Soaking nuts before eating. Do you know why you need to soak nuts before eating?

To find out why you need to soak nuts before eating, you need to turn to the experience of nutritionists and raw foodists. People who prefer a healthy diet note the presence of protein, vitamins, minerals and a large amount of healthy fats in nuts. The product is also rich in fiber and phytic acid. Nuts quickly relieve hunger. But the downside of using them is a feeling of heaviness in the stomach and a difficult process of assimilation.

Soaking nuts before eating. Do you know why you need to soak nuts before eating?

Did you know about this?
Everyone loves nuts, but not everyone knows that dry nuts contain enzyme inhibitors - these are substances that slow down the digestion process. That is why such nuts are so difficult to digest and are excreted from the body almost unchanged. When soaked, the nutritional value of nuts increases significantly!

When inactive, inhibitors prevent the nut from germinating, which helps keep it dry before it enters a humid environment. It’s not for nothing that nature itself came up with this complex mechanism, similar to how seeds germinate in water. That is why it is in water that the process of activation of nutrients in nuts occurs. As a result, all the most useful things are absorbed by the body. Almost all types of nuts are beneficial for the body: they improve brain function, support heart activity, remove cholesterol, etc. However, it should be remembered that in large quantities this healthy product can become poisonous to the body. The optimal dose is a handful of nuts per day. Nuts “revivified” with water contain even more useful substances, they taste pleasant, are easier to digest and are better absorbed by the body. Use these tips to know which nuts need to be soaked for how long. Walnuts - 8 hours. Almonds - 12 hours. Hazelnuts - 8 hours. Peanuts - 1-2 hours. Pine nuts - 8 hours. Macadamia - 4 hours. Cashew - 6 hours. The basic rule: the harder the nut, the longer you need to soak it. Get the most out of your food!

Do I need to dry it?

Soaked nuts can be consumed immediately. After draining the water, the kernels are laid out on a towel to remove excess moisture. For those who like to crunch, the method of dehydration at a minimum temperature in an oven or electric dryer is suitable. But it is worth remembering that it is advisable to bake nuts on a baking sheet for at least 4 hours at a temperature no higher than 60–70 degrees. Drying quickly at high temperature will have a roasting effect.

Kernels soaked in water are healthier than dried and fried ones. They increase the amount of active ingredients that are more easily absorbed by the body. In addition, the taste improves and the nut becomes softer. You should try soaking nuts yourself at least once to feel the difference.

Do I need to soak walnuts before eating? Soaking nuts: what happens

These chemical transformations transform soaked seeds and nuts into easily digestible foods. They acquire a sweetish taste because... Inhibitors are washed out with water along with their bitterness. We can already say that nuts and seeds that have undergone the soaking procedure are full of nutrients presented in the most easily digestible form.

And there is something to be absorbed there! Imagine that even the tiniest seed, the most inconspicuous nut, contains a full-fledged active system of plant enzymes, a huge amount of macro- and microelements, flavonoids, antioxidants and vitamins. This entire rich complex of active substances is present in living plant tissue and resides in fruits in balanced quantities and ideal proportions.

Soaking significantly increases the nutritional value of seeds and nuts, changes the taste for the better - they acquire sweetness, juiciness and are almost as good in taste and appearance as fresh ones. In addition, if you doubt whether you bought a spoiled product, or whether it has been treated with some substance for the purpose of longer storage, preventing rotting, mustiness, and eating by insects and small rodents, soaking is a sure way to check this. Processed or spoiled nuts and seeds will lose their original color when soaked, become too soft, or, on the contrary, will not absorb moisture. After soaking, high-quality products should look like fresh ones.

Could it be the zinc?

Yes. Phytic acid reduces the absorption of zinc. So what? Add zinc to your diet if your blood tests show very low levels. In addition, high zinc in tests is also harmful. What if it’s on the contrary elevated for you? According to the University of Arizona, USA, 2010, elevated levels of zinc in the blood can shorten life span because it increases DNA breakdown in our cells by reducing an enzyme (PARP-1) that is involved in DNA repair.

Link to the study:


In addition, if zinc in the blood is higher than normal, this can impair the functioning of the immune system, lead to anemia, and reduce “good cholesterol” HDL in blood tests

Link to the study:


How and why to soak nuts, legumes and grains

How and why do you need to soak nuts, legumes and grains? It turns out that they contain substances - natural defense mechanisms that interfere with normal digestion and absorption by our body

Meet phytic acid

An acid that preserves mineral phosphorus in plant tissues. Various varieties of nuts, seeds, legumes and grains contain huge amounts of it. The peculiarity of this acid is that our body categorically refuses to absorb it. In addition, it interferes with the proper absorption of macronutrients and minerals.

Confrontation between phytase and phytin

In addition to acid, nuts, seeds and beans contain phytase. An enzyme, one of whose functions is the decomposition of phytin. This process is activated only when the fruit is wet and ready to start moving upward. Having received the phosphorus necessary for development, the plant begins to grow.

How to soak properly

To properly soak seeds and nuts, they need to be placed in a glass bowl with warm and clean water. For two glasses of water there is one glass of fruit - the ratio is 2:1. Some nutrition experts recommend adding a teaspoon of sea salt to water, supposedly to neutralize substances that slow down the enzymatic reaction. After this, the vessel with the fruits must be placed overnight in a dark place at a temperature of 20-25 degrees. It is better to cover the bowl with a gauze towel so that the plants can breathe.

Let us remind you about proper nutrition in summer: basic rules and sample menu. You can live without diets by following the principles of healthy eating, allowing your body to get everything it needs and your figure to remain slim. Summer is the best time to “organize” such a diet so that you don’t go hungry and don’t weigh down your figure. Politeka also wrote how to eat everything and stay slim: the best diet.

Could it be calcium?

So what if phytic acid reduces the absorption of calcium. There is no calcium deficiency in modern diets. And osteoporosis does not arise due to calcium deficiency, but due to a violation of the ratio of osteoblasts to osteoclasts. On the contrary, phytic acid has a positive property - it prevents bone osteoporosis in women after menopause, reducing arterial calcification, leaving calcium in the bones.

Links to studies:


Do I need to soak roasted nuts? Why do you need to soak nuts?

The soaking procedure helps to avoid unpleasant sensations and help the body quickly absorb healthy protein. It awakens dormant kernels and starts the germination process. As a result, the taste changes along with the structure, the nut is enriched with enzymes that are responsible for the development of the sprout, and harmful phytic acid is eliminated.

The presence of phytic acid is noted in almost all types of nuts. During ripening, it provides the fruit with natural protection from premature eating in the natural environment by animals or birds. By the time of maturity, a small percentage of phytin remains in the kernel. But with constant consumption of raw nuts, acid can accumulate, causing harmful effects.

Explaining why you need to place the kernels in water before eating, nutritionists also note the harm of daily consumption of roasted nuts. If soaked almonds acquire the softness of marzipan with the aroma of exquisite amaretto and enrich the body with beneficial enzymes, then fried almonds produce the opposite effect.

During heat treatment, the oils contained in the composition interact with phytic acid and tannin (concentrated in the shell), as a result of which they oxidize. The amount of oil that increases during frying can cause discomfort in the stomach.

The benefits of consuming soaked nuts are observed if the daily intake does not exceed 300 g.

Could it be a hardware issue?

Yes. Phytic acid reduces iron absorption. In fact, reducing iron levels in the blood is much more difficult than gaining it. And high iron levels generally cause cancer. Iron promotes the formation of hydroxyl radicals as a result of the reaction of hydrogen peroxide with iron ions, which subsequently damages DNA and RNA molecules.

Link to the study:


And it's good that phytic acid can help reduce iron and ferritin levels. Today, elevated ferritin is a marker of future cancer risk, and lowering it to normal levels through blood donation greatly reduces cancer mortality. And if a person has an iron deficiency, which is less common, then it is easy to gain it by consuming heme iron, or intravenously in extreme cases.

Links to studies:


Why soak nuts with salt? Why soak nuts?

Many people love to chew nuts. They are known to be a source of protein and a variety of microelements. However, few people know that it is necessary to soak nuts before eating.

Why do you need soaking?

Nuts are a type of seed with which the plant reproduces. Therefore, dry nuts are absorbed by the body poorly and slowly - nature has provided a mechanism to protect the embryos. Enzyme inhibitors are responsible for this, which “preserve” the nutrients in the nut, preserving the viability of the sprout before entering the nutrient medium. In addition to preserving the viability of the embryo, they protect it if it enters the stomach and suppress the secretion of digestive juices responsible for the digestion of food. In addition, there is evidence that the phytic acid contained in nuts greatly slows down the absorption of minerals. Therefore, large consumption of dry nuts can lead to rickets and osteoporosis. An increase in humidity serves as a signal that the nut is in a favorable environment and starts growth processes. As a result, enzyme inhibitors are destroyed, the enzymes themselves are released and begin the process of converting complex organic compounds into simpler ones. There is no need to wait until the nuts sprout: most of the nutrients will go into the sprout. Several hours of soaking will activate the necessary processes, as a result of which the nuts will become healthier and absorbed faster. Also, soaking nuts before eating has a positive effect on the taste: the bitterness disappears into the water, the nuts become sweeter and more tender.

How to soak nuts correctly

The nuts are poured with boiled or filtered water, maybe hot, but not boiling water. Water takes twice as many nuts. Many health experts recommend adding sea or pink Himalayan salt to your water. There are tips on using soda for these purposes. It is believed that salt and soda accelerate the destruction of protective mechanisms. The time for soaking nuts depends on their type. Experts say that a sign of a high content of enzyme-inhibiting substances is the brown color of the skin. Therefore, nuts such as walnuts, almonds or pecans need to be kept in water for several hours. It is convenient to soak the nuts overnight and eat them in the morning. Light-colored fruits require less processing time; 2-3 hours are usually enough for them. Small nuts, for example, pine nuts, can be eaten without soaking at all, although many supporters of a healthy diet prefer to first fill them with water for at least a quarter of an hour. After soaking, the nuts need to be washed and peeled. When they are planned to be eaten not immediately, but over several days, the nuts are dried naturally, placed in a dry glass container and put in the refrigerator, where they can be stored for several days.

Phytic acid is a “friend”

There is an opinion that phytates block the absorption of minerals, increasing the risk of osteoporosis, caries, etc. Modern research has completely vindicated grains. According to the authoritative, the “anti-nutritional” properties of phytates occur when consumed in large quantities in combination with a strict diet.

Is it always necessary to get rid of phytic acid in foods? Could she be useful? Not everything is so simple.

Properties of phytic acid:

  • Regulator of metabolic processes, including normalization of calcium-phosphorus and ion balance.
  • Has antioxidant properties.
  • Reduces the risk of certain types of cancer. Increases the growth activity of natural killer cells, suppresses the development and growth of malignant neoplasms. Foods high in phytates reduce the side effects of chemotherapy.
  • Helps prevent cardiovascular diseases and protects against the formation of kidney stones.
  • Important in the normal functioning of the pancreas and the production of insulin. Causes a feeling of satiety.

The daily intake limit for phytic acid in diets varies, ranging from 400 to 800 mg per day for healthy people. The lowest level is for children under 6 years of age, pregnant women, and people with serious chronic diseases.

How to soak nuts without salt. How and why should you soak Nuts?

How and why do you need to soak Nuts? It turns out that they contain substances - natural defense mechanisms that interfere with normal digestion and absorption by our body. Soaking nuts is a traditional method of deactivating these substances, which will allow us to consume nuts without harm to health.

I love Nuts. And I think that the people who don't like them are a minority.

I have always held pine nuts in high esteem! Having read a lot of research and information about the beneficial properties of Nuts in general, without any doubt I decided to seriously introduce them into my diet.

And not just Nuts for a snack, but their daily use. I decided to start with almonds.

And so, one evening, sitting and eating roasted almonds, “nutty” questions arose in my head.

For example, which Nuts are healthier: raw or roasted? Imagine my surprise to discover that the healthiest nuts are the soaked ones!

And why and how I will tell you in this post.

Why do you need to soak Nuts?

It turns out that all Nuts, without exception, just like grains and beans, have special protective mechanisms.

They protect themselves from predators who try to eat them all. And if herbivores can calmly cope with these protective mechanisms without any harm to their health, then we humans are not so lucky.

Nuts contain:

* Phytic acid, which attaches to minerals (Zinc, Magnesium, Iron, Calcium, etc.) and prevents their absorption in our gastrointestinal tract.

Recent studies say that without it, we are able to absorb 20% more Iron and 60% more Magnesium. And if you think carefully, these are very serious numbers that over time can lead to mineral deficiency.

It is for this reason that rickets and osteoporosis are diseases common among populations whose main diet is grains, beans and nuts.

The human body is able to cope with small amounts of phytic acid. About 100-300 mg per day.

But almond meal alone contains 1300!!! mg Phytic acid. And most people seriously lean on grains and cereals. It turns out that this is already a much larger amount than our body can handle without harm to our health.

* Digestive enzyme inhibitors, which deactivate our digestive enzymes and interfere with the normal digestion of food. This is one of the reasons why most people feel heaviness or pain in their stomach after eating Nuts.

Soaking deactivates Phytic Acid and digestive enzyme inhibitors, allowing us to better digest and absorb Nuts.

How to soak Nuts?

Our ancestors always prepared nuts before eating. Traditionally, they first soaked them in salt water, dried them in the sun, ground them and then cooked them.

Nowadays, when people want everything easier and faster, this practice has been forgotten over time. Which I think, like many other things, affects our overall health and well-being.

Soaking Nuts is a very simple and not labor-intensive process.

You will need:

  • 1 part nuts
  • 2 parts filtered boiled hot water
  • pink Himalayan or sea salt (1 teaspoon for 1 cup of nuts)
  • glassware ( )

Place the Nuts in a glass bowl, add salt and hot water, stir and wait.

Soaking time depends on the size and structure of the Nuts. For example, almonds and Brazil nuts should be soaked for 12 hours. Hazelnuts, walnuts, pecans and pine nuts for 8 hours. And cashews are 6.

After soaking, the nuts must be thoroughly washed and dried.

I simply place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and place them in the turned off, closed oven for 24 hours. After that, I take them out and use them in my recipes or put them in the refrigerator, where I store them for up to 2 weeks.

Don't forget to skin the nuts (like almonds). Most antinutrients are concentrated in the skin.

In general, it is better to store all Nuts, even unsoaked ones, in the refrigerator, as they contain delicate oils that spoil very easily.

Every evening I soak 10 almonds, which I rinse in the morning and eat right away. It has already become a habit and I do it automatically, as one of the rules of a healthy diet.

Soaking Nuts is a traditional preparation method used by our ancestors and which has unfortunately lost its importance in modern times.

Soaking is necessary for the complete digestion of Nuts, so don’t be lazy and make it a necessary part of your diet.


It is not advisable to eat nuts in any form for people who suffer from one of the following diseases:

  • Allergy. Walnuts are not as aggressive as peanuts, but in some cases, intolerance to their plant protein can also occur.
  • Thrombophilia and other diseases of the cardiovascular system associated with increased blood clotting. Nuts contain a lot of iron - and therefore enhance this property even more. Unfortunately, this does not work in the opposite direction: it is impossible to cure hemophilia (reduced blood clotting) with the help of walnuts.
  • Ulcer or erosion of the stomach, gastritis. Even in sprouted form, nuts are quite rough food that injure the esophagus and gastrointestinal mucosa.
  • Diseases of the pancreas (in particular, pancreatitis), in which the consumption of fats, including vegetable fats, should be reduced. There is no complete contraindication here; you can eat sprouted nuts in minimal doses - however, if possible, it is better to use nut cake containing a minimum of oil.
  • Some skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis, etc.).


If you have any doubts, you should consult your doctor or even make an appointment with a more specialized specialist (nutritionist, gastroenterologist, etc.).

Nut smoothie recipe

A great drink for health and beauty. A very gentle and healthy cocktail.

Products for 2 servings:

  • 1 cup almonds or walnuts already soaked;
  • 2 glasses of filtered water;
  • 1 banana;
  • 150 gr. currants, raspberries or strawberries (fresh or frozen).


  1. Preparing milk for smoothies. Pour the almonds into a tall bowl.
  2. Pour 2 glasses of water and blend with an immersion blender.
  3. When the almonds turn into fine crumbs, strain through a sieve. We carefully squeeze out the cake; we will need it for homemade chocolate. You can dry it or immediately put it in the freezer. The nut milk is ready.
  4. Add slightly melted berries and banana. Beat everything with a blender.
  5. Pour into glasses. Garnish with a mint leaf or a slice of lemon.

Ways to lose weight

Fasting days

Frequency – 1 time per month. The daily norm is 150 g of a mixture of various nuts. It should be divided into 5 small handfuls of 30 g each and eaten instead of usual meals. In between these snacks you are allowed to drink: green tea without sugar, milk and other additives, still mineral water, rosehip decoction. Result: weight loss by 1 kg. If heartburn and heaviness in the stomach occur, the fast should be stopped and another product that is more gentle on the gastrointestinal tract (for example, kefir) should be selected for the fasting day.

Composition of the nut mixture (it can be varied to suit your taste): 30 g each of walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, cashews. It is also not prohibited to use only one variety.

Nut diet

Basic principles:

  1. Chopped nuts are added to breakfast, lunch and dinner. A single serving for powdering is no more than 5 g. Used in its pure, fresh form for lunch and afternoon snack (1 handful = 25-30 g).
  2. The daily calorie intake is 1,300 kcal.
  3. Drink plenty of water (at least 2 liters).
  4. Meals are fractional.
  5. Sports activities are required.
  6. Greens must be present in the diet.

The peculiarity of this diet is that the list of prohibitions includes not only traditional unhealthy foods, alcohol, sugar, salt and spices, but also meat. Nuts are considered a complete replacement for weight loss, as well as in vegetarian and raw food cuisine.

Sample menu

In other diets, nuts can be used as a snack - during lunch or an afternoon snack. The main thing is that their volume fits into the daily calorie content ().

Which ones are better?

According to nutritionists, the healthiest nuts for weight loss are almonds. If a mental worker goes on a diet, it is better to take walnuts as a basis. Peanuts are recommended for constant physical activity. Each variety has its own characteristics. Therefore, it is worth choosing a middle ground and alternating or mixing them with each other.

How to choose quality ones?

The original packaging must be sealed and have well-printed information.

Pay attention to the expiration date: it should not be more than 6 months, since it is after this time that nut fats spoil and become hazardous to health

It is better to buy nuts in shells (except cashews), which should be whole, without cracks or chips. When purchasing by weight, shake them in front of your ear: the dried and rotten ones will rattle louder than the rest. Cleaned ones should not have dark spots or signs of mold. The bright yellow color is evidence that they have been lying around for a long time. Carefully inspect the product for insects and larvae.

Salted, fried and sweet nuts are not even considered as a dietary product. Avoid them.

When is the best time to eat?

It is recommended to eat such high-calorie foods in the first half of the day. However, they are a source of not only protein, but also protein, which means they can be included in dinner. The best option is to add it to porridge for breakfast and use it as a snack for lunch (to survive until lunch without pangs of hunger) and afternoon snack (especially useful after training, because they work to restore muscles and strength). In the evening, eat them in limited quantities (as part of smoothies or salads). But at night, just before bed, it is not recommended to feast on them, otherwise they will contribute not to weight loss, but to weight gain.

In any form?

Buy - in shell without salt and spices. When losing weight, it is better to eat fresh, whole or chopped. Heat treatment kills most of the beneficial substances and makes fats harmful.

In what quantity?

The maximum daily intake for weight loss is 150 g for 1 week, after which a break is required for a couple of weeks.

How to store it correctly?

Without peeling, place in a glass container and put in the refrigerator. The maximum shelf life is 6 months, but this is from the moment of harvest, subtract the time of transportation and stay on the store shelf. It turns out about 3-4 months.

Benefits for the body

A handful of kernels is good enough for a snack. In addition to a large number of calories, they contain elements necessary for the human body. For vegetarians, this is the most important source of plant proteins. The benefits of almonds for the body are extensive. It is often used for heart disorders, diabetes, anemia, and cough. Almonds are also good for skin, hair and teeth.

Soaked almonds are much healthier than dry ones. It improves well-being, digestion and provides more nutrients. How to soak almonds in water.

The nut is used in traditional and alternative medicine to prevent and treat a wide range of diseases. Folk remedies are made from almonds and other parts of the plant, for example, shells and husks. However, the maximum effect is achieved by ingesting almonds.

For the heart and blood vessels

The main advantage of peeled almonds is their high content of monounsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants, which keep the heart healthy, eliminating the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. The American Food and Drug Administration recommends consuming 43 grams of nuts daily for prevention. Soaked nuts are rich in flavonoids and vitamin E, which improve the condition of arteries and relieve inflammation.

Soaked kernels contain elements important for heart health, including potassium, magnesium, calcium, manganese, copper and arginine. Thanks to research, it was found that the nut helps reduce the level of bad cholesterol, especially in diabetics and people with high levels of cholesterol.

Mountain almonds protect the walls of blood vessels from the accumulation of cholesterol plaques (Bitter almonds: benefits, application). Helps maintain optimal cholesterol and blood pressure levels, helps lose extra pounds, and fights obesity. This reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

For anemia

Due to its rich chemical composition, the nut is indicated for anemia. If you have this syndrome, it is useful to eat 20 nuts daily. Soaked almonds will help replenish iron deficiency, and with it, increase hemoglobin levels and prevent the development of anemia.

For the nervous system

Lack of sleep, mental overstrain, stress - all these are conditions that active and hard-working people experience. The seeds contain vitamins B and A, contain phosphorus, potassium, proteins and carbohydrates, which help cope with the consequences of overexertion: lack of sleep, irritability and apathy.

For the brain

Antioxidants prevent brain aging, phosphorus improves mental performance. These elements eliminate and slow down the development of Alzheimer's disease in old age. Kernels are of great benefit to students and knowledge workers because they improve the process of memorization.

For the stomach and intestines

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, almond milk is much more effective, which can be easily prepared at home. It is made from nuts and water. It does not contain lactose, is well absorbed by the body, saturating it with potassium. Useful for heartburn, diarrhea and inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract.

For teeth and bones

Mountain almonds are a storehouse of vital microelements. These include magnesium and phosphorus. These substances help build and maintain healthy teeth and bones. The properties of almonds actively fight caries, reduce the risk of fractures and prevent the development of osteoporosis.

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