How to cut a pineapple beautifully, into slices, pieces correctly at home

Ways to quickly peel pineapple

Pineapple has a rather dense peel structure, which is unlikely to be peeled with bare hands. However, there are several effective methods that can greatly simplify this task.

  1. Vertical trimming: a fairly economical method that allows you to get even and beautiful rings as a result:

remove the foliage from the base of the fruit; cut off the bottom and top parts of the pineapple, about 2-3 cm, no more; place the pineapple vertically on the board, positioning it so that it is motionless; moving from top to bottom, you need to peel off the peel using a knife with a thin sharp blade; it is important to act carefully so as not to injure your hands or damage the pulp; after this you need to cut out the black eyes and remove the remaining peel from the surface of the fruit.

  1. Extracting the pulp: this method is suitable if you need to quickly extract the pulp, regardless of some loss of its quantity:
  • Using a long knife, cut off the base of the fruit;
  • push the blade inside the fruit so that it is located near the peel;
  • Using circular movements, carefully separate the peel from the pulp from the inside;
  • as soon as the pulp separates, it needs to be pushed out;
  • Now you can remove the eyes.
  1. The Eastern method: allows you not only to peel the pineapple, but also to immediately prepare it for a beautiful presentation:
  • first you need to thoroughly wash the fruit, removing all contaminants;
  • remove the green leaves, stem and top from the pineapple;
  • using a knife, divide the fruit into 4 equal parts, cutting it in half, then in half again;
  • Using a very thin knife, you need to separate the pulp from each quarter;
  • Now it’s enough to cut the pineapple into slices and place them in a checkerboard pattern.

  1. Peeling part of the fruit: this is the most common method, it is assumed that the whole fruit will not be eaten and a certain part of it is peeled. Such a fruit will not spoil ahead of time, because without the peel this process is greatly accelerated:
  • cut 2-3 rings from an unpeeled pineapple;
  • Using a sharp knife, carefully cut the peel off the rings;
  • divide the peeled rings into slices and remove the core from them;
  • It is better to put the remaining product in the refrigerator, after covering the cut with cling film (this way it can be stored from 2 to 7 days).
  1. Using a special knife: a so-called slicer, specially designed for peeling and cutting fruits of this type. It is a corkscrew-shaped knife with sharp plates on it:
  • first rinse the pineapple, thoroughly brushing it to remove not only debris, but also bugs;
  • blot with a towel;
  • cut off the top part on which the leaves grow;
  • place the knife in the middle of the cut and screw it into the pulp, in the same way as when working with an ordinary corkscrew;
  • Having reached the bottom of the fruit, you need to take the slicer out;
  • The pineapple will break down into spiral-shaped pieces that can be sliced.

Slicing device

To quickly peel the fruit from its hard peel, it is recommended to use a special slicing device called a slicer. It is a corkscrew and has a similar operating principle. The device must be screwed into the center of the fruit and the pulp must be separated from the middle and the skin. The edible part is cut into a spiral. Before cutting the product, you will need to slowly screw the slicer clockwise into the pineapple. The core should remain in the handle of the device. As a result, the skin will remain intact and can be used to serve pineapple.

The edible part of the fruit will be held on the handle of the corkscrew and at the same time will be cut into equal thin circles. Peeling a pineapple using a slicer will take no more than 1 minute. As a result, it is possible to quickly remove the skin from the product and cut it beautifully.

How to peel a pineapple?

Pineapple is a delicious and exotic fruit that has many beneficial properties. Recently, it is often bought for the holiday table, and it is also a frequent ingredient in many salads and dishes.

Pineapple is rich in bromelain, an enzyme that breaks down proteins and enhances metabolism. That is why pineapple is often consumed by women struggling with extra pounds. But nutritionists do not advise overusing the pineapple diet, as there is a risk of developing stomach ulcers and other unpleasant diseases of the esophagus. The fact is that pineapple contains a large amount of acid, which negatively affects the intestinal mucosa.

There are several ways to peel a pineapple. All methods are similar to each other, but have differences.

How to choose a pineapple?

The choice of pineapple can play a big role in shaping the dish and the holiday table. Also, choosing the right pineapple can greatly facilitate the process of peeling it.

You need to choose ripe pineapples to ensure a sweet taste and pleasant aroma of the fruit. A ripe pineapple can be identified by the top of the fruit: the leaves can be easily removed from a ripe pineapple. If brown spines stick out from the fruit, this also determines the ripeness of the pineapple.

Ripe pineapple smells very tasty, the smell is reminiscent of ripe Uzbek melon. Color does not play a significant role in choosing a ripe fruit, since it can retain its green color even when ripe.

How to properly peel a pineapple?

Using a sharp knife, cut the leaves from the pineapple along with part of the top - about 1 cm thick. Try to make the cut as even as possible.

Cut the bottom of the pineapple the same way you cut the top of the pineapple. The cut thickness should be about 1 cm. The flesh on the peel is too hard, so don’t be sorry and throw it away.

So, by cutting off the two tops, you get something similar to a cylinder that can stand on its own on a cutting board, without any help, which greatly simplifies the process of peeling a pineapple.

Place the pineapple on one of the cut parts and cut off the skin. The peel is cut vertically into strips. Remember, the thinner the peel strips, the more pulp on the fruit you will save.

When you peel the pineapple, you will be left with only pineapple pulp, but on it, just like on potatoes, there are eyes that taste hard and bitter. Eyes on a pineapple are cut out in the same way as on potatoes. For convenience, use a potato peeler.

You've almost peeled the pineapple, but there's still one part left that needs to be removed - the core. The core can be removed in several ways - it depends on how the pineapple pieces will look later.

How to peel a pineapple - cut out the core

If you try, you can cut out the core right in the cylinder, then cut the pineapple into rings. You can cut the pineapple pulp into rings, then remove the core from the rings. The end result will be the same pineapple rings.

Cut the pineapple in half and remove the core from each half of the fruit. As a result, you will receive two halves of pineapple, which can be cut into half rings or cubes - whichever you prefer.

Alternatively, cut the pineapple vertically into quarters. This is the simplest option, since in this case, the core is cut out with one movement of the knife in a strip, and you do not have to do any extra effort. This method is also convenient if you need small pieces of pineapple.

How to peel a pineapple with a special knife?

There is a special knife that can be used to peel a pineapple without much effort. To make pineapple rings, you just need to cut off the top of the fruit. The knife will screw into the pineapple, cutting out circles of the pineapple, ridding them of the core. As a result, you will receive identically cut pineapple rings, which can be served as received or cut them as you wish.

How to serve pineapple correctly?

To avoid getting into trouble in front of your guests, you need to learn how to serve pineapple correctly. Think about what is more convenient for you - cutting the pineapple into large or small pieces, as well as what to serve the pineapple with and how to decorate it.

Small pieces of pineapple are good for making salads or pizza. Pineapple rings can be used to decorate baked meat. Pineapple rings can be served with ice cream, whipped cream and hot chocolate. This way you will get a delicious dessert. You can decorate a cake with fresh pineapple or place it as a decoration in the middle of the table along with other fruits. Half rings can be placed along the edge of a dish.

What tools are needed to peel a pineapple?

Depending on the chosen cleaning method, we will need the following kitchen equipment:

  • 2 large well sharpened knives. The pineapple shell is quite strong and the size of the fruit is often not small, so the knife should be as convenient as possible.
  • a small potato knife is perfect for removing remaining eyes after peeling;
  • cutting board (dimensions and material of the product are at your discretion, the main criterion is convenience and practicality);
  • a potato peeler is a good alternative to a potato knife;
  • container for the finished product - a large deep plate is perfect, in which it will be convenient to put the chopped pieces.
  • A slicer is an indispensable thing for frequent consumption of pineapple, which will reduce the time of cutting the exotic fruit to a minimum.

The border between the peel and the pulp contains the substance bromelain, which is very useful. Its use promotes the breakdown of fats. But it has one significant drawback: due to its increased acidity, when it comes into contact with the mucous membrane, it causes a burning sensation and irritation of the mucous membrane. In this regard, the cleaning and cutting process is performed with two different knives.

Video: how to peel a pineapple with a knife

Beneficial and harmful properties of pineapple

The benefits and harms of pineapple and its effect on the body are determined by the composition of this fruit (which, by the way, is actually a herb). Approximately 85% of it consists of water, the rest consists of sugars, vitamins, microelements, fiber and other substances, most of which are beneficial to the body.

Composition of pineapple

Let's look at which of the elements that make up pineapple in large quantities are the most remarkable, and what effect they have on our body.

  • The most interesting pineapple is its high content of organic acids. Thanks to them, pineapple juice has a sour taste, which can irritate the mucous membranes of the mouth. They help break down fats and proteins and fight free radicals.
  • A valuable element contained in pineapple is bromelain, which is credited with the ability to break down fats. In fact, it has nothing to do with burning fat. But this plant enzyme easily dissolves proteins, helping to digest meat and fight cancer, since a cancer tumor is essentially a complex of amino acids.
  • The high content of vitamin C in pineapple helps strengthen the immune system.
  • Beta-carotene, which is also abundant in the gnarled fruit, helps maintain visual acuity.
  • The significant content of potassium and magnesium in pineapple pulp makes it useful for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Manganese is necessary to strengthen connective tissues, bones, and joints.
  • Pineapple contains quite a lot of fiber, and it consists of fairly coarse fibers. Accordingly, it helps cleanse the intestines and normalize digestion.

Despite the fact that pineapple has a sweet taste, its energy value is not high - only 50-60 kcal per 100 g of product. Where else can you find such a low-calorie dessert?

It is worth saying that natural pineapple has all these properties. Canned food no longer contains ascorbic acid or bromelain. It contains useful trace elements, most of the fruit acids, but the benefits of eating canned fruit will be less significant. And the calorie content of such a product is higher.

Benefits of pineapple

Based on the above, we can name the main beneficial properties of pineapple.

  • Pineapple helps maintain youth throughout the body. It cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol, strengthens the heart, maintains joints and vision in good condition. Antioxidants contained in it in large quantities protect the body's cells from destruction by free radicals. Have you been looking for an anti-aging solution? - So here it is: pineapple!
  • The anti-cancer properties of this tropical fruit cannot be discounted. It may not perform a miracle, but it will help fight cancer to some extent.
  • The vitamins contained in pineapple help strengthen the immune system and help fight various diseases. In addition, the fruit has anti-inflammatory properties. It has been proven that its use helps to get rid of bronchitis faster.
  • The beneficial properties of pineapple for the functioning of the urinary system of the body are also known. It will help those who suffer from edema.
  • Among girls who dream of losing weight, legends are made about pineapple. Some of its miraculous properties are greatly exaggerated, but still the presence of a significant amount of fiber, organic acids, substances that reduce hunger, and the relatively low calorie content of the fruit make it possible to include it in the diet of those who are on a weight loss diet.

Contraindications for eating pineapple

There are only two harmful and dangerous properties of pineapple:

  • high concentrations of organic acids are dangerous for the digestive system and tooth enamel;
  • Pineapple can cause allergic reactions, and this phenomenon occurs quite often.

Because of these properties, experts strongly recommend refraining from eating pineapple:

  • people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • after cleaning teeth from stone, in the presence of thin enamel;
  • children under 6 years old;
  • people prone to allergies;
  • nursing mothers.

Pregnant women are not prohibited from eating pineapple, but they are advised to observe moderation, since in some cases, eating this fruit can provoke abortive processes in the body.

It is advisable for healthy people to include pineapple in their diet, as it is very healthy. However, there are restrictions for them too.

In the indicated quantity, the fruit will bring nothing but good.

Storage rules

In order for pineapple not to lose its taste, you need to be able to not only choose it correctly, but also choose the right storage conditions:

  1. The fruit should be stored at room temperature, approximately 15-18 degrees.
  2. You should not keep it in the refrigerator, as it can lose its aroma in it.
  3. It is not advisable to move it to a room where there will be a sharp change in temperature.
  4. The best storage container is a container with special holes.
  5. Pineapple can maintain its freshness for 12-16 days.
  6. It can absorb odors, so it should be kept away from foods with strong odors.
  7. Fruits should not be left in a sunny place.
  8. Stores sell a special knife that can be used to easily pull out the middle.
  9. It is not recommended to eat this fruit after eating meat.

Cutting the fruit beautifully: creating a fruit plate

After we have figured out the options for cleaning pineapple, the question arises: how to beautifully serve the sliced ​​product and surprise your guests with the original design of this exotic dish? There are many ways to present juicy ripe fruit on a fruit plate with a bright and beautiful design. We will analyze one of them in detail:

  • Wash the pineapple well under running water and dry it thoroughly with a towel;
  • cut off the top with the leaves and put it aside for a while, we will still need it for further decoration;
  • cut the ripe fruit into 5 equal parts;
  • Carefully cut off all the peel from each cut part, try not to spoil it;
  • place the pulp on a cutting board and use a knife to separate each piece with one longitudinal and four transverse cuts;
  • take a large plate, arrange the peels in a circle in the form of boats and carefully place the resulting pieces back into their peels;
  • place the green top in the central part of the plate;
  • wash some cherries and cherries, prick them onto skewers, insert the skewers into each slice of juicy pineapple;
  • Place pieces of other fruits and berries between the boats. The following will do the job perfectly: apples, pears, plums, bananas, kiwis and other delicious treats.

Show your imagination and create your own unique composition of a fruit plate. Feel free to experiment; on the Internet there are many options for various dishes that will become a real decoration for your table.

How to peel a pineapple


Pineapple is an exotic fruit that has not only a pleasant taste, but also many useful substances, but how to peel a pineapple without being embarrassed to put it on the table.

But despite its exoticism, this fruit has become an integral ingredient in Russian festive table dishes in recent decades.

Let's talk about several ways to peel a pineapple. They are quite similar to each other, although they have minor differences. So, let's start with the choice of pineapple. After all, it affects the taste and “cutting” qualities of this fruit. You need to choose ripe pineapples - this guarantees you a good taste and aroma of the fruit. The ripeness of a pineapple is indicated by the top of the fruit: if individual leaves can be easily removed from there, it means that this is a ripe fruit. The protruding brown spines on the fruit also confirm this fact, as does the elastic base of the pineapple and the smell, reminiscent of a ripe Uzbek melon. Color does not play a significant role in this case, since some pineapples retain their green color even when ripe.

So, how to peel a pineapple correctly? To peel and cut a pineapple, take a sharp knife, cut off the top with leaves and about 1 cm of pulp. You should try to make the cut as even as possible. Carry out a similar operation with the opposite part of the fruit. Then stand the pineapple upright and cut it into four pieces crosswise

To facilitate further slicing, it is necessary to remove the hard core of the fruit and carefully cut the remaining pulp from the peel. Then the pineapple is cut into pieces at your own discretion

By the way, the chopped pieces can be carefully folded back onto the peel (as if you had not cut out the pulp), and stick a toothpick into each piece and place it on the table in this form.

The last method is called Thai. It is interesting for its aesthetics. As a result, you will get a fruit with an interesting curly “texture”, which is even somehow a pity to cut further into pieces. So, after the top is cut off, start cutting the peel from top to bottom in vertical strips, the thinner it is, the better. After peeling the pineapple, look at the result of your hands: the fruit will have “eyes” resembling potato eyes. They can be removed using a potato peeler and then cut diagonally from the pulp into a spiral-shaped furrow. Of course, you can take a more barbaric route and simply peel the pineapple along with its “eyes,” but in this case you will lose most of the fruit, so the Thai method or cutting out the “eyes” with a potato peeler or knife is more preferable. By the way, about the top of the pineapple. Some housewives advise not to cut it off at first, but to cut it after the peel has been removed from the fruit. The top is easy to hold on to while cleaning, they suggest. There are different thoughts about the pineapple core. Although most people get rid of it, there are opinions that the pith contains dietary fiber, which helps prevent intestinal constipation. And in order to use fresh pineapple rings in salads or when baking meat “French-style,” it would be a good idea to get a special knife. To make rings, you will only need to cut off the top of the fruit. The knife will be “screwed” into the pineapple from above, as a result you will get identical rings of fruit pulp, which can be used in this form or cut into pieces. In addition, pineapple is rich in the enzyme bromelain, which breaks down proteins and activates metabolism. Therefore, pineapple is especially popular among women who want to lose weight. However, experts do not recommend abusing the pineapple diet, since there is a risk of developing diseases of the stomach and esophagus, since pineapple contains acids that irritate the mucous membrane of internal organs. Knowing how to peel a pineapple, you will learn how to serve it beautifully and cook extraordinary dishes with it.

Method 2

Another way: after removing the tops, the fruit can be peeled like potatoes. To do this, take the fruit in one hand and cut the peel with a knife in a spiral with the other. The remaining eyes are removed point by point using a small knife. This method is only suitable for small pineapples.

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Such fruits can be cut into slices, just like those peeled with a potato peeler. Don't forget to remove the core from the pulp. It can be simply cut out with a knife.

Tip If the fruit is small, use an apple slicer. A special hole in the center will allow you to remove the middle in one movement, leaving delicious, beautiful slices on the sides.

How to properly and beautifully peel a pineapple

In order for the peeled fruit to retain its shape, you need to properly peel the pineapple with a knife: cut off the top peel and remove the inedible middle. In the East, this fruit is often eaten, it is easy to peel, and all actions are perfected to the point of automaticity. Almost every person has a tool for cutting pineapple. In Europe the situation is different, here people cut the tropical fruit with a knife and this can be done using different methods.

Boats for the festive table

This is how famous chefs cut and serve the fruit. To properly cut it, you need to follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Cut the fruit into 2 halves, then each part in half again. Cut the resulting quarter again to make 8 identical “boats”.
  2. If the fruit is small, it can be divided into 6 parts.
  3. From all segments, cut off the dense center and separate the pulp from the peel so as not to cut the dark seals.
  4. The pulp is left on the skin, which will serve as the base, and cut into triangles 1 cm thick.
  5. Then each triangle should be moved in directions opposite to each other.
  6. To make the slices easier to pick up, it is recommended to pierce them with skewers. If it is not possible to use skewers, it is better not to remove the hard center; it is more convenient to take a piece of fruit by this part.

Beautiful spiral patterns

Pineapple can be beautifully cut and served in another original way. To do this, you need to cut off the peel and get rid of the “eyes”. To make the fruit look aesthetically pleasing, a spiral pattern is cut out of it. For this you need to prepare a sharp knife. Procedure:

  1. Cut off the skin in a thin layer, do not touch the “eyes”. Do not cut off the green top, as this part is convenient for holding the fruit while working.
  2. Holding the fruit by the rosette, you need to remove the seals with a knife and slowly turn the fruit.
  3. For a person doing this for the first time, cutting an even groove is difficult. Therefore, you can make indentations at an angle between adjacent “eyes” and then connect them into one continuous spiral.
  4. Cut off the top and bottom of the fruit. Peeled pineapple can be served in different ways: cut horizontally into rings, into 4 segments lengthwise and assembled, maintaining the pattern.

Rings or circles

There are several ways to peel a pineapple at home with a knife and serve it in the form of rings or circles:

  1. Without peel (classic). Cut off the top and bottom, carefully remove the peel, the peeling knife moves from top to bottom (place the fruit on the table like a barrel). Cut the fruit into 1 cm thick circles. Cut out the inedible central part. If this serving is used for a children's table, it is recommended to cut the rings 1.5 cm thick, and do not cut out the dense middle.
  2. With peel. Cut off the bottom, cut the fruit into circles along with the peel. Then clean each ring, cutting off a thick layer along with dark inclusions. Remove the middle of each piece. The easiest way to do this is with a metal baking dish. This cutting method is simple and popular among housewives due to its speed and simplicity.

Fruit basket

If this fruit is served instead of dessert, you can do it in the form of a fruit basket:

  1. You need to cut the fruit into 2 equal halves and remove the pulp with a sharp dessert knife. As a result, only walls 0.5 - 1 cm thick should remain.
  2. Then cut the pulp into pieces and place them in the resulting “containers”.


Pineapple is easily combined with other foods. The juicy and sweet pulp is used to form various canapes and snacks that will decorate the table setting. It's easy to do:

  1. To make peeling the pineapple easier, you can use a slicer or knife. Cut the peeled pulp into small cubes of equal size.
  2. You can string olives, different types of cheese, fruit cubes, ham, etc. onto a skewer or toothpick.
  3. Place the appetizer on a suitable dish.

Tips and precautions

Miss Clean magazine recommends following these rules when choosing and cleaning a tropical fruit:

  1. The most delicious pulp is located right under the crust. So be careful not to cut too much. The more skin you grab, the less pulp will remain.
  2. If you choose fresh pineapple for your dish, then pay attention to its ripeness. How to determine that the fruit is ripe: it is heavy, dense to the touch, there should be no brown spots. Tap the fruit, the sound should be dull.
  3. If the fruit is green and brown in color, this does not mean that it is unripe. Another way to check: pull out a leaf from the very middle of the tuft. It should come off easily and look dry. Unripe pineapples have green foliage.
  4. The most important indicator of ripeness is the aroma. It should be pleasant, but not too pronounced. A rich smell indicates overripe and fermented pulp, which is dangerous to health to eat.
  5. Don't be nervous during the cleaning process, be patient. Sudden movements can result in a cut or injury.
  6. The purchased pineapple can be left upside down overnight. This will help make it sweeter in the morning. A large supply of sugars is concentrated in the lower part of the fruit. If you don't turn it over, you can cut off all the sweet stuff when peeling.
  7. Be sure to remove the core. It contains substances that can burn the mucous membrane.

Let peeling a pineapple give you only pleasure and not a nervous breakdown. Bon appetit!

How to clean at home with a knife?

Pineapple often causes panic in people, frightening them with its hard, thorny peel. There is no difficulty in how to peel a pineapple at home with a knife. You will need two sharp knives, a vegetable peeler, and a potato peeler with a sharp end. There are different methods of peeling a pineapple, each of which deserves attention and leads to excellent results. Before peeling a pineapple, it is best to rinse it with water to remove any contaminants.

How to properly peel a pineapple if it is to be used for salad or cut into small cubes:

  1. Place on a board or table.
  2. Cut off the bottom and leaves.
  3. Unfold the pineapple like a barrel.
  4. Using precise movements, remove all peel.
  5. Using a potato peeler, remove the eyes point by point.
  6. Cut the fruit in half lengthwise, and each half into several more pieces.
  7. Before cutting the pineapple into small pieces, cut off the hard middle at an angle.

The peeled pulp is cut into pieces of the required size and used for its intended purpose. This method is economical and leaves the least amount of waste. Options for fruit salads with mango.

Pineapple peeler

How to properly peel a pineapple to serve in slices:

  1. Remove base and top.
  2. Place the fruit on its side and peel off the skin, moving in a spiral.
  3. Run the knife along the eyes to the right and left of them, holding the blade at an angle.
  4. Remove the triangular strip with spikes.

This method of removing blackheads will allow you not to lose a lot of juice during the cleaning process.

It is convenient to use the “Thai way” of how to peel a pineapple at home. The peculiarity of the technique is that it is not necessary to cut off the tops immediately: it is convenient to hold the fruit by them during the cleaning process. The sequence of actions will be as follows:

  1. Cut off the bottom.
  2. Place the pineapple on the board.
  3. Cut the skin thinly, holding the fruit by the leaves.
  4. Cut out the black eyes by cutting them with a knife on both sides diagonally, trying to capture several points at a time.

Gradually a spiral pattern forms. Then the fruit is cut into 4 parts and the core is removed. If the fruit is very large, then it is cut into 6 - 8 sections before slicing.

If you use pineapple leaves as a handle when peeling, your hand will be protected from juice and will not slip.

If you do not plan to use the whole fruit, then this method will do:

  1. Before peeling a pineapple at home, you need to cut off a few rings.
  2. Remove the peel with a knife.
  3. If there are any eyes left, remove them with a potato peeler.

Another method on how to quickly peel a pineapple, which will take just a few minutes:

  1. Cut off the top.
  2. From the inside, cut the flesh halfway along the skin along the circumference, holding the knife strictly perpendicular to the base.
  3. Cut off the bottom.
  4. Cut through the second half of the pulp.
  5. Remove the resulting cylinder from the peel.

The disadvantage of this method is that there is a lot of waste, but there is no need to cut out the tenons

It is important that the knife blade is long enough to pass through the entire length of the fruit

Peeling a pineapple is not a difficult task. Having studied all the ways to properly cut and slice a pineapple, you should practice a little, then everything will work out quickly and beautifully.

To serve in a dish

For beautiful serving and adding to dishes, exactly how the pineapple is cut is of great importance.

To give the fruit the shape of a melon, you must do the following:

  1. Without cutting the tops, you will need to divide the product lengthwise into 4 parts. Then you need to remove the core.

    How to cut a pineapple for serving in a dish.

  2. Then, using a knife, you should first make a cut on one side and then on the other side between the peel and the edible part.
  3. The separated soft part must be left on the skin, cut into slices.
  4. Then each piece must be moved away from each other in different directions.

For an impressive presentation, you can make a basket from the skin of the fruit by placing the soft part of the pineapple there. To do this, divide the product lengthwise, cutting out the entire edible part. Next, you need to cut it into cubes and place it in a formed basket made of skins. For beautiful slicing and serving of pineapple, you can leave the core intact. It will be comfortable to hold with your hand while consuming the product. To do this you will need to cut off a few pineapple pucks. Each piece must be freed from scales using a vegetable peeler. Next, each ring needs to be divided into 8 equal segments.

When cutting a pineapple, the edible part with the skin needs to be peeled with different knives.

How to properly remove the core from a pineapple

How you remove the core will determine the appearance of the pineapple when served. Therefore, when choosing the appropriate method, it is worth considering for what culinary purposes the pineapple will be used.

You can extract the core in the following ways:

  • You can remove the middle without disturbing the integrity of the pineapple cylinder. This can be done using a special cleaning device or a sharp knife with a narrow blade. Then you can cut the pineapple into slices. This labor-intensive option is appropriate if the fruit needs to be beautifully served as a dessert.
  • If you don't have a suitable knife, you can first divide the pineapple into rings or half rings, and then remove the cores from each piece individually.
  • If you need the pineapple to make a salad, pizza, or other dish, you can make the core removal process a little easier. Cut the pineapple into four vertical slices and remove the cores. Then you can cut the pulp into triangles or cubes.

Knowing simple ways to peel a pineapple, you can often delight your loved ones with this aromatic delicacy or delicious dishes made from it. After all, fresh pineapples are much superior in taste and beneficial properties to their canned “brothers”.

Preparing the tool

Many people are frightened by the very dense, rough shell. It seems that the only way to deal with it is with a file. In fact, everything is much simpler. For accurate and, importantly, almost instant cutting you will need:

  • a thin, well-sharpened knife (ideal for beautiful, neat cutting of a juicy core);
  • potato peeler (used to remove hard eyes);
  • cutting board (a plastic surface is excellent, as it can be easily washed off the juice);
  • serving plate.

You can speed up the process of reading and slicing a pineapple by using a special cutting machine that combines these two functions.

Tools for cutting pineapples

If you rarely buy pineapples, then ordinary knives will suffice for cutting. But in the case when these fruits are included in your diet on a regular basis, it is worth acquiring special tools. They will make your work easier and allow you to cut pineapples quickly and beautifully.

There are two types of knives for extracting pulp:

  • the first one simply helps to separate the pulp from the shell;
  • the second additionally cuts the fruit into rings - convenient.

These devices are good because they keep the shell of the fruit intact, allowing it to be used in the future for serving.

By the way! If you want to save the sultan, cut out the flesh from the bottom.

A set of tools will help you process pineapple beautifully:

  • a peeling knife (by the way, it can be used as a regular vegetable peeler for other vegetables and fruits);
  • a knife for spirally cutting out eyes with a solid tape (the eyes of a pineapple are arranged in a spiral, so they can be easily removed with a solid tape from bottom to top);
  • tweezers for removing eyes (they help to easily remove eyes from the pulp, the peeled fruit in this case takes on an original appearance with holes reminiscent of a honeycomb).

If you do not have such tools, all this can be done with two knives - large and small. The first one is used for cleaning, the small one with a sharp tip is used to remove eyes. For the spiral method, oblique cuts are made, for the point method, conical cuts are made. After cleaning, the pulp is cut into neat pieces.

How to quickly cut and peel a pineapple

Fresh pineapples are best when they are ready to eat. Peeling and cutting pineapples is not easy, which makes them different from most other fruits. The parts of the pineapple that are most delicious are located just under the skin. A very important point is to clean and cut the pineapple correctly.

You need to place the pineapple on its side. You can use a special cutting board or other surface suitable for this. The leaves and stem should be cut off from the pineapple. This is done with a kitchen knife; about a centimeter is removed from the top of the pineapple. The pineapple is placed vertically. When cutting the peel from the sides, you need to move from top to bottom

It is important to try to make the cut layer thin. The pulp should be preserved, it is the sweetest part of the pineapple and is located just under the skin. If you follow the contour of the pineapple, the pulp should be preserved in the middle part where the fruit expands. Blackheads do not need to be removed; there is a lot of pulp on them. Now you need to remove blackheads

They are located on the same diagonal, which wraps around the entire pineapple. For convenience, make a V-shaped groove along this line and remove all the points at once. The pulp that remains needs to be chopped.

Using this method you will lose more pulp than just cutting out the blackheads one at a time, but it will be faster.

Method 2 for cutting pineapple

  1. Pineapple is cut into round slices. After this, you need to put the fruit on its side and cut into slices. The thickness of the slices should be slightly less than two centimeters. The end result will be round slices.
      The pineapple core is tough, but edible and healthy.
  2. You can make rings from these circles if you cut out the core. This is done using a round mold.
  3. Pineapple is cut into pieces. The fruit must be placed vertically and cut into four parts lengthwise. After removing the core, the slices are cut into pieces.
  4. Add pineapple to your regular diet. The fruit is delicious and can be eaten with yogurt or whipped cream. You can also make pineapple cake or dessert.

Circles or rings

Pineapple can be cut into rings or circles. Cutting can be done with or without peel.

To do this, you must adhere to the following instructions:

Method nameDescription of cutting
With peelThe bottom of the fruit should be removed with a knife. Then you need to cut the pineapple into circles, and then peel each one. The peel needs to be removed as thick as possible, capturing the dark spots. Finally, it is necessary to cut out the seals of a dark shade.
Without peelThe product must be removed from the skin, and then placed on its side and chopped into even rings. Then the core should be removed, resulting in pineapple circles.

When cutting pineapple for children, it is recommended to chop the rings thicker with the middle. It will be convenient for the child to eat the cut, holding it with his hands. It is not advisable to use skewers or toothpicks as they are dangerous. The pulp is very easy to cut using cookie cutters. You just need to squeeze them out using their figure, and a small metal circle is very convenient to remove the core. This method is applicable if the fruits need to be cut as a component of a dish in the form of regular pieces.

Step-by-step descriptions with photos

We've rounded up some simple but globally popular options for peeling and slicing pineapple. Try to master them, and soon this healthy and tasty fruit will take its rightful place on your table.

This is how to properly peel a pineapple

In fact, it is quite possible to cope with peeling a pineapple if you follow the generally accepted scheme for this, which must have been proven by centuries of experience of various tropical peoples, and do not try to twirl it in your hands and cut off the tough skin with a potato peeler.


  1. We take a board, a large carving knife (aka “chef”) and a small knife, usually used for cutting eyes out of potatoes. Place the pineapple on a board and remove the bottom and leaves along with the top cap of the fruit.
  2. We put the fruit on the cut and cut off the tough skin, trying to “catch” as little pulp as possible.
  3. The result was a yellow “barrel” with dark spots. Using a small and sharp knife, we methodically remove these dark seals.
  4. We cut the “barrel” lengthwise into four parts, after which we remove the dense and fibrous core.
  5. We cut the fruit quarters into cubes or slices, depending on their further use.

You can also clean it beautifully: spiral patterns

  1. The beginning is the same as for the “barrel”: we place it on the board, cut off the bottom and the cap with leaves.
  2. We cut the pineapple and peel it.
  3. We lay it on its side and cut out the “eyes” diagonally to end up with a solid line-spiral.
  4. We divide the “little jar” into four parts.
  5. We remove the lighter and harder core.
  6. Divide the quarters in half.
  7. We cut the resulting blanks at our discretion, for example, into small pieces.

Video: master class on cutting pineapple

Women's method: just cut into rings or circles

An extremely simple method that does not require skill or much strength. It will be especially good when you need to quickly chop pineapple for a salad or stir-fry.


  1. Cut off the bottom of the pineapple.
  2. We cut the circles without first cleaning the fruit.
  3. Remove the skin from each circle in a thick layer, making sure that the dark spots remain in the peelings. If you want to preserve the pulp as much as possible, peel the peel in a thin layer and cut out the seals with a knife with a sharp end or a special knife for peeling potatoes.
  4. Cut out the tree-like core into a circle. Or we leave it and inform guests that they only need to hold a piece for it.
  5. If the fruit is served to children, then it is better not to cut it too finely and it is also better not to touch the core. Just cut the mugs into two parts: children will eat the slices with their hands, holding onto the hard and non-slip center.

Video: experiment on high-speed cutting of pineapple

Boats for the festive table

One thing can be said about this method of peeling and cutting pineapple: “First of all, it’s beautiful...”.

Pineapple “boats” are one of the most beautiful ways to cut and serve

  1. Cut the unpeeled pineapple lengthwise into four pieces.
  2. Remove the hard core from each part.
  3. Separate the pulp from the skin in one piece, avoiding dark seals.
  4. Cut into slices, 1 cm thick. Slightly move the pieces in a checkerboard pattern. The result is elegant boats that will rightfully decorate and refresh the festive table.

Big trouble

The biggest problem with this life hack is that pineapple is a rather juicy fruit. So if you continue to separate its particles from each other, the juice will begin to actively secrete. Over time, your desk and hands will become unpleasantly sticky.

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Not really

Of course, there is evidence that you can actually peel a pineapple this way quite easily. However, there is also a high probability that the fruit in the video was of the Tainung variety. It was specially bred in Taiwan. Its pulp is not only incredibly soft, but also has a slight juiciness, so that very little juice flows from it. Also suitable for this situation are Japanese tiny pineapples from Ishigaki, Okinawa. Unfortunately, it is simply impossible to buy them in Russia.

Based on this, we can say that it is almost impossible to conduct such an experiment at home, especially if you do not want to do the cutting in the bathroom to prevent a mess. So the best option would be to simply take a knife and cut the fruit into standard bite-sized pieces.

How to peel a pineapple at home - step-by-step photos and life hacks

As we have already noted, pineapple goes well with many foods. This is an ideal option for preparing canapés:

Expert opinion

Ekaterina Korneva, expert in the field of care, cleanliness and beauty

I will help you understand all the intricacies.

Now you know how to cut a pineapple beautifully so that it is convenient to eat, and not just admire the culinary masterpiece. And the non-standard shape of the fruit allows you to fulfill your culinary fantasies and offers many unusual cutting methods. How to peel and core a pineapple: 5 ways For any questions, please contact me, I will be happy to answer!

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