the powder and pour into the compartment. This method is used to soften hard water during normal washing.
  • Place 100 g of soda in the powder compartment, set the temperature to +60...+70°C, run a “idle wash” for 40–50 minutes.

Composition of preparations for water softening

Water softeners have been known for a long time. Among them, dishwasher detergents (rating).

Modern chemistry makes it possible to produce complexes of reagents that provide the desired effects for the consumer.

So, what is included in the composition of the well-known product Calgon for washing machines throughout Russia (instructions for use):

  • Almost a third of the mass consists of carboxylates;
  • polyethylene glycol 1-5 %;
  • microcrystalline cellulose up to 15%;
  • main component – ​​sodium tripolyphosphate,
  • contains soda in small quantities .

Do you know what the normal temperature should be for heating radiators in an apartment in the winter? This is written about in a useful article.

Read how to repair a thermostat for a heated floor with your own hands here.

On the page: it is written how to install a sewer aerator.

Let's figure out what these substances do.

  1. Carboxylates are sodium and potassium salts of organic acids. Solutions are strong electrolytes, that is, they conduct electric current. Calcium carboxylate is soluble in water.
  2. Polyethylene glycol is a polymer compound. Used as:
  3. ointment base,
  4. drought simulator,
  5. food supplement,
  6. rocket fuel component,
  7. laxative.
  8. Microcrystalline cellulose – fiber in its pure form.
    Polymer of plant origin.

    Made from cotton.

    It is a good absorbent.

    Used to cleanse the intestines of toxins and harmful substances.

  9. Sodium tripolyphosphate – salt of polyphosphoric acid.
    Used in the food industry.

    Included in detergents as a good “solvent” of fats.

That's the entire composition of the famous detergent.

Over the past fifty years, the number of substances has only increased - fragrances and other “decorative” substances have been added.

The original version contained only soda and tripolyphosphate.

If we consider analogues, the composition will be approximately the same.

There may be other additives, other proportions, but the meaning will remain the same.

Some products contain surfactants , so-called surfactants.

It is unnecessary to comment on the composition of these products; it remains to add that “Calgon” costs 400-500 rubles per kilogram of powder.

Analogues are cheaper.

But that's not the main point. We listen to advertisements and don't hear what they say.

Calgon and similar products will not descale the washing machine..

They are intended exclusively for prevention, that is, they are tap water softeners.

Benefit, harm or no result

By their nature, the products in question are softeners. And they can cause harm to a washing machine (how to connect a drain to a sewer is written here) in very high concentrations.

This is possible if you put not just one measuring spoon, but a whole package, and you need to do this for a long time.

In practice, there are no housewives who can do this.

There is no harm to equipment, linen or skin. The maximum nuisance is wasted money.

  1. Firstly, if you wanted to descale your machine, this is not the right product.
  2. Secondly, there are cheap analogues that give absolutely the same result.

If you use water purifiers that contain softeners, then such products are useless.

Modern powders also contain substances that reduce carbonate hardness.

As a result, we can say the following:

  • You can and should use water softeners.

There are a few things to consider before purchasing:

  1. you need to know the water hardness value . You may not need to use softeners;
  2. analogues , for example, Alfagon, Tyron or Yplon, have the same properties, but are cheaper;
  3. water softeners are preventative agents that help avoid scale formation;
  4. The elements of the washing machine are cleaned using other means and at different intervals.

If you unconditionally trust advertising, then Kalgon is your choice.

You can use it calmly - it does the job stated.

If the combination of price and quality is important to you, then buy similar products.

Hydrogen peroxide

It is necessary to mix 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide with the same amount of boric acid and pour into the rinsing compartment. After this, you need to add the usual amount of powder, load the laundry and start the wash. You can use this method to care for light-colored bedding. The creators of the method are silent about how the solution can affect clothing, bright and delicate fabrics.

How to replace Calgon

First you need to try to figure out why there is such extensive debate online regarding this composition. After all, if you think about it, it successfully copes with its functions, that is, it softens the water, which means it prevents the appearance of hard limescale and scale on the internal elements of the machine. Where to look for the catch?

In reality, everything is elementary. For many buyers, the too high price of Calgon is not justified. The cost of one kilogram of product exceeds 300 rubles, while this volume is used for no more than a month. Naturally, there is simply no talk of any savings. If you look into the composition of the product, you will find that it contains elements familiar to many: sodium tripolyphosphate and ordinary soda. They are what help soften the liquid.


"Kalgon" helps to achieve not only the removal of scale, but also has a number of advantages over its analogues:

  • if you add the powder together with the main detergent, the consumption will be more economical;
  • in soft water, the removal of contaminants from fabric fibers is faster and therefore more effective;
  • the service life of household appliances increases, there are no unexpected expenses for repairs;
  • When washed, products do not lose color saturation, since there is no longer a gray deposit of scale.

The shape of the tablets allows you to use the product in doses (no need to measure anything). It is also easier to store compressed powder; there is no risk of inhaling particles, they will not remain in the air.

Are you unplugging your washing machine?

Oh yes! No

How does Calgon work?

Calgon breaks down scale with its active substances.

If the layer of plaque in the drum and on the heating element of the washing machine is more than 1 mm, then energy consumption increases to 10% of the norm.

Calgon, which dissolves scale, easily copes with these problems.

Polycarboxylic acids break down existing plaque, and polyethylene glycol prevents the formation of new scale, softening hard chloride water.

How to use washing machine cleaning tablets?

Place 2 dishwasher tablets in the washing machine drum and run the empty washing machine on a wash cycle at 60 degrees. This way you will remove germs, dirt and even scale. And your car will be completely clean again!

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Characteristics and composition

Calgon product consists of several active components. The most active ingredient is sodium tripolyphosphate. It is this that immediately begins to enter into a peculiar reaction with calcium ions contained in the water. Due to this effect, the level of liquid hardness is normalized, and scale stops forming.

Other components include:

  • polycarboxylates;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • surface-acting substances.

It is important that the smell of this product is light, not overwhelming and even pleasant. So Calgon additionally helps fight unpleasant odors that the washing machine begins to emit over time

Preventive measures

Limescale deposits often form due to washing with low-quality powders, if a high-temperature cycle is selected and water containing a lot of magnesium and calcium salts is used. Therefore, to prevent this, you should follow some recommendations.

Washing should be done at a temperature of no more than 40-50 degrees. This is quite enough to dissolve and remove existing contaminants. It is better to give preference to high-quality washing powder; you should not skimp on it. It is recommended to install magnetic filter softeners and use only purified water.

Softeners such as Calgon should be used infrequently and added in small doses. The machine should be cleaned periodically with citric acid. If you follow these recommendations, you will be able to get rid of scale in your washing machine. Consequently, the unit will serve for a long time.


With this product you can clean the tank and drum in one use. In addition, vinegar is able to completely remove lime, dissolve unpleasant odors and destroy microbes.

To clean the drum of a washing machine with the addition of vinegar, the following steps are performed: vinegar is poured into the powder compartment, the “wash for 1 hour” cycle is started, then the rinse mode is also turned on.

Existing Calgon substitutes or alternative

Of course, Calgon is not a panacea for protecting your washing machine from plaque, scale and dirt. There are other, cheaper analogues. Perhaps they are less effective, it is possible that they are less advertised, but they exist.

Here are their examples:

  1. Alphagon,
  2. Antiscale,
  3. Lemon acid.

Both the first and second are quite capable of coping with the problems of contamination of the heating element of the washing machine and drum. But the real effect of these alternative remedies has been studied and tested much less than Calgon.

You can also use simple citric acid to clean the drum and heater by pouring it into the liquid compartment.

Naturally, nothing can be washed with citric acid - only clean it in idle mode. But citric acid can easily clean plaque and moderate scale.

Advantages and disadvantages

Based on the information on the packaging and consumer reviews, the following positive characteristics of Calgon can be identified:

  • softens hard chlorinated water;
  • prevents scale from forming during the washing process;
  • protects machine parts from rapid wear;
  • reduces washing powder consumption;
  • helps in the fight against unpleasant odor from the drum;
  • has an unobtrusive light aroma.

In addition to fighting scale, Calgon reduces the consumption of washing powder and eliminates unpleasant odors from the drum.

Calgon is unable to remove the deposits already present on the heating element and other parts of the washing machine. It works for preventive purposes, but not to remove accumulated salt deposits.

Kalgon will not be able to dissolve old, already formed scale.
The main disadvantage of Kolgon is its price. Now on the household chemicals market you can find a cheaper analogue with similar effects, albeit not as advertised. In addition, many automatic washing powders already contain water softeners.

Today's range of powders and cleaning products allows you to choose a replacement for expensive Calgon.

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