Errors in the Redmond multicooker: codes, features, characteristics and DIY solutions

Typical errors and their characteristics

Each multicooker model has a user manual, which shows possible causes of errors and the inability to continue operation.
In some cases, the same code may indicate several malfunctions at once, so this factor must be taken into account.

Before you take your multicooker in for repair, you can try to find out what exactly is the reason. The following tip will help with this.

Error codePossible reasons
E1Moisture gets on the heating element or it burns out
E2Broken power cable or faulty top heat sensor
E3Possible moisture on the heating shade or the lid is not tightly closed
E4Board fault or clogged pressure sensor
E5Automatic shutdown of the multicooker due to overheating. Prevents premature wear of the ten.

Expert opinion

Torsunov Pavel Maksimovich

In some cases, errors cannot be resolved on your own or their code is displayed incorrectly. Then you cannot do without qualified repair specialists. Initially, you need to understand what could trigger the appearance of a particular code on the display and try to eliminate this reason as far as possible.


This error occurs in three cases:

  1. There is a hole in the bowl through which the liquid enters the heating element.
  2. Foreign objects and food residues get on the heating element, which causes combustion processes.
  3. Malfunction of the ten itself and its burnout.

To make sure the heater is working properly, it is recommended to unplug the multicooker, carefully open the lid and remove the bowl. Next, plug the plug into the outlet and control the heating process. Its absence provides the answer to why the E1 code appeared.


This problem most often occurs due to a break in certain parts of the cable, the connection of which to the multicooker does not cause it to turn on. You can check this reason by connecting an alternative cable (you can ask your friends or neighbors). If the device works when it is connected, then the reason has been found.

Sometimes E2 appears when the thermal sensor located at the top is shorted. It is recommended to open the lid, carefully remove the bowl and observe the operation of the heating element when the plug is plugged in. If the error appears again when closing the lid, then the malfunction has been found.


The most common mistake that occurs is when the lid is not tightly closed. In some models it is accompanied by a characteristic sound signal.

It also appears when liquid gets on the heating element. It is necessary to carefully remove the bowl and look at its condition from below. Perhaps crumbs, small particles of vegetables, cereals have stuck to it.


The most difficult error, as it indicates a malfunction in the central board, which regulates all processes of the multicooker. The second reason is a malfunction of the pressure sensor. Only a specialist can find the problem and fix it.


If the machine is used throughout the day and the heating element experiences increased loads, the automation is triggered, which provokes a forced shutdown. This is necessary to prevent the heating element from burning out prematurely.

The principle of operation of a home multicooker

To repair any device, you need to know the principle of its operation and how it works. The slow cooker is no exception. Any of the models of these devices contains two sensors, on which the direction of their operation depends . The sensors themselves are connected to several wires that connect them to a software board (special chip), usually located under the control panel. If this indicator panel does not light up, it may indicate that the power supply is faulty or not connected.

Important. And although multicookers can be under touch or mechanical control, which does not affect the quality of their operation, failure of the power supply is a common cause of malfunction of these devices.

The principle of operation of a multicooker

Inside the memory of the microcircuit itself, manufacturers have laid down:

  • indications of required temperatures;
  • time periods for preparing culinary recipes in stages;
  • actions to control the heating element.

If we consider the functions of sensors that allow us to create an algorithm for the device’s operation, then:

  • On the main button of the first sensor of the device, on the reverse side, you can see a thermistor, which most often requires careful handling by service specialists.
  • The second sensor is usually located inside the power cover, which is also better not to touch without service repair specialists when trying to find a fault.
  • The sensors on these sensors are connected to terminal wires from the chipset control board underneath them. If the display panel does not light up, then there is a high probability that the power supply is faulty.
  • One of the wires of the power supply leads to a control relay, which sends a signal to the heating element, turning it on or off. The other, leading to the relay armature, prevents the contacts from exceeding the voltage and closes the heating element circuit.
  • The counters on the control board count the total number of clicks on the control panel, according to which the program selects certain information for its work.

Your action steps

If the multicooker has stopped working, one or more error codes appear, the sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Disconnect the device from the power supply.
  2. Carefully open the lid and place it aside.
  3. Remove the bowl and check for leaks.
  4. Examine the shadow located below. Remove any remaining burnt food from its surface, if any.
  5. Check for moisture at the very bottom of the device. If present, carefully dry with a hairdryer at the lowest temperatures.
  6. Plug in the multicooker and check the operation of the heater. If it heats up, it means it is working.
  7. Install the bowl and continue to monitor the work.
  8. Close the lid tightly.

Expert opinion

Torsunov Pavel Maksimovich

If this does not help, then you need to solve the problem depending on the error code. This cannot always be done at home.

Thermal fuse replacement process

Getting to the location of this part is not too difficult; first you need to remove the saucepan from the cavity of the device. Underneath it you will find a metal element that looks like a mushroom, the “leg” of which is pulled in by a spring. Under it there are thermal fuses; usually several of them are installed and covered with cambrics.

A cambric is a plastic wire insulation element, usually white, that serves to protect the connections between various components and areas.

In order to attach the element, firing must be performed. Using a soldering iron for these purposes is strictly prohibited. The heating element of the soldering iron will burn through the heat-sensitive element without much effort or difficulty.

To determine the integrity and performance of one or more elements, you need to use a multimeter. There is no need to remove the part; after detecting a malfunction, fix it according to the above example.


The instruction manual advises the user to follow recommendations regarding troubleshooting. If the situation has not changed, then there is only one way out - a service center.

Error codeWhat to do?
E1Check the bowl for holes and perforations Clean the multicooker from dirt by carefully turning it upside down after turning it off
Check whether the heater works when the plug is plugged in without the bowl
E2Check whether there is a network in the appliance and whether the food selection functions work.
Check operation with the lid open and closed.
E3Open and close the top cover tightly again
Check the operation of the heating element
E4Contact a service center, as this error may appear if the central board is faulty
E5Turn off the multicooker for 3-4 hours, let it cool completely and turn it on again

In some cases, the problem detection sensor shows an incorrect error code, which complicates the process of finding and solving it. If all of the above actions are not successful and do not restore the multicooker’s functionality, you cannot do without a service center.

It is not recommended to open the multicooker yourself, disconnect the boards and check them for malfunctions. If this fact is discovered at the service center, the customer will be denied warranty service. Lack of experience can only aggravate the problem and make further repairs impossible.

Additional reasons why the device will not turn on

  1. The valve is clogged . Quite a common occurrence. Steam escapes through the valve. If its outlet is blocked by blockages, then a vaporous environment accumulates inside the device and there is a greater chance that overheating will occur.
  2. Invalid program selected . Each dish recipe has its own program. If you set it incorrectly, then during the cooking process there may not be enough liquid or the miracle saucepan will not be able to process a large volume of food.
  3. The bowl is deformed . The defect is most likely a factory defect, so you need to return the device under warranty. Very often, Maxwell multicookers fail due to manufacturing defects.

If all else fails and you decide to take the device in for repair, then before doing so, check your actions according to the factory instructions. Consider each item carefully and do some self-analysis. Perhaps you will find the reason yourself and you will no longer have to repair the equipment.

Lifehacks from a specialist

Has your multicooker ever had errors?

It happened, it didn't happen

Often, service center employees find and fix problems with multicookers in 3-5 minutes, and the client will need to pay for their services in full. Before you say goodbye to a thousand or two rubles, you need to try to understand for yourself what is wrong and why this could happen.

Experts share tips:

  1. Be sure to dry the bottom of the multicooker with a cold hairdryer - often housewives add water carelessly and it ends up outside the bowl. We turn off the network, remove the bowl, take a hairdryer. Select the “cold wind” mode (cool, cold). Place the multicooker on its side and dry it for 3-5 minutes, gradually rotating it in a circle.
  2. Turn the device upside down - this procedure literally shocks many. The lower part contains special secrets in the form of treasures from leftover food, salt, and cereals. At least a tablespoon of garbage accumulates during a year of using the device, which causes blockages and malfunctions of boards and sensors.
  3. Give it a rest - if the multicooker works from morning until late at night, you need to have a conscience and give it a little rest. Turn it off for 3-4 hours, after which many problems will resolve themselves.

The most important factor is following the manufacturer's recommendations. The mentality of the Russian people is such that they pick up the instruction manual when the device has already broken down. It is easier to prevent any problem than to solve it.

Should I contact the service center or not?

If your Redmond multicooker does not turn on, then this is of course a significant cause for concern, but you should not panic right away. Most likely, the reason for this is not so serious and you can solve the problem yourself. To do this, perform the following manipulations:

  • Unplug the device and plug it into another outlet, because this may be the reason;
  • Look carefully to see if the wire has come loose;
  • Look at the instructions and check if you are doing everything correctly;
  • You can also dry the multicooker, because there may still be water left inside it after you washed it.

Important! If the breakdowns turned out to be very serious, and you are not ready to deny yourself the pleasure of hassle-free cooking of a wide variety of dishes, use our reviews when choosing new equipment:

  1. Which is better - a slow cooker or a pressure cooker?
  2. Rating of multicookers.

How to prevent errors from occurring

To avoid frequent calls to the service center, it is important to follow these recommendations:

  1. Clean the bowl after each cooking, dry it and store it separately from the multicooker. Under no circumstances should you put a wet bowl back into the device, as accumulated moisture will flood the contacts, which will cause them to oxidize.
  2. Close the lid tightly before setting the multicooker cooking program.
  3. Do not forget to clean the bypass valve on the lid, as over time it becomes clogged with carbon deposits and grease and does not fully perform its functions.
  4. Use only working sockets and uninterruptible power supply.

Expert opinion

Torsunov Pavel Maksimovich

Budget and the most expensive models of multicookers can equally often break down and become unsuitable for further use precisely due to the fault of the user.

Rules for using a multicooker

To avoid unexpected malfunctions of the device, you must always strictly follow certain rules and requirements. The sequence of actions when operating the device is also very important:

  • choose the required recipe, prepare the necessary products;
  • remove the bowl from the appliance, load it with food;
  • lower the bowl into the multicooker;
  • check that it is connected correctly to the electrical network;
  • set the required program;
  • turn on the appliance for cooking.

Operating rules

Each instruction manual for the device contains certain rules, such as, for example:

  • The device should only be installed on a solid, level surface;
  • connect the device only to a grounded outlet;
  • before turning it on, be sure to check the tightness of the closed lid;
  • after each cooking, the bowl must be thoroughly washed, dried or wiped dry with a towel;
  • The lid and the pressure valve located in it also need to be washed well and wiped dry.

Product chips

All Redmond models have two main electronic boards:

  • management;
  • power unit.

Getting to the second one is not difficult, but the control board is located inside a cylindrical surface, and it will be necessary to completely dismantle the product. After removing the boards, we perform a visual inspection to identify problems:

  • chips and soot;
  • blackened parts;
  • violation of tracks and solder seams;
  • swollen capacitors.

If you know how to handle a soldering iron and are aware of what tinning and soldering restoration is, then feel free to begin eliminating the detected defects. It is possible that during the repair process you will have to add several jumpers. Upon completion of the repair, everything must be varnished to protect it from accidental exposure to moisture and an oxygen environment in order to reduce the oxidation process.

Instructions for repairing the device at home

In most cases, you can figure out why the multicooker refuses to work yourself. But, before you start analyzing it, you should pay attention to the error code displayed on the display. A detailed list of such codes must be in the instructions. Studying them will allow you to significantly save time and nerves - the manufacturer always indicates ways to eliminate each of these errors.

For example, code E5 means that the shutdown is due to automatic overheating protection. Most likely there is just not enough liquid in the container. But the same error may also indicate a burnt-out temperature sensor. The presence of errors E1 and E2 indicates moisture or loose products getting inside the device or problems with the thermal relay.

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