How to fillet herring from bones quickly and correctly

Ways to properly and quickly fillet herring without bones or skin.

Most modern housewives prefer to buy ready-made herring fillets and use it for preparing appetizers and savory salads. But as practice shows, it is precisely this type of filleted fish that is often of low quality.

For this reason, it will be better if you buy whole herring and remove the skin, fins and bones yourself. In this case, you will be able to more correctly assess the freshness and quality of the product, thanks to which you will definitely be able to prepare a delicious snack from it. We will talk about how to clean herring without unnecessary problems in our article.

How to properly, easily and quickly peel herring: advice from chefs and housewives

Cleaning herring: advice from chefs and housewives
If you think that cleaning herring yourself is very difficult, then you are deeply mistaken. If you show a little patience, you can quickly get high-quality fillets. All that is required of you for this is to prepare a cutting board, a sharp knife and a few paper towels.

Simple tips:

  • Take a cutting board and wrap it in plastic wrap or just put a few regular bags over it. This is necessary so that after filleting the fish your board remains clean.
  • Prepare a knife with a thin blade. If you realize that it has become a little dull, then be sure to sharpen it. If you don’t do this, you will end up tearing the fish fibers when cutting and this will not allow you to make a perfect fillet.
  • Be sure to have tweezers handy. You will use this to remove the thinnest and smallest bones from the fillet, located as close as possible to the herring ridge.
  • Also place several paper napkins and towels on the table on which you will cut the fish. You will need them to remove blood and intestinal films from the fillet.
  • It will be more convenient to peel the herring with your hands. In order to do this quickly, you will need to pry the skin in the area of ​​the tail or head, and then gently pull it towards you. Be careful not to overdo the tension because the skin will tear and you will have to start the process all over again from the beginning.

Cleaning fresh and frozen herring from scales

Pre-defrost frozen herring by placing it on the top shelf of the refrigerator overnight. Be sure to place it in a bowl and do not take it out of the bag, otherwise the fish juice will leak onto the shelves and you will have to start cleaning the refrigerator, and the aroma of the fish will remind you of your mistake for a long time.

In general, the process of cleaning and cutting fresh and frozen fish is not much different from salted fish. Except for one thing - it must first be cleared of scales. But don’t let this upset you, herring scales fall off easily. It may happen that you buy fish almost “naked”. But if scales are still there, they need to be removed.

Proper cleaning of scales:

  1. Rinse the fish under running cool water and dry with a paper towel.
  2. Place it on the board with your head facing you.
  3. Holding the tail with one hand, scrape from the tail to the head, using the blunt side of a knife or a special scraper.

To prevent the scales from scattering in different directions and staining the entire kitchen, some housewives clean them in water. To do this, place a bowl in the sink, put the fish in it and fill it with water so that the fish is completely covered. Clean underwater, only if the fish is completely immersed in water, the scales do not fly apart. Watch the video tutorial below to help you carefully remove scales from fish.

Video: how to clean fish from scales in water at home

Experienced fishermen remove scales without using any equipment, using their fingers. Using your thumbs, starting from the tail, pry up the scales and separate them from the skin. At the same time, the scales do not fly apart, and the skin remains clean and smooth.

I’ll share my secret for quickly cleaning fish from scales using only your fingers. Take, for example, a medium-sized crucian carp and put it in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then take it out and, under running water, use your fingers against the “fur” to rip off the scales from the tail to the head. The advantage is that it is fast, and the kitchen at home remains free of flying scales.


Video tutorial: how to peel fish scales with bare hands

How to properly cut fresh fish:

  1. If the fish will be cooked whole, remove the gills. To do this, lift the gill shield, trim the gills at the attachment points and remove them. This is convenient to do with culinary scissors or simple scissors.
  2. Use a knife or scissors to cut off all the fins.
  3. Gut the fish.
  4. If necessary, fillet it using one of the methods discussed above. Depending on the recipe, the skin is removed or left on.

How to quickly and correctly peel salted herring for slicing: photo

If your goal is a perfect fillet for slicing, then you need to clean the fish in the classic way and, if possible, do everything as carefully as possible.


  • Initially, you will need to rinse the herring and blot its surface with a paper napkin. This must be done so that it does not slide on the surface of the cutting board.
  • When you are done with this stage, you can take the knife and proceed directly to cleaning the fish. To do this, place it on a board and cut off the head with a sharp knife. Next, make a neat cut along the ridge line and remove the upper fins in one motion. The lower fins can be cut off with ordinary kitchen scissors.
  • The next step is to cut the belly of the herring. If you love the caviar and milt of this fish, then try not to insert the knife very deep. Carefully pull apart the belly and gut all the insides. Also, do not forget to immediately remove all films with a paper napkin.

  • Use a knife to pry the skin in the scalp area and begin to remove it with a smooth movement. After the skin is removed, inspect the fish again and, if necessary, remove newly appeared dirt.
  • Next, use your fingers to press down on the cut made along the ridge and begin to carefully remove one half of the fillet from the bones. Set the separated fillet aside and do the same manipulation with the remaining part.
  • After the ridge is removed, you will need to arm yourself with tweezers and try to remove all the small bones as thoroughly as possible. The finished fillet will need to be cooled and only after that can it be cut into portioned pieces and served on the festive table.

Ways to beautifully cut fish fillets

There are many ways to cut herring. For a home lunch, this can be done simply in slices, but for a holiday table it’s worth trying.

You can cut it into slices both for serving on a plate and for snack sandwiches.

Canapes with herring

If you cut them at an angle, you get these cute diamond shapes.

Cutting into diamonds diversifies the presentation of herring

From thin slices cut diagonally, assemble a flower that will decorate the plate. To do this, place the slices one after another in a chain.

Arrange the cut slices in a chain

Roll the chain into a flower, place it on a plate, add snacks, and decorate.

A herring flower looks impressive on a festive table

The flower can also be assembled from fillet strips.

A flower made from thin strips of herring will decorate the dish

Thin strips can be rolled into rolls and served on sandwiches.

A fish fillet is made into a roll, then placed on pieces of bread.

You can make rolls from whole or half fillets, fasten them with a skewer, or serve them on a plate.

Small herring fillets can be served without slicing

Pieces of salted and smoked fish arranged in a herringbone pattern look good

From pieces of different fish you can assemble a plate for a festive table

Of course, salted and smoked herring are more familiar to us. But, like any other fish, herring can be prepared in different ways: frying, boiling, baking. And for this you will need fresh or frozen herring.

How to clean salted herring from bones on fillets for salad, fur coats: step by step with photos?

Step-by-step photo of cleaning herring
If you plan to use herring fillets to prepare a salad, then you can use the so-called pressing method for this. This method differs from the previous one in that you first have to get rid of the backbone of the fish and only then remove the skin from it.


  • To begin, prepare a cutting board, a sharp knife, paper napkins and tweezers. When everything you need is laid out on the table, rinse the herring under running water and dry thoroughly.
  • Take a knife in your hands and cut off the head, tail and fins of the fish as carefully as possible. Cut open its belly and take out all the insides. If you see that there are a lot of films or remains of offal left inside the belly, be sure to rinse the fish under water again, and then dry everything with paper napkins.
  • Wrap the fish prepared in this way in cling film and tap it on the table or lightly beat it. This little trick will help ensure that even small bones can be easily separated from the fillet.
  • Place the track belly down and, pressing lightly on it, open it like a book. Press it down onto the table, then turn it over and gently remove the spine.
  • At the final stage, divide the workpiece into two separate fillets, remove the skin from them and remove all the bones using tweezers.

Video: how to properly cut a herring and remove its bones - 2 ways from a chef

After any of these methods, small bones may remain. Remove them using tweezers or tweezers.

This is interesting! Traditionally, on one Saturday in June, Herring Day is celebrated in the Netherlands, which marks the beginning of herring fishing. On this day, anyone can eat dishes made from freshly caught herring.

Now the fillet can be chopped for salad, passed through a meat grinder for mincemeat, or simply cut beautifully and served.

How to debone herring fillet in one motion

Cutting herring in one motion
Those who want to clean the herring from the bones in one motion can use the method that we will introduce you to a little below. But remember, in order to get exactly the result that you expect, you must hold the fish’s tail very tightly.

In view of this, if you feel that it is starting to slip out, then simply cover each part of it with a paper towel and then fillet the fish.

Recommendations for deboning herring in one motion:

  • At the initial stage, it is necessary to carry out standard preparation of the carcass for cutting. This means you must gut it and remove the fins. At this stage, you can additionally dry the abdomen and remove any remaining intestinal films from it.
  • Make a cut on the tail of the herring no more than one centimeter deep, and then take it in your hands and begin to make somersault movements towards yourself. If you do everything correctly, the herring will describe circles around its tail.
  • In the next step, you must tear the fish into two parts in one sharp movement. As a result, you should be left with two boneless bellies and a loin with a ridge. It can be easily separated from the fillet by hand.
  • At the very end, all you have to do is remove the remaining small bones and you can cut the herring for a salad or snack.


Features and secrets of herring and how to clean it from bones

After purchasing herring for fine cutting into a salad or for simple serving, many women encounter a problem, namely, they notice that the fish has a large number of small bones. In addition, some people cannot even remove its skin because it slips.

REFERENCE! However, the process of cutting herring can be greatly simplified.

There is a simple technique that makes it much easier to remove bones from fish.

  1. The fish must be washed and placed on a cutting board. The board should be covered with cling film in advance. Now you need to make an incision on the belly.
  2. Then you should cut off the head of the herring and gut it, removing the insides. If there is caviar in the fish, it can be pulled out and eaten.
  3. You must remember to remove the black film from the herring using a knife.
  4. After these steps, you can clean the fish using a method that has been proven over the years. To do this, you need to take the fish by the tail, divide it into 2 parts and hold it tightly.
  5. The fillet should be quickly thrown over the tail. After this, you need to stretch the skeleton and spine in different directions. All the bones should remain on the skeleton, and in your hands you will only have the fillet.
  6. Near the dorsal fin from above you need to remove a small piece of meat, which contains a lot of bones. From both pieces of fillet from the bottom you should cut about a centimeter, because there are many small bones that are difficult to remove.
  7. It will be easier to peel the skin if you carry out this procedure from head to tail - from top to bottom.

Secrets. Regarding the question of how to professionally and quickly debone a herring in one motion, the carcass must first be brought into ideal condition, ridding it of skin and remnants of black film.

How to quickly and efficiently clean herring

  1. To make the small bones easier to pull out, you should first knock the herring on the table and then start gutting it.
  2. It will be much easier to clean the herring from the bones if you first cut off the gills and then remove the backbone.
  3. To completely get rid of the black film, you should rinse the fish under running water.
  4. To make it easier to remove the skin, you need to make a cut at the top where you cut off the head.
  5. You can carefully clean filleted herring if you remove its slipperiness with a paper towel.
  6. When cleaning herring, you must have a sharp knife as well as tweezers.

REFERENCE! If guests unexpectedly informed you that they are already on their way to you, then now is the time to find out how to quickly peel a herring. Below are the fastest and most interesting ways to cut fish.

Preparatory stage. First you need to prepare a container or bag for waste, as well as a cutting board and a sharp knife, after which you can start cutting. To make it more comfortable, it is better to protect your hands with latex or polyethylene gloves. The fish should first be rinsed under running water.

The first way to clean herring is classic

You need to place a knife under the first fin at an angle of 45 degrees and make a cut under the gills, then remove the head.

Now you need to cut off the upper part of the abdomen with scissors. You can, of course, do this with a knife, but with scissors the edge of the cut is smoother.

Using a knife, remove all the insides from the herring. If desired, you can leave caviar or milk. Now use scissors to cut off the tail fin.

After this, you need to turn the herring with its back and make a longitudinal cut. It needs to be done shallowly so that the skin is only slightly cut. Now you need to cut out the dorsal fin.

After this, you need to put the carcass with its head towards you and pry the edge of the skin. You need to pry it up so that your finger can fit between the skin and the meat. Using your fingers, you need to separate the skin from the body, removing it as a whole sheet, moving from the head to the tail. The same thing needs to be done on the other side.

To remove the ridge, you need to insert your fingers into the cut on the back and run them along several times so that the meat separates from the bone. From the side of the head we begin to pull the fillet, removing one part of it from the ridge.

To remove the bone from the second fillet, you need to pry the bone at the tail end and pull it towards the head.

REFERENCE! If after such cleaning there are bones left on the meat, they should be removed with tweezers.

The second way to clean herring at home is massage.

You need to cut off the head from the carcass, cut it along the belly and take out all the entrails. Now you need to wrap the carcass in paper towels so that during the next stage splashes do not fly in all directions. The next step is to hit the fish on the board on each side 3 times. This process is called massage, which is necessary so that the bones move away from the pulp easily. After this, remove the paper towel and place the carcass on a cutting board with its back facing up. Now you need to move along the back, pressing the fish to the board and pressing on it.

Then you need to turn the fish belly up and pry the separated ridge in the area of ​​the caudal fin and pull it out.

In this method, after removing the bones, the flesh will not separate into 2 fillets because it continues to adhere to the skin. But the skin can be easily removed with just one movement from both halves at once. This is done with your fingers, as in the previous method. First, separate the skin with a knife in the upper part, and then put your fingers under it and pull it towards the tail.

REFERENCE! All that remains is to check the finished fillet for the presence of bones, and if there are any, remove them with tweezers.

The third method is how to peel a herring by the tail

To start cutting fish using this method, you must first remove the head, entrails and skin from the carcass. It is important here that the tail remains in place. It needs to be cut in the middle using a sharp knife.

Now you need to grab the edges of the tail and throw the fish over it in a circle. Now you need to pull the tail in opposite directions, without letting go of the edges from your hands.

In this case, the fish will be divided into 2 parts - the back and the abdominal. If you continue to pull slowly, you can get 3 pieces - a backbone with pulp and 2 filleted bellies. The lower part of the carcass can be removed, as it is already completely prepared. And from the top you need to remove the ridge, getting 2 more fillets.

REFERENCE! From such a herring you can quickly and easily make a delicious fish slice by garnishing it with lemon, herbs and sprinkling with oil. Or you can make sandwiches when guests arrive.

How to quickly and correctly clean fresh herring from bones and fillet: photo

Cleaning fresh filleted herring
As you already understand, if desired, the herring can be very quickly cleaned of skin and bones. If you want to simplify this process as much as possible, then use the method described below.

In this case, you can get a beautiful boneless fillet in literally a matter of minutes. True, you must remember that it is easiest to clean the largest herring using this method.


  • Take fresh herring, gut it and remove intestinal membranes.
  • Use kitchen scissors to remove the fins, and then use a knife to make a longitudinal cut along the ridge line
  • Next, stick your finger inside the fish and begin to carefully separate the fillet
  • Separate one half, set it aside and use the same movements to remove the bones from the other fillet.
  • Inspect the herring and, if necessary, remove small bones with tweezers

What kind of fish is this and how is it useful?

Herring is a sea fish. It lives in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans and in most lightly salted seas. The herring family consists of more than 60 species of fish; in our country the most famous are Atlantic, Norwegian, Ivasi, as well as herring and sprat, also related to herring.

Herring is found in almost all lightly salted seas

The beneficial properties of herring can hardly be overestimated. The fish is very fatty, and these are the healthiest, unsaturated fats, the so-called Omega 3. The protein content in herring meat is such that 250 grams of fish satisfy the daily requirement of the human body. On the contrary, there are few carbohydrates.

Calorie content depends on the type of herring, on average it is 240 kcal.

In addition, herring meat is rich in vitamins B, PP, E, D, A and microelements: potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iodine and others.

The omega 3 content makes herring beneficial for the heart and blood vessels, fights “bad” cholesterol without reducing the amount of “good” cholesterol, and reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. Vitamin D is good for bones and kidneys, especially important for pregnant women. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, vitamin A improves vision. And these are just some of the beneficial properties of herring.

Herring has no contraindications. Yet this product contains a highly allergenic protein. People with food allergies, especially allergies to seafood, should avoid herring. There are restrictions on the consumption of salted and smoked fish. A large amount of salt is harmful for hypertensive patients and those suffering from kidney disease. Smoked meats should be eaten with caution if you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or liver. In this case, it is better to bake or steam the fish.

But before cooking it needs to be cleaned and gutted. Let's look at how to do this correctly using the example of salted herring. It is sold without scales.

How to get rid of small bones in herring?

Removing small bones from herring
A large number of people refuse to eat herring due to the presence of small bones in it. But if you don’t buy ready-made fillets, but try to make them yourself, you can easily get rid of the bones. If you fillet pickled or salted herring, then you will need to arm yourself with ordinary tweezers and gradually remove all the bones from the fibers.

But keep in mind that in the ridge area the bones are located quite deep and for this reason they sometimes cannot be seen with the eyes. In view of this, it will be better if you first remove all visible bones, and then begin to carefully probe the fillet with your fingertips and remove whatever you find. This procedure should be completed only after your fingers stop finding the bones. If you remove bones from frozen fish, you will first need to peel and fillet it, and then literally put it in lightly salted water for 15 minutes.

After this time, the fish will need to be removed from the brine, rinsed, and then easily removed all the bones using tweezers. And finally, we want to tell you about a radical, but very fast method of removing small bones. In order to get rid of them in one movement, you will need to take and carefully draw a longitudinal line along the top of the fillet with a knife (its width should be approximately 5 mm). By doing this, you will immediately remove all the bones and you will not have to waste time searching for them with your hands and removing them with tweezers.

Proper cutting: how to remove large and small bones in salted herring

The herring is bony. In addition to the backbone and ribs, it is literally stuffed with many small bones. But they are easily removed from tender meat. This can be done in several ways.

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Minced herring,

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Traditional way

  1. Cut off the tail.
  2. Use your thumb to spread the meat on the back and run it along the spine to the rib bones. The meat will separate easily.

  1. Run your finger along the ridge, separating the meat
  2. Holding it from the inside with four fingers, continue pressing to separate the fillet from the bones, moving along the ribs from the head cut to the tail. Try not to tear the ribs away from the spine.

  1. Use your fingers to press the meat away from the ribs.
  2. After separating one fillet, do the same on the other side.

Remove the backbone and ribs, separating the fillet

Which herring to buy: fillet or cut it yourself?

Recommendations for choosing herring
If you want to make your own herring fillet, then you need to choose the right fish for this. If you decide to save money and buy low-quality herring, then it is unlikely to produce a perfect fillet. Therefore, when choosing this product at the market, store or supermarket, first of all pay attention to its smell.

You don't even have to pick it up to do this. You can simply get as close as possible to the counter where the herring is lying and take a deep breath. If it is spoiled, you will feel a rather specific and unpleasant smell that will smell like rot. Fresh and properly stored herring will have a distinct marine smell. Once you are sure that the fish smells right, try to feel it, paying special attention to the belly.

If you feel that it is too soft, then most likely you have a stale product that has been defrosted many times. Also be sure to look at the color of the herring’s gills. If they are dark red and elastic, then you can safely make a purchase. And finally, look at the eyes. If they are cloudy, this indicates that the seller is offering you a completely damaged product.

How to cut herring at a factory: video

Above, we have already introduced you to simple homemade methods for turning a herring carcass into a perfect fillet. And as you probably already understood, this task is within the power of any person, even those who have never cooked anything in their life.

But finally, we decided to show you that fillet made on an industrial scale can also be of high quality and tasty. To do this, we bring to your attention a video from which you will learn how this delicious fish is cut in large production facilities.

How to peel herring quickly in one motion

For those who are already good at handling fish, there is a quick and effective way to cut it. This method is used where rich catches are not uncommon and it is necessary to speed up the processing process. The fish is taken by the tip of the tail with both hands. One hand on the half from the abdomen, the other from the back. You need to hold it very tightly so that the carcass does not slip out of your fingers. Now spin the fish in the direction “away from you”, and when it finishes its rotation, spread your arms to the sides with a sharp jerk. In one hand there should be a ridge with a back, and in the second - two halves of the abdomen, already cleared of bones. Now the back fillet is separated and the tail is cut off.

How to beautifully serve herring on the table: photo

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