How and how long to cook red beans in a saucepan, slow cooker, pressure cooker: instructions. Is it possible and how to cook red beans without soaking?

In this article we will find out how long red beans take to cook, as well as how to cook them correctly.

Red beans are a popular product regardless of country. It is not only nutritious, but also very healthy. If you study various diets, especially American ones, you will notice that many interesting dishes are offered with beans. But it requires cooking, and it must be done correctly. Let's find out how to properly cook red beans and what features this process has.

How to cook beans correctly

Cooking beans in a slow cooker is not a difficult task and takes no more than 2.5 hours. Moreover, most of the time the kitchen electrical appliance will cook on its own, and you can go about your business. To cook beans in a slow cooker, it is important to choose the right main ingredient. The legume representative should be dense and hard, and there should be no stains on the surface.

Many people are interested in how to cook green beans in a slow cooker. Since this type of legume is noticeably different from ordinary beans. The legume does not need to be soaked; this vegetable does not even need to be defrosted. But red beans require soaking, and for a long time - about 6-8 hours. True, you can cook beans without soaking, but more on that below. Almost all dishes will be cooked using the “Cooking” mode.

Preliminary preparations

It is strongly recommended to soak any beans, especially red ones, before cooking. You can also start cooking dry beans right away, but such beans, firstly, take 3-4 hours or more to cook, and secondly, they cause that very accelerated gas formation in the digestive tract, for which many people do not like legumes.

So, you need to take a wide bowl, at least three times larger in volume than the beans being soaked, put the beans there, fill with cold plain water and leave for about 7-8 hours, or overnight. This time is enough for the beans not only to become softer, but also to release sugars into the water that are not digestible by our body. You should also not leave the beans for a longer period of time, as they may simply turn sour.

Soaked beans increase in volume by approximately 3 times. Next, you need to drain the water and rinse the beans - now you can safely cook them.

Calorie content of foods possible in the dish

Different recipes have different caloric content. For example, boiled red beans have the following energy value: 89 kcal per 100 grams. If you cook a dish with meat, for example, beef with beans in a slow cooker, the calorie content will increase by 30-40 kcal. Bean pods have a slightly different number of calories: 106 kcal per 100 grams. And if you prepare the dish “steamed green beans in a slow cooker”, the calorie content will decrease slightly, and there will be many times more useful substances in the composition.


Beans are known to all of us, but not many people know that in nature there are more than two hundred types of beans, which differ in taste and grain size. In the cuisine of our people, green and grain beans are most common. Dishes made from it can diversify absolutely any table, both traditional and vegetarian or dietary.

Green beans taste a little like asparagus, which is why they are sometimes called asparagus beans. There are many recipes for its preparation, as well as various sauces for it. Grain beans are also used in many cuisines. It is boiled, stewed, made into purees or pie fillings.

Beneficial features

By regularly eating bean dishes, we take care of our health, maintaining it at the proper level. Its composition is distinguished by an amazing balance of nutrients. So, beans contain:

  • amino acids essential for the body;
  • vitamins of groups B, PP, as well as C, E and A;
  • phosphorus;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium and many other trace elements.

By the way, in terms of protein content, beans are significantly ahead of certain types of meat, which is why they have become one of the favorite foods of people who adhere to a vegetarian diet. Beans are also recommended for use for many diseases, because they have a number of special healing properties.

As you can see, it will be very useful to diversify your diet with dishes made from green beans or grain beans. And you can cook them without unnecessary hassle in a slow cooker according to the recipes presented in the photos.

Useful properties of bean dishes

The prepared bean dish has a number of beneficial properties. For example, legumes have a positive effect on the body's digestive system, including the kidneys and liver. You can also find information that beans improve heart function and also have a positive effect on the nervous system, having a calming effect.

But beans, like most other legumes, cause gas for some people. Unfortunately, it is impossible to fight this. But you can eat a certain type of bean that does not cause increased gas formation. These beans can be found under the name Azuki or Vigna angularis. The greatest distribution of this legume representative can be observed in Asia.

Cooking in a pressure cooker

As explained above, it's best to cook beans slowly. This rule also applies to a pressure cooker. If you want to speed up the process of cooking beans, you can slightly change the soaking method. In any container, including a pressure cooker, you need to bring the beans to a boil, remove from the stove and leave to soak for one hour. Then you need to drain the water, rinse the beans thoroughly, put them in a pressure cooker and add enough water to cover all the beans.

You need to cook the beans in a pressure cooker over low heat for about 40 minutes after the water boils, and add salt only in their finished form.

How to cook beans in a slow cooker without soaking

Soaked beans in a slow cooker turn out tastier and healthier than if you prepare the dish without soaking the main ingredient. To do this, you should purchase a variety of beans that cooks quickly. If you cook the regular variety without soaking, then it will take a lot of time to cook, and the main ingredient will not only be harsh, but also slightly bitter. Therefore, either buy a fast-cooking variety, or soak the beans in twice as much water.

How to cook beans in a slow cooker

I propose to consider in detail how to cook a variety of beans that cooks quickly. Ingredients will be used to a minimum: any amount of legumes, 3-4 times more water than beans, as well as salt, bay leaf, pepper, and spices to taste. It seems there is nothing complicated, but the question remains how long to cook beans in a slow cooker. In fact, it won’t take that long, because we’ll be using a fast-cooking variety of legumes. Let's find out how to cook beans in a slow cooker.

Cooking steps

  1. Prepare the ingredients as listed above.
  2. Rinse the main ingredient under running water.
  3. Place the beans in a slow cooker and add hot water.
  4. Activate the “Cooking” mode for 65 minutes.
  5. Half an hour after the start of cooking, open the lid and add salt, seasonings and bay leaf.
  6. Continue cooking until the program ends.
  7. Carefully try one bean; if not ready, cook for another 20-30 minutes.
  8. Decorate the dish with herbs and serve.

General recommendations before cooking white beans

After purchase, the package of beans is opened and sorted. It is most convenient to do this on a table or large flat plate. Remove all spoiled beans and foreign matter. The grains are washed immediately before cooking, and before that they are stored in a cupboard, placed in dry, sealed jars.

Note ! Bugs and moths are very fond of legumes, so you should choose airtight containers for storage. For example, glass jars with nylon lids are well suited for this purpose.

You can cook beans with or without pre-soaking, the duration of cooking depends on this. You can soak it in cold or hot water, but in both cases the resulting infusion cannot be used for culinary purposes - it must be poured into the sink. For the same reason, there is no need to add any additives to the water.

The finished cereal can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 days. This is quite convenient, since it is enough to boil a lot of beans in advance (for example, on a weekend) and use them several days during the week to quickly prepare various dishes. Usually on weekdays there is not as much time for cooking as we would like. For example, boiled beans are good as a side dish for meat; they are added to soups, added to stewed vegetables, and mashed into purees.

Recipes for beans in a slow cooker

Stewed beans are more tasty than boiled ones. But if you boil the legumes correctly and also with meat, it will turn out no less tasty. In fact, there are a lot of recipes for bean dishes in a slow cooker. You can even make bean soup; this recipe will also be discussed in detail in this article. In general, less talk - more action, let's learn how to cook different bean dishes in a slow cooker.

A simple and tasty recipe - how to cook red beans in a slow cooker

Red beans are the most common among others. In this recipe we will cook delicious red beans with chicken in a slow cooker. I recommend using a fast-cooking variety of legumes; there is much less hassle and problems with it, although it is less tasty. If you decide to use regular beans, be sure to soak the main ingredient overnight. In any case, the package contains instructions for soaking, follow this procedure. Now let's start preparing the dish.


  • about a kilogram of chicken;
  • 310 ml beans;
  • 2 sweet peppers;
  • onion;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 30-40 g sour cream;
  • 40-50 g ketchup;
  • 210 ml hot water;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt, spices to taste.

How to cook canned red beans with chicken in a slow cooker without soaking

  1. Boil the beans until half cooked in a slow cooker, pre-soak if necessary.
  2. Wash the multicooker, drain the water, and transfer the beans to a separate container.
  3. Grease the container of the electrical appliance with vegetable oil, fry the onion and garlic.
  4. Add the chicken to the vegetables and fry the meat for about 9 minutes.
  5. Add all other ingredients, mix, pour boiling water.
  6. Simmer for one hour.
  7. Let the dish stand in the “Keep Warm” mode for 9 minutes.

White beans with vegetables in a slow cooker

Beans with vegetables in a slow cooker turn out tasty and very healthy. You can prepare a dish not only from the white variety, but also from the red variety, and even from a variety such as green beans. In addition to the main ingredient, you will need 410 g of zucchini, carrots, half a kilo of cabbage, ketchup, onions, potatoes and bell peppers, and don’t forget about spices. Fry the onions and carrots, then add the sauce, then the beans and the rest of the ingredients. Pour boiling water over the dish and simmer for one and a half hours. Bon appetit!

Beans with meat in a slow cooker at home

Beans with meat are especially tasty. I like lamb and beans in a slow cooker most of all; turkey also goes well together. For taste, you can use ketchup, onions, carrots, garlic, and seasonings. It is advisable to fry the meat, like vegetables, and do the rest according to the instructions, as in the case of chicken. That is, mix the ingredients in a slow cooker and simmer for 60-90 minutes.

Green beans in tomato sauce in a slow cooker

Green beans turn out tastier if you don’t just boil them, but cook them in tomato sauce in a slow cooker. For taste, the dish can be supplemented with meat, preferably chicken. In this recipe, the beans should be fried along with the onions. Then add tomato paste and fry the vegetables for another 10-15 minutes. Tomato sauce can be replaced with sour cream, it will be no less tasty, but more nutritious.

Recipe with herbs and tomato sauce

Tomatoes can be peeled and chopped in a blender, or they can be added to green beans for frying, pre-chopped. In order not to suffer too much with tomatoes, you can replace them with tomato sauce or paste. Greens are always considered a decoration for any dish, so they should be sprinkled with beans and meat before serving. By the way, chicken or lamb goes better with beans.

Bean soup cooked in a slow cooker

Bean soup in a slow cooker is easy to prepare, but since a large number of ingredients are required, you will have to write a lot about it. To save your time, I suggest watching a video on how to cook bean soup in a slow cooker. The author explains in detail and shows how to do it so that it turns out delicious. Enjoy watching!

Beans with spices and walnuts

You can use a chicken dish as the basis for this recipe. To this recipe you should add 60-70 g of nuts, cilantro, coriander, utskho-suneli, lemon juice or other spices to your taste. Nuts should be added towards the end of the cooking program, and spices should be added before pouring boiling water over the dish. Be sure to mix all ingredients well so that the seasoning is evenly distributed. Leave everything else as in that recipe.


In order for the dish to reach the desired consistency, it will need to be boiled properly. To do this, you need to fill it with water for several hours (or overnight), because the more it swells, the faster the dish will cook.

Step 1

Rinse the beans in a colander and add water until they are completely covered.

Step 2

Peel the onion and garlic and chop finely.

Step 3

We wash the cilantro, dry it and chop it.

Step 4

Set the multicooker to “Frying” mode and pour a little oil. Fry the onions and garlic until they change color.

Step 5

Remove the onion from the bowl and place the beans in it. After this, fill it with water 2 cm above the grains. Close the lid and set the “Extinguishing” program for 2 hours.

Step 6

As soon as the cooking time is over, lay out all the ingredients and continue cooking in the same mode for another 1 hour.

That's all - the aromatic beans are ready.

Time: 160 min.

Servings: 4-6

Difficulty: 3 out of 5

Georgian cuisine amazes with the variety of dishes made from both meat and vegetables, including legumes. One of the most popular Lenten snacks is lobio, which is made from red beans.

The taste of this dish is bright and rich, which is what traditional Georgian spices and herbs make it. Lobio recipes may differ in the composition of the ingredients, but the technology for preparing the dish remains the same.

You won't have to cook it for long if you pre-soak it overnight. The beans will absorb the liquid and soften, allowing them to cook quickly.

Lobio recipes involve the use of not only dry herbs, but also fresh herbs, so if you have fresh parsley on hand, or better yet cilantro, don’t forget to add it to the other ingredients of the dish before serving.

Thanks to this, the lobio will not only acquire a festive, original look, but will also be filled with a new, fresh taste.

You can cook delicious lobio in a slow cooker only if you follow the recommendations of experienced chefs.

  • To prepare a real Georgian dish, you will need red beans; they contain a sufficient amount of starch, which will preserve the juiciness of the dish.

There are recipes for lobio made from white beans, but it turns out completely different in both taste and structure.

  • Before cooking, you should soak them thoroughly. The optimal soaking time is 8-12 hours.
  • Traditional Georgian dishes contain many aromas and tastes, this also applies to lobio. Basic recipes necessarily include such an ingredient as walnuts. They give the beans a slight nutty flavor.
  • It is necessary to cook beans in a slow cooker without adding salt; it is added at the final stage of cooking, in which case the beans will be soft and at the same time retain their original shape.
  • It is worth remembering that lobio has a piquant taste and pungency, so its mandatory components are spices and seasonings, but they should be added in moderation. In addition to suneli hops, you can use ground nutmeg, cloves and coriander.

Now let's begin the process of preparing delicious Georgian lobio. Surprise everyone with a spicy red bean dish.

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