5 life hacks for those whose dress constantly sticks to their legs and their hair stands on end

First, let's figure out why tissues become electrified in the first place, and what mechanism is behind this curious phenomenon!

William Gilbert, an English naturalist of the 16th-17th centuries, was interested in a variety of areas of science, but he was especially intrigued by magnetic and electrical phenomena. Moreover, in the study of electricity, he became a real discoverer, offering the world the very term “electrification.”

This phenomenon, which occurs when various objects rub against each other, is a kind of exchange of positive and negative charges. If you have at least once in your life struggled with a skirt literally sticking to nylon tights, you have a clear idea that electrified materials, or more precisely, negative and positive charges, are attracted to each other. At the same time, you can even hear a characteristic electrical crackling and see sparks in the dark - these are electrical charges caused by friction, in other words, static electricity.

In everyday life this phenomenon is absolutely safe, although somewhat unpleasant, but in the case of clothing it can be very annoying and unaesthetic.

Life hack: what to do if your foot sticks to the material?

Biker jacket

A leather biker jacket is a unique thing. Because it is both a base and a trend. She deftly moves from season to season, slightly changing only the “frame”. But a slightly loose-fitting biker jacket won’t go out of style for another 10 years for sure!

Stylists advise curvy women to choose medium-length models to highlight feminine hips. And with the onset of truly warm days, wear such a jacket wide open - the special cut will set the vertical, which will noticeably make you look slimmer.

Good antistatic agent for clothes

All antistatic agents have a chemical composition. After using them, things stop electrifying and the electrification disappears. There are several types of household antistatic agents; industry produces them in the form of:

  • Aerosol (spray);
  • Liquid products intended for rinsing clothes;
  • Gels;

Aerosol products are the most common ones occupying the first positions and are in the top sales . They are applied to the back of things, as a result of which the electrification disappears. These cans have a nasty smell and can only be used outdoors.

Liquid means for rinsing things. The second most popular remedy . It does not have any strong odors; on the contrary, it contains fragrances that refresh and improve the aroma of washed items. Moreover, they improve the structure of fabrics, have a softening effect, and facilitate the ironing process.

Gel products or paste formulations. They are highly concentrated and diluted in warm water according to the instructions on the package. When diluted, they are used for rinsing.

The second and third options of purchased products can be used to care for furniture and floor coverings.

A better product with an antistatic effect, which can be prepared from improvised means:

Combine 600 g of water + 200 g of vinegar + 100 g of hair conditioner. Add the resulting solution during rinsing, 50 g per wash.


Do you remember the time when jeans were not held in high esteem? And we don't remember! Because denim is forever. Basic models feature a classic indigo color, a straight cut and a high rise. A slight flare from the middle of the thigh is quite acceptable. Any decorative elements are a no!

It is important that the composition contains only cotton or a small percentage of synthetic additives. Such models are not too tight on the figure, but also do not hang like a bag. That is, they perfectly hide flaws and emphasize the advantages of a full complexion.

How to prevent electrification

Static electricity occurs when air is too dry. Therefore, additional air humidification can solve the problem. To do this, install an air humidifier at home, and the electrification will disappear after a while.

Also, to moisturize the fabric, hang the clothes in the bathroom immediately after taking a shower or bath. This method will also help to smooth the fabric without an iron.

In addition, it is important to ensure proper care of synthetics and silk, including properly washing, rinsing and drying synthetic items and clothes that are highly electrified. First, study the label on your items and find out how to properly wash, dry and iron items. You can find the explanation of the symbols here.

Do not wash items in too hard water, as this can lead to electrification. To soften the water and materials, be sure to add fabric softener with each wash. You can also add a little soda to the powder, which will also prevent the fabric from subsequently sticking to the body or tights.

Try not to dry clothes in a washing machine, but leave them to dry naturally in a well-ventilated area. The item is dried separately from the rest; you can hang the item in the doorway. This drying will prevent the appearance of electrification, folds and wrinkled areas.

If you decide to machine dry your items, use a low temperature setting and place an antistatic cloth inside the item while drying, or place three or four tennis balls in the machine. It is better to finish drying in natural conditions.

A white blouse

In terms of its versatility, a white shirt can perhaps only compete with the “little black dress.” After all, if desired, it can be easily integrated into any style and create a lot of unique images.

It is indispensable in layering, a real find in a business version and will instantly reduce the degree of solemnity of a trendy skirt in your everyday wardrobe.

Treating your feet

Foot treatment

Applying these products to clothing is not the only way to combat skirt sticking. Sometimes the products are applied to the legs.

  • Moisturizer , like many other substances, helps increase tissue moisture. You can choose any moisturizer to apply to the skin of your feet. Be careful: if you use too much, the cream will not be completely absorbed into the skin and will appear on your clothes.
  • Body lotion is used in the same way as moisturizer.
  • Baby powder or talcum powder for the skin will not increase moisture, but will reduce the electrification of the fibers.

You will definitely have some of these tools on hand. So you can handle sticking! Or maybe you have your own proven method?

White running shoes

Just a couple of seasons ago, everyone voted for high heels because they were beautiful and elegant. Today, everyone grabs sneakers with both hands, because they are comfortable and no less stylish.

And also universal. With any dress, jeans, pantsuit, or even a maxi skirt, wear white sneakers or sneakers. So it’s time to buy a couple of pairs for the season!

#4 A little extra

If you like to dress up, then the style of Indian women will definitely suit your taste. This is a special kind of art. So French women, for example, will most likely wear a slip dress to a celebration, while American women will prefer mini or tight silhouettes. Indian women will attract attention with a riot of colors, rhinestones and unusual styles. Juhi will definitely advise you to pay attention to theatrical blouses, and Santoshi - to sequins and multi-colored stones.



V-neck sweater

The most successful jumper model for spring is with a high neck. But for overweight girls, this style is not desirable, because it “eats up” the neck. As an alternative, we suggest a sweater or cardigan with a V-neck.

It works exactly the opposite and even elongates the silhouette as a whole. And if you are afraid of freezing, a scarf or scarf will always come to the rescue.

This short list of just 7 things will help you look fresh and stylish in spring. They can be diluted with trendy things, or they can simply be combined with each other. In any case, the images are one hundred percent guaranteed!

Ten ways to quickly get rid of electrification

  1. Lift up the dress or skirt and the inside of the hem, and wipe with an antistatic wipe. The top of the product or blouse should also be wiped from the inside with this napkin;
  2. A spray bottle of water is an effective remedy against electrification. Lightly spray the desired area, do not spray too much water, otherwise it will leave a wet spot on the clothes! When the water dries, polyester, natural silk or other fabric will no longer be electrified;
  3. You can add a few drops of fabric softener to a spray bottle of water to enhance the effect. Lightly spray the desired areas of clothing and iron the garments from the inside. If you're wearing tights, apply conditioner to your hands and run over them;
  4. You can also use water and a few tablespoons of fabric softener in a spray bottle. This product is used for both clothing and carpets;
  5. Wet your hands with water and iron your dress or blouse. To enhance the effect, add a teaspoon of salt to the water. This method will also help smooth out wrinkled areas of clothing;
  6. Run a bar of soap over the inside of your clothing or tights;
  7. The areas of the skin to which polyester or synthetics stick most are lubricated with a moisturizing body lotion or cream without fragrance or baby powder. Such products retain moisture on the skin, so things become electrified and stick less. But this method is not suitable if the product is completely electrified;
  8. If a silk or synthetic product becomes electrified, a classic antistatic spray will help. Spray the product at a distance of 20-30 centimeters from the fabric. It is advisable to perform the procedure on the balcony or in the fresh air, since this spray has a sharp and persistent unpleasant odor;
  9. If the skirt or hem of the dress sticks to the tights, treat only the underside of the clothing with an antiseptic. Do not spray the product on both tights and things, otherwise they will stick to each other even more;
  10. Instead of an antistatic agent, you can use hairspray, as it also contains antistatic agents. Spray the can at a distance of 30 centimeters from the clothing. Make sure that the varnish does not accidentally get into your eyes or face!

Where does static electricity come from?

Static electricity is a series of phenomena caused by the formation of electrical charges of equal signs resulting from the friction of two dissimilar surfaces. In other words, if you rub a rubber inflatable ball on your hair, then electrification is inevitable.

The key factor that accelerates the electrification of clothes and hair is dryness. Therefore, in rooms with low humidity it is much easier to “catch” electrification. Especially if you are wearing a silk dress. This material does not absorb body fumes well, which is why it becomes electrified. Cotton fabrics have better hygroscopicity and accumulate static electricity longer.

The processing methods we will talk about will help create a thin film on clothes and hair. This, in turn, will retain water and reduce or eliminate electrification.

To prevent your skirt from sticking: 5 life hacks that really work

How to avoid an awkward situation that not only irritates, but also spoils the impression of the image.

Text: Olga Astafieva · February 4, 2019

If the cold hasn’t become a reason for you to give up feminine clothing, that’s just wonderful. Dresses and skirts can be successfully integrated into your winter wardrobe, especially if you know the trends and their current combinations. But what if the harmonious perception of your image is hampered not by stylistic, but by technical problems? We are talking, as you probably already guessed, about the irresistible desire of a skirt (especially if it is made of synthetic fiber) to stick to tights. Although why “irresistible”? Everything can be solved if you know a few useful life hacks.

1. Choose your fabric carefully

To begin with, I would like to emphasize the importance of purchasing quality items. The less synthetic fiber it contains, the less likely it is that your skirt will cause discomfort by sticking to your tights. You should not form an impression of how problematic a thing will be based only on tactile sensations or after one try on. You don’t need to be an outstanding physicist to understand that for static electricity to arise, a process of rather long friction of surfaces is necessary.

You've probably noticed that your skirt doesn't start sticking to your tights right away, but just when you get to the office. That is why, if you want to buy something whose successful operation in the future will not require any tricks, study the label. Of course, you should be extremely wary if you see the inscription “100% polyester” on it. You should be suspicious of a skirt even if the share of synthetics in its composition exceeds 40%.

2. Take care of the lining

A high-quality skirt should always be equipped with a lining, the purpose of which is to create tactile comfort for you and protect the main fabric from wear and tear. Another question is that today manufacturers very often forget about the real functionality of the lining. That is why we usually get a synthetic cover instead of a comfortable petticoat, which only aggravates the problem of the hem sticking. The petticoat can bunch up, creating unsightly folds and completely unnecessary volume in strategic places. You can deal with this problem by taking the item to a studio so that they can provide it with a functional lining. If we are talking about flared models, it is worth thinking about sewing a universal petticoat, which will completely eliminate the problem of electrostatics.

3. Use chemistry wisely

Let's imagine a situation in which you purchased a fashionable and inexpensive skirt on sale. It cost 999 rubles, which means that neither the polyester in the fabric nor the lack of lining could influence the decision. It is also obvious that for such a budget purchase you are unlikely to want to order tailoring of a petticoat, which will cost more than the new thing itself. In this situation, go straight from the fashion store to the hardware store. Your goal is antistatic.

Sprays come in two types - containing ethyl alcohol and water-based. The first one retains the smell longer, and it is recommended to treat the fabric at least 12 hours before use. Precautionary measures are associated with the possibility of allergies. A water-based product that is retained longer by the fiber is considered safer. However, this feature also entails the risk of allergic reactions, because the skin will be in contact with the fabric longer.

4. Resolve the problem at the washing stage

For those who want to find the most gentle product that removes static electricity, pay attention to the rinse aids and pastes that are used when washing. They are diluted with water and are considered as safe as possible while maintaining a long-lasting effect. To protect yourself as much as possible from possible allergic reactions, look for a mark on the products that allows use for washing children's underwear.

5. Know about emergency measures

If you are now at an important event, cursing yourself for buying this skirt, and frantically googling life hacks that will help you peel it off from your tights, the action plan is as follows: go to the ladies’ room and sprinkle your legs under the hem with plain water. This will not solve the problem for the whole day, but it will give you a couple of hours of head start.

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