8 antistatic recipes for furniture using improvised materials



The constant struggle with dust can tire even the most patient housewife. This problem is especially acute in apartments located on the lower floors of apartment buildings and in private cottages. Dust settles on furniture, upholstery, curtains, and you have to clean it up almost every day.

Antistatic compounds help make the task easier. They prevent the formation of static electricity on surfaces, and dust is not attracted to them.

As a result, much less time is spent on cleaning: ⦁ about 4 hours during the month; ⦁ about 50 hours per year!


One damp cloth will not be enough to remove dust; it will quickly settle to the surface. The easiest option is to use polish. You can buy it in any department with household chemicals. Polish comes in the form of an aerosol and cream. It consists of the following components:

  1. Wax – when applied to the surface, it hides microdamages, giving it shine.
  2. Silicone - allows the product to dry quickly without leaving marks, and also improves the appearance of furniture, making its color more saturated.
  3. Antistatic agents – prevent the rapid accumulation of dust.
  4. Oils moisturize the surface, which extends the life of the wood.
  5. Surfactants - effectively remove impurities, but can negatively affect the condition of the skin.

The polish is applied to a clean and dry surface. The product in the form of an aerosol is sprayed at a distance of 30 cm from the object, and the cream is rubbed in until shiny. After applying the polish, the furniture shines, does not attract dust and smells pleasant.

Recommendations for difficult cases

There are a number of cases that are generally considered complex (although this is not always the case). Let's look at them separately.

  • Glossy furniture . The main thing is not to make scratches that can no longer be removed. Any glossy coating (film, acrylic, painted) is resistant to acids, acetone, and solvents that corrode the top layer. Remember that polishes are not appropriate here, and soap will add streaks. For gloss, there are special sprays that remove grease and dirt without damaging the coating.

Glossy furniture does not need to be polished with waxes

  • Kitchen furniture . The main problem is pollution due to cooking. The simplest solution is dishwashing liquid. It removes odors, grease, and prevents the development of bacteria. Aggressive chemicals should not be used in the kitchen, for the sake of your health.

Use a minimum of aggressive household chemicals in the kitchen

  • White furniture gets no more dirty than green or red furniture. And sometimes white is the best choice. For example, handprints, dust, and water droplets are almost invisible on white gloss. If you want to make cleaning as easy as possible, choose furniture with smooth surfaces without panels, milling, or complex textures. Give preference to easy-to-clean materials, such as plastic or painted MDF.

White furniture will not get more dirty than dark furniture if you wipe it regularly

  • Lacquered furniture . Various materials can be coated with varnish: veneer, MDF, metal, plastic and, of course, wood. The main task is to prevent chips and cracks from appearing, for example, from impacts, and not to damage the varnish when cleaning. You should not use soap and water; it is better to add a little ammonia. Wipe with a damp cloth.

There are antistatic products for varnished wood

  • Antique patinated Patina can be natural (if you are the owner of antique furniture) or artificial. It is applied to solid wood parts and film MDF. The decorative layer on top is varnished, so it won’t be possible to accidentally erase the patina (as some fear).

Artificial patina is abrasion resistant

Antistatic agents

Antistatic agents are a great help in the fight against dust - substances designed to remove static electricity from various surfaces. They can be found in aerosol and paste forms. After applying antistatic agents to furniture, dust particles stick to its surface much less, and handprints and stains do not remain.

Among the purchased products, you need to choose those that can be used with electrical equipment turned on. It will also be better if after applying them you do not have to treat the surface with a napkin.

You can make your own antistatic agent from the following components:

  • water – 100 ml;
  • vinegar – 30 ml;
  • olive oil – 2 tbsp. l;
  • eucalyptus essential oil - 10 drops.

All components must be mixed and placed in a container with a spray bottle for even spraying. This product effectively removes dirt from furniture and prevents dust from quickly settling.

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Carpet solution

Carpet cleaning is one of the most difficult parts of cleaning a home. Long pile accumulates dust and small debris, which is extremely difficult to remove. Dry cleaning your carpet isn't always possible, but you can use the available ingredients to make a multi-purpose cleaning solution.

For it you will need:

  • 6 bay leaves;
  • 1 liter of hot water;
  • a pinch of ground cinnamon.

The preparation is extremely simple. Spices are poured with boiling water, left for 20 minutes and filtered. The resulting liquid is used to wash carpeting. Bay leaf and cinnamon eliminate bacteria and leave behind a pleasant aroma. If there is a need to remove dust and small debris, add a tablespoon of baking soda to this mixture.


Special sprays are used to treat furniture, carpets, mattresses and various textiles. They neutralize allergens from dust mites, pets, plants, and also remove static electricity. Such products are more aggressive and are not designed for use with every wet cleaning. They can be sprayed no more often than once every six months. People suffering from allergies and asthma should especially pay attention to such sprays.

Before using the spray, the surface is cleaned of dust and dirt, and then the product is evenly distributed and allowed to dry (about 20-30 minutes). You should first check the item for paint fastness. To do this, apply the spray to an inconspicuous area. This treatment is not suitable for varnished parts.

Why it is important to remove dust in a timely manner: dangers and risks

Obviously, at home, dust appears just as often as in an office or industrial environment. Moreover, if pets live in the house, and cleaning is not carried out as often as necessary to maintain moderate cleanliness, dust will begin to increase in quantity, clogging every conceivable and inconceivable place, settling on clothes, equipment, furniture, literally absorbing into toys, curtains and even wallpaper.

It is very important to spend time cleaning up dust, and do it regularly, using special anti-dust products, including those you prepare yourself. In a house, apartment, or office, dust is not only unsightly. It poses a real threat to health due to its special composition based on microscopic organic and inorganic substances.

Dust mites pose a huge risk. They are invisible to the eye, but can become the main cause of allergic reactions, including severe and dangerous forms of asthma. It is especially important to maintain cleanliness using products and tools to remove dust in rooms where there are children, the elderly, the sick, etc.

Impregnation for upholstered furniture

You can protect upholstered furniture not only from dust accumulation, but also from more serious contaminants (grease, household liquids, etc.) using special impregnation. For home use it is sold in spray cans. After its application, an invisible protective layer is formed, which prevents particles of any contaminants from penetrating deep into the material.

The product is suitable for both natural and synthetic fibers and does not cause any allergic reactions upon contact with human skin. In addition to sofas, armchairs and chairs with soft seats, impregnation can be applied to curtains, carpets, tablecloths and even clothes. Under the influence of the product, the color of the fabric remains unchanged. The impregnation should be sprayed in a well-ventilated area to prevent droplets from entering the respiratory tract.

What is it and where does it come from?

Dust is an essential component of airspace.

This is the smallest solid suspension present everywhere:

  • in a confined space;
  • urban development;
  • rural areas;
  • park;
  • forest;
  • mountains;
  • on the sea.

There are fine and coarse dust, atmospheric and household dust.

In a residential area it is formed:

  • from finishing materials of walls, ceilings and floors;
  • air conditioners, vacuum cleaners with dirty filters;
  • of people;
  • animals;
  • contaminants from shoes and outerwear.

Household pollution consists of:

  • 30% from mineral particles;
  • 20% - from dead skin flakes;
  • 12-15% - scraps of textile fibers;
  • 7-10% - plant pollen, mold spores, plant particles;
  • 25-31% - microscopic fat balls, pet hair, microorganisms, tiny insects.

Microparticles rise into the air from the floor, upholstered furniture, bed and settle on surrounding objects. Dusty air increases the concentration of harmful particles indoors.


You can do without buying a special cleaning product, but make it yourself. You will need:

  • water – 1 glass;
  • 9% vinegar – 50-75 ml;
  • olive oil – 2 tsp;
  • essential oil - a few drops.

All components are mixed together. Essential oil can be anything. The resulting solution is poured into a bottle with a spray bottle and sprayed over the furniture. This treatment will not only remove dust for a long time, but will also clean surfaces of microorganisms.

Special store-bought or homemade furniture care products, of course, help fight dust, but don’t forget about regular wet cleaning, which also includes caring for carpets, textiles and other interior items.


Product for suspended ceilings

Dust also accumulates on stretch ceilings. Since thick film cannot be cleaned with aggressive chemicals, it is better to prepare a special detergent yourself.

Glossy ceilings are washed especially carefully, as stains may remain on them.

For high-quality cleaning, a regular soap solution is suitable. It is prepared from warm water and liquid soap (4 drops per glass of water). The resulting product is thoroughly mixed, a mop or rag is dipped in it, and the film is wiped.

This product is considered universal, since it is suitable not only for film, but also for satin and fabric ceilings.

Fighting dust in hard-to-reach places

Where does the dust come from?

Dust can penetrate anywhere in the apartment. In order not to turn cleaning into a long process, you can use the advice of Internet sites on how to remove dust in hard-to-reach places:

  • It is difficult to clean the ceiling, but if you remove the cobwebs and brush away the dust in a short period of time, this step will not cause any problems.
  • If wall cabinets or mezzanines are located under the ceiling, then it will take a long time to wipe them by hand. A vacuum cleaner will be an indispensable assistant when using curved attachments.
  • Picture frames may also become dusty. You can wipe off dust on the canvases using a brush.
  • The computer causes a lot of problems. The monitor will shine if you use wet wipes. The keyboard can be cleaned with a brush.
  • The blinds are dirty. Life hackers offer a trick. Put a terry sock on your hand, after moistening it in a soapy solution, and wipe the blinds.
  • To clean books that have not been removed from the bookshelf for a long time, it is better to use a fluffy attachment for a vacuum cleaner.
  • The bathtub has an unsightly appearance with mold running all over it. In this case, cellulose wool soaked in bleach will help. The material laid out along the black seams should be left overnight.
  • Yellow plaque in the toilet bowl can be removed with a Coca-Cola drink, and plumbing fixtures will shine if you wipe them with half a lemon.
  • It's hard to keep closets and drawers organized, but if you put small items in organizers, it will be easy to get them organized.
  • Refrigerator shelves are also considered a problem area during deep cleaning. It is better to cover them with cling film and change them as they become dirty.
  • Grates on a gas stove cause a lot of trouble. If you use ammonia, the grates will shine like new.

On a note! When carrying out general cleaning, you should not forget about hard-to-reach places, otherwise it will be difficult to put them in order later.

To combat dust, many methods are used that do not completely eliminate dust, but reduce its amount.

Other flowers

Other indoor plants can also combat air purity in the apartment, for example, ficus or aloe. And spathiphyllum will help eliminate the unpleasant smell of plastic from household appliances.

  1. Geranium and laurel can fight mold and can also neutralize harmful substances that make up wood.
  2. Pathogenic organisms in the room will destroy gerbera or dracaena.
  3. Begonia is able to saturate the room with oxygen.
  4. If you need to humidify the air, then no one can do it better than Dieffenbachia. By the way, it can also prevent the appearance of fungi.
  5. Schefflera will help fight the smell of paint or varnish.
  6. And heavy smokers should definitely place a bokarna on the windowsill in the kitchen, which will absorb the unpleasant odors of tobacco.

Now you know that you can maintain cleanliness and comfort in your apartment without resorting to buying expensive chemicals, which themselves can harm the residents’ bodies. So fight dust with folk remedies and do it as often as possible so that your family gets sick less.

There is no more attraction

An antistatic agent is a substance that prevents the long-term retention of static electrical charges on the surface of objects. It retains moisture and thereby increases the concentration of ions. When applied to the floor, clothing, furniture, and bedspreads, the antistatic agent prevents surfaces from sticking to each other, as well as dust from adhering.

There are different types of antistatic agents. Some are produced separately for the treatment of clothing, others are included in detergents and fabric softeners. Substances with an antistatic effect are often added to household chemicals for cleaning floors and glass.

List of detergents with antistatic agents for cleaning the house:

  • Mebelux furniture polish;
  • furniture care product “Chirton Anti-dust”;
  • Emsal furniture cleaner with antistatic agent;
  • universal antistatic agent “Every day”;
  • carpet and upholstery cleaner “Cinderella” with antistatic effect;
  • Prosept Multipower Neutral cleaner for all types of floors with antistatic effect;
  • Carpet cleaner "Carpet antistatic".

Antistatic agents for furniture are rubbed onto the surface by dripping or spraying the liquid onto a paper towel or rag. Cleaning products for carpets and furniture are carried out directly, after diluting them with water. Universal antistatic agents can be used to treat curtains, bedspreads, plastic windows, and other items in the house. By choosing special household chemicals, you can significantly reduce the concentration of dust in the house and the rate at which it settles.

Frequent types of breakdowns

Any vacuum cleaner can fail, regardless of the brand of equipment and cost. To significantly increase the service life, you need to treat the equipment with care and clean and rinse parts after use.

There is no water supply to the sprayer, water is leakingMalfunctions of the water pump and spray button. The cause of the failure will become clear when the circuit is checked by a qualified technician.
  • Full fluid reservoir;
  • Nozzle clogged;
  • Incorrect installation of the gasket between the tank and the device; filter contamination.
It is necessary to check the wire connections at the button that supplies water and the water pump for contact.
  • Releasing the water tank;
  • Cleaning the nozzle;
  • Check the installation of the gasket, lubricate the gasket with oil if necessary.
Loud device noise, lack of tractionHose cloggedClean the hose by attaching it to the outlet, do it yourself (with a special strip and wire with a hook)
Hose damageAbrupt removal of the hose, strong tension, improper storageReplacing the hose
In case of mechanical shockWhen falling:
  • Rear lower part;
  • Cord winding area;
  • Liquid exit point.
Checking the working condition
  • water pump;
  • pipe;
  • hose fastenings;
  • wires.
Hose is dirtySettlement of plaque and dust particlesCleaning. Part replacement
Sprayer is dirtyNarrow nozzle, a lot of dust will get inCleaning the part, replacing it with a new one

Important! In case of serious damage, it is recommended to contact a special service center.

A vacuum cleaner equipped with a steam function is an ideal solution for effective cleaning, thanks to which no additional dust remover is needed. If the rules are followed and handled with care, such a device is completely safe.

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