The smell of burning in the apartment: how to remove it and how to get rid of the smell of smoke in the house? Expert advice on what to do and what the reasons are

No one is immune from such troubles as a pan of porridge burning on the stove or milk running away. An unpleasant, acrid burning smell immediately appears in the apartment. It is urgent to get rid of it so that it does not spread throughout all the rooms and does not eat into household items. It's not that easy to get it out.

The first stage of getting rid of the burning smell in the apartment

You need to find the source of the burning and make sure it is safe. If it’s a frying pan with burnt cutlets, you can treat the spoiled food to a street dog. If it is a melted plastic bowl that is not even worth restoring, feel free to throw it in the trash, after rinsing it in water so that the plastic cools.

If the cause of the burnt air is a small fire, for example, a kitchen towel or curtains are set on fire, the textiles should be immediately thrown into water, for example, into a sink.

  • If your shirt catches fire due to a forgotten iron, the first step is to immediately turn off the household appliance.
  • If larger objects (washing machine, TV) are the cause of the burning, you must immediately disconnect the equipment from the power supply, if there is an open fire, cover it with a thick cloth (blanket) to block the supply of oxygen, call firefighters and an electrician.

If your home is not in danger, then you can take care of yourself - cover your head with a headscarf so that your hair does not absorb the burning smell and protect your respiratory organs (mouth, nose) with a protective mask or just a cloth.

Special preparations

You can get rid of the burning smell using specialized compounds. They are designed to combat the consequences of fire. Top 3 effective remedies:

Smokebusters OdorGone

Spray to remove burning and smoke odors is used to treat:

  • clothes,
  • premises,
  • dishes,
  • household appliances,
  • furniture.

Thanks to the convenient spray bottle, it is economically used. The composition is harmless to health, has a hypoallergenic formula, and does not contain toxic substances.

The liquid is sprayed onto the source of the odor or into the air conditioning system. There is no need to wash it off . Price for 100 ml – 300 rubles.

Grass Smell block

This is a universal composition that is used for manual cleaning. An anti-odor agent is used to combat the consequences of a fire. The spray is sprayed onto a surface that emits a burning smell.

The product itself has a pleasant aroma and does not require rinsing . The basis of the formula is a surfactant, zinc salt and flavoring. Price – 750 rubles.


A product for removing odors from soot and carbon deposits. It is used to clean the premises after a fire. The composition includes anionic and cationic surfactants. The drug is diluted to the required concentration (an average of 900 ml of water is required per 100 ml of product) and all surfaces are irrigated with it.

An anti-odor with a deodorizing effect can be used to clean carpets . Price – 905 rubles.

Air purification in the apartment

Of course, the unpleasant amber will probably disappear over time, but it is better to speed up the process. And one open window will not be enough; a draft and air circulation are needed so that it can ventilate everything from the room.

If there is heavy smoke, it is better to immediately remove all curtains, drapes and even mosquito nets - all of this quickly absorbs the smell.

Open all windows and doors, provide cross-ventilation. It is recommended to install a fan in non-ventilated places. Depending on the persistence of the smoke, you need to ventilate for at least 2-5 hours.

Attention! If the house is equipped with air conditioning, then the windows should not be opened. On the contrary, close the room and turn on the device at maximum operating mode for about 0.5-1 hour or longer. In case of minor smoke, this method will help immediately; if the exposure to burning has been for several hours, you should resort to more radical options.

Air humidification

If ventilation does not help, then water is a very effective method of dealing with fumes, as it has absorbent properties. The process is not immediate, but effective. It is worth considering that smoke spreads throughout the entire apartment, so you need to “wash” the air not only in the room where the fire occurred, but throughout the entire house.

How to humidify the air? Even if the house has a special “air washer” device, you still need to evenly distribute water containers around the apartment (basins, large bowls, pots, etc.).

  • Hang wet towels and sheets in the rooms - the wetted fabric effectively absorbs the stench and humidifies the air.
  • Then these things can be washed off easily and will not leave any memories of the incident. It’s a good idea to open the hot water taps – the spread of steam also helps clean the air.
  • Or you can create “smelling” steam by pouring water into a pan and adding fragrant herbs or oil of cloves, citrus fruits, etc. Boiling water will purify the air and fill it with the aroma of meadow herbs, flowers or fruits. But if there are allergy sufferers in the house, then do not overdo it with the concentration so that the aroma does not cause irritation.

Spraying cans of air freshener is unlikely to correct the situation - they will not cope with the fumes, and they will also add a chemical “aroma”.

Let's learn everything about meat

As you already know, meat contains a lot of vitamins and microelements, so it is very beneficial for the human body, and simply very tasty. It is worth noting that the freshness of the meat affects the taste and aroma of the finished dish.

Why does the pulp smell bad or look ugly:

  • If meat is stored incorrectly, then microbes and putrefactive bacteria multiply, and it is these bacteria that cause the foul odor.
  • It is better to eat ripened meat; it has a delicious aroma and lends itself well to cooking. Unripe pulp will be tough and without a characteristic taste and aroma.

Effective ways to eliminate burning smell

When the house is heavily smoky, you need to act immediately. And there is no time to run around the shops in search of effective remedies - you need to use what every housewife has on hand.


Effective, simple and cheap way. Found in almost every home, it is rarely used for cooking, preserving vegetables and other household needs.

The chemical structure of this substance creates an amazing effect when heated, but you will need a lot of it.

  • So. Take a large saucepan, preferably with a capacity of at least 5 liters, place it on the stove, pour in at least 3 liters of water (cold!).
  • Lastly, add 1 liter of vinegar (when the water has not yet warmed up). Turn on the burner and wait for it to boil.
  • To speed up the process, you can cover the container with a lid.

After boiling, the lid is removed, the heating temperature is reduced, and the pan is left on the stove for at least 2 hours so that the solution gradually “cooks,” purifying the air. Periodically monitor the liquid level so that it does not boil away completely, otherwise “boiled” vinegar will be added to the burn.

Natural coffe

To purify the air, only coffee beans are suitable (instant or a substitute will not work); the use of ground coffee is encouraged.

  • You will need at least 200-300 g of coffee and plates, in quantity according to the number of rooms.
  • Pour ground coffee or several dozen whole beans into each saucer.
  • The crushed product neutralizes unpleasant odors much faster, the result is felt in a couple of hours.
  • This work will take the beans about 10 hours, so it is advisable to first place them in a coffee grinder.

The method is not cheap, but it is very effective; it not only neutralizes fumes, but also fills the room with a pleasant aroma.


The fruits are suitable fresh, dried, or in the form of zest.

  • They absorb foreign odors well, giving off a pleasant aroma in return. Cut oranges and lemons into slices and distribute evenly throughout the rooms.
  • It’s better to put the zest on a non-flammable surface (if you don’t mind, then on saucers, or in a clean ashtray) and set it on fire.
  • When the dry crust burns, a persistent pleasant aroma will be released that will remain in the house for at least a day.

Please note that this method is not suitable if there are people in the family with an allergic reaction to citrus fruits.


Citrus fruits or other fruits can be used to purify the air with steam.

  • Place a small saucepan of water on the stove and bring it to a boil.
  • Cut the fruit into slices, add them to boiling water and cook the “compote” for about 10-15 minutes, then turn off the stove and leave the pan open.

By the way, fruit cut into slices can be placed on plates near the curtains, in cabinets or on upholstered furniture.


Cloves or cinnamon are especially effective in combating smoke. They are found in almost every home and add light spicy notes to the fragrant substance.

  • Fill the pan with a small amount of water.
  • Add about 20 cloves and 2-3 cinnamon sticks (2-4 teaspoons) to it.
  • Once the water boils, reduce heat and simmer for about 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Do not overdo the concentration so as not to create a pungent spicy aroma that irritates the mucous membranes and causes sneezing. If an allergic reaction occurs, throw this mixture away.


You can, as in the previous options, cook a decoction, or you can use the dry method of aromatherapy.

If fresh grass grows near the house, then it should be picked and placed throughout the rooms on napkins, cloth or in plates. A market located near your home may help you purchase meadow herbs, or at least simple mint.

In winter, there are no fresh herbs (dry ones are not suitable), but you can use pine needles - Christmas trees begin to be sold from the beginning of December.

The more grass and pine needles, the faster the air will be saturated with a pleasant aroma. Remove dried plants.


Advice from experts will help in resolving the issue:

  1. It is easier to determine freshness by chilled meat than by frozen meat.
  2. When purchasing, you can determine the freshness of meat by pressing on the flesh. If the fibers straighten quickly, the product is fresh.
  3. The color of the meat should match its type. Too dark or unevenly colored may indicate that the product is stale.
  4. You can only store a meat product in the refrigerator in cellophane for a short time, since without access to oxygen it will dry out.
  5. Before freezing meat, remove as much air as possible from the bag.
  6. If all conditions are met, the product cannot be stored in the refrigerator for more than 2 days.
  7. Soaking and marinating should not last less than 1-2 hours.
  8. After soaking, the meat must be rinsed before cooking.

It is not advisable to purchase meat of which you are not sure of its quality.

Cleaning up the house

If there is heavy smoke in the apartment, this affects things and furnishings, especially upholstered furniture. Wood, fabric, leather, carpets and other materials, especially natural ones, strongly absorb fumes, smoke and other foreign odors.

  • Therefore, it is better not to postpone general cleaning with wet treatment so that unpleasant odors are not absorbed.
  • You can order on-site dry cleaning at home, or you can independently treat interior items with specialized household chemicals.
  • In any hardware store (supermarket department) there are enough drugs, both in liquid form and in the form of aerosols.
  • Don't forget to use gloves and safety glasses.

Smelly product - get rid of it or leave it?

A repulsive unpleasant odor can be due to various reasons. Most often this happens as a result of:

  • storage at high air temperatures;
  • being near spoiled food;
  • storage in cellophane, with a lack of air access;
  • improper feeding or pinning of the animal.

If the smell of a product is in doubt, the product should be inspected, paying attention not only to the aroma, but also to the appearance.

The following points should be of concern:

  • unnatural color of the product, not typical for a particular type of meat;
  • presence of parasites;
  • persistent smell of rot and decay;
  • uncharacteristic consistency.

If these signs are present, it is better not to use rotten meat for food, but simply throw it away. But when the smell is not very pleasant, and the product looks normal in appearance, after additional processing it can be used for food.


When the fire is stopped, the windows are open, and a saucepan with aromatic compote is boiling on the stove, you need to start rescuing things.

Take everything you can carry out onto the balcony: curtains, carpets, clothes, bedding, books, soft toys, etc. Wait a while with washing so that the fumes disappear and you can dry things in a room that is not smoky.

  • If smoke forms a deposit, then household appliances should also be removed (perhaps temporarily in the entrance). Remove plaque from furniture with a soft sponge and mild soap solution. But if a burnt layer has already formed, then restoration is only possible through varnishing or restoration.
  • The ingrained soot on the walls (wallpaper, plaster) is removed by carrying out cosmetic repairs. You can try to save linoleum using household chemicals, but if you are cleaning laminate or parquet, do not forget that it should not be too wet.
  • If there is heavy smoke and a layer of soot forms, some furnishings may no longer be salvageable. In any case, first you need to try and carry out wet cleaning with gentle products. Be proactive about deep cleaning by moving furniture and lifting carpets.

Remember that preventing consequences is much easier than eliminating them. Supervise children, do not leave fire-hazardous household appliances on, and do not forget about the stove and oven being on.

Avoid even the slightest possibility of smoke in your home and promptly take all possible measures to eliminate burning and other unpleasant odors.

How to save burnt goulash or bigos

Are you making a stew, bigos or soup and feel it burning? Do not panic. All is not lost yet. First of all, try to avoid mixing food. If you do this, the entire dish will taste bitter. Quickly take the second pan and carefully transfer the food, avoiding any burnt layer on the bottom. In the same way, you can save burnt porridge or rice.

Photo instructions on how to get rid of the burning smell in an apartment

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