How to clean a toilet with Coca-Cola: instructions for use, reviews

Few people know that cleaning the toilet with Coca-Cola is easy and simple. The debate about the benefits and harms of this drink does not end since its widespread use on the market.

You can clean the toilet not only with special products, but also with drinks containing phosphoric acid.

If we say that Coca-Cola is harmful as a drink for frequent use, it should also be noted that it is very useful in the household. The reason for this is the chemical composition of the carbonated sweet drink.

Can cola clean a toilet?

The history of the creation of the drink began back in 1886. Manufacturers carefully hid the components used in Coca-Cola soda from competitors. It was not difficult for modern experts to figure out the chemical composition of the drink.

In addition to purified water and sugar, the Coca-Cola drink contains the following chemicals:

  • orthophosphoric acid, which acts as an acidity regulator;
  • carbon dioxide as a preservative;
  • lemon acid;
  • caramel;
  • flavorings;
  • caffeine.

Coca-Cola has a mild acidic composition, so it does not harm earthenware surfaces. Carbon dioxide and phosphoric acid do an excellent job of removing contaminants.

Citric acid effectively fights persistent limescale, enhancing the effect of the main components.

The accidentally discovered ability of the drink made it a popular household remedy. Cleaning a toilet with Coca-Cola is quick and easy.

Important! Using Cola, you can only wash those areas that are above the water. Water reduces the concentration of acids, which makes the product practically helpless against plaque.

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What happens if you pour Coca-Cola into the toilet?

Contrary to expectations, nothing supernatural will happen: the water in the toilet will not boil or splash out on you. But if you leave the soda on without flushing it right away, you can see how the toilet becomes cleaner. And the scary “chemistry” from urban legends has nothing to do with it.

Carbonated drinks really aren't very healthy, but the same can be said for most foods. “Cola” has become an effective cleaning agent due to the presence of carbonic acid (it is this that creates the characteristic bubbles in any soda). This substance is formed by the interaction of carbon dioxide with air and really knows how to clean complex contaminants.

If there are small children in the family, you should use soda to clean the plumbing. Effective cleaning products are always quite toxic, especially for a developing organism. Cola has no harmful fumes. In addition, it is much cheaper than most chemicals.

How to clean a toilet with soda

Soda is used in the same way as any cleaning product. It is evenly poured over the inner surface of the plumbing fixture and left for at least 1.5–2 hours. Then wash off with regular cold water.

A half-liter can of the drink is enough for cleaning, but if the plaque is very “ingrained”, then the process will have to be repeated at least 3 times. Cola is more effective than many cleaning products, but even it will not cope with months of limescale on the first try.

To effectively remove contaminants, 4 important nuances should be taken into account:

  1. Before you start cleaning, you should scoop out as much water as possible from the toilet bowl. Soda will not be able to clean plaque that is under water.
  2. The tank should not leak into the bowl. If such a problem exists, then you must first drain all the liquid. Water washes away the active substances - not only in Coca-Cola, but also in real cleaning products.
  3. Soda does not remove grease stains. It will help get rid of limescale, urinary stone and rust, but the fat will have to be cleaned with other means.
  4. To achieve maximum effect, Coca-Cola is left on the walls of the toilet all night. The next evening the process is repeated.

Video: cleaning plumbing with Cola

Features of cleaning the toilet with Coca-Cola

Two active ingredients in the carbonated drink Coca-Cola help cleanse contaminants: phosphoric acid and carbonic acid (carbon dioxide). Coca-Cola has a very high concentration of phosphoric acid, which is also used in cleaning products.

The walls of the toilet bowl must be poured with the drink in a circle to ensure that the entire surface is cleaned

It is this combination of two components that makes it easy to cope with limescale and organic pollution.

Phosphoric acid is known to car enthusiasts as an anti-corrosion agent. It is able to transform rust, stop the corrosion process and create a protective film on the surface.

Important! The drink contains a large amount of sugar. This creates a fertile ground for the growth of bacteria, so after cleaning with Cola, it is necessary to additionally carry out an antibacterial treatment of the surface.

Why does plaque appear?

Water stone occurs due to magnesium and calcium salts contained in water. This is a deposit that can be seen in flush areas, under the rim, on the bottom and even on the lid.

Urine stones are minerals present in the urine that settle on the surface. If you don’t flush the water at least sometimes after using the toilet, streaks and then stone will appear on the walls.

In addition, deposits appear due to:

- hard water;

— leaking tank;

— unevenness and cracks on the surface.

REFERENCE! In addition to its unsightly appearance, stone also causes an unpleasant odor and is a suitable environment for the development of bacteria.

To clean the toilet from such contaminants, you can use the means at hand that everyone has at home. If the case is severe, you will have to use household chemicals.

Which Coca-Cola is used to clean the toilet?

You can effectively clean the toilet not only with Coca-Cola; carbonated drinks with similar composition are suitable for this. When choosing sweet water, the following components should be indicated on the label:

  • E-338 - orthophosphoric acid;
  • E-330 - citric acid.

Carbon dioxide is found in all carbonated drinks. Some housewives recommend using Pepsi to clean the toilet.

The effectiveness of Pepsi-Cola is due to its similar chemical composition. Original drinks are suitable for cleansing plaque and dirt.

Soda from other manufacturers may differ significantly in the concentration of components, and will not be able to cope with the task.

For economic purposes, an original product with a high concentration of active ingredients is required

Important! Coca-Cola and similar drinks are not able to cope with greasy stains on the surface of the toilet, sink, or tiles.

Can increase washing efficiency

Cola is irreplaceable when you need to wash towels, aprons, casual clothes or rags from:

  • grease stains;
  • fuel oil;
  • rust;
  • machine oil.

You just need to fill things with soda and leave them for several hours, and the acid will do its job - separate the fat from the fabric. Then you need to wash them - and the stains are gone.

How to clean a toilet with Coca-Cola

The algorithm for cleaning a toilet using Coca-Cola is simple:

  1. If necessary, scoop out excess water. This is done so that the active substances can act on the maximum area of ​​contaminants.
  2. Fill the toilet with Cola. A standard can of drink is enough for cleaning.
  3. Leave for 1 – 2 hours. The product can be left overnight.
  4. In case of persistent contamination, you need to clean the surfaces with a brush before rinsing off the Cola.
  5. Rinse off any remaining product with water.
  6. Carry out additional disinfection using any means to stop the growth of bacteria.

In case of heavy contamination, before using carbonated drinks, you should first perform mechanical cleaning (with a brush or brush). If a single application does not bring the desired effect, the procedure can be repeated.

In some cases, you can use the hot cleaning method. To do this, you need to pour Coca-Cola into a suitable container and put it in the microwave to heat up.

The efficiency of cleaning using the hot method is higher. Only in this case it is necessary to protect the skin of your hands using rubber gloves.

If in this case the chemicals are unable to cope with the stains, you can use the following recipe: mix the drink with citric acid in a 1:1 ratio or another detergent.

Important! Pepsi and Cola do not remove pigments from the surface (school ink and other dyes).

To enhance the effect, use a mechanical method of cleaning the toilet

You can clean your toilet with Coca-Cola, using it on walls, marble slabs and tile floors.

Quick option

With this cleaning method, they begin to act as usual - take a brush and remove easily cleaned surface contaminants. Then you need to rinse off the water and wait until the surface of the bowl dries, then at the next stage the concentration of Coca-Cola will be greater and it will work better. After this, pour all the dirt out of the drink bottle, take an unnecessary rag, moisten it with Coca-Cola and apply it to the dirty areas.

To clean lime deposits and rust under the toilet rim, you can also place a rag soaked in a drink there. And to simplify the task - toilet paper soaked in it. Then, at the end of the procedure, the paper can simply be pulled out and washed off. The remaining Coca-Cola is poured into the toilet. Next, close the lid and leave everything for an hour and a half. After this time is over, take out the rag, throw it away, and rinse thoroughly.

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Preventing contamination

Stubborn stains are easier to prevent than to get rid of. To consolidate the result after cleaning with Cola, you need to use a disinfectant. If there are none, acetic acid will do.

To keep the toilet always sparkling clean, you need to follow certain rules:

  • periodically carry out preventive cleaning without waiting for plaque to form, ideally daily cleaning;
  • make sure that water does not constantly leak from the tank;
  • Use soap products designed for protection, usually cistern soap or products that attach to the toilet rim.

You can familiarize yourself with the rules for cleaning a toilet with Coca-Cola in the video, which clearly shows all the steps of the process. Users of online resources willingly share their advice.

Does cola clean silver?

Silver items require cleaning from time to time. Cup holders and spoons, figurines and even decorative inserts in furniture sets become covered with dust, green deposits, and rust. Coca-Cola perfectly cleans silver, and when heated, it can remove any old stains.

For cleaning you will need 1/2 liter of soda and a deep metal container. To restore the shine and purity of silver products, you need to do the following work:

  1. pour cola into a container;
  2. put items that require cleaning there;
  3. place on a gas or electric stove;
  4. bring the liquid to a boil;
  5. boil for 5 minutes;
  6. remove the products and wait until they cool down;
  7. rinse in clean water;
  8. wipe dry with cotton cloth.

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This is how you can easily and inexpensively remove any stains from silver items.


  • As noted above, any other carbonated drink can be as effective as Coca-Cola due to its carbonation content. Soda can be the best cleaning agent since it doesn't leave a sugary residue behind.
  • It may not work for oil stains, as proven on MythBusters
    . Soda only cleans mineral stains.
  • The acids contained in Coca-Cola do not make it dangerous to drink. Orange juice, for example, is much more acidic.[5]
  • If you do not live alone, warn your household about your actions in advance. Otherwise, they may think you forgot to flush and will flush it for you, thwarting your altruistic attempts to clean the toilet.


  1. Take one or two glasses of cola.

    Open a bottle or can of cola. You don't need much to clean your toilet. 1.5 cups should be enough.

  2. Fill the toilet bowl with cola.

    Pour Coca-Cola around the bowl. Let it flow through the spots. Make sure you cover all the stains with cola; there should be a thin layer of cola on the stains.

    Try removing stubborn stains by hand with a rag soaked in cola. You can also use a spray bottle filled with Coca-Cola if you don't want to get your hands dirty.

  3. Let the cola settle.

    The key is patience. The longer you leave the cola on, the more chance you give it to remove stains. Leave the cola in the bowl for at least an hour.

    For best results, leave the cola overnight.
  4. Rinse off the water.

    The stains will slowly fade under the influence of the cola. Now, drain the water. Loose stains should be (at least partially) washed away with water.

  5. Repeat as needed.

    At this point you can see how well the cola worked. Although Coca-Cola generally removes most types of toilet stains, it cannot completely remove all stains. If desired, simply reapply a second coat of cola and repeat the process.

    If repeated use of cola does not remove stains, read the section below to learn how to remove particularly difficult stains in the toilet.

For stubborn stains

  1. Use a brush.

    A good old-fashioned toilet brush will help when regular flushing doesn't remove stains. The mechanical action of a brush (or similar material) will help loosen and remove stubborn stains from the walls of the bowl after you have washed them with cola. If you're squeamish, wear gloves and be sure to wash your hands after cleaning.

    • For best results, wipe before and after using Coca-Cola. In other words:
    • Open the cup and brush out any stains

  2. Pour in Coca-Cola
  3. Leave it for a while
  4. Brush again and wash away stains with water.
  5. Typically, chemical reactions occur much faster at high temperatures.

    The acid reactions that allow cola to remove stains are no exception. For tough stains, try heating the cola before using. There is no need to boil, but it should be hot for best results (but be careful when handling hot Coca-Cola).

    • Never heat soda or similar liquid in a sealed or metal container. This may result in dangerous splashes of hot liquid. Instead, pour the liquid into a microwave-safe container (such as a glass ceramic container) and then heat only.
    • The hot cola will fizz more than usual, so you may want to wear gloves to avoid splashing your skin.

  6. Use Coca-Cola along with other cleaning products.

    Although cola removes many stains, it is not the most effective solution. For very difficult stains, you can try combining it with other cleaning methods. Here are some other cleaning methods you can use:

    • Try mixing 1/2 cup vinegar and 1/4 cup baking soda (or 2 teaspoons borax) in a 2-quart pitcher of water. Apply the mixture to the toilet, wipe and leave for an hour before flushing. If necessary, complete the cleansing with Coca-Cola.
    • To combat mold, try mixing one part hydrogen peroxide with two parts water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution onto the moldy surface, let it sit for at least one hour, and rub until the mold is dissolved. Use Coca-Cola to remove any residual stains or scale around the moldy area.

  7. Try mixing borax, citric acid and cola in a 2:1:1 ratio for another all-purpose cleaner. Apply the mixture to the toilet, leave for an hour, then flush.
  8. Know when Coke isn't the best choice.

    Cola is suitable for removing most stains commonly found in toilets. However, it does not always work on rarer spots, so other solutions are sometimes necessary. See below:

    • Cola is not suitable for removing oil and grease. For these, you're better off using dish soap or a strong acid like vinegar.
    • Cola does not kill germs. Moreover, the sugary residue from regular Coca-Cola can become food for some types of bacteria. Use soap, cleaning solutions, or alcohol-based disinfectants to kill microorganisms.

  9. Cola will not remove stains from ink, dyes, or pigments. Alcohol and other chemicals will help you here.

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Article information

This article was produced by our experienced team of editors and researchers, who reviewed it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

Categories: House

In other languages:

English: Clean a Toilet with Coke, Français: nettoyer les toilettes avec du Coca, Italiano: Pulire un WC con la Coca Cola, Español: limpiar el inodoro con Coca Cola, Português: Limpar um Vaso Sanitário com Coca Cola, Deutsch: Toilette mit Coca Cola reinigen, Nederlands: Een wc schoonmaken met Coca Cola, 中文: 用可乐清洗马桶, 日本語: コーラでトイレを掃除する, Čeština: Jak vyčistit záchod pomocí koly, Bahasa Indonesia: Membersihkan Toilet dengan Coca Cola, ไทย: ใช้ Please note: Please contact us. Coca cola

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