If I over-pepper the soup, what should I do? Advice from experienced housewives

If you accidentally overdo it with red pepper, the dish may be ruined. It will be impossible to eat because it is too spicy. However, the situation can be improved. There are several options on how to neutralize pepper and save the dish.

Add more ingredients to the dish to dilute the spice

The easiest way to tone down the heat of peppers is to add a few new ingredients or chop up more of the ingredients already in the dish. If it's a soup or stew, try adding a little liquid.

How to save a dish?

At first, the housewife, as a rule, tries to follow the recipe. She accurately measures the required amount of products and is completely confident in the final result. But over time, the composition of the dish becomes so familiar that there is no need for preliminary weighing. She begins to select products “by eye”. It is at this moment that the danger of error arises. We have to correct the situation. But for this you need to understand what to do in this or that case. For example, what should you do if you over-pepper the soup? What to do in such a situation?

The simplest thing is to remove the pan from the stove and leave it alone for 10-15 minutes. During this time, nothing significant will happen. As you know, spices always remain at the bottom of the pan after cooling. In this case the same thing will happen. After a quarter of an hour, you just need to carefully pour the contents into another bowl, leaving a little liquid and excess spices at the very bottom. After this, the remaining product must be diluted a little with water and cooking continued. This is the easiest way out of the situation if you over-pepper the soup.

What to do if this doesn't help? Then you need to take other advice. If you are preparing a light soup for lunch, then finding the spices in it will not be difficult. What about borscht? After all, it is difficult to make out anything in a colored liquid. Or, for example, a woman decided to use peas as cereal. What should she do if she over-peppered the soup? What to do when the process is already out of control? Then you just need to take a larger pan and continue cooking, adding all the ingredients in proportion except for the spices. As a result, you will get enough soup that you can invite guests for lunch. You can do things a little differently. Since the first dish is already ready and it cannot be corrected, you just need to cook another portion. Only this time you should do without the pepper. The remaining ingredients can be added in the same quantities. After this, all that remains is to connect both compositions together. Yes, this will already be double the volume. But you won't have to throw anything away. And the family eats the delicious soup with pleasure the next day.

What to do if the soup turns out to be spicy?

What to do if the cheflera is sick
The soup can turn out to be overly spicy if you add red or black pepper, chili or adjika with ginger root to it. As a result, the product will be so spicy that it will be impossible to eat. However, there are several proven methods that can save the situation.

How to neutralize the heat from red peppers and chilies

It is possible to remove the spiciness from the soup caused by excessive addition of red pepper or chili to the delicacy using the following proven and effective methods:

Application of acid. As the latter, it is permissible to use ketchup, vinegar or citric acid. You will need to add no more than 1 tbsp to the dish. l. selected product.

Adding auxiliary components. The composition of the first course can be supplemented either with new ingredients, or with a much larger amount of food products required to make the product. You can remove the spice with a small volume of liquid in the form of broth.

Use of dairy products. They remove excessive bitterness and give the finished product a slight cooling effect. It is permissible to use milk, sour cream or natural yogurt without food additives as a dairy ingredient.

When using milk, it must be poured into a hot dish with extreme caution, since the product may curdle when exposed to high temperatures. Therefore, it is advisable to use soy or coconut milk, which can give the treat a pleasant creamy flavor.

Various sweeteners, such as granulated sugar, will help neutralize the pungency.

It must be added carefully so that the product does not turn out too sweet.

How to reduce the severity of adjika

To reduce the pungency of adjika in soup or borscht, it is recommended to add mayonnaise, sour cream or heavy liquid cream to the first dish. The listed components will only slightly soften the spicy taste. You can use granulated sugar. However, when adding each spoon of a sweet product, you must taste the product. It is best to drain a small amount of the spicy broth and add water instead. Afterwards the product will need to be boiled again. Due to this, you can neutralize all the sharpness from adjika. The broth will not be too rich.

How can you soften the spiciness of ginger in first courses?

It is almost impossible to remove the spiciness of ginger root from soup. You can only soften its concentration in the broth. You will need to dilute the portion of the hot dish with another portion, which does not contain ginger or any other spices. You can eliminate the pungency with rice cereal. In its raw form, you will need to place it in a fabric bag and tie it.

Afterwards, the workpiece must be lowered into the broth and boiled. Then the bag of rice needs to be removed from the broth.

Ways to neutralize the heat of black pepper

Black pepper is mainly added to potato-based soups.

In case of excessive addition of spicy spices to the first dish, the situation can be corrected using several correct methods, namely:

Method nameFeatures of use
Extra fluid volumeTo correct the situation, it is permissible to use clean, purified water or a rich broth made from vegetables or meat. Any liquid should be added in an amount of no more than 500 ml. At the same time, you need to taste the soup every time.
Using auxiliary componentsTo remove the spice, it is best to use potato tubers or tomatoes. When using tomatoes, you will need to wash them and cut them into several small pieces. Both types of product neutralize the pungency of pepper well.
Application of fresh fruitsIt is best to use an apple. You will need to first remove the skin from the product. Afterwards, the fruit needs to be dipped into boiling broth and boiled for several minutes. An apple can partially remove the heat from the pepper. Upon completion of the procedure, the fruit must be removed from the broth.

If the first course is not too peppery, then it can be served with a slice of bread, greased with butter. The resulting sandwich softens the hot pepper flavor.

Danger red

Almost any first course is prepared using various seasonings. In this case, the main thing is to stick to the norm and not overdo it with the quantity. Everyone knows that the taste of pepper does not appear immediately. As it boils, it continues to gain strength and becomes more pronounced. Many housewives try to use red hot pepper pods when preparing cabbage soup or borscht. But this product is not that safe. You may not guess the quantity, and then you will have to think what to do if you pepper the soup with red pepper? Some advise using a regular apple as a “pill”. You need to remove the peel from it, and then throw it into a pan with boiling cabbage soup and leave it there for a few minutes. A boiled apple will take some of the heat off. After this you need to take it out and throw it away. If the amount of pepper is not critical, then you can simply put more sour cream on the plate while eating. It neutralizes bitterness, and the taste of the dish will become even better from such an additive.

Take some acid

This method comes to our aid from Thai cuisine, which uses a lot of chili peppers. Therefore, to neutralize the spice in most of their dishes, they use citric acid, vinegar or even ketchup. One spoon can work a real miracle and make the taste balanced.

Add sugar

It and other sweeteners add a different flavor profile that can counteract the spiciness. You should be careful here, as the taste can deteriorate and instead of the usual dish, you will get dessert.

Black menace

Most potato soups are usually prepared with black pepper. It can be peas or ground powder. Here, too, an unexpected situation may occur. For example, your hand trembles or the lid of a jar of spices suddenly falls off. What to do if you add black pepper to your soup? In this case, you shouldn’t panic right away either. There is also a way out of this situation. You will have to add boiling water or broth. And if this is not enough, then you just need to increase the amount of vegetables. It's better if it's potatoes or tomatoes. Both of these products absorb aromas well and can save the situation. And if this is not enough, then you will have to serve sandwiches with the first course. Bread and butter will help alleviate some of the heat. At least there won't be a burning bitterness in your mouth. And this is already half the success. But it’s better to be as careful as possible so that you don’t have to waste time correcting your own mistakes later.

If there is a lot of pepper in the salad

If there is too much pepper in a fresh vegetable salad, simply add more ingredients to it and increase the portion. If that doesn’t help, use hard cheese (cut it into cubes) or processed cheese (it’s better to grate it). One of the ways to save it is also to use sour cream and lemon juice for dressing.

Nuts, almonds, flax seeds or sesame are also added to the salad.

In addition to the fact that they absorb the spice, they also add piquancy and originality to the dish.

So, let’s remember the tips for saving peppered food:

  1. We increase the volume of products by 1.5-2 times.
  2. Add sour cream.
  3. Mix with sugar or honey.
  4. Add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar per 3 liters of food.
  5. We use additional rice, pasta or buckwheat.

It is quite possible to save food seasoned with a large amount of red, black, hot or allspice. But if none of the above methods helped, don't worry. There is such a sign - if you pepper the dish, it means financial success lies ahead!

And finally, we offer you a video about the intricacies of preparing pilaf:


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Useful tips

An experienced cook will never be confused if she over-peppered the soup. What to do? The housewife's tricks allow her to find a way out of any situation.

Everyone knows that bitterness can be easily overcome by sweet taste. But what if we are talking about a dish that contains meat? After all, sugar is not included in the usual soup recipe. This requires being smart. Vegetables come to the rescue again. After all, many of them taste quite sweet in their raw state. This circumstance may be useful in this situation. It’s enough just to put a few carrots in the pan while cooking. After finishing, you need to carefully remove them with a slotted spoon and throw them away as unnecessary. Potatoes can also restore balance. Therefore, it can also be used together with carrots. There's nothing you can do about it, you have to make sacrifices. But losing a few carrots or potatoes is worth saving dinner for the whole family. In addition, soups are usually prepared with meat. And I wouldn’t even like to lose this product.

What to do if you over-pepper a dish: A simple way to “stew out” even hot peppers

A culinary trick discovered in Asia.

Can't you have too much pepper? It still happens. And even experienced cooks can sometimes over-pepper a dish or overdo it with chili. What to do when it’s delicious, but you eat through tears? Well, don’t throw away food... No. A culinary life hack that has long been known in Asian countries will come to the rescue.

Some people like it hot.

Some people prefer it hot. Five types of pepper, mustard, more garlic - a typical menu for a connoisseur of spicy foods. But not everyone at home can share the passion for “fiery” food. What to do if you suddenly over-pepper a dish? Don't torture your family, but use this simple tip.

50 shades of spicy.

But first, it is important to understand: what makes spicy spicy? The culprit is capsaicin, an alkaloid that is found in abundance in various types of peppers. The level of capsaicin content plus the individual sensitivity of taste buds add up to a feeling of spiciness.

Which, by the way, is different for everyone. Some crunch chili peppers without even wincing, while others......

The level of capsaicin content plus the individual sensitivity of taste buds add up to a feeling of spiciness. Which, by the way, is different for everyone. Some crunch chili peppers without even wincing, while others......

ground black - fire.

Let's hit capsaicin with casein!

Now that we know the taste troublemaker better, we can understand how to neutralize it. Capsaicin has its own kryptonide. Its name is casein. It envelops the “sharp” molecules and thereby reduces the sensations from them to nothing.

Sour cream and kefir are the best addition to spicy food.

Therefore, the easiest way to put out the fire in your mouth is to wash down your food with kefir. Better yet, add sour cream to the spicy dish. The fattier the better. Sour cream or another milk-based product will quickly reduce the degree of thrill.

Don't try this at home.

Although sour cream or kefir will be the best solution, if they clearly do not fit into the dish, you can always add a little water and sugar. This will also neutralize any excess spice. But “milk” is still more effective. Source Contacts:

Address: Sverdlova, 55-d, 15 118513 Moscow,

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What should be done to remove the spice from pilaf?

If during the preparation of pilaf

You noticed that it turns out spicy, you can correct the situation by adding more rice and other ingredients to the dish.
But there is no need to add pepper and salt anymore. Rice will absorb the spiciness
, carrots and onions will give the dish a rich taste.

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Peppered food

Details Parent category: Cooking Category: Good to know

You cook with all the joy, with a great desire for some yummy dish so that your family will appreciate it, and then bam you go too far with the spices.
As a result, you taste the stew, and your mouth burns, the fire of the pepper clears your throat, and you feel like you will become a dragon if you finish the entire plate of stew. It’s clear that for your loved one you don’t have to worry about it and eat it like this, snacking on an unsalted cucumber, but how can you serve such a dish to your family and friends? It needs to be corrected, but what should you do if you pepper the food so much that the pepper actually burns?
How and with what can you correct a peppered dish? Remember that if a dish is heavily peppered and there is no way to save it, it is better to throw it away so as not to worsen your health. Health is more important! Under no circumstances should you eat through force just because you feel sorry for the food; it’s better to throw such a dish in the trash.

How to fix an over-peppered dish

  • If you peppered the first dish and immediately realized it, try not to stir it, leave the food alone for 10 - 15 minutes, and then carefully pour your prepared soup or borscht into another bowl, but not all of it - you should leave a little liquid at the bottom with pepper Usually pepper and some other spices settle at the bottom, so in this simple way you can remove a little excess pepper.
  • The second over-peppered dishes are more difficult to correct. For example, you can add a little sugar to peppered fried meat, which will make the dish more piquant. How to dilute the peppered stew - you can add several tomatoes cut into small cubes, such meaty and red-pink, Mikado variety. Just try to cut it so that the tomato juice does not remain on the board, but gets into the stew. You can also lighten the peppered stew by adding sour cream. How to fix over-peppered pilaf? Probably make a light vegetable salad (seasoned with vegetable oil), which you don’t even need to add salt, but eat with pilaf or stewed potatoes as a side bite. By the way, stewed roast with potatoes can also be eaten with sour cream. Sour cream, like tomatoes, will absorb excess salt and pepper, making the dish suitable for eating.
  • It should be remembered that attempts to soften the spiciness of pepper in a dish can lead to a change in the taste of the dish and its appearance. You don’t have to try to remove the spiciness if it is not very strong, but eat the dish with some kind of unsalted and unpeppered side dish (mashed potatoes or boiled rice), or eat with this dish a salad of fresh vegetables, seasoned with olive or sunflower oil (but not mayonnaise). For example, an excellent solution to serve a peppered dish would be a salad of fresh cucumbers and tomatoes.
  • Or maybe you and your loved ones will like a spicy dish, for example, Indian, Mexican, Chinese cuisines are famous for the spiciness of their dishes and the presence of a large number of spices in them.
  • Another complex, but quite working option - you should prepare 1 more of the same portion of the dish, but do not salt or pepper it, but mix it with the first peppered option. The result will be one double portion of a dish that tastes normal. There is a reason to invite family and friends for dinner so that the goodness does not go to waste.
  • Before serving, pepper soup can be slightly diluted with boiling water or broth, or you can add vegetables (for example, tomatoes or boiled potatoes) that will soften the pungency of the spices. Don’t forget that sour cream goes well with borscht, which will also take away some of the excess spiciness.
  • You can also add a teaspoon of lemon juice to the dish. The acid in lemon juice neutralizes the effect of pepper. You can also add a teaspoon of sugar, which softens the bitterness of the lemon.
  • If the salad is over-peppered, just add more ingredients to it. Fresh vegetables perfectly soften the spiciness of pepper.
  • Peppered meat dishes can be eaten with a lean side dish.
  • Pepper soup or borscht can be saved by adding 1 teaspoon (for the entire pan) of table apple cider vinegar - it perfectly neutralizes the spice.


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