We quickly and permanently get rid of Prussians at home

Cockroaches can settle in your home completely unexpectedly, sharing shelter and food with you, despite your rejection of them. Most often, they choose a bath or kitchen as their habitat. These insects are also dangerous because they are carriers of a number of dangerous and intractable diseases. Many methods and means have come into practice to combat these red insects.

What do Prussians look like?

Cockroaches got their name “Prussians” from ancient times, when our ancestors believed that they were brought from Prussia. Residents of Germany and the Czech Republic, on the contrary, believe that the homeland of cockroaches is Russia and there these insects are called “Russian”.

In fact, red cockroaches originate from southern Asia. From there, more than 3 centuries ago, this nasty insect was transported by merchant ships to Europe, and then to North America.

Prussians cannot stand the cold and can die from minor frosts. For their stay, they choose heated premises, that is, our apartments and houses. Having settled in a new place, red cockroaches easily displace their larger black relatives.

One can only envy the omnivorous nature of insects. They eat almost everything:

  • leftovers;
  • bread and cookie crumbs;
  • garbage;
  • paper;
  • textile;
  • leather.

The danger of living next to cockroaches is that they, living on rotten vegetables and fruits, garbage and dirt, can bring pathogens.

Attention! Cockroaches in many cases carry pathogens of diseases such as dysentery, gastroenteritis and diarrhea. A person may have an allergic reaction to the chitin that these insects shed when they molt.

Insects cause irritation due to their ubiquity and indestructibility. They constantly scurry around the apartment in search of food, and if there is at least some food in the kitchen, cockroaches will definitely get to it.

Homemade traps

Specialized stores sell traps for cockroaches, which are a structure with holes for entry and the impossibility of getting out from the inside. It's expensive, and craftsmen have come up with homemade traps that are no less effective.

The main advantage is that cockroaches come running to the bait, there is no intoxication of the human body. The downside is that you have to remove cockroaches from the structure.

Sticky traps

This design involves the use of only 2 materials - double-sided tape and a piece of cardboard / paper, etc. The principle of the sticky “trap” is simple - the cockroach is directed to the bait food, stepping on the sticky base with its paws, as a result of which it sticks.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Cut a rectangle of any length from cardboard.
  2. Cut a piece of tape so that its length on both sides is 2-3 cm shorter than the size of the cardboard.
  3. Glue the sticky material to the base.
  4. Place the bait in the central part of the tape. This could be sugar, vanilla, bread crumbs, jam, honey or any other food scraps.
  5. Place sticky traps out of the reach of children and pets.

From the bottle

The plastic bottle trap is based on the fact that a little sweet water is poured inside the structure, the Prussians climb inside in search of liquid, but cannot get back out.

What you will need:

  • plastic bottle;
  • water;
  • scissors;
  • sweetness.

How to do it yourself:

  1. Draw a transverse line along the container just above the middle.
  2. Cut the bottle into 2 parts.
  3. Pour sweetened water into the bottom (mix with sugar or jam).
  4. Turn the top part upside down and in this position insert it into the base with liquid.
  5. Place the trap anywhere.

From a can

A simple way to catch cockroaches using an ordinary glass jar. The trap works identically to the previous method, only dry food is placed inside, not water.

What materials are needed:

  • capacity 0.5, 0.7 or 1 l;
  • fat base – Vaseline, sunflower oil;
  • scissors;
  • single-sided tape;
  • a piece of fabric or paper (raw materials that make it easier for insects to climb into the container).

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. Prepare a glass jar - cut a piece of paper (anti-slip) to fit its volume, wrap it, and secure it with tape.
  2. Place bait inside - a little jam, leftover food, sugar, etc.
  3. On the inside, lubricate the glass 2-3 cm from the neck with an oil base.
  4. Place it in areas where cockroaches gather.

Trap houses

If you hate to look at a bunch of insects caught in a trap every day, build a “house” with your own hands. To do this you will need the following:

  • Double-sided tape;
  • scissors;
  • a small cardboard box (for parcels, sweets, shoes, etc.).

How to make:

  1. Make holes of any shape on the sides and roof of the box.
  2. Place tape on the entire bottom of the box from the inside.
  3. Place bait food in some places.
  4. Close the lid and leave it in the room.

Cockroaches, having entered such a house (and they will do this with pleasure thanks to the bait and darkness inside), will stick their paws to the tape and will no longer be able to leave.

How to get into the house

To date, many ways have been identified for cockroaches to enter people's homes. If you have never noticed the presence of Prussians before and one night you came across them in the kitchen, then you should think about where they came from.

You may be able to drive away or destroy the first identified batch of Prussians, but if you do not find the channel of their entry and do not block it, they will begin to appear again and again.

The most common sources of cockroach infestations can be the following:

  • flatmates living in unsanitary conditions;
  • bags and packages from stores;
  • things from long trips;
  • postal items: parcels and letters.

Advice! If you were on a business trip or used a train to cover the distance, then upon arriving home, carefully inspect the suitcase itself and the things in it for cockroaches.

Reasons for appearance

When you find cockroaches in your home, it’s worth thinking about why they settled in your apartment. The answer is very simple - optimal conditions have been created for the habitat of these insects, namely:

  1. Affordable food. This could be crumbs on the kitchen counter, cereal spilled in a kitchen drawer, or open garbage bags. A cockroach can feel quite normal even if it eats once within 3 days. Therefore, if you sprinkle a handful of flour, it will be enough to feed a colony of Prussians for several weeks.
  2. Water is freely available. Cockroaches, like any living creatures, cannot survive without water for long. Therefore, they can often be found in the sink at night, where they are content with drops of moisture on the walls or bottom of the sink. And, if your faucet is leaking a little, then this is a real abundance of water for the red insect.
  3. Neighbors have food and water for cockroaches. If you have careless neighbors who do not clean the apartment, then you will not be able to get rid of cockroaches alone. We'll have to try to join forces with them in the fight. In the event that the neighbors do not want to engage in a joint fight, the only option left for you to limit the inter-apartment migration of insects is by sealing all the cracks and cracks in the walls, ceiling and floor of your apartment.
  4. Warm. Prussians are not adapted for living in cold rooms, so they live only in heated dwellings. And, if these rooms have places for shelter, food and water, then this place looks like a real paradise for cockroaches.

Important! Fighting the Prussians in an apartment building will not be successful if you fight them alone. Only by uniting with neighbors can this complex problem be solved.

We turn to professionals

If the problem of fighting red cockroaches in an apartment continues to be relevant after several attempts to get rid of them on your own, then our organization will help you forget about these annoying insects. We guarantee complete destruction of cockroaches the first time!

Currently we use only chemical methods. We use both classic aerosol spraying and pollination of hard-to-reach areas with hot and cold fog generators. We use fogation, and in extreme cases, fumigation. Our prices are quite affordable compared to the cost of “home remedies” for the entire time of self-control.

Contact our company to be sure to get rid of red cockroaches forever. We work for you 24 hours a day without holidays and weekends. We first inspect the apartment, identify places where insects enter the apartment, places where colonies are established and migration routes between them.

How to understand that Prussians already live in an apartment

If you have a colony of cockroaches, you can detect their presence by the following signs:

  1. Black dots. You may accidentally find small dark-colored balls on dishes, sinks, wallpaper and kitchen furniture. This is nothing more than Prussian feces.
  2. Smell. Insects, in the course of their life activity, leave a specific odor by which their presence in the home can be determined.
  3. Laying eggs. By carefully inspecting the existing cracks and cracks in the walls, you may find a nest of cockroach eggs. This will mean that the insects have been neighboring you for quite a long time, and they will have to be destroyed in 2 steps - first the adult Prussians, and then their hatched offspring.
  4. Personal contact. A distinctive feature of cockroaches is their curiosity. Even if you don’t notice all the symptoms described above, at a certain time they will become so bold that they will definitely come into contact with you.

Important! Cockroaches are easiest to observe at night when they are most active. When you go out to the kitchen at night, pay attention to the trash can or the dishes in the sink that you did not have time to wash in the evening. There will definitely be these creatures there.

Traditional methods

Recipe 3

Catching cockroaches one at a time and destroying them with a blow from a newspaper or slipper is an extremely ineffective strategy. To remove large black cockroaches or small red insects, it is necessary to act on the entire colony and not allow the parasites to multiply. To achieve this goal, several methods are practiced.

  • Etching. In this case, obviously poisonous food remains are placed on the cockroaches or problem areas of the apartment are treated with toxic agents with a pungent odor. Cockroaches eat the poison or inhale toxic fumes, after which they quickly die. In general, the method is considered effective, but it has a drawback - only those insects that come into direct contact with the poison die. Other cockroaches remain alive and can reproduce successfully.
  • Freezing - parasites cannot tolerate low temperatures, so they can be removed using extreme ventilation of the room. The disadvantages of this method include the fact that it can only be used in winter, and besides, not only insects, but also communications and indoor flowers can suffer from a decrease in temperature.
  • Treating the premises with insecticides - in this case, toxic substances make it possible to remove not only insects that have come into direct contact with the toxin, but also their relatives, which the cockroaches subsequently successfully infect. The method is very effective because it helps to remove the entire colony, but it may require a temporary move from the apartment, at least for a couple of days.

To remove parasites from an apartment with minimal effort and time, it is worth familiarizing yourself with all existing methods.

How to get rid of red Prussians forever

In a private house, cockroaches are much easier to kill than in a city apartment, since they do not have the opportunity to move from one apartment to another.

Industrial products against cockroaches

The variety of products that are commercially available can be divided into the following categories:


The most popular aerosol insecticides are:

  • "Combat";
  • Raid;
  • Raptor;
  • "Dichlorvos".

Aerosol insecticides are often used in cases where it is necessary to exterminate a large number of insects in a short period of time. At the same time, the jet from the can is directed exactly to the place where the Prussians are stationed.

Aerosols give almost instantaneous and very high results. But after such treatment, you need to thoroughly ventilate the room and then carry out wet cleaning.

Gel, pencil, powder

The most effective among them are:

  • "Brownie";
  • "Raptor";
  • pencil "Mashenka".

Such means are used when a small colony of Prussians has settled in the apartment.


Velcro traps of such brands as:

  • Raid;
  • "Combat".

Traps are usually used in combination with other options, including for preventive purposes, after expelling insects from the house, to prevent their reappearance.

Ultra-modern drug “Lambda Zone”

If you have tried all the means and methods available to you in the fight against cockroaches, and their number is not decreasing, then you should use more advanced weapons against the insidious enemy. Pay attention to the microencapsulated drug "Lambda Zone", intended for the extermination of cockroaches.

This is the latest generation product, characterized by the highest efficiency and safety for warm-blooded creatures. Its price is quite affordable.

Calling a pest control service

If you are unable to get rid of cockroaches on your own, and there are more and more of them in the apartment, you need to move on to a radical method of exterminating insects. This means calling a pest control service. Real professionals, upon arriving at the site, will quickly put an end to the annoying cockroaches. However, few people use this service because it is very expensive.

Houseplants and herbs

Indoor plants emitting a strong aroma will quickly force cockroaches to leave the living space. Good protection against the invasion of household pests is provided by the presence in the apartment of:

  • geraniums;
  • red elderberry;
  • wormwood;
  • anise;
  • eucalyptus;
  • tansy;
  • wild rosemary;
  • honeysuckle;
  • lemon balm.

Such plants are considered medicinal. They are sold in pharmacies. They are dried before use as an insecticide. Then small bouquets are made and placed in areas where domestic parasites are concentrated. The technique is not very effective, but in combination with other measures, it has a right to exist.


Under this name lies a powder prepared from the inflorescences of a medicinal variety of chamomile. It is sold in pharmacies. This is an effective remedy for driving cockroaches out of an apartment. Pyrethrum is placed under the carpet, near the trash can, and laid out in the kitchen and rooms. It is most effective when used in combination with other types of baits, traps and poisons for cockroaches.

Plaster or alabaster

Caustic powdered formulations are also suitable for expelling domestic parasites. For this purpose, bulk materials such as gypsum and alabaster are used. These powdered minerals are mixed with:

  • flour;
  • granulated sugar;
  • bread crumbs;
  • leftover porridge.

The resulting composition is laid out in places where domestic parasites are concentrated at night. In the cockroach's body, minerals harden, which causes the death of the insect.

Bay leaf

The persistent smell of the spicy seasoning is intolerable to insects. Bay leaves can quickly expel domestic parasites from your home. You can set fire to a twig and fumigate your kitchen space with fragrant smoke. As a result, a certain amount of essential oil will be released, the smell of which is unpleasant to cockroaches.

Elderberry branches

The strong aroma of this plant repels household pests. To expel parasitic insects from the chosen living space, elderberry branches or flowers are laid out around the apartment. The method is not highly effective and should be used in combination with other options for exterminating Prussians.

Using Vinegar

Treat with a caustic solution:

  • skirting boards;
  • secluded places in the kitchen;
  • room corners
  • ventilation grilles through which parasites enter the apartment.

Vinegar is diluted with water or used in concentrated form. In the second case the result is better. But the pungent smell is unpleasant to people. Such sanitation will not kill parasites, but will only scare them away for a while. They will return after the pungent odor wears off.

To enhance the effect, vinegar is mixed with red pepper. This is a universal means of disinfection and elimination of unpleasant odors. The resulting solution can be poured into a spray bottle and thoroughly sprayed onto kitchen cabinets, bedside tables, water pipes, and a gas stove.

Kerosene and turpentine

An old method, proven by generations of housewives. Kerosene and turpentine are toxic flammable petroleum products. When working with them, extreme caution should be taken and contact with open flames should be avoided.

When using kerosene or turpentine in the kitchen, you should turn off the gas burners. To destroy parasites, the composition is applied to surfaces and poured under the sink. With regular repetition of such disinfestation, you can quickly reduce the number of pests.

Advice! When working with kerosene or turpentine, it is imperative to protect the skin of your hands with rubber gloves, your respiratory tract with a respirator, and your eyes with swimming goggles.

Boric acid

A frequently used, absolutely safe for people and pets, time-tested method is various homemade recipes based on boric acid. This chemical can kill a large number of pests. They will disappear from the home for a long time. The advantages of such bait are wide availability and ease of use.

You can prepare a poisonous potion yourself. Powdered boric acid is best suited for this undertaking. It is sprinkled on corners and places where pests are concentrated. The chemical is dissolved in water and kitchen surfaces are treated. Effective recipes based on boric acid:

  1. The yolk of a raw chicken egg is mixed with a powdered chemical. Add a teaspoon of vegetable oil with a strong smell, such as olive or sunflower. The poison is rolled into balls and placed in “hot” places – the bathroom, kitchen, toilet. Particular attention is paid to food waste in the trash can, which always attracts cockroaches. Every 1-3 weeks the bait is changed to new ones.
  2. A hard-boiled chicken egg and potato are mixed with boric acid. They replace the smell of the chemical with food aroma, which attracts parasites. The ingredients are formed into balls and placed in the room where the cockroaches need to be removed.
  3. Another folk recipe involves mixing boron powder with raw egg yolk and granulated sugar. Add some water and a tablespoon of flour. Small cakes are formed from the resulting mixture, which are laid out in places where household pests are concentrated.
  4. As auxiliary components for poisonous bait, vanilla, powdered sugar and other food products are used that attract cockroaches and give the poisonous product a dense consistency.
  5. Boric acid in powder form is mixed with boiled or raw egg yolk, kefir and potatoes are added. This composition also attracts parasites and has a deadly effect on them.

Any recipes based on boric acid and food additives are effective against cockroaches. These insects are omnivores. To achieve the best results, parasites should be limited in their access to uncontaminated food. It is necessary to ensure that children do not come into contact with the bait left for cockroaches.

Geranium branches

In a house where curly geranium grows, there are not only cockroaches, but also mosquitoes, flies, and other harmful insects. The pretty flower exudes a pleasant aroma for humans, but unbearable for parasites.


In a private house, the fight against barbels seems less difficult than in city apartments. The house must be carefully treated once, and then constantly adhere to preventive measures to prevent Prussians from re-populating your home.

And in an apartment building, you can get the same result only in case of coordinated actions with your neighbors living in adjacent apartments and those living on the floor above. Only with simultaneous disinfection of all apartments at the entrance, it is possible to ensure that cockroaches, after treating the premises, do not enter your apartment again and again.

Here is what preventive work should be done to prevent the invasion of the Prussians:

  1. Do general cleaning of your home regularly. Wash the floors in the room more often, do not leave crumbs, wipe off dust.
  2. Keep food in a sealed container. After a meal, immediately wipe the crumbs off the table and keep your pets' feeding areas clean.
  3. Conduct an audit. It will be great if you inspect all the kitchen drawers and put away any spilled cereal in them.
  4. Timely washing of dishes. Make it a habit to wash spoons, plates and glasses after every meal. After that, wipe them dry.

  5. Taking out the trash. There is no need to keep the garbage under the sink for a long time. Buy a trash container with a tight-fitting lid and empty it frequently.
  6. Deal with water leaks. It is absolutely unacceptable for water to drip from the tap. It is known that Prussians can live more than a week without food, but only 24 hours without water. Therefore, systematically inspect the toilet tank, pipe connections and sink for leaks.
  7. Keep your bathroom dry. Always wipe it dry after taking a bath. After that, wash and wipe the bathroom floor.
  8. Seal all cracks. If you are sure that your neighbors are unclean, take care to make your apartment inaccessible to cockroaches. After a thorough inspection of all surfaces of the apartment, putty all discovered cracks and holes.
  9. Protect ventilation ducts. Seal the existing openings to provide ventilation in the home with a mosquito net with a mesh size that does not allow cockroaches to get through.

Important! After processing, it is important to ensure that the cockroaches do not have the opportunity to quench their thirst. Even drops of water left on the walls of the sink can nullify all efforts to kill insects.

Routes of penetration

The favorite place for cockroaches is apartment buildings. They enter the home through ventilation, sewer risers, cracks in the walls and migrate across floors in search of better living conditions.

In the private sector, insects settle less frequently, since the routes of penetration there are limited. But this is not reliable insurance against infection. Most often, cockroaches are accidentally brought into the house by owners.

Parasites crawl into bags and clothes when visiting cinemas, in a hotel, or at a party. Buying used household appliances, furniture and food purchased from dubious places poses a danger.

It doesn’t take dozens of insects to infect a private home. For cockroaches to fill a room, 1-2 females are enough. In suitable conditions they lay 20-40 eggs.


Finally, we will give you some recommendations on how not to attract cockroaches into your home or how to get them out if they have settled in the house against your will.

Prussians can't stand cleanliness

In a clean room, cockroaches have nothing to eat, and they will not settle where there are problems with food. Assess the degree of cleanliness in your home and ask yourself the following questions:

  • whether you leave crumbs of food on the table;
  • Do you put food in the refrigerator after a meal?
  • does your trash can have a lid and how often do you take trash out of your apartment?
  • Do you carry out daily wet cleaning?
  • Do you disinfect your floors weekly by adding some vinegar or ammonia to your mopping bucket?

Exposure to high temperature

It has been observed that longhorned beetles are unable to tolerate heat. If you have a steam-generating device, such as a steamer, use it to treat the areas where the Prussians left their marks. The steam will penetrate into the most hidden places and destroy the clutches of cockroach eggs.

The use of plants with a special smell. It has long been established that longhorned beetles cannot stand the smell of certain herbs, which include:

  • sagebrush;
  • geranium;
  • honeysuckle;
  • wild rosemary;
  • lavender.

Mechanical traps

If the number of baleen insects is small, they can be caught using primitive mechanical traps consisting of double-sided tape and bait. The tape is glued to the cardboard so that the sticky side is open. A piece of lard is placed in the center of the cardboard as bait. Cockroaches will flock to its smell and stick to the adhesive tape.

By paying due attention to all of the above issues, you can get rid of red-haired beetles once and for all.

Don't let your guard down - cockroaches may return

After getting rid of red cockroaches, do not rush to celebrate your victory. Make sure they don't sneak in again. We recommend learning about the types of domestic cockroaches.

To do this, cover the ventilation grilles in the apartment with a mesh with small cells through which insects cannot penetrate. Disinfect the room periodically and be sure to keep the apartment clean, especially in areas where you cook, dine, and feed your pets.

Common mistakes

We have given many ways to effectively influence cockroaches, which you can use one or several at a time. But at the same time, it is important not to repeat those mistakes that happen quite often:

  • do not resort to the use of highly toxic drugs;
  • after using aerosols or sprays, be sure to ventilate the room;
  • Do not use repellers and bait at the same time.

In the fight against cockroaches, try to use the experience of others more. Read customer reviews about the effectiveness of using a particular drug against cockroaches, communicate on forums with people who know how to resist cockroaches. Not all brands that are advertised in the media meet consumer expectations. Consider using simple home remedies that are effective and safe for your health.

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Professional products

Professional preparations contain a combination of chemical insecticides that have nerve paralytic properties. They are highly effective at home, unlike folk remedies, and are designed to radically destroy the insect population at all stages of infection.

Aerosols are liquid insecticides that are filled into cans under high pressure. The most common form, which is easy to use. Both the insects themselves and their habitats are treated with poison. The main disadvantage: volatility, which requires the use of a chemical respirator and safety glasses. Due to the rate of evaporation, it does not have a long period of activity.

Gels and gel traps are fat-based poisons, produced in tubes and disposable syringes, and have the consistency of a thick, viscous gel. Thanks to the strong base, poisons do not evaporate quickly, prolonging the activity of the applied insecticide for several weeks. Long strips and dots are used to treat furniture surfaces, baseboards and other habitats of cockroaches. Traps are installed in hard-to-reach places, in closets and near the trash can.

Gel in a disposable syringe

Powders and tablets are a form that is quite rare due to their low effectiveness compared to other means. Substances scatter along the paths of movement of insects.

Aquafumigator against insects

Aquafumigators - a plastic box contains a dry-based insecticide, which begins to actively evaporate upon contact with ordinary water, resulting in a large amount of acrid smoke that permeates the infested home.

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