A quick and easy way to peel boiled potatoes

How to quickly peel potatoes using a drill?

Turn on the drill at the highest possible speed and insert the brush into the middle of the bucket. Everything will spin and foam. It will take about 30 seconds for the skins to fall off the potatoes. The bristles of the brush are excellent at removing the peel.

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Peeling raw potatoes

This is already more complicated. The fastest way is to buy a special potato peeler. It can be automatic, it can be electric. By the way, to make the cleaning process faster, buy small potatoes and soak old ones for 20 minutes first. You can also peel carrots, beets and apples with it. Potato peelers are safe, but they also have disadvantages. So, they can cut off too much pulp along with the peel. Besides, they definitely won't clean out your eyes. Such units are more suitable for young potatoes. But there are other options.

Peel raw potatoes in a minute

This method is similar to peeling jacket potatoes. So, we clean the root vegetables from plant debris and dirt and keep them in water at room temperature for a third of an hour.

We take a knife (thin and sharp) and draw it around the circumference of the root crop. We make a cut that is not too deep and ends at the same point where it started. Place the tubers in almost boiling water. Remove from boiling water after about five minutes and immediately place in ice water (or just ice water). After a minute, take the tuber with both hands, stretch it in different directions and remove the peel. Here you need to get your hands on, but if you do this, you will definitely never burn them.

Cleaning with a drill

Crazy idea, but quite useful. The drill must be perfectly clean. It is better to take a new one, not used before. As a last resort, you can thoroughly clean and wipe the instrument.

Place all the tubers in a bucket. Fill it with cold water and wait five to six minutes. In the meantime, we are waiting, preparing the drill. We attach a brush (clean) to its rotating element. Other similar products are also available. Turn on the drill and lower the attachment into the bucket. We perform circular movements with it, getting to each potato. Once done, drain the water with the separated skin. The downside is that you always need a clean brush. In addition, there will be eyes and skin residues on the potatoes. So, you will have to clean it additionally.

Clean quickly using a potato peeler

Cut off the top and bottom of the top. We put the potato on the cut and begin to cut vertical strips of peel from the bottom up. This option is not suitable for potatoes with a knotty surface or with a large number of eyes.

How they peel potatoes in the army and in production

Under production conditions, potatoes are peeled in several ways:

  • Thermal - by treating the tubers with steam under high pressure.
  • Chemical - applying caustic soda to root crops, which corrodes the peel.
  • Mechanical - removing the skin by placing the potatoes in a machine with special knives and rough walls.

The stereotype associated with the fact that in the army soldiers peel potatoes has long been outdated. Now special personnel from civilians are recruited to work in the kitchen, who are engaged in the delivery, preparation and preparation of food for military personnel.

Peeling young potatoes

You don’t have to clean it at all, especially if you bake it or fry too small tubers. The crust makes it more beautiful and fragrant. But you still have to peel it for salads or soups. By the way, this is easier than cleaning old ones or in uniforms.

Clean with a sieve

So we need something metal and with small holes. It is better from the thinnest wire. So, put it in the sink, turn on the cold water. Take the tuber, put it on a sieve and roll it several times. Let's make it easy. We wash and remove all the eyes.

Clean with salt

Take new potatoes, a saucepan and salt. Wash the tubers thoroughly and wipe them even more thoroughly. Pour the potatoes and salt into the pan, cover with a lid and shake, don’t be lazy. Afterwards, rinse the vegetables again with cooler water.

Clean with steel wool

The washcloth should be perfectly clean, or better yet new. Place the potatoes in cold water. Take one at a time and scrub with a sponge. All that remains is to cut out the eyes. Then drain the dirty water and wash the new potatoes. You can try peeling potatoes in the same way using a dishwashing sponge (its hard part).

How to peel potatoes for frying or boiling

Regardless of the method chosen, thoroughly wash the tubers before the procedure, otherwise the contaminants will transfer to the already peeled potatoes and they will still have to be washed.

Method 1

Take the potato in one hand and the knife in the other. Using a blade, cut the peel in a direction convenient for you:

  • in a straight line towards yourself;
  • round;
  • in a spiral.

Method 2

Cut off the ends of each potato. Place the tuber on a cutting board, cut side down, so that it stands upright. Holding the potatoes with your hand, start cutting the skins from top to bottom. Rotate the potatoes around their axis until they are completely peeled. After the procedure, remove the eyes and rinse the tubers under running water.

How to properly store peeled potatoes

Many housewives are faced with an acute lack of time, so sometimes there is a need to prepare vegetables in advance, for example, if guests are expected after work, and mashed potatoes will be one of the treats.

Potatoes contain a lot of starch, which darkens very quickly in the open air.

There are several ways to preserve the taste and appearance of potatoes.


This method is suitable if you need to fry potatoes or prepare soup or stew. After freezing, the pieces become dense and do not crumble.

Root vegetables must be cut, dried, placed in a plastic bag, removing air from it, and placed in the freezer. You can store potatoes in this way for no more than a day, otherwise they will lose their taste.

There is no need to defrost the vegetable before cooking.

How to peel raw and boiled potatoes very quickly

The process of peeling potatoes always takes a lot of time, especially if you need to prepare dishes or side dishes for a large number of people. Traditionally, a knife is used for this purpose, as well as other kitchen tools that make it easy to peel the root vegetable. However, even in such a seemingly simple matter, there are secrets, knowledge of which will allow you to peel potatoes quickly, safely and effectively.

Methods for peeling raw potatoes

The usual method for peeling potatoes involves using a knife. However, you should remember safety precautions. Before starting work, you can pre-wash the potatoes by soaking them for 10-15 minutes in water, which will make it easy to rid the tubers of adhering clods of earth and dirt. Or don’t wash the potatoes, remembering that after peeling you will still have to wash the already peeled tubers.

washing potatoes before peeling

If you need to boil potatoes in their skins, it is advisable to arm yourself with a brush or sponge. With their help, it will be much easier to rid the potatoes of contaminants. Each potato should be washed individually under running cool water. Then place the washed potatoes in a colander.

washed potatoes placed in a colander

How to peel older potatoes with a knife

To peel raw and older potatoes, you will need a kitchen knife. It is advisable to choose a small size model. An ideal option would be a knife for vegetables and fruits.

With this knife you will be able to easily peel potato tubers.

  1. Place the potato parallel to the edge of the countertop.

potato tuber parallel to the edge of the tabletop

  1. Gently holding the tuber with one hand, cut off one end. In this case, the slice should be cut at an angle of 90 degrees. And its thickness should not exceed 6 mm.

cutting the end of the tuber will provide the stability of the potato necessary for further manipulations

  1. Place the tuber upright, with the cut side down, and hold it with your knife-free hand.

Convenient vertical placement of potatoes on the board

  1. Then, starting from the top of the potato, using a sharp knife, begin peeling the skin. At the same time, it is advisable not to cut off too thick layers with a large amount of white pulp.

peeling potatoes safely with a knife

  1. After peeling the potato on one side, turn it and continue manipulation until the entire tuber is clean.

raw potatoes, completely peeled

  1. When peeling potatoes, special attention should be paid to the so-called eyes, which must be removed with the tip of a knife.

Use the tip of a knife to remove the “eyes” from the potatoes.

This method of peeling raw potatoes is correct and as safe as possible, in contrast to the option in which the tuber is held suspended and peeled with a knife, moving towards you, as shown in the following photo.

a common but not safe method of peeling potatoes with a knife

Using a vegetable peeler

A similar procedure can also be carried out using a vegetable peeler. This practical and convenient tool can significantly speed up the process of peeling potatoes, while being safe even for children. In addition, by using it, you can save as much useful tuber pulp as possible, since the thickness of the cut skin is very small and limited. Vegetable peelers come in different models, the most common of which are slingshot peelers and straight peelers, which resemble regular knives in shape.

A slingshot vegetable peeler will help you peel potatoes perfectly.

straight vegetable peeler - a great helper in the kitchen

In addition to these models, vegetable peelers with a floating blade are also quite convenient. Thanks to their design features, such products are able to follow the contours of the product, due to which they can easily overcome any unevenness. The blades installed on such models can be serrated and smooth. A straight blade is best for peeling potatoes.

A vegetable peeler with a floating blade is very convenient for peeling potatoes.

  1. Hold the potato tuber in one hand and hold the peeler in the other like a paint roller, balancing it with your thumb and positioning it as far away from the blades as possible.
  2. If your vegetable peeler is Y-shaped, it will be most convenient to hold it like a pencil, placing it between your thumb and middle finger, fixing its position with your index finger.

The peeler must be held this way

  1. Peeling potatoes should begin in the direction away from you or towards you. Whatever will be more convenient for you. In one quick motion, cut strips of the potato skin along its entire length.

You can easily and safely peel raw potatoes using a vegetable peeler.

  1. Once you have finished peeling one side of the tuber, turn it over and continue until the potatoes are completely peeled. By working carefully and slowly, you are guaranteed to achieve the desired result.
  2. After peeling all the skin, pay attention to the dark spots located on the potato and the “eyes”. They also need to be cut off. And the “eyes” can be removed using the tip of a vegetable peeler or knife.
  3. To peel the top and bottom of the potato tuber, guide the peeler blade around the curve as if you were shaving a knee.

cleaning the upper parts of the tuber is done in a circular motion

  1. After completing the cleaning process, you should rinse the potatoes thoroughly in cold water, after which they can be used for cooking.

Electric potato peeler

An excellent option for people who prefer to save their time as much as possible is an electric potato peeler. With this device you can peel potatoes as quickly as possible without any effort.

An electric potato peeler will save time

  1. Select tubers of the same size, the whole of which will not exceed 1 kg.
  2. Place them in the container of the device.
  3. Pour three glasses of clean water over the potatoes.
  4. Close the lid and run the device for about 2 minutes.
  5. Take out the peeled potatoes, rinse them under cool water, after wearing gloves.
  6. After cleaning, remove “eyes” and dark spots from the tubers using a knife.

Rules and recommendations

Before you begin the process of peeling potatoes, you need to wash them to remove soil, sand and other contaminants.

If you plan to boil potatoes in their jackets, it is better to soak the tubers for 10-15 minutes in cool water, and then gently rub with a soft sponge so as not to damage the skin.

It is more convenient to peel even potatoes; if the tuber is uneven, the process may take longer and the amount of waste will increase. If a rotten area is found on a vegetable, it is better to throw out the entire tuber, as its taste can spoil the finished dish.

Different tools are used to peel potatoes:

  • knife;
  • metal sponge;
  • hard foam sponge;
  • electric drill;
  • vegetable peeler;
  • water;
  • special machine.

Whatever method you choose, do not forget about basic safety rules:

  • knives must be sharp, with a short blade and a non-slip handle;
  • sponges are new or at least clean;
  • electrical appliances must be in good working order.

Is it possible to peel potatoes with one hand and how to do it?

If one arm has lost the ability to move due to injury or stroke, peeling potatoes will be difficult. Of course, peeling a potato with one hand is quite difficult, but it is still possible.

For the procedure you will need a knife and a cutting board.

Cut the potato crosswise into two equal parts. Cut off the ends of each half. Place the tuber vertically and slowly cut the peel with a knife from top to bottom in a circle. Repeat the procedure with the second part.

Most housewives peel potatoes every day and consider the process very monotonous and routine. Methods for cleaning tubers, which are based on the use of special devices or improvised materials, will help save effort and time, as well as diversify the work. Choose the method that suits you best and use it with pleasure.

Choosing a knife for peeling potatoes

Before you start cleaning, decide on the type of knife. If it is chosen incorrectly, the result can be unpredictable.

Recommendations for selection:

  • Do not use large knives or cleavers. The blade should be short and the knife itself should be small. A special vegetable knife is perfect.
  • The handle should be comfortable and fit well in the palm of your hand. It’s good if it’s rubberized, so the knife won’t slip in your hand.
  • The blade must be sharp. It will glide smoothly across the surface and cut the peel more thinly. In addition, a dull knife can cut you faster.
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