4 easiest and most effective ways to clean blackened silver

12/17/201605/19/2017 Maria Ivanova 3 comments

Blackened silver is a material that is more susceptible to losing its original presentation than others. However, every housewife can restore silver items to their former attractiveness.

Some people consider it necessary to contact specialists to restore the original appearance of their favorite item.

Meanwhile, financial expenses are not always justified: a service of this type can easily be replaced by independent, quick and simple actions at home.

Relevance of the problem

Silver can be found in almost every home, especially in families where they care about healthy eating, and, therefore, purchase silverware: full-fledged sets or individual cutlery.

Quite quickly after purchase and use, silver items begin to tarnish, turn black and even acquire a greenish tint.

The latter can be noticed even with the most careful handling of these products. The intensity of their use after purchase does not in any way affect their attractive appearance.

Thus, the frequency of use does not affect the degree of blackness of the product surface. The main determining factor in this matter is the metal alloy.

Storage rules

The pectoral cross is intended for constant wear. But if for some reason you do not wear a symbol of faith all the time, it is better to store it in a separate box or a personal compartment of a common jewelry box.

Try to avoid significant changes in temperature, protect the symbol of faith from dampness, direct sunlight, and mechanical impact. Keep the box away from heat sources (for example, radiators).

A pectoral cross is not a simple decoration: it should be treated with due respect, not forgetting the need for regular care.


Where should I start?

Blackened silver is one of several types of material. Among its other types:

  • sterling;
  • filigree;
  • matte.

When deciding to clean a silver item yourself, you must first decide what specific alloy the items were made from.

This can be done by referring to the documentation included with the purchased items.

If there is a need to clean jewelry with pearls, coral or amber, it is strongly recommended not to do this at home.

The fact is that the listed stones have increased sensitivity to all kinds of alkalis and acids, the presence of which may characterize the product chosen for cleaning.

If you neglect this recommendation, you can very easily spoil the appearance of these stones, and it is unlikely that you will be able to restore the lost attractiveness. The best cleaning option in this case is to contact the services of specialists.

Properties of silver

Metal is wonderful to work with: it is easy to process, polish, twist, cut, roll into thin plates, and stretch. These parameters are unique in the manufacture of jewelry masterpieces.

For the strength of the products, a silver alloy with the addition of copper is used. The softness of the material can lead to various deformations, bending, darkening, turning black. To protect products from darkening, it is necessary to clean them regularly.

Preparatory work

You can restore the original appearance of other types of products without risk at home. Below are four of the simplest and most accessible methods for each of us.

Before you start cleaning blackened silver using one of these methods, you need to remove all kinds of dirt from the surface of the product: grease and cosmetics, sweat and dust.

And you can do this using:

  • dishwashing detergents;
  • toothbrush;
  • warm water.

In order to properly dilute the detergent in warm water, you can use a glass or ceramic container.

The dish is filled with water, after which the product is immersed there.

To properly clean an item from stubborn dirt, you need to leave the item in the dish for about twenty minutes. You can remove all the dirt well with any soft-bristled brush.

It allows you to completely remove all the most visible gross dirt. After this, the product is washed in warm water.

The first stage of cleaning at home is the same, regardless of which method will be used next.

Why does the cross turn black?

Pectoral crosses are most often made of silver. But even with proper care, over time they lose their shine and darken. Popular reasons why jewelry loses its original appearance include:

  • Water and chemical impurities. In addition to water, jewelry becomes blackened by shower gels, soaps, shampoos, household chemicals, cosmetics and rooms with high humidity. In order to preserve the original appearance of the cross for a long time, it is recommended to remove it before the pool, bath or shower. Tap water contains many impurities and chemicals that cause oxidation and blackening. To reduce exposure to chemicals, do not wear jewelry while cleaning.
  • Sunlight and warmth. To prevent the cross from turning black after going outside on a sunny day, it must be hidden under clothing.
  • Sea water. On the seashore, the air is filled with hydrogen sulfide and, together with the high temperature, oxidation of the metal occurs. Therefore, before heading to the beach, it is better to leave the jewelry in a dry place.
  • Secretions of the human body. Sweat, cosmetic residues, sebum and other body secretions negatively affect the condition of the silver cross. Such secretions contain sulfur, which reacts with silver and copper to produce sulfite, which coats the silver item with a coating. In addition to the change in shade, the decoration has an unpleasant odor.

In addition to scientific evidence of why a silver item turns black, in ancient times there were beliefs that a religious symbol changes color due to troubles in a person’s life. In the old days it was believed that the cross turns black due to a person’s illness, loss of strength, or loss of vital energy. In this case, you needed to rest, change your field of activity, or examine your surroundings.

Also, some sources say that blackness on the cross may appear due to damage or the evil eye. It is necessary to rinse the jewelry in holy or spring water and bathe in it yourself so that the water removes negative energy.

According to church ministers, blackness on jewelry appears when people commit a bad deed or sin. It is necessary to visit the church and confess. According to believers, it will no longer be possible to save the cross; you need to leave it in the temple and buy a new one for yourself.

In order to reduce the likelihood of early blackness, when purchasing a product you need to pay attention to the silver standard. The more additives in the alloy, the faster it will become covered with a dark coating. You need to choose jewelry made of 875, 925, 960 silver.

Method number 2

It is also recommended to clean blackened silver at home using water and ammonia.

The sequence of steps in this case will be as follows.

If the product is not excessively dirty, but only slightly darkened, then you need to select a small container for cleaning.

Water and ammonia are poured into the bowl in a ratio of 10:1.

A cotton pad or cloth is soaked in the prepared mixture, and then you can clean the item.

For an average degree of contamination, the same product is prepared.

The residence time of the product in the solution in this case is from 15 to 60 minutes. Under no circumstances should you overexpose the item!

Deciding exactly when you can start cleaning is very simple: you just need to monitor the water process.

If the item is excessively dirty, for example, a chain, it should be placed not in the solution, but in pure ammonia. In this case, direct cleaning can begin in a quarter of an hour. Then the chain should be rinsed with water and rubbed with a thick fleecy cloth.

How to clean silver from blackening

If you want to clean your silver from blackening, you can use the following methods:

  • You need a container, line the bottom with foil and place the product. Sprinkle baking soda on top, add a few drops of dishwashing liquid and pour boiling water over everything. Leave for ten minutes, then rinse everything with warm water and dry well;
  • Take a pan, cover the bottom and sides with foil, and place your decorations. Sprinkle a few tablespoons of soda on top, pour boiling water and put on fire. Wait for it to boil. Wait for it to cool completely, remove the product and rinse well under running water;
  • Mix a lot of chalk and ammonia. Carefully clean the metal with a small brush. When you see the color begin to change and become whiter, leave it for half an hour. Then rinse thoroughly with water and dry.
  • You can also use citric acid or even lemon itself. Apply a few drops of juice or acid to the product. You need to wait until the surface begins to lighten. After this, wash and polish with a soft cloth.

3 ways to keep your silverware shiny

If you see that the product has not whitened enough, you can repeat it again. Such simple methods are available to everyone. You will not have the problem of cleaning your silver jewelry.

Method number 3

Blackened silver can be perfectly tidied up at home using the following “tools”:

  • ammonia;
  • dentifrice;
  • cotton wool;
  • thick napkin.

The container is selected taking into account the size of the product. Ammonia and tooth powder are poured into it - in such proportions that the resulting consistency resembles sour cream.

Cleaning begins by applying the prepared mixture to the surface of the silver item with a disk or cotton ball. As soon as it dries, you can start rubbing the item with a special napkin.

The history of blackened silver

There are two types of blackened silver. The first of them is formed naturally, and the other is formed at the factory (by the hands of a jeweler). It is known that blackened silver is a metal that is made using a special technology.

Methods for its creation became known and were widely used 500 years before our time in ancient Rus'. The craftsmen tried to give silver strength in this way and decorate it with finely crafted patterns. The deliberate change in the type of precious metal became widespread in Russia in the 17th century.

This metal gained great popularity in Veliky Ustyug. This is where folk craft originated. The State Ethnographic Museum presents an extensive exhibition of products by craftsmen from Ustyug. The most famous exhibit is a cast cross, which is made of silver and not only blackened, but also gilded.

This type of jewelry was very popular in the European part of the country in the 17th and 18th centuries. It has become very fashionable and prestigious to have dishes, cigarette cases, snuff boxes, cutlery, and engravings made from this material. Silver items depicted cities, pictures of hunting, geographical maps, as well as floral and geometric patterns. Due to the complexity of the patterns, the technology of how to clean silver has also constantly improved.

Today you can find priceless specimens that are real works of art, and accordingly, they are very expensive.

Citric acid and copper wire

Pour a 100-gram sachet into a half-liter pan of water and place the mixture on the stove. Immerse silver jewelry inside and wait 15 minutes - the effect will appear before your eyes. An unusual trick is copper wire. Wrap it around a ring or bracelet - upon such contact, a reaction occurs in the citric acid, which makes cleaning even faster and more effective.

Photo: severdv.ru

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How to do it at home?

Preparing solutions from metals and making galvanic baths at home is not a good idea. The process requires skills, knowledge and equipment. However, it’s too early to despair; there are simple ways to make your favorite ring more attractive and interesting. Home technology is not only easy, but also does not require much investment. The methods are time-tested and popular among women due to their effectiveness.


This method is the most basic and does not require much effort. Blackening with iodine is not suitable for flat products. There will be almost no result. There is one more nuance: the reaction requires bright sunlight. Testing the method in cloudy weather or in winter simply won’t work.

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