10 Ingenious Ways to Get Rid of Kitchen Odors

Often, when preparing a particular dish, the whole house is filled with characteristic odors. During heat treatment, food releases vapors and volatile substances, so it is simply impossible to avoid odors in the kitchen. If you find a persistent unpleasant odor, you need to take action immediately, otherwise it will be much more difficult to get rid of it later. Moreover, the smell often attracts insects into the house, all this makes staying in the kitchen unpleasant. Timely cleaning, ventilation of the room and a few available products help me get rid of the unpleasant odor. You will find detailed instructions on how to do this in the article.

Fresh air

The smell of burnt food can remain in the air for several days if not specifically removed. If there is not enough hood and open windows, there is no need to lose hope. Plants have a natural ability to purify the air around you. Grow your own mini kitchen garden in pots, oregano and sage create a wonderful aroma that can help overcome unpleasant odors and make excellent cooking spices.

Causes of unpleasant odors

Stink in the refrigerator appears for several reasons:

  • Expired food and spoiled dishes. Bad smells are caused by sour milk, rotten eggs, spoiled fish and meat, rotten vegetables and fruits, open canned food and sour soups.
  • An unpleasant specific amber can arise from mixing incompatible products.
  • A blockage in the drain hole, the appearance of mold, dirt, and emergency defrosting can also cause a problem.
  • Improper maintenance of the refrigeration unit.

A foul odor indicates that there is a dangerous health problem that should be corrected immediately.

Scented candles

After you've finished cooking, to quickly get rid of unpleasant odors, you can light a scented candle or two in the kitchen. These candles are easily available in stores and you can also choose the scents that you like. You will be able to quell the cooking smells of your kitchen with the pleasant aroma of scented candles, which will also help you relax.

We clean up after ourselves in a timely manner

The source of the unpleasant odor, of course, is the cooked food and the dishes in which it was prepared. Therefore, you should immediately wash dishes after cooking, especially dirty pans in which food was fried in oil, but do not forget about pots and utensils for baking. After a meal, dishes should also not accumulate, since the remnants of cooked food on the plates also release their smell into the air, although not in such large quantities. But if the kitchen does not have a hood, then it should be kept perfectly clean. If you don't eat all your food at lunch, don't leave it on the table until your next meal - put it in an airtight container and put it in the refrigerator.

An unpleasant odor is created not only by cooked food and dishes, but also by grease on the stove, on the table, pieces of food in the sink, and waste in the trash can. All this also needs to be wiped and thrown away in a timely manner, otherwise the smell will stagnate. By the way, the trash can should be washed after each waste removal and then sprayed with a disinfectant solution, for example, vinegar diluted in water.

Another place that is a source of unpleasant odors in the kitchen, both with and without a hood, is the sink. Pieces of food, fat and oil often remain in it after washing dishes and stick to the walls of the pipe, so it needs to be cleaned from time to time. Waste accumulated inside can be removed using special pipe and drain cleaners, and baking soda will help get rid of the unpleasant odor: pour it into the sink, in particular into the pipe, and turn on hot water to rinse it all out.

Clean the refrigerator

If an unpleasant odor comes from the refrigerator, you need to thoroughly wash it with water and vinegar.

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  1. First you need to check it for spoiled food. Wash and put inside the lemon, cut into several parts. Citrus quickly absorbs foreign odors and fills the refrigerator with freshness.
  2. The refrigerator should be washed as soon as dirt appears, this way you can prevent the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and fungi in it.
  3. Baking soda effectively removes odor in the refrigerator. Simply pour the lye into a small container and place it in the refrigerator. Don't forget to change the soda every month.

1. Do not put dishes with food residues in the dishwasher

This tip will not only help you avoid unpleasant odors, but also prevent dirt from accumulating in your pipes.

• After each meal, be sure to clear any leftover food from your plates before putting them in the dishwasher.

• When the dishwasher has finished its work, wash it to remove any remaining dirt and grease. Then pour three cups of boiling water inside with the addition of one tablespoon of baking soda. This simple remedy will help clean your sewer pipes.

• To obtain a positive effect, this procedure must be repeated at least once a week.

How to remove odor in the kitchen with home remedies

It is not advisable to use chemical air fresheners in the kitchen, because... they can get into food and cause undesirable consequences. Peels from tangerines, oranges or lemons can be used as natural remedies to eliminate unpleasant odors in the kitchen. They are filled with water, put on fire and allowed to boil. Citrus steam, spreading throughout the room, neutralizes unnecessary aromas. The pan can be left overnight by turning it off first. During this time, the air in the kitchen will become fresher.

Citrus steam is a popular way to remove odors in the kitchen

Essential oils help well in the fight for freshness. There is a wide choice of products: anise, cinnamon, citrus, mint, lavender and rosemary. Just a few drops applied to furniture, towels or sponges can envelop the kitchen in fragrance. You can freshen the air by applying oil to a burning light bulb. As it heats up, it will spread throughout the kitchen and remove the smell of food and waste.

A transparent vase filled with coffee beans will be a beautiful and useful addition to your kitchen space. You can also put orange peels there.


Don't leave a mountain of dirty dishes behind. Washing dishes should occur during or immediately after cooking. So, the corrosive smell will not affect your kitchen utensils.

An exception may be a situation when the dishes need to be soaked a little if there are food residues stuck to them, for example, to a frying pan. In this case, close the drain in the sink, fill it with warm water and detergent and place the pan there for a while.

Never leave the vegetable oil you used to cook food in the frying pan. It is considered the cause of the most pungent odor. The oil can be poured into a plastic bag and thrown into the trash.

If your kitchen has a dishwasher, wash the dishes in it, first removing any remaining food from the plates using a sponge or napkins. This action reduces the risk of clogged dishwasher filters. After completing the dishwashing process, leave the dishwasher door open for a while.

Tea brewed in it can remove the persistent smell of fish from the pan. Leave the pot of tea for half an hour, then pour out the contents and rinse. The fishy smell was gone.

Use of chemicals

The easiest way to clear a clogged kitchen sink is to use special chemicals. To do this, you do not need to have special knowledge and skills as a plumber. There is no need to disassemble the drainage system either. It is enough to purchase the necessary chemicals and hand protection products at the hardware store. Wearing gloves, pour the contents of the bag into the sink or pour out the liquid reagent.

After the time specified in the instructions for use, rinse the system with plenty of running water. In most cases, with mild blockages, this product does an excellent job. The following remedies have a good effect:

  1. Mole.
  2. Odorgon.
  3. Rowdy.
  4. Domestos.

In some cases, if the blockage is not too severe, the “Belizna” solution is sufficient. Factory reagents must be used according to the attached instructions. Since almost all of these products are highly toxic, it is necessary to protect yourself with gloves and a mask. The cost of such drugs may depend on their effectiveness and chemical composition.

Not only unpleasant, but also harmful!

The point is not only that the heavy sewer spirit is unpleasant to all household members, it is also harmful. Human evolution has made sure that he can recognize odors that threaten his health. And a sharp, repulsive smell signals us about danger; we should not distrust our instincts.

Let's try to figure out why the smell from the sink is harmful? The air from the sewer, which enters our premises and causes our rejection, is poisonous. It contains hydrogen sulfide and ammonia fumes. During decomposition processes in the sewer system, methane is also formed, which also does not contribute to human health.

Together, these substances - methane, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide - negatively affect human health. Through the respiratory system they depress the central nervous system. In severe cases, they provoke nervous breakdowns and brief loss of consciousness.

Therefore, we strongly recommend removing the unpleasant smell under the sink as soon as you notice it!

If you rarely use the sink

It happens that at a certain period of life the kitchen sink is rarely used, the water in the water seal evaporates, and the kitchen is filled with a pungent sewer spirit. Or, for example, people come to their country house only on weekends, and it’s not pleasant to immediately experience negative emotions because of this problem.

If you live in a house that doesn't use the sink much, just turn on the faucet periodically and let the water run for a while, cold or hot doesn't matter.

If you leave the house for a long time, the water has time to dry, your task is to prevent drying out. Let's remember physics lessons. Oil will come to our aid; it is lighter than water, will spread like a film and will not allow evaporation to occur. You can use whatever oil is on hand - vegetable oil, or you can add a little machine oil.

Use a bag of dry herbs

Bad odors may appear in the kitchen cabinet where cereals, pasta and seasonings are stored, as well as in the location of the trash can. A bag filled with dry herbs will help get rid of the problem.

You don’t have to buy a ready-made sachet; you can make it yourself. Sew a small bag from natural fabrics. Use dried lavender leaves, sprigs of rosemary, mint or rose petals as fillers, and add a drop of appropriate essential oil to enhance the effect. Cinnamon sticks, cloves and citrus slices dried in the oven are also great.

How sewer smell can harm you

The rotting smell from your sink can lead to health problems. The fact is that the rotting that occurs in the siphon is accompanied by the release of gases hazardous to health. They can cause malaise, headaches and a number of other negative effects.

Among the substances released through the sewer pipe are: hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and methane. Ammonia and hydrogen sulfide have the most obvious odor, while methane has no odor at all. If you inhale gases for a long time, the consequences will come quite quickly. First of all, the nervous and respiratory systems are seriously affected.


In order to remove odor from the kitchen sink quickly and efficiently, it is recommended to follow the advice of experts:

  1. The use of household chemicals for cleaning pipes must be done with rubber gloves, observing all safety requirements.

  2. During one procedure, several drugs cannot be poured into the drain at once.
    When combined in place, they can form very caustic compounds that release toxic gases. There is also a possibility that drugs that are not designed for simultaneous use will neutralize each other's effects.
  3. Drain cleaning products must be stored separately from food products, out of the reach of children.
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