How to make bread soft in the microwave: methods and secrets

Fresh bread, soft inside, with a crispy crust on the outside... How delicious! Many cannot resist its alluring aroma and unforgettable taste. But no matter how sad it may be, bread is a perishable product, and accordingly, already half a day after production, it loses its taste (especially if you forget to put it in a bag, thereby limiting the flow of air).

After a day, the bread becomes dry, we begin to call it “stale”. But there is a solution to the problem - soften the bread in the microwave. Stale bread will no longer wait to be thrown away.

Before steaming stale bread in the microwave, be sure to make sure there is no mold on it! If the smell of mold appears while trying to reheat a baked product, throw it in the trash immediately!

Softening stale bread in the microwave
In most cases, they try to restore bread or a loaf in the microwave in cases where it is not possible to purchase a new loaf (closed stores, no bread delivered, etc.).

Why does bread go stale quickly?

It is generally accepted that bread begins to lose its freshness due to the fact that moisture leaves it. This seems like an obvious fact: it gets dry and quite tough if left unwrapped on the counter. But this is a big misconception. The fact is that bread becomes stale due to the fact that it begins to absorb too much moisture. It's quite hard to believe, but it's true: the main ingredients are water and flour. This means that this product contains a large amount of starch. It is he who begins to draw moisture into himself, gradually crystallizing.

Because of this, the crumb quickly loses its elasticity and softness, becomes hard and begins to crumble heavily. This process is called “starch retrogradation”. The speed of its development depends on the type of finished product. So, wheat bread will begin to stale much faster than rye bread. In the second case, this reaction slows down somewhat, since the acid present in the composition is protected (thanks to the leaven).

Low protein content in flour

The quality of flour plays a very important role when kneading dough.
The importance of gluten lies in the fact that it forms the dough: when swelling, it forms a continuous elastic network that connects all the flour substances into a single elastic mass. When yeast is added to the dough, carbon dioxide is released as a result of fermentation, which stretches the gluten. At first, the dough quickly increases in volume (rises), and by the end of fermentation it acquires a porous structure. Loose dough consists of a huge number of bubbles, the walls of which are formed mainly by gluten. In this form, it is fixed during baking, forming the characteristic porous structure of the bread crumb. If the flour is of low quality, the crumb will not be elastic enough and will crumble when cut. Does the quality of your flour leave much to be desired? Suspect a gluten deficiency? We advise you to replace it, giving preference to trusted manufacturers.

What are the benefits of stale bread?

Many of us love bread and quite often include it in our diet. However, only a small group of people know that dried bread is the most beneficial for health from a medical point of view. This directly depends on its effect on the gastrointestinal tract and its functioning. The fact is that soft, freshly baked bread has not yet lost the elements of natural fermentation. They can adversely affect the functioning of some human organs. For example, such a product is considered a very heavy food for the pancreas, which begins to actively produce insulin, which negatively affects blood sugar levels. It is precisely because of the heavy load on the stomach that bread is not recommended for those who suffer from various pathologies of the digestive system.

In turn, crackers and stale bread are almost identical in composition to the fresh version, but due to the absence of fermentation elements, they become absolutely safe even for those who have various problems in the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, no one forces you to eat dry bread unchanged. You can prepare various dishes based on it. Toasts are considered the most successful: an excellent option that will be not only tasty, but also healthy.

Use of the weathered product

In the event that there is no need to restore the original properties of bread, it can easily be used, namely:

  • Dry it further, using a mixture of seasonings if necessary, and then use it as crackers. In this case, the main thing is to know at what temperature to dry the crackers in the oven in order to obtain an excellent ingredient for soups and salads from the weathered product;
  • add to the minced meat as an ingredient in cutlets, meatballs, cabbage rolls and any other chopped semi-finished products;
  • use as part of homemade baked goods - these can be various pies, pies;
  • make breadcrumbs from dry bread;
  • Prepare the croutons by first dipping the bread slices in the egg.

In addition, when trying to revive stale slices, be sure to check them for the presence of mold, which is quite often found on bread that is not the first freshness. If the product shows at least initial signs of the appearance of mold fungi, then you should not eat it, try to soften it, or add it to other dishes, since eating moldy products can cause very severe food poisoning.

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How to soften stale bread

Even if the bread has become stale and hard, you should not rush to throw it away. Many housewives know that some secrets can restore bread softness and freshness. Today there are many different options for how to return softness to bread simply and quickly. We will talk about them further.

In the microwave

Stale bread can be returned to its original state by simply heating it in the microwave. Lightly spray the slices with water and then place them in the microwave. Next, heat the bread for 15–20 seconds. It is a good idea to use a special plastic cap - this will speed up the process. It is very important not to dry out the slices.

Heating should not exceed more than a minute, otherwise the product will become hard and dry again. However, this advice is only useful if you plan to use the product immediately. Within a few minutes the bread will return to its original state, becoming dry and hard again.

In the oven

Another way to return bread to its original softness is to reheat it in the oven. First you need to warm up the oven well, its temperature should be from 120 to 140 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment, onto which a little later lay slices of sliced ​​bread. Then cover them with a damp textile towel. After 5–7 minutes, remove the product from the oven.

After it has cooled slightly, it can be eaten. However, we must not forget that within a few minutes the product will again become stale and hard. Therefore, this event should be carried out before the actual consumption of bread, otherwise the expected result will not be achieved.

In a steamer

Even the toughest loaf will regain its softness if you keep it in the steamer basket for a few minutes. But you should not increase the time interval, as the bread may simply become damp and become unsuitable for eating. In order to return softness to stale bread, 3 to 5 minutes will be enough. The amount of time is determined by the size of the product: the larger it is, the longer you should hold it - but no more than 10 minutes, otherwise the result will not live up to expectations.

In a frying pan

Another effective and quick way to return softness to stale bread is to heat it in a frying pan. It is important to give preference to dishes that have a thick bottom. A cast iron frying pan is ideal for this purpose. Slices of bread should be slightly moistened by spraying them with water from a spray bottle, after which they should be placed in a frying pan. The fire should be moderate. After 2 minutes, turn the slices over to the other side. You should not forget that dry bread steams quickly enough, and if it is left too long, it can burn. But one should not hope that after such treatment the product will be stored for a long time, maintaining freshness and softness. It needs to be consumed within a few minutes, as very soon it will return to its previous state.

In a paper bag

A paper bag is a great option for restoring the softness of bread. It is necessary to first cut the loaf into slices, and then pack them in a bag, securely sealing it with tape (maximum tightness). This is necessary in order to completely eliminate the possibility of moisture evaporation. Place the bag of bread in the refrigerator and leave it there for 5 or more hours - during this time it will soften. After this, you just need to put the bread in the microwave for 20-30 seconds: it will become soft and warm, as if it had just been cooked.

In a saucepan

You can restore the softness of a loaf or any other bread using a regular pan. But, in addition to it, you will also need a sieve. If you don’t have one, then a metal colander is quite suitable for this purpose. Pour a small amount of water into the pan: about 200–300 ml. When it starts to boil, place a colander or sieve on it. Then place the bread cut into pieces into it and wait about 5-7 minutes. However, you should carefully monitor the process, since if the bread is left too long, it will completely soften and begin to clump. It is unlikely that such a product will be able to cause anyone's appetite. That is why this process should be monitored.

In a water bath

This option is useful if you don’t have a microwave or steamer. The idea is simple: you need to pour water into the bottom of the pan and wait for it to boil. Then attach a colander to it (it must be metal: the plastic may begin to melt from exposure to steam and too high temperatures). Place pieces of dried bread in a colander and wait until the steam softens them. This will take about 3-5 minutes.


how to soften stale bread and make it soft Expand

Steam recovery

The simplest version of this method is softening in a double boiler or multicooker; for this you need to keep the stale bread in operating mode for 1–2 minutes.

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If you don’t have a double boiler or multicooker, you can use a regular saucepan and colander. Place the dry slices or whole piece in a colander and place it over a pan of simmering water.

It is important that the water does not touch the bread, otherwise it will turn into a mushy mass. After keeping the stale pieces for 5-7 minutes, you will get quite soft slices suitable for consumption.

The disadvantage of this method is the need for constant monitoring of the process - the product may absorb excess moisture and will have to be dried.

Use of stale bread

If the bread begins to stale and dry out, then you should not throw it away immediately. It may still be useful for eating.

For example, stale bread can be dried and made into breadcrumbs. To do this, simply cut the loaf into small pieces and grind them using a mixer or meat grinder. But we should not forget that this only applies to bakery products made from wheat flour. A very important detail: they should not contain any flavorings or flavoring additives, otherwise this will inevitably later affect the taste and aroma of the finished dish. Hardly anyone will appreciate the taste of sweetish cutlets. Rye bread is also not suitable for preparing breading mixture. The fact is that it contains sourdough, which gives the bread a slightly sour taste. It will be preserved even when the bread dries to the state of crackers. In addition, such crumbs will be quite hard, which can spoil the taste of the finished dish using such breading.

One of the easiest and fastest ways to use dried bread is to make croutons. They can be in a wide variety of options. For example, for sweet croutons, use sugar-sweetened water. An excellent option is dried slices of bread soaked in a mixture of milk and eggs. This is a hearty breakfast option that will be appreciated by all family members. Another plus is the speed and ease of preparation.

Dried bread can become an ingredient for preparing not only meat, but also minced fish. Simply soak it in water or milk. This will make the finished dish more juicy and tender.

You can make homemade nuggets using breadcrumbs. Grind the dried bread until it becomes crumbs. You can add spices. The combination of garlic and paprika is perfect. Cut the chicken breast into small pieces. The thickness should not be more than 1.5 cm. Otherwise, while the meat is fried, the breading will already have time to burn. Dip the breast in the beaten egg, then roll in the breading mixture. Next, fry the pieces on both sides over low heat. Juicy and appetizing nuggets, covered with a crispy golden crust, will be ready after 20–30 minutes.

Bread pie with minced meat

Stale bread makes excellent baked goods. It can be sweet, used as a dessert, or unsweetened. And even a full second course.


  • Loaf – whole;
  • Egg - 4 pieces;
  • Milk -1 l;
  • Minced meat – 0.5 kg;
  • Onion – 1 piece;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste;
  • Butter - for greasing the pan.


  • The loaf should be cut into slices. Scramble 2 eggs in milk, add salt and pepper. Soak the loaf in milk.
  • Chop the onion, add minced meat, salt, pepper, fry in a frying pan until half cooked.
  • Boil another 2 hard-boiled eggs, chop and add to the minced meat. The filling and dough are ready.
  • Grease the baking dish with butter. Place slices of bread both on the bottom of the pan and on the sides.
  • Place minced meat in the middle. Cover the minced meat with slices of bread. All this must be filled with the remaining mixture of milk and egg.
  • Bake the pie in the oven at 180⁰C until golden brown.

Using this recipe, you can prepare a wide variety of pies and casseroles. Crushed stale bread, filling and egg-milk mixture. These dishes can be served as a hot dish for lunch or as a hearty breakfast.

How to store bread so it doesn't go stale

In order for bread to be stored for as long as possible, it is enough to follow simple rules.

  1. Firstly, it is strictly forbidden to store bread without packaging in an open space. This way it will dry out in just a few hours, in addition, this will negatively affect the taste of this popular product. The best solution is to buy a bread box. This compact device will help extend the shelf life of bread, keeping it in perfect condition. Today, a wide selection of this product category allows you to choose a high-quality and stylish option. However, bread bins made of wood are considered the best - this is an environmentally friendly material, which has been preferred since ancient times several centuries ago. If you store flour products in a bread bin, their quality will not suffer: they will not become moldy or go stale ahead of time.
  2. Instead of plastic bags, it is recommended to use special bags for storing bread, which are made from natural fabric. This simple technique will help extend the shelf life of the product, preserving its taste and pleasant aroma.
  3. In the summer, when there is a period of intense heat, it is recommended to store bread in the refrigerator, otherwise it will very quickly become moldy or stale. The first option happens when the moisture has nowhere to evaporate - the bag is tightened too tightly. The second option is typical when bread is stored outdoors. If moldy bread is strictly forbidden to be eaten, then slightly dried bread can always be refreshed. For example, before serving, you just need to heat the stale slices in the microwave for 10 seconds. They will not lose their taste at all, but will be soft and aromatic.

Simple advice:

Bread lasts much longer in a paper bag. That is why it should be freed from cellophane packaging faster.


Place bread and a small container of water in the microwave.
The fastest way to soften bread is to microwave the wet pieces. Place a small container of water there. Turn on for 15-20 seconds, check the degree of softness, then repeat 1-2 more times. As a rule, 40-50 seconds is enough for the bread to become soft. You need to check it often, because if you overdo it, it is quite possible that the effect will be exactly the opposite - the pieces will turn into crackers.

Stale bread can be revived in the oven.

In order to soften bread in the oven, you need to cut the same small pieces as for the microwave. Then wrap them in a paper towel soaked in water and place them in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. 2-3 minutes are enough for the bread to become soft again.

The bread should be wrapped in foil and placed in the oven.

If you don’t have a paper towel on hand, but have foil, you can also wrap the bread in it. In this case, the exposure time in the oven needs to be increased to 10-15 minutes. It is important to let the bread cool without unrolling the foil, then it will be truly soft

What can be made from a dried loaf?

If you decide to cook something from stale bread, then we have 7 options.

  1. Crackers and croutons The easiest way to use stale bread is to make croutons. ...
  2. Toasts and hot sandwiches...
  3. Fast pizza...
  4. Breading...
  5. Bread pastries…
  6. Scrambled eggs with bread...
  7. Casseroles

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