What happens if you cook sterlet with vizig?

Sturgeon, sterlet, stellate sturgeon, and beluga belong to the sturgeon family. A distinctive feature of the variety is the presence of viziga. It is a chord, made of dense, soft tissue, looks like a cord, consists of connective tissue and cartilaginous parts. Traditionally used for preparing various dishes - pies and kulebyak. Today, due to the abundance of fish varieties and semi-finished products, viziga is often disposed of as waste along with the entrails and gills. Housewives should know whether the sterlet vizig is poisonous or not. It can be eaten, it is rich in vitamins A, C, group B, minerals - calcium, phosphorus, sodium. The chord of sturgeon fish is not poisonous, but it spoils much earlier, therefore the shelf life of a fresh product or ready-made dish is reduced.

Cleaned sterlet

Where to look?

As mentioned earlier, viziga is found in those fish that belong to the sturgeon family. These are, first of all, sterlet, stellate sturgeon, beluga, kaluga, and thorn. The fish of this family are quite large. For example, the beluga reaches 4 meters in length.

Sturgeons belong to the subclass of cartilaginous ganoids. They are freshwater or anadromous. They are distinguished by high fertility. Due to their special value, representatives of sturgeon are called “red fish”. Their meat, black caviar, bladder, and, in fact, viziga are of great commercial importance. We have already looked at what this is.

Sturgeon are caught in the Volga and Ural deltas, as well as in Iran. Special fish farming companies are becoming widespread around the world. Well, you can, of course, purchase representatives of sturgeon for your table at any grocery market or store.

How to remove the vizig?

So, fish is on the table. Now we have to cut it up. The process consists of several stages:

1. First of all, remove the mucus from the surface. To do this, heat the water and pour it over the fish. If the growths are hard, you can cut them off.

2. Remove the skin (if the cooking recipe requires it) according to the stocking principle. We hook it at the head and lead it to the tail.

3. Next, cut the belly and take out the caviar or milk. They can also be used for food. Both caviar and milk are valuable delicacies.

4. Remove the gallbladder carefully to prevent damage. Otherwise, the meat will acquire a bitter taste.

5. Remove all films from the abdomen and thoroughly wash the fish under running water.

6. Next, the stage of removing the sturgeon begins. What it is? This is an important point in cutting fish. First we make cuts at the tail and at the head. They should be deep enough to reach the white lace. For large fish you need to make several such holes. We pick up the chord with a fork, tweezers or pliers, and carefully remove the string, preventing it from breaking. We move from the tail to the head.

What to do if there are parasites in fish

If you find parasites in fish, you should not eat it under any circumstances.

But if there is only a suspicion of infection and you still plan to cook something from fish, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Both parasites and their larvae die under the influence of high temperature. You need to boil or fry the fish for at least twenty minutes; if you choose the oven cooking method, then this is at least half an hour.
  2. You can get rid of parasites by salting the fish, but this takes a lot of time - up to two weeks.
  3. Parasites also die in frozen fish; at a temperature of minus thirty degrees, just six hours is enough.

Small red worms can often be found in fish, but experts say they are safe. Despite this, there is no need to neglect the rules of heat treatment.

How to simplify the process?

Faced with the need to remove a sterlet vizig, any housewife understands that this procedure is not an easy one. Is there any way I can make my life easier? Yes, if you first freeze the fish and then carry out the process of removing the chord. The peel will not be preserved, this should be kept in mind. But you can cook steaks, barbecue, and bake in the oven.

The purchased fish is washed for 20 minutes under running water, rinsed with boiling water, and put in the freezer for a couple of hours. Next, the process is similar to cutting unfrozen sterlet or any other sturgeon fish.

If the sturgeon is large, you should first pull off the fin on the chest and use a knife to cut holes throughout the entire carcass, reaching the cartilage. Then remove the head, remove the bugs on the back and fins. Make a cut at the tail and pull out the chord with a knife or fork. You can cut the belly and, after removing all the entrails and washing the fish, then remove the vizig.

For fresh large fish, the layering method is used. To do this, the carcass is cut into two halves along the back (flat). In this case, the chord is very easy to get out undamaged, with a whole cord.

How to cook?

In ancient times, pies with vizig were popular in Rus'. To prepare them, the chord is washed and boiled in herbs and spices for about four hours over low heat. Then roll into minced meat, add onion, bay leaf, boiled rice and hard-boiled eggs, salt and pepper. The filling is used in the preparation of pies, adding to them for taste a little broth, where the chord was cooked.

In addition to pies with vizig, you can prepare a lot of original dishes from the chord. For example, Fyodor Chaliapin was very fond of the appetizer of viziga with horseradish.

To bring the idea to life you will need 300 grams of vizigi (3 chords), 50 grams of dry white wine, two eggs, 4 salted gherkins, two tbsp. l. sour cream, 1 tsp. mustard, dill, tarragon.

To prepare it, the removed vizig is soaked in salt water for 4 hours. Then roll over the minced meat, adding herbs to taste. Dill and tarragon are excellent. Add a little white wine and simmer covered. Then mixed with finely chopped pickles, grated boiled egg, sour cream and horseradish. The snack is ready!

So, we looked at what viziga is, what its value is and how to use it for food.


Calorie content 28kcal

Energy value of the product (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):

Proteins: 1.2g. (∼4.8 kcal)

Fat: 0.1g. (∼0.9 kcal)

Carbohydrates: 6g. (∼24 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|w|y): 17% | 3% | 85%

How to clean and cut up sterlet

Primary processing is approximately the same: we clean it from mucus, gut it from the insides and rinse it with running water. Further processing features depend on the recipe. For example, if we plan to bake fish and then remove the skin from it, then the so-called bugs do not need to be removed. If the recipe calls for serving with skin, then the bugs must be carefully cut off.

Sterlet is most often prepared whole or in large pieces; it is very rarely cut into clean fillets. In professional kitchens, during processing, this fish is doused with boiling water and immediately immersed in cold water. This makes it easier to clean out the back and side bugs, and easier to remove the mucus. But this procedure requires care so as not to cook the fish, but only lightly steam the skin.

Features of the effect on the human body, benefits, harm

Sterlet is very useful for adults because it contains a lot of calcium. It stimulates mental activity, improves the condition of hair, skin, and nails. If you have frequent mood swings, nervous disorders, or pathologies of the digestive system, you should try to include this product in your weekly menu more often.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers are allowed to eat fish, but with caution, as it can cause allergic reactions. The product, rich in protein and fatty acids, strengthens the bone and nervous systems, improves mood, and relieves depression.

This fish can be given to children from the age of one, preferably baked. Soufflés are often made from it, but you can offer the dish to kids in pieces so that they can chew them on their own.

The product is rich in calcium, necessary for normal skeletal development.

Elderly people should eat sterlet more often, because it:

  • Strengthens the nervous system.
  • Allows you to maintain visual acuity by improving blood supply to the eyes.
  • Increases brain activity.
  • Helps maintain normal body weight.
  • Reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
  • Prevents the occurrence of cancer.

The absence of carbohydrates and zero glycemic index allow diabetics to include it in their diet. A large amount of proteins normalizes insulin production.

How to wash

Some people confuse washing and scalding with boiling water for cleaning. How to wash the sterlet depends on whether we scald it. If scalding is not planned, then it is better to immediately clean off the mucus properly. Thoroughly clean and rinse each area of ​​skin with plenty of water to completely remove all mucus. Before scalding, such a thorough rinsing is not required; all the mucus will come off during further cleaning.

How to remove mucus

There are several ways to remove mucus. They depend on the conditions and equipment of your kitchen. Here are the main ways:

  • Hard brush
  • Metal sponge
  • Coarse table salt
  • scalding

The most accessible and simplest is to rub the fish with salt, it will absorb the mucus. Afterwards, simply rinse with water. When using a stiff brush or steel wool, be careful not to damage the skin. If further scalding with boiling water is planned, the mucus is not removed so thoroughly, because it will come off later anyway.

It is advisable to thoroughly rinse the fish under running water after any method of removing mucus.

The mucus itself is not harmful, but it greatly interferes with further processing of the sterlet. Because of the mucus, the fish slides on the board and is inconvenient to cut. An inexperienced person may even get hurt because of this.

Possible dangers

At the same time, frequent consumption of sterlet is not suitable for people with pancreatic diseases or disorders of the adrenal glands

It's also important to remember that fish is one of those foods that, if cooked incorrectly, can cause serious problems. Raw fillet (or poorly cooked) is a breeding ground for many dangerous bacteria

In addition, it is advisable to avoid carcasses smoked using so-called liquid smoke. Because the use of this product already indicates that the fish was specially prepared after it had spoiled. This product contains excessive amounts of sodium, which can cause swelling. But that's not all.

How to clean at home

First of all, decide on the recipe to understand whether you need to clean the sterlet. For example, for planing, you can remove the skin directly from frozen fish. To bake whole with skin, or to fry in large pieces, you will have to cut off the bugs. For fish soup, you can leave the bugs and carefully remove them after cooking. There is no single correct way to clean sterlet; it all depends on the specific recipe. Therefore, we will consider the most popular methods from simple to complex:

  1. Cleaning sterlet for planing.
  2. Cleaning for fish soup or boiling.
  3. Cleaning for baking whole or in large pieces.
  4. Cleaning for filleting.

With stroganina, everything is simple - we remove the skin directly from frozen fish. For fish soup or boiled fish, simply remove the entrails and mucus. And bugs and skin are easier to remove after boiling.

To bake the bugs entirely, you will have to remove the bugs, either by cutting them off with a knife, or by pouring boiling water over them and carefully peeling them off. The second option produces a more beautiful sterlet, which is why it is more often used in professional kitchens. At home, you can simply cut off the bugs with a sharp knife from the back and sides.

How to gut

To gut a sterlet, use a sharp knife to make an incision along the belly from the tail to the head. Then carefully pull out all the insides, being careful not to damage the gall sac. If bile does leak, the area should be thoroughly rinsed.

Gutting a sterlet fish

We remove the gills from the inside, trim them with a sharp knife and then pull them out.

If the gills are not removed, they will add bitterness to the finished dish.

It is especially important to remove the vizier from the sterlet.


Along the back of sturgeons there is not a spine, but a chord, inside of which there is a vizier. If you do not remove it, then when preparing the vizig, the sterlet will begin to tighten and deform the entire fish. Outwardly, it looks like a thick translucent white rope. The structure of the visiga resembles cartilage. The taste is also similar to cartilage, only with a fishy aroma.

Do I need to remove the vizig?

Viziga itself is edible and harmless; it is even used in food, for example, as part of pie fillings. The whole problem is that during heat treatment, the vizig begins to tighten and twists the entire fish. The appearance of the finished dish is spoiled; instead of a beautiful sterlet, we get a crooked and unappetizing one.

To determine whether you need to remove the vizig specifically in your recipe, see if it interferes. In field conditions, when cooking fish soup, it is easier to cut the sterlet into large pieces directly with the squeal, so as not to mess around with it too much. To cut fish into clean fillets, it also does not make sense to remove the visigu.

How to remove a vizig

Removing the vizigi will not do any harm in any case. Sometimes it may simply be useless, but it certainly won’t ruin the recipe. The scoundrel is located inside the vertebral chord; to remove it, you need to make an incision at the tail, carefully trim the outer part of the chord and slowly pull out the screech.

Viziga is a little slippery, so you can either pick it up with a knife, or dip your fingers in fine table salt so that it does not slip out.

Sturgeon URGENT.

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Sturgeon URGENT.

I bought sturgeon, small (about two kilograms), frozen (we can’t find any others). I’ve never cooked before, so I decided to try it. I went online, read it and realized what a pain in the ass for 700 rubles. I bought it for myself. Somewhere along the ridge of this fish there is some kind of poisonous vein called a viziga (or vyziga, they spell it differently everywhere). So it is strongly recommended to remove it to avoid poisoning. Only here I would like to bake the whole sturgeon for the Old New Year’s table, and the process of removing this “toxicity”, on most sites, is associated exclusively with cutting the fish into pieces. Has anyone come across sturgeon and can tell me how to remove the vizigu (elm) without damaging the fish carcass? On some sites they suggest cutting off the head and cutting the skin around the tail along the circumference and the vizig will stretch out by itself if you pull the tail, but this is also not entirely suitable, you want to keep the fish whole, maybe stuff it with something. If anyone knows, please tell me. And also, what are “bugs” in sturgeons? They suggest scalding the fish, like this way you can remove the bugs faster, so you know what it is all about. Thank you.

The bugs are boney, sharp growths on the back and sides. Don’t bother with vyaziga, we eat all kinds of sturgeon, we’ve never pulled it out, and maybe in vain, remember the old Russian dish - pies with vyaziga :) So bake it for your health. Garnish with tomatoes and onions and spices. And into the oven. Just don’t dry it out, such small sturgeon have very tender meat. I haven’t eaten these myself, but they say the normal taste appears from at least 5-6 kg in weight, like taimen.

The bugs are dorsal spines as far as I know. And about the vizigi, since they haven’t said anything here, you can ask the fishermen in the relevant thread.

the sweetness of honey is not justified by a bee sting

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The elm is removed easily and simply, from the side of the belly with a sharp knife we ​​make a shallow incision (not very deep), we pick up the elm - it’s such a long cartilage, and pull it out. No problem. It poses a danger only if the fish has been left untreated and unfrozen for a long time after being caught (slightly rotten, in short). Bugs - bone growths on the sides and top, in principle, do not need to be removed. It is best to bake sturgeon of this size entirely in the oven.

Processing for fish soup

There are many ways to process sterlet for fish soup: from primitive camping to complex restaurant cooking. In any case, be sure to remove the entrails and gills. It is also better to remove the mucus, although in camping conditions it is left in place so as not to mess around with it too much.

Processing sterlet for fish soup

At home or on the go, simply cut the processed sterlet into large pieces and cook the fish soup. In a professional kitchen they do this:

  1. The head and tail are cut off.
  2. The sterlet is cut along the vertebral chord into fillets with or without skin.
  3. The first broth is prepared from the head, tail and vertebral chord.
  4. Portioned pieces are cooked in this broth, resulting in double fish soup with a richer taste.

Sterlet soup

This method is more complicated than homemade, but the finished fish soup turns out tastier and more aromatic with the same amount of fish.


Viziga in sturgeon and sterlet

Sturgeon, sterlet, stellate sturgeon, and beluga belong to the sturgeon family. A distinctive feature of the variety is the presence of viziga. It is a chord, made of dense, soft tissue, looks like a cord, consists of connective tissue and cartilaginous parts. Traditionally used for preparing various dishes - pies and kulebyak. Today, due to the abundance of fish varieties and semi-finished products, viziga is often disposed of as waste along with the entrails and gills. Housewives should know whether the sterlet vizig is poisonous or not. It can be eaten, it is rich in vitamins A, C, group B, minerals - calcium, phosphorus, sodium. The chord of sturgeon fish is not poisonous, but it spoils much earlier, therefore the shelf life of a fresh product or ready-made dish is reduced.

What is elm and where can I get it? I really want pies with ellipse!

In order to eat pies with elm, you first need to get hold of sturgeon or catfish fish, since elm is a chord (an elastic longitudinal cord that replaces the spine) of sturgeon, sterlet, bester, stellate sturgeon, kaluga, beluga, thorn or catfish. After this, you need to cut off the head (it will be useful for preparing cabbage soup with head), make a circular cut around the tail and carefully pull out the string

However, you can remove it surgically, something like this

In any case, the elm must be removed from the sturgeon if you are preparing any formal dish from whole fish, otherwise the following result may occur

which will not only “ruin” your fish but can also scare the ignorant.

After extraction, the elm is dried in a draft, and when preparing the filling for pies and kulebyak, it is simply boiled and chopped into pieces.

First of all, let's figure out what this mysterious name is: elm (or, as it is often called, vizig).

Elm is the dorsal chord of sturgeon fish, which runs along the ridge.

In appearance it looks like an elastic flexible long ribbon, which is connective tissue.

To pull out the elmfish, a cut is made in the fish along the spine, the tape is hooked and pulled out.

You can buy ellipse in stores, but at a fairly high price.

When cooked, elm swells significantly. Next, it is finely chopped and used in recipes for making minced meat, kulebyak, solyanka, and filling for delicious pies (in the filling, kulebyak is usually mixed with chopped eggs and herbs).

Elm is a useful product because it contains a significant amount of antioxidants, vitamins (A, C, B) and trace elements (phosphorus, magnesium, molybdenum).

As for the calorie content of viziga, it is very small, about 28 kcal per 100 grams


Elm is nothing more than a chord, a dorsal string extracted from the spine of a fish, mainly sturgeon or salmon. Elm has the appearance of a long cord with rather dense vesicular cellular tissue. This is what she looks like...

And here are the elm pies. I haven’t tried it, but I can imagine how delicious it is.

Crap. I myself wanted pie with vyaziga. Maybe someone can share the recipe, and in principle where to get elm.

It seems like everyone has written about Elm. I saw the thick chord of a huge sturgeon, which lay diagonally in the refrigerated pantry of the cafe. And she herself extracted fresh sterlets from the fishermen on the shore. True, there is not much of it (in and zigs - that’s what they call it there) in sterlet, i.e. she's thin. We process it like intestines, squeezing out the contents from this elastic “tube” - a thick, slimy “substance”. We rinse very well to remove any remaining blood for a long time until it turns white. Then cut into pieces and cook, pouring cold water with spices, bay leaves, onions and salt, for a long time - about 4 hours over low heat. Turn on a large grill and add onion, fry. Add a chopped boiled egg, a little boiled rice, salt and pepper. We make small fishcakes - pies with a hole in the center (then we pour in a little broth in which the elm was cooked. Very tasty, the filling is dense when it cools (somewhat reminiscent of boiled pig skin, but the taste and smell is fishy).

Previously, frames for whips were made from ligature (whips - worn and snapped by dandies), and hunters also tied “Canadian” skis with them. Dried, often sprayed with water, elm is very elastic and durable.

How to remove vizig from fresh fish

The sturgeon, like the sterlet, does not have the scales usual for freshwater fish.

Sticky mucus and sharp growths (bugs) located on the back and sides also require removal. The skin feels like sandpaper, knowing some subtleties, the entire process of preparing the carcass will not take much time.

Cleaning steps: 1.Depending on the size of the fish, an appropriate container will be required. Large representatives can be cut even in the bathroom; for sterlet, use a deep dish.

2.Then you need to heat the water and water the fish, starting from the tail to the head. Such a procedure will help get rid of not only the characteristic mucus, but also make sharp growths softer. If they cannot be easily removed, carefully pry them off with a knife.

3.Whether or not to remove the skin depends on the intended dishes. For stuffing, you need a whole skin, which is removed like a stocking. You need to pry it near the head and gently pull it towards the tail. If the carcass was previously poured with boiling water, the separation process will speed up significantly.

4.Then the abdominal part is cut and the milk or caviar is taken out. The former can be fried or stewed, but caviar is a most valuable delicacy.

5. During gutting, you need to carefully remove the gall bladder; if it bursts, its contents will give the meat an unpleasant, bitter taste. After removing all the internal mucous films, you need to rinse the carcass again under running water.

6.Afterwards, you can move on to the stage of removing the vizig. On the top of the fish, 2 cuts are made in the tail area and near the head. If the carcass is large, it is better to make several notches. They should be deep enough to see the white lace, this is the chord.

7.You need to carefully pick up and pull out the vizig. You can do this with a special food needle, fork, tweezers or even pliers. It is important not to rush, otherwise the chord may break.

8.Having removed the vizigu, you can use it to make pies.

In Rus', the sturgeon chord was used for pies and pies

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