How to remove soy sauce from clothes (white, colored) and other pieces of furniture

Delicious soy sauce is the main addition to fish and rice dishes. But what to do if a drop gets on your favorite T-shirt or jeans? After the stain, unpleasant brown stains remain, which are not so easy to remove from the material. To effectively get rid of grease, you must have one of the stain removers available. There are also several proven recipes that will help you deal with soy content on fabric at home.

Soy sauce

Does soy sauce wash off?

In short, the sauce washes off easily. But we must act quickly. The sauce “eats” into the fibers of the fabric, and then it becomes much more difficult to remove it.

Therefore, in situations where there is no chance of immediately removing the stain, it is worth taking emergency measures. They will help slow down the staining of the fibers, making it easier to remove the stain.

First steps when sauce gets on fabric

WaterWetting the stain under the tap is a good way to “wait it out” before washing. This can be useful in a restaurant and when cooking, when there is no time to tear yourself away from the stove.
Paper napkinBlotting the stain with a napkin is also a good method. The main thing is not to rub, but to blot so that the soy stain does not spread. After each contact with the fabric, wring out the napkin.
Bread crumbThe absorbent properties of bread make it a suitable alternative to a napkin. Use in the same way.
SaltYou can generously sprinkle the stain with table salt. It absorbs moisture and “pulls” it out of the fabric along with fats. They also use potato and corn starch instead of salt - the principle of operation is the same.

History of appearance

This sauce is traditionally considered Indian, but Worcestershire sauce was actually created by accident in the first half of the nineteenth century in the town of Worcester. One British lord returned home from Bengal and after a short time began to yearn for spicy Indian seasonings. So he invited the owners of a nearby pharmacy to make him something reminiscent of a traditional sauce. They produced a certain mixture, which they sold in their pharmacy without much success, but it had such a strong smell that they decided to send it to a warehouse. As a result, the barrel with the fruits of the experiments of British pharmacists lay in the warehouse for two whole years until they remembered it. During this time, the mixture miraculously turned into a wonderful sauce, which was bottled and began to be sold. Since then, Worcestershire or Worcestershire sauce has become an integral part of many dishes.

The base of Worcestershire sauce consists of vinegar, fish and sugar. This is already quite an unusual combination. But these components are a small part of the composition of this sauce. The distinctive sweet-sour taste and rich aroma of the sauce is achieved thanks to a complex mixture of tamarind, onions, meat extract, chili pepper, curry, allspice, ginger, lemon, celery, horseradish, garlic, ground black pepper, bay leaf, nutmeg, asafoetida , shallots, corn syrup and black molasses. This mixture makes Worcestershire sauce unique, so you should not try to replace it with regular soy sauce on the advice of “experts,” since the effect will not be the same.

Ways to remove sauce from clothes

There are several methods for removing seasoning from fabric. All of them are most effective against fresh stains, but can also cope with old ones.


You can get rid of soy blots by regular washing - manual or machine.

Effective as a detergent:

  • soap (72%, laundry);
  • loose and liquid powders;
  • universal capsules.

You can wash it however you like without paying too much attention to the stain. The main thing is to maintain a temperature and regime suitable for the type of clothing. If the sauce has not yet dried, washing will help.

Dishwashing gel

Liquid detergent is often used to remove food stains. The sauce is no exception. There are 2 ways:

  • a small amount of gel is applied to a damp cloth;
  • soak the item in the solution (proportions - 1 tablespoon of detergent per 2 liters of water).

In both cases, the clothes are left for about 2 hours, and then rinsed well in cold water. It is important to choose a detergent without its own color, so that stains from the dye do not appear on the fabric.

Raw potatoes

The method is unusual, but very effective:

  1. Raw potatoes are washed and wiped dry. Then they cut it in half.
  2. Both halves are applied to the stain so that the fabric is sandwiched between them.
  3. Rub the halves against each other - no longer than 2 minutes. Then leave the potatoes pressed against the stain for another 15 minutes.
  4. Remove the tuber and rinse.


Ammonia works well against fresh stains. Application algorithm:

  1. Moisten a cotton pad (or just a piece of cotton wool) with ammonia.
  2. Gently wipe the stain, moving from the edges to the center. This direction does not allow the blot to increase in size.
  3. When the disk becomes dirty, replace it with a clean one and repeat.

You can wipe the stain until it disappears completely. If ammonia is not effective enough, it is mixed with glycerin (for 3 tablespoons of glycerin - only 1 teaspoon of ammonia).


Plain rubbing alcohol is another effective stain remover. Usually the contaminated area of ​​clothing is soaked in it and left for about 15-20 minutes. Then they look at the results. If necessary, rinse and repeat the procedure, but if not, just rinse and dry.


9% vinegar is very effective against soy stains. But it cannot be used in its pure form - it very quickly interacts with the paint on the fabric, causing colored items to fade. Instead they do this:

  1. Prepare a standard solution to soak clothes in. Add a little detergent to warm water. Powder, soap shavings, and liquid laundry preparations are suitable.
  2. Add 2 tbsp to the solution. l. vinegar.
  3. Soak the dirty item and leave it in water for 1 hour.
  4. Wash in the usual way. If there is no stain left, just rinse.


Before washing clothes, many people sprinkle salt on the stain. Leave for 1-2 hours. Then shake off the salt and wash it in the usual way. Since salt “pulls out” the fat from the sauce and at the same time absorbs moisture, it becomes much easier to remove the stain.


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Removal from white clothes

White (and light gray too) items require delicate handling. It is necessary to carefully remove the blot from the sauce without causing damage to the appearance of the material.

Oxalic acid

A solution of oxalic acid has a gentle effect. It is prepared as follows:

  1. For 1 glass of water (any temperature) take 1 tsp. acids. Pour this mixture into a bowl and soak the clothes.
  2. Leave in this form for about 1 hour.
  3. Wash by hand or machine to remove residue.


Glycerin is used in liquid form. They do the following:

  1. Cover the stain completely with glycerin and rub it in with a napkin.
  2. Leave to soak for 20 minutes.
  3. Wash off with running water. If any remaining sauce is visible, soap it up and then rinse.

To “strengthen” glycerin is often mixed with ammonia. The proportions are approximately 5:1.

Stain removers

Store-bought stain removers are very effective. The main thing is to choose one that matches white clothes.

The best brands on the Russian market:

  • Vanish;
  • Bagi;
  • "Eared Nyan";
  • Dr. Beckmann;
  • Heitmann.

Use these medications according to the instructions on the package. You cannot retreat from it - there is a high risk of damaging the white thing.



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Removal from colored clothing

Colored items, especially bright ones, also need delicate care. Aggressive methods are not suitable. Better to use:

  • liquid glycerin;
  • table vinegar (9%);
  • salt;
  • raw potatoes.

The methods of application have already been described above; they are also suitable for multi-colored clothes. But such treatment is often not enough for bright clothes - they also need subsequent washing. It is carried out in a standard mode, observing the requirements for detergents (to match the color and material).

How to remove a stain from jeans

Denim is a very dense material. Therefore, most methods for removing stains (sauce or any kind) hardly work.

Only a full wash with a stain remover can effectively “deal” with a blot on jeans:

  1. Apply a non-chlorine stain remover to the stain. You can exceed the norm specified in the instructions by one and a half times - the jeans will not be damaged, and the result will improve. Rub the drug in a circular motion.
  2. Leave for a period of 40 minutes to 1 hour.
  3. Soak jeans in water at a temperature of about 40 °C. Leave for another 2 hours.
  4. Machine wash with loose powder.

Acetic acid

It is not recommended to use 40% vinegar for this method, as it can ruin the item by dissolving the fibers. Dilute the acid to a 9% solution and apply a thick layer to the stain. After an hour, the item can be put into the washing machine.

A soy stain on jeans will stop bothering you if you sprinkle a layer of salt on the area before washing. After 3-4 hours, excess powder can be removed with a napkin, and your favorite item can be washed by hand using a special product for denim.

How to remove a stain from a carpet

The easiest way to clean carpet from sauce is this:

  1. Sprinkle the stain with salt. You can replace the salt with any starch that you have in the kitchen - its absorbent properties are even better, but it will be more difficult to remove it from the carpet.
  2. Leave to “rest” for 1-2 hours.
  3. Remove the salt with a napkin and rinse the area with clean water.
  4. Wash with carpet detergent.

You should not use detergent right away. Pre-treatment with salt and subsequent rinsing make washing more effective. And using a detergent “dry” will have the opposite effect - the sauce will “eat” deeper into the fabric.

Another unusual method is with soda and sparkling water:

  1. Add 1 tbsp to a glass of colorless soda. l. soda and stir until dissolved.
  2. Dip a white rag in this liquid and apply it to the stain. Leave for no more than 15 minutes.
  3. Clean with a washing vacuum cleaner, mop or just a wet towel.

Removing old dirt

When nothing helps in the fight against an old, dried stain, it’s time to try the “heavy artillery.” These methods are quite aggressive and can damage clothing, so it is recommended to test them first on a small, inconspicuous area.

BleachClothes are soaked in water with bleach. The water temperature depends on the type of clothing - it is worth studying the label where this is indicated. Usually they take a drug with active oxygen, but in extreme cases, chlorine-containing ones are also possible.
Antipyatin soapThis soap copes with old stains, and also effectively removes the yellowness remaining from the sauce on light-colored clothes. The cloth moistened with water is well soaped with Antipyatin and left for 20 minutes. Then, gently rub the stain and rinse under the tap.
72% laundry soapUsed similarly with Antipyatin, if the latter is not available.
Glycerin and oxalic acidThe use of these tools has already been described in the article. In the fight against old stains, they are used according to the same algorithms.

Removing stains from a sofa

The same methods are used for cleaning upholstered furniture as for carpets. They are described above. But there is another method that has worked well:

  1. Add 1 tbsp to 2 glasses of tap water. l. dish soap (liquid). Stir.
  2. Apply the solution to the stain.
  3. Place a dry white cloth on top and blot until all the liquid is absorbed.
  4. Repeat the procedure up to 3 times. Then wipe with a light towel moistened with clean water.

A fresh sauce stain from a sofa can be removed in a simpler way. Cover the contaminated area with a towel, sprinkle with water and vacuum directly through the towel. The vacuum cleaner here serves as a “dryer”. You shouldn’t use a hairdryer - the heat will cause the sauce to seep deeper into the upholstery.

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