Find Out How Often You Should Clean These 15 Household Items

So many household items need a thorough cleaning! And don’t put off cleaning them until your annual spring cleaning. .

Things like pans and pots, bathroom tiles, sheets and of course the toilet definitely need to be cleaned regularly.

But how often should you clean your household items?

In this post, we will tell you some rules that should ideally be followed when cleaning specific items in the house.

I think you are well aware that carpets, kitchen sinks, and bath towels need to be cleaned or washed regularly.

But some points in our post may come as a surprise to you. We will also tell you how to clean all these items easily and effectively.

Scroll on to find out how often you should wash items in your home.


Surfaces and pockets in your bag can become a breeding ground for bacteria, germs and even E. coli.

Try emptying the contents of your bag once a week. Pay special attention to the bottom of the bag.

Most bags can use disinfectant wipes or baby wipes. Machine or hand wash cotton bags in very hot water and then air dry.

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with your friends and family with these important household tips!

Read: Vampire things and amulets in your home


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Similar materials: things, hygiene, objects, person, cleanliness

How to clean a toilet: instructions

How great it is when a bathroom or toilet shines with crystal whiteness and pleases the eye for you and your guests. To achieve this, you need to carefully and properly care for it. Our article presents a sequence of actions that must be followed when washing plumbing fixtures in order to bring it to perfection:

  1. Before cleaning the toilet, protect yourself first. Wear long rubber gloves on your hands and glasses on your eyes. Since the toilet is the main place where bacteria are concentrated in the house, take care of your hygiene and ensure that when cleaning the toilet your hands remain dry and clean and no chemicals get into your eyes.
  2. Next, take a soft cloth and wet it with hot water. Gently wipe the outside of the entire toilet from the tank to the very bottom, and don't forget about the seat and lid of your toilet. This will make it easier to get rid of dirt in the future, since during the time you perform other actions, it will become acidic and come off easier.
  3. Then you need to take care of the inside of the toilet, since this is considered the most contaminated area and is where stains, rust and limescale most often appear. Take a plumbing cleaner and apply it to the bowl so that it flows over the entire surface in a circle - from the rim down to the water. Leave the liquid for about 5-10 minutes for the chemical to take effect, and then carefully wipe everything with a brush to get rid of all dirt and stains. When cleaning, also pay special attention to the bottom of the device and wash it thoroughly.
  4. Now you need to thoroughly rinse the inside of the toilet and the brush. To do this, flush the water and rinse the toilet bowl along with the brush, repeat this procedure at least several times.
  5. Then we return to the outside of the plumbing fixture. Once the dirt has dried, remove it with a damp cloth, and then disinfect the entire toilet, as well as the seat on both sides and the lid with a special cleaner. For such purposes, universal chemical solutions for washing bathtubs and toilets are suitable. After using household chemicals, be sure to wipe off any remaining residue with a damp cloth and then dry it with paper towels.

Below we have prepared a video for you on how and how to clean the toilet correctly. It will clearly show all stages of cleaning.

Advice : if there are old stains on the surface of your toilet that do not disappear after the first cleaning procedure, then repeat the entire process of cleaning its inner bowl several times until the stain disappears completely.

Recommendations for maintaining cleanliness

Following these recommendations will help make cleaning easier and reduce cleaning time:

  • Choose a wall hung toilet. In this type of plumbing equipment, the toilet does not touch the floor, which means that cleaning the latter becomes much easier.
  • Use toilet blocks. This way, with each flush, you will clean the toilet a little.
  • Install moisture absorbers and air purifiers. The humidity in the room will decrease and the growth rate of bacteria will significantly slow down.
  • Clean more often if there are small children in the house or someone is sick. A small, poorly ventilated room with many contact surfaces can become a site of infection.
  • If popular remedies are not available, use vinegar and baking soda. It is better to refrain from adding caustic soda.

How to keep pipes and plumbing clean

To ensure that your plumbing always pleases you with cleanliness and does not cause problems with blockages, you should take some preventive measures to care for it. These simple tips will help keep your toilet in excellent condition for many years. And you won’t have any questions about how to clean a very dirty toilet.

Firstly, it is imperative that you always carefully monitor the complete serviceability of the tank, as well as the entire toilet and its plumbing system. Under no circumstances should you allow water to leak, as this can create a lot of problems for you, such as constantly high humidity, plaque, flooding of neighbors, background noise, and so on. In addition, rusty streaks may appear inside the toilet, which are difficult to deal with in advanced cases.

Also, to prevent the appearance of limescale, experts recommend adjusting the operation of the flush tank, because the less water there is in the toilet, the less deposits will appear on it.

Tip : if your plumbing fixture is not equipped with two flush modes (as in the photo), then to save water you can place a plastic bottle filled with liquid in the tank. However, this technique is suitable if the toilet is not used often. In other cases, a sufficient volume of drained water is required to maintain proper cleanliness and hygiene.

After each use of the toilet, you should always use a brush, this way less dirt will appear and you will not need to do a general cleaning of your plumbing too often.

Also, for preventive purposes, you should not neglect the use of refreshing and cleaning chemicals, such as balls for the tank, strips and stickers under the rim, etc. They help keep your toilet clean with each flush by diluting the water with a weak cleaning solution. At the same time, they deodorize the air in the bathroom, filling it with a pleasant citrus or floral aroma, or the smell of freshness.

But the most important rule for preventing toilet blockages, as well as maintaining its hygienic cleanliness, is to use plumbing fixtures for their intended purpose. Under no circumstances should you use the toilet as a second trash can and throw foreign debris into it, especially those that do not dissolve in water. Believe me, cleaning out blockages is much more difficult than simply washing and disinfecting the surfaces of the device.

Such simple rules and manipulations will allow you to keep your plumbing in perfect condition and not resort to drastic measures.

Toilet cleaning products

In fact, choosing the ideal toilet cleaner for your bathroom is quite a difficult task. This can only be determined by testing and cleaning with different, both “folk” and special household chemicals. It is quite possible that you will choose the best option for yourself the first time, or maybe you will have to try several methods.

To make it easier for you to decide what to wash your plumbing and choose the ideal product for yourself, we have prepared a description of home and chemical anti-pollution products.

Folk remedies for cleaning plumbing fixtures

Some home remedies are great for removing stains. We offer you the most effective ones.

  • Citric acid can be found in any housewife's stash, and thanks to its bleaching effect, it will allow you to gently rid the toilet of stains. In order to clean your plumbing fixtures with lemon, you should pour three tablespoons of this powder into the toilet and into the tank. Leave the plumbing fixture in this form for several hours, and then drain the water, while washing the bowl with a brush. This method will allow you to achieve whiteness and freshness.
  • Vinegar essence (70%) . This substance must be used warm; for this you need to pour a glass of liquid into a saucepan and heat it over low heat. Then the vinegar should be poured into the toilet and a few tablespoons of soda should be added there, and left for a couple of hours so that the products interact. After the required time has passed, flush the water several times and clean the toilet with a brush.
  • Coca Cola . The drink, beloved by many, contains acid in a small concentration. The substance is environmentally friendly and safe for children. Half a liter of liquid is enough to remove plaque and dirty stains. Pour it evenly, starting from the rims of the toilet seat, and rinse off after about an hour. If you see stains that have formed a long time ago, wipe them with a brush so that they can be washed off better. To achieve the best effect, cola can be left in the toilet overnight.
  • soda is another essential home remedy that will help you fight stains and clogs in your plumbing. In order to clean the toilet with its help, you need to pour three tablespoons of powder into the water, stir everything thoroughly with a brush and clean the bowl. Leave the product for 2-3 hours, and then rinse the water several times, completely emptying the tank.

Tip : to clean plumbing, it is best to use soda ash - it will give a greater effect than baking soda.

The main advantage of “folk” cleaning methods is that they are absolutely harmless to the child’s body due to the absence of various fumes and obsessive odors. However, chemicals are created specifically to get rid of certain problems, and as a result they are much more effective at managing plumbing contamination.

Professional products

The first type is chlorine-based solutions. Such compositions help to clean the plumbing fixtures well and do not leave behind cracks, and also do not change the color of the toilet. One of the oldest and most well-known representatives of this group is “Belizna,” but although it remains effective, newer and improved chemicals have already appeared on the market, the most popular of which is the Domestos liquid gel.

Alkaline products such as “Toilet duckling”, “Comet”, “Cillit” are well suited for combating organic pollution. They can be applied both to a dry surface and to a damp one, without pumping water out of the toilet. Many of the preparations are also effective when used as anti-rust agents.

Acidic products are excellent at combating contaminants of various origins. But they cannot be used on marble and metal surfaces. Cleaning product "Sanitary Clean" is the most affordable of them. It can be found in our supermarkets at a fairly reasonable price.

There are also cleaning chemicals in powder form. Such products need to be dissolved in the water inside the toilet and then, after some time, clean it using a regular brush. You should choose such preparations with extreme caution, paying attention to their composition, since otherwise you can harm your plumbing and leave scratches on the surface of the device with abrasive.

Let's start cleaning

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Remove all unnecessary items near the toilet to avoid staining them. Do not place cleaning products and tools on the tank, as they may fall inside.
  2. If you plan to clean the toilet bowl, use a plunger.
  3. It is better that the water used to remove impurities is warm rather than cold. This will increase the efficiency of any product.
  4. Apply Domestos or any other cleaning product and wait about 20-30 minutes.
  5. While the product inside begins to work, you can carry out external cleaning: wipe the handle, drain tank, lid.
  6. The seat needs to be washed and dried.
  7. You can clean the hinges that attach the seat to the base using a brush.
  8. Now you can return to the inside where the product worked. Use a brush to remove dirt, then drain the water and go over the entire area with this tool, removing any remaining dirt.
  9. It is better to dry the brush so that it does not spread an unpleasant odor throughout the toilet.

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