How to tell if fish has gone bad. What to do and how to remove the fishy odor

Fish is considered a perishable product, so extra care when purchasing it will not hurt. You can understand that it has deteriorated by external signs that are noticeable at first glance. Remember what you need to look at first, and then problems with the choice will definitely not arise. We will be happy to share tips on how to remove the fishy odor and what you can do with it later.

By the way, doctors recommend eating fish every day, or at least a couple of times a week. There is a lot of assortment in the store: there are red meats, white meats, fattier ones and lean ones. Everyone will find the very variety that they like right away. The main point here is to choose a fresh, appetizing carcass, and then the fish dish will turn out delicious in any case, regardless of the method of its preparation.

Undoubtedly, it will only be beneficial if the fish is of high quality, but if not, then exactly the opposite happens. Frozen spoiled meat loses its healing properties and taste, so it turns out dry, and also absolutely useless. If you ate a piece of fish that is not the freshest, then you will probably develop diarrhea at the most inopportune moment, and in the worst case, you may end up in the hospital with poisoning. So protect your family and yourself from unsuccessful purchases of seafood products, and then your health will be fine.

How to fry fish without smelling in the house?

Place the pan on the fire next to the frying pan where the fish is fried. The water should be constantly boiling, and the evaporation of vinegar or lemon will eliminate all excess odors. Dalton recommends adding one or two slices of fresh apple to the oil in which the fish will be fried.

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Little secrets

To prevent the fishy aroma from hovering in the kitchen, you need to take note of a few recommendations.
They will completely eliminate the possibility of the appearance of specific fumes. Effective cooking secrets:

  1. Add a little peanut oil to regular frying oil.
  2. Combine milk and water in equal proportions. Pour the resulting solution over the cut fish and let sit for 40 minutes. After the time has passed, rinse the product and immerse it again in the milky liquid. After 30 min. Rinse the fish, salt and fry.
  3. Add 100 g of salt per 1.5 liters of water. Soak portioned pieces of fish prepared for frying in the resulting brine. Leave for 30 minutes. in the refrigerator, rinse and fry.

Fried fish is a healthy and tasty dish, and in order to avoid an unpleasant feeling after cooking it, you need to use the suggested tips.

Fish is a wonderful, tasty product recommended by all nutritionists in the world. Fish soup, sushi, rolls, dried, fried, baked fish. The list of dishes from sea or river life is limited only by the chef’s imagination. But there is one drawback that forces you to refuse, if not from eating fish at all, then from cooking it at home - the stench.

Fish has a specific smell

Housewives have to solve a difficult task every time - getting rid of the smell of fish that permeates everything around during the cooking process. This article will help you avoid wasting time endlessly washing towels and washing knives and forks. We tried to collect all the recipes that help eliminate the hated “bouquet”. Choose the one that will be most useful to you.


There are several secrets that can be used to successfully minimize odor not only indoors, but also in the refrigerator (freezer). To do this, fresh or frozen seafood does not need to be stored open, but only wrapped in foil. The packaging should be as airtight as possible.

In cooking, the first and main rule is that you need to put potatoes or onions cut into small pieces into heated vegetable oil prepared for frying fish. If these vegetables are not on hand, you can use lemon juice or at least citrus zest. The juice is poured into the oil in small portions, and then the container is closed with a lid for a few seconds.

If you plan to make fish soup from fish, then add a little cow's milk to the broth. The liquid neutralizes stench, which then does not spread throughout the apartment. Everyone knows that when cooking food, the smell spreads not only throughout the entire apartment, but also through the exhaust ducts to the entrance and to the neighbors.

To prevent the fish from saturating the pan, it is better to purchase a separate deck specifically for these dishes. This way, the stench will not spread beyond this item. After cutting the carcass, all knives, cutting boards and other items are thoroughly washed under water with the addition of detergent.

Cleaning the kitchen does not take much time, but if you love fish dishes and cook them on a regular basis, wiping work surfaces and washing floors using household chemicals is imperative to maintaining a comfortable atmosphere in the room.

From clothes

The fishy smell permeates not only the kitchen utensils, but also everything around: towels, oven mitts, an apron, curtains and the clothes themselves. Therefore, if you do not take the necessary measures in time, then most likely you will have to throw things away. What to do:

  • washing machine - this option is the very first one that comes to mind, but most often it is unsuccessful, because it does not completely remove all the smell. Therefore, add lemon juice and conditioner with citrus filler to the washing powder. This perfectly neutralizes all the unpleasant aroma;
  • soaking the fabric - to achieve a better result, before washing, dilute laundry soap in water and soak the items for 50 minutes;
  • table salt solution - if things smell like rotten fish, then make a highly concentrated solution of salt and soak all things for 30-40 minutes. Then wash as usual;
  • boiling - if the smell was so strong that neither soaking nor washing helped, then there is another option that is the most effective - boil all things in water and laundry soap. But in this case the fabric may be damaged;
  • dry cleaning – this option is suitable for those who do not have time and have the opportunity to give their things to professionals.

Review of popular tools

Of the mentioned products that can remove the smell of fish from clothes, most can be found in every kitchen and refrigerator.

MeansMode of application
LemonRub the juice of the fruit onto greasy stains, add the juice to the conditioner compartment in the automatic machine, and mix with the powder.
Lemon acidIn a solution of citric acid, rinse spoiled items by hand and pour them into the rinse aid compartment of the washing machine.
VinegarClothes are rinsed and soaked in vinegar. Solution concentration: 2 tbsp. spoons of substance per 4 liters. water. Vinegar neutralizes any smell, even rotten fishy smell.
Lemon scented dishwashing liquidIt is recommended to use a product with lemon flavor. Dilute the liquid in hot water, lubricate the stain and soak for 2-3 hours. Items cannot be washed in a washing machine! Only by hand!
Laundry soapThe darker the soap, the more alkali it contains, the more effectively it removes fish odor from clothes. Lather the stain, prepare a thick soap solution by mixing soap shavings into water, and soak the clothes for 2 hours. Washing and rinsing are allowed in a washing machine, with the addition of citric acid as a flavoring agent.
Ascorbic acidThe acid is ideal for conditioning clothes. Add the solution to the rinse aid compartment in the washing machine.
BleachBleach, whitening, and chlorine-containing products are not suitable for delicate and colored fabrics, but they do an excellent job of removing odors. The fabric will smell of chlorine; ascorbic or citric acid is used as a conditioner.
Washing powderPowder with a lemon scent in combination with a deodorizing rinse, citric or ascorbic acid instead will help deal with fish odor.
AmmoniaAlcohol, water and vinegar in equal parts are an effective remedy against any stench. Soak clothes in the solution for 2 hours, then wash and rinse thoroughly.
Hydrogen peroxidePeroxide does an excellent job of disinfecting woven materials. It can be used by applying it to a scented stain in concentrated form or in an aqueous solution for soaking. Not recommended for use on colored fabrics.

Eliminating odors in the kitchen

The smell of this product will always be present. Sometimes less, sometimes more pronounced, but our sense of smell will always feel it. Interestingly, most of us recognize these aromas as actual stench.

When planning to pamper your family with fish dishes, the housewife should know that “fragrant” problems will accompany the process at all stages - from cooking to consumption of the finished dish. The main problems are:

  • a specific, sometimes quite unpleasant odor remains on all utensils used in cooking - knives, cutting boards, bowls, frying pans;
  • it is impossible to store a poorly packaged product in the refrigerator; other products and walls are instantly saturated with a smell that is not removed even during the cooking process;
  • kitchen towels that have been in contact with even small crucian carp are extremely difficult to wash, and the smell can only be removed by using very strong detergents;
  • Some ready-made dishes sometimes have a rather strong “aroma” that not everyone likes. For example, there is often a pronounced taste in the ear, which is very difficult to remove.

In addition, the process of frying fish is usually accompanied by a strong odor, which for certain types of product can be very unpleasant and intense. Even the most powerful and modern hood cannot cope with this. The air in the kitchen becomes unpleasant, the entire room and objects in it become saturated, and not only the kitchen area, other rooms are also exposed to this “aroma.”

Therefore, at all stages of working with fish products, certain measures will have to be taken. A number of the simplest and most common remedies will help with this: vinegar, ordinary salt, lemon or orange zest. And, of course, you need to start with storage. The product should be packaged as tightly as possible.


This delicacy is made in Norway. Here they also ferment fish, but only red fish, usually trout. It is fermented for several months, under pressure, in a saline solution. As a result, it smells... Wow! An unprepared person cannot cope with it. As in Sweden, Norwegians respect rakfisk very much, make sandwiches with it, and eat it with onions.

From hand

A simple option to avoid an unpleasant odor on your hands, which can ruin all the pleasure from the taste of fish, is to use gloves. However, although this is a good option, it is not very convenient to cook in them. If you cook without them, the detergent will not be able to remove this aroma, so the following products can help out:

  • vinegar - before starting to interact with the fish, wipe your hands with a vinegar solution. Then the aromas will not penetrate the skin;
  • professional product - there is a special product that already comes with lemon and lime extract that eliminates odor - use it;
  • lemon – after washing your hands, rub your hands with lemon or lime. It is necessary to wipe the back side and the place between the fingers;
  • beer - it eliminates the specific odor quite well. Wash your hands in water and then rub thoroughly with beer;

Anti-odor properties of activated carbon

Activated carbon is a powerful adsorbent. It is effective against air emissions of organic substances, fragrant and foul-smelling compounds, and highly volatile organic compounds.

Thanks to the use of coal, it is possible to eliminate all kinds of odors and improve the technological performance of air intakes. This is explained by its developed porous structure with a large internal surface. Activated carbon is an environmentally friendly, safe cleaning agent that cannot harm the health of others. It is often used for hygienic purposes.

Granules, powder, activated carbon tablets are placed in boxes with holes or fabric bags and hung throughout the house, placed in the refrigerator, cabinets, and cabinets. Replace with fresh portions after 2-3 weeks.

Used charcoal can be regenerated by placing it in the oven for 3-4 hours. The operating temperature inside the oven is 250-300 degrees.


A famous Swedish dish is salted herring that has been fermented. The process is similar to sauerkraut, the product is fermented, oxidized, and at the same time its qualities, taste, color, and smell change. The herring is lightly fermented and then sealed in cans, where the fermentation process continues.

Nyok mom

To try rotten shark or herring, you will have to go to Iceland or Scandinavia. The famous Vietnamese fish sauce nuoc mam can also be bought from us; it is sold wherever they specialize in southeastern cuisine, in oriental spice stores, for example.

This sauce is also flavorful. And it is based on the fermentation of small fish, in particular anchovies. They are sprinkled with salt and left to ferment in the sun. Tourists who are “lucky enough” to pass by the production of this sauce cannot forget this smell for the rest of their lives - it is so disgusting. After fermentation, the resulting product is put into barrels and left for several months, then filtered. The result is a sauce that is not at all terrible, although it is quite specific. Quite exotic, like all southeastern cuisine. Vietnamese cuisine is unthinkable without this sauce; it is added to most dishes, and those that are not added are smeared with this sauce.


The southeastern technology for making fish sauce is very similar to the technology for making garum, the sauce of the ancient Romans. They also stewed the smallest fish (anchovy, tuna, mackerel), added shellfish and herbs to them. The sauce also included vinegar, olive oil, pepper and salt.

The process of making garum was too smelly for the delicate Roman noses, so making the sauce was banned in the cities.


How to refresh your toilet and bathroom

In hygienic rooms, mustiness and dampness often appear, because water vapor constantly settles on the walls. Hence the mold. In addition, a clogged sink causes a stench.

Activated carbon

Activated carbon tablets are excellent at absorbing bad odors. You need to place 2 packages of 20 tablets on shelves in the bathroom. They change them every month.

Thorough cleaning

It is better to freshen the air in the bathroom by regular cleaning:

  1. They start by washing the curtains over the bathtub.
  2. Treat sinks, bathtubs, and toilets with a cleaning agent.
  3. Tile walls are washed with water and ammonia, wiping immediately with suede.
  4. The floor will shine if you go over it with a fringed mop or woolen cloth.
  5. Mirrors are cleaned with a mixture of equal parts of chalk and vinegar or tooth powder and ammonia.
  6. A neglected bathtub is washed with a rag with soda and a few drops of ammonia.

Even by washing the surfaces with warm water and washing powder and rinsing them, you can feel the freshness in the bathroom and toilet.

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