How to bleach jeans white: at home, without boiling, how to make a pattern

How to whiten jeans at home

To lighten jeans at home, you can use various available products. The most famous and accessible are:

  • white;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • lemon acid;
  • baking soda.

The ability of these substances to lighten fabric has long been known, but they must be used following the instructions.

Bleach whiteness

Whiteness is the most popular product used in everyday life to whiten things, including denim.
It will help give a new look to old jeans, complement them with various patterns and fashionable abrasions. Prepare a solution of bleach and water. It is better to use an enamel container: a bucket or basin. Fill it halfway with water, then place it on a hot stove and heat, but do not boil. Add 1 cup bleach, stirring, and bring to a boil. Then you can put the prepared, rolled jeans and cook.

The effect appears after about 15 minutes of cooking; if it does not appear, add more white. You need to keep the jeans on the fire until the shade suits you. After achieving the desired result, remove the item from the container, rinse and hang to dry.

Watch the video to learn how to whiten jeans using bleach and get a designer pattern.


Baking soda is used to lighten jeans if they are made of thin fabric.

The lightening process occurs as a result of washing. You need to add soda to the powder, then pour this mixture into the container of the washing machine. Depending on the initial and desired tones, it is recommended to repeat the procedure several times.

Hand washing can also be a bleaching method. The advantage here is that the machine will not be damaged by the soda solution. You will also be able to control the whitening. The required amount is about 20 grams of soda per 1 liter of water.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is perfect for quickly and effectively whitening denim. The main criterion for this method is saving time.

A small amount of this solution added to the machine during washing will help change the shade of jeans; two tablespoons will be enough. The procedure is carried out once and does not need to be repeated several times.

When hand washing and using this product, add three tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to the soap solution. Hands should be protected with rubber gloves.

You can also use soaking jeans in soapy water and adding a solution at the rate of one tablespoon per liter of water. After finishing, you need to wash the item.

Using citric acid or lemon juice gives very good results.

You need to dilute one tablespoon of acid or juice per liter of water. The jeans are soaked in this solution for several hours until the resulting shade satisfies you. Then we take out the jeans and dry them.


In addition to the substances listed above, you can use Domestos. The solution is prepared in the following proportions: take a glass of the product per three liters of water. The bleaching process is carried out by soaking the jeans until the desired tone is achieved.

After this, you need to dry the trousers, then wash them in the machine. If you are not satisfied with the result, repeat the soaking process.

The procedure does not take much time, but it must be carried out observing safety precautions and using protective equipment.

Potassium permangantsovka

Potassium permanganate can perfectly whiten jeans, along with hydrogen peroxide.

Prepare the solution. To do this: take 30 grams. potassium permanganate per kilogram of material, pour into a prepared container with water, add a little citric acid. We soak the item for about half an hour, take it out, rinse it in clean water and dry it.

Bleach is used according to the same instructions as bleach, since it is its main component. Heat the water, add bleach, boil the jeans, stirring constantly.

The process lasts several minutes, no more than 20, then carefully, without touching with your hands, we take out the pants, rinse them in running water and dry them.

If you want to achieve a streaky effect on the fabric, tie your jeans in loose knots.

To obtain stains, twist the jeans, securing the necessary places with clips or ropes, the main thing is that they do not have a coloring effect.


To lighten denim clothes, prepare an aqueous solution of ammonia and turpentine. Things are soaked in it for several hours until the desired result is obtained. Then rinse and machine wash.


“Hydroperit” tablets for whitening are used along with hydrogen peroxide. One tablet is equal to a tablespoon of 3% solution. Dissolve the tablets in water and soak or wash the pants.

Hydrogen peroxide

A pharmaceutical product, hydrogen peroxide, can also help turn blue jeans white. This liquid can lighten the fabric by several tones.

You should carefully study how to use the product:

  • Apply designs to the pants using a small bubble. The same method is used to make splashes that are not too contrasting.
  • Soak jeans in a solution of peroxide and water.
  • Use the product during washing by adding peroxide to the powder.

We recommend

To bleach pants evenly, the solution with soaked jeans requires constant stirring with light squeezing, as during the washing process.

As an alternative to liquid hydrogen peroxide, the drug hydroperite is used. The tablets are crushed and added to the washing machine in the powder compartment.

How to bleach jeans with bleach or bleach

Pour a glass of bleach or other bleach containing bleach into a metal bucket of hot water. There should be enough water to submerge the jeans entirely, but not to the very edges. Mix thoroughly and place denim trousers in it. Set the bucket to boil. Don't forget to stir and make sure the jeans don't jump out of the water. Adjust with a stick.

Cook for a few minutes until the desired shade appears. It is not recommended to keep jeans in bleach for a long time, so as not to cause much damage to the fibers of the fabric. If you still don’t get the desired shade, then you need to add another glass of bleach. The approximate allowable exposure time for bleach on fabric is 15-20 minutes. If you overexpose an item in bleach, the material will become loose and will quickly fray and tear.

Then put on rubber gloves to prevent your skin from coming into contact with the bleach. Remove the trousers with a stick so as not to get burned, rinse them and wash them. This way you will get washed-out bleached jeans.

If you want to make stains on your jeans, then before putting them in water with bleach, twist the legs into knots, not tightening too much, so that there is a smooth color transition effect.

To create interesting patterns, fold the jeans and secure them in different places using clothespins or dye-resistant rope, as well as elastic bands. Clothespins are used to grab pieces of fabric, which will then remain unbleached.

You can treat jeans with a mixture of bleach from a spray bottle. Or apply the desired design with a brush. Or wipe the desired areas with a sponge and bleach. In this case, prepare the solution in a ratio of 1 part bleach to 3 parts water. Apply bleach to pre-soaked jeans. After a few minutes, rinse them thoroughly, preferably with running water, and wash.

If you want to add a worn effect to the highlighted areas, rub them with fine sandpaper.

Features of bleaching depending on the color of jeans

The result is influenced by the original color of the jeans. The rule here is: the more intensely the fabric is dyed, the more aggressive the bleach should be used.

But you shouldn’t expect drastic changes even with the use of pure bleach. For example, you cannot get snow-white jeans from originally black ones. After some simple manipulations, you will end up with either a light gray color or hopelessly damaged trousers (remember that bleach destroys even such dense fabric as denim).


No matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to turn black denim trousers into crisp white ones without damaging the structure of the fabric. But it is possible to achieve the “varenka” effect, gray color, and scuffed effect with the help of strong bleaches without difficulty.

Chlorine-containing bleaches and concentrates are used to change the appearance of black jeans.

  • A short rinse in a weak chlorine solution will change the color by 1-2 shades.
  • Many hours of soaking lightens the item to a light gray color.
  • Boiling in water with the addition of White gives a characteristic color effect.
  • Pre-twisting and pinching local areas with clothespins and elastic bands creates the effect of uneven lightening.


Attempts to make blue jeans blue or even white are likely to be successful if the pigment is well leached from the fibers. Any method will do.


Light and white jeans are usually bleached when there is a loss of brightness, a change in shade purity, or to restore color uniformity and eliminate yellowness.

Chlorine-containing products help, but only once. It is undesirable to overuse such procedures - the jeans will become thinner and a “washed out” grayish tint will appear.

Using oxygen bleach or peroxide-based products can help remove yellowing from denim pants.

Special cases

When you want something new and completely bleaching isn't an option, you can use a few tricks to give your old jeans a new, unique look.

Extraordinary design

The gradient looks impressive and unusual on jeans, i.e. a smooth transition of color from dark to light from top to bottom or vice versa.

To do this, you need to use bleach solutions of different concentrations. Apply them using a dampened sponge as intended.


Wear gloves to avoid damaging your skin.


To lighten denim and give it a distressed effect, you can use sandpaper, pumice or a piece of brick.

Simply rub one of the suggested materials onto the jeans in the desired areas. But use this method only on thick fabric.

Small tricks will help you create a custom design yourself:


To obtain them, leave the clips on the fabric before boiling using wooden clothespins. When exposed to high temperatures, colored plastic may fade and leave streaks on the product.


Thick stripes will be obtained when the item is twisted strongly, thin stripes - when twisted weakly. Secure folded jeans with white or beige rope.

Drawing from a template

Simple but interesting drawings can be made using citric acid. Having selected a stencil, apply it to the fabric and paint it with a brush dipped in lemon solution.

Place thick fabric or cardboard in the pant leg to prevent the design from being printed on the back side.

An interesting result can be obtained using a sprayer. Pour the solution into the spray bottle and treat the desired areas.

You can lighten the item in parts. For example, lighten the waistband and top of one leg and the bottom of the other, or just one half.

To do this, boil only the desired area of ​​the product; the rest of the surface should be outside the container and remain dry throughout the entire process.

The best results can be achieved by boiling jeans in the classic color of light blue or light blue. Only blue pants can make white jeans. In other cases, only an approximate result can be achieved.

Stretch and overly thin products are not suitable for boiling.

Don't bleach colored jeans. It is unknown how the pigments and dyes contained in the fabric will react to the treatment. But if the desire is irresistible, try treating a small, inconspicuous area first and evaluate the result.

Another interesting way to whiten jeans by creating an original pattern in the video:

Many fashionistas are interested in the question: “ How to lighten jeans?

this is not surprising.
Although nowadays there are a huge number of different models of jeans, the originals never sleep! Everyone wants to look unusual and unforgettable, and when you have three pairs of denim trousers almost indistinguishable from each other in your closet ,
you can’t be very original.
We have to come up with something new. A good solution is to lighten denim trousers at home.
You won’t spend extra money, but you will be able to transform your clothes and give them originality. You can read recommendations on how to evenly lighten jeans in our article.

Methods of dyeing jeans, advantages and disadvantages of each

Today, to change the shade of pants, the following methods are used:

  • Potassium permanganate. This method will require some skill on your part. It would be a stretch to call it simple. But as a result, you can achieve the effect of washed jeans that never go out of style.

  • Blue. It is the most affordable budget coloring product. The advantages include ease of use, but the disadvantages include low color stability to the external environment. It washes out with every wash and requires constant renewal of intensity.
  • Aniline based paints. The instructions on the packaging describe the entire process in detail. The main thing is to strictly follow the application plan. Unique is the ability to mix different shades of the product to obtain fundamentally new colors.

  • Acrylic paints. They have increased durability. As soon as they dry, they immediately stop responding to external influences until boiled or washed with powder.
  • Dyes in powder. You can easily and simply use powder options when running things through an automatic machine. This process is the least troublesome, but you don’t have to expect rainbow shades.

In addition to those mentioned, it is allowed to use other products in coloring, such as hair dye and other preparations for fabrics.

What exactly to use to whiten jeans

To whiten jeans, there are many lightening agents - chemical and natural. To achieve the best results, it is worth studying the solutions and ingredients by testing them on an area of ​​the product that is less noticeable.


You can make jeans white as quickly as possible by using white as a brightener, which is sold at a hardware store. The main advantage of this product is the unlimited decoration possibilities. You can bleach your pants and display patterns and elaborate designs on the fabric.

Before you start working, you need to properly dilute the liquid; for this you will need to prepare:

  • bucket, preferably metal;
  • clips, clothespins, elastic bands and ropes;
  • high-density rubber gloves.

Complete lightening of the pants

After preparing the equipment, you should begin the process itself, using jeans and whiteness.

  • To begin with, dilute bleach in a bucket filled 2/3 of the volume with water.
  • The resulting consistency is brought to a boil.
  • Jeans are immersed in hot water until they are evenly covered with the solution.
  • It is necessary to boil the jeans for 5 – 20 minutes, depending on the required degree of exposure.
  • After the time has passed, the pants are thoroughly washed under cold water, washed and dried.


Leaving denim fabric in a chlorine solution for a long time will lead to complete destruction of the product. Therefore, under no circumstances should you violate the time frame.

Drawings and patterns

To create uneven white spots on jeans, repeat the above steps, only by hooking the necessary areas with clothespins or elastic bands.

And, for complex divorces, other methods are used:

  • vertical lines lighten when the product is rolled;
  • horizontal lines are obtained when assembling according to the “accordion” type.


It is important that if the pants float to the surface during boiling, press them down with a stick or other object. To obtain an artistic design on jeans, thick cardboard is placed inside the pants and a small amount of bleach is measured into a specially designated container. Using a brush or other similar object, the intended design is applied to the fabric, after dipping the drawing device into the prepared liquid

To obtain an artistic design on jeans, thick cardboard is placed inside the pants and a small amount of bleach is measured into a specially designated container. Using a brush or other similar object, the intended design is applied to the fabric, after dipping the drawing device into the prepared liquid.

To make drawing on a denim product easier, you can pay attention to the following points:

  • Use special stencils - cut out shapes in the form of stars, hearts, circles and others on film or thick cardboard, then evenly distribute the bleaching liquid with a sponge.
  • Paper substrates for cakes and pastries are suitable for stenciling.
  • A long stick leaves uniform streaks if first soaked in bleach.
  • If you put the prepared solution into a spray bottle or moisten a brush with the liquid, you get an interesting splash effect left by the bleach.

After applying the required design to the product, the jeans are rinsed in cold water and then washed in the usual way.


For gradient whitening of jeans, a suitable method is to soak the fabric in a whitening solution. This bleaching option is good because the result is obtained without boiling. Take a container with a diluted solution of whiteness, into which the part of the pants necessary to obtain changes in color is immersed.

The area that remains untouched is on the surface

It is important that the product is wet, this will allow the gradient pattern to be evenly distributed. The position of the jeans should prevent the formation of folds and folds

Ways to change color

In the old days, fabric dyeing was done by boiling. It was quite an honorable city craft. Today the process has been greatly simplified. The dyeing of the jeans was entrusted to the shoulders of an assistant - a washing machine. But the old, proven method of digestion also remains relevant.

In the washing machine

Dyeing jeans in the washing machine is recommended if you need to refresh the color, add brightness to the product, or restore a washed-out shade. A smart assistant can easily cope with all these tasks. Pay special attention to the choice of colors. Use high-quality products that will not harm the equipment. The staining procedure consists of six stages.

  • Preparation of dye. Read the instructions and dilute the powdered substance or liquid concentrate, adhering to the indicated dosages. Take a piece of gauze and strain the solution. Remove lumps and clots mercilessly if you want to achieve uniform coloring. If they remain, they will, according to reviews, cause stains in some places, sometimes of a rather irregular and ugly shape.
  • Additional components. Sometimes the instructions contain a recommendation: add soda or salt to the dye. Don't ignore this advice. Such components will allow you to fix the paint on the product. It is recommended to avoid washing powders if they are not specified in the instructions. And under no circumstances should you add conditioner. It will completely ruin the coloring procedure.
  • Filling into the drum. Dilute the dye in hot water (0.5 l is enough), pour directly into the drum. Do not use the powder compartment. Pour the ingredients (salt or soda) into the drum too. To properly dye old jeans, it is important to immediately immerse them in the prepared solution. Before storing the product, be sure to turn it inside out, and do not forget to remove everything from the pockets.
  • Mode selection. To dye your jeans evenly and get a rich color, select the “Cotton and Linen” mode. In this case, it is necessary to bring the washing conditions as close as possible to the digestion procedure. To do this, set the temperature to 90-95 ºС.
  • Fixing the color. When the wash comes to an end, prepare a fixative for the dyed product. To do this, take 9% vinegar, dilute it in cool water, following the proportion: per liter of water - a tablespoon of vinegar. Soak the jeans in this solution for about 30 minutes.
  • Regular wash. Wring out the product well and return it to the drum. Pour washing powder into the compartment and wash your jeans on a gentle cycle. The temperature should not exceed 40ºС.

Dyed jeans should only be dried naturally. However, you should not expose them to sunlight or hang them next to heating devices.


If you do not want to expose your household appliances to dyes, you can go the old proven way. It involves boiling the product. To dye light or faded jeans at home, you will need a large enamel pan. The dyeing process is carried out in six stages.

  • Dye preparation. Dilute the selected drug with water according to the instructions. Be sure to strain through cheesecloth to remove any clots.
  • Preparation of the solution. Pour water into a saucepan (preferably an old, unnecessary container) - from five to eight liters. Put it on fire. Add the dye and stir the solution thoroughly.
  • Pawning jeans. Dip the product into the warm solution. Using a wooden stick or special tongs, completely immerse the jeans in the solution. They should not float to the surface.
  • Digestion process. If you want to give your jeans a bright, rich color, cook the product for 40 minutes.
  • Fixing the color. Rinse your jeans initially in warm water, then rinse them in cold water. Wring out the product thoroughly. Be sure to soak it in a vinegar fixative (a tablespoon of vinegar per liter of water). Let the jeans sit for about 30 minutes.
  • Control wash. Fill a basin with water, add washing powder, and wash the product with your hands. Rinse and hang to dry naturally.

Using this method you can dye corduroy jeans. And if they are made of 100% cotton, then you will be pleasantly pleased with the result.

Cold and hot methods

The advantage of the cold method is that the smell of dye does not spread throughout the apartment and condensation does not settle.

The paint is diluted according to the instructions and added to a container of water at room t °C. This method is used to dye jeans with blue, hair dye and other ready-made dyes.

Hot painting uses water heated to 95-100 °C. Clothes are immersed in it and boiled on the stove:

  • to obtain light shades, boil for 30 minutes;
  • for dark colors, clothes are boiled in dye for 30-45 minutes;
  • Black jeans take at least an hour to dye.

Bleaching with bleach and soda

The method of lightening with whiteness at home allows you to radically change the color of jeans. Fabric bleaching occurs under the influence of chlorine contained in bleach. Pour water into a bucket to fill 2/3 of the volume, heat it to about 80 degrees, dilute it with white (200 ml). Stirring constantly, the solution is brought to a boil, after which the jeans are completely immersed in it and boiled for about 20-30 minutes.

The cooking time depends on the desired degree of lightening - the longer, the lighter. But even here everything should be done in moderation. If you overdo it, the structure of the material will be disrupted in places, which will have a detrimental effect on the item as a whole.

Original ideas for whitening jeans

If you limit the effect of bleach on the material, make knots, pinches or twisting, you can get an original pattern in the form of unbleached stars and multidirectional stripes.

Partial bleaching with white can be done without boiling:

  1. A beautiful effect will be obtained if you spray bleach on the fabric and wash it after 5 minutes.
  2. Jeans can be partially lightened in some places by treating them with a sponge soaked in white. After which you must wash it after 5 minutes.

For the “aging” effect, the bleached areas are additionally treated with coarse material or sandpaper.

When is the best time to lighten with baking soda?

If the jeans are made of thin material, bleaching them with white will simply destroy them, they will fall apart in your hands. In this case, baking soda will help out; it is mixed with washing powder and diluted with water.

For every liter 1 tsp. soda Jeans are soaked in this solution for an hour, after which they are washed by hand. To obtain the desired effect, lightening is carried out several times.

With minimal investment of money and time, you can update your jeans by adding an exclusive product to your wardrobe.

Since jeans came into fashion, they have held the leading position in fashion. Usually they are partially modified, but this does not prevent them from being the first and displacing other types of trousers. If previously regular skinny jeans were popular, now they are washed, lightened and bleached, torn, shorts and breeches. Interestingly, such things are quite expensive, although you can lighten jeans at home. This way, it's easy to get several pairs of regular pants that look like high-end, expensive items. There are different methods of whitening, using special bleaches and traditional methods. Let's consider the question of how to bleach jeans at home?

An incident from the past that gave birth to the fashion of the future

Once upon a time, denim products were exclusively one color - classic blue. But one mistake turned the fashion world upside down. In 1960, the main supplier of the Levi's denim brand, Cone Mills, suffered a warehouse accident that caused a flood that damaged the goods. All products were washed in a bleaching solution, which gave rise to that type of fabric, recognizable by drips and uneven spots. A similar sample was called “Pinto Wash Denim”.

The main difference between the subsequent dyeing is that it was not the finished products that were processed, but the original fabric. For years, technologists of the past searched for the best option for how to discolor jeans and came up with a formula using reagents:

  • sodium chloride oxide;
  • potassium permanganate.

But in the name of protecting the environment, hydrogen peroxide was later used. The process of yesteryear is not difficult to replicate to lighten jeans at home.

What is the best way to lighten denim?

There are times when, over time, white clothes lose their color, become gray and yellow, or any other color is boring and no longer pleasing. Then you can transform your old trousers at home to your liking by making a new color using bleach.

Denim fabric, despite being dyed with chemical pigments, loses its brightness over time and becomes pale. So, when washed with powder at a temperature of 60 degrees, the fabric will lose its color and become lighter. In this state, it lends itself very well to lightening using bleaching agents.

  • Hydrogen peroxide will help whiten denim that has turned gray or yellow. To do this, you need to add 2-3 tablespoons of this substance to the powder, throw the product into the washing machine and put it on the normal wash cycle.
  • Baking soda brightens discolored items. It also needs to be added to the powder, which helps soften the water during washing and increase the effectiveness of the powder itself. The proportions are as follows: for 1 liter of water, 10–20 g of soda.
  • Lemon or citric acid. Add lemon juice or a pack of citric acid to warm water. Soak denim clothes in this solution for several hours, then wash them and repeat the process a couple more times.
  • When washing denim, you can use oxygen bleach, which will also make it lighter.
  • The most effective way to lighten jeans is to use bleach, which is based on sodium hypochlorite. It comes in both liquid and powder form. The amount you add varies depending on the color and density of the fabric and the desired result.

In any case, the desired effect may not be achieved once, so each method should be repeated several times.

  1. Jeans in dark colors such as blue, brown, black cannot be made completely white, but they will be much lighter.
  2. For lightening, denim trousers in a light blue or light blue shade are more suitable.
  3. It will be much easier to lighten the product in spots than completely.
  4. The bright threads used to sew colored denim trousers are usually not lightened, so if the effect of such seams is not needed, you should give preference to light blue, yellow or gray shades.
  5. You can create scuff marks on denim using fine sandpaper, a stiff brush or pumice stone.

To whiten jeans at home, use bleaches. They are based on chlorine or oxygen. In the first case, the color of the product may change dramatically, and in the second it will become several tones lighter.

To lighten denim, you should boil it. To do this, you need to add a glass of liquid “White” to a bowl of water, stir with a wooden stick and place the necessary item in it. The basin is placed on the stove; when the water boils, the jeans must be turned over frequently. After 20–30 minutes, they need to be taken out, washed, rinsed and dried. You should not keep them in bleach for a long time to avoid damaging the fabric.

To get a lot of streaks on your trousers, it is recommended to twist or tie them during cooking, but not too tightly. To achieve unusual horizontal patterns, you need to tie the legs in several places with non-fading ropes.

There should be enough water in the basin so that the product fits completely. If suddenly it starts to float, it must be pressed down with a wooden stick. You can also bleach only the top or just the bottom of the trousers, which will look very original.

To bleach denim clothes, you can use a sponge and bleach. Apply it topically and leave for 3-5 minutes. In this case, it will be possible to lighten the top of the trousers with a smooth transition to the bottom and vice versa, you can spray it with a spray bottle or an old toothbrush with a chlorine solution, this will make it spot-on.

Why lighten jeans

The reason lies in fashion trends, because light jeans are a constant classic. It is believed that plain trousers look simple and strict.

To achieve the effect of volume, to give them a “zest”, local lightening is often done.

You can lighten jeans at home, but in a factory setting this procedure is performed in the desired areas using a special apparatus that treats the product with a jet of sand.

Special bleaching products are also used..

For girls who want to look slim, this life hack will come in handy. A partially bleached product visually makes the legs longer.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that a dark-colored item will not become completely white, but only a few tones will change.

So, jeans are lightened in order to:

  • update your wardrobe;
  • give new life to an old thing;
  • buy a new product for little money;
  • make an original design;
  • look fashionable;
  • visually become slimmer in new trousers.

For the lightening procedure, denim clothes that have a light blue tint are ideal.

How to make beautiful stains on jeans

Stains on jeans can be done using simple tools that can be found in every home.

To create beautiful stains on your pants, you need to decide on the product that will be used to create the whitening effect. After this you need to prepare. To cope with the task, you need to have on hand:

  • Tassels;
  • Sponges;
  • Stirring stick;
  • Cooking container.

With the help of sponges and brushes you can create the pattern you want. If you don’t want to “bother” like that, it’s best to weld your jeans.

We use chlorine bleach

Using chlorine bleach will allow you to quickly and effectively cope with the task. Please note that there are 2 types of bleach sold in stores. The first is based on chlorine, and the second with active oxygen.

Water is poured into a metal container and bleach is added. The amount of bleach you pour will determine how well your jeans will be lightened.

At the same time, an extra amount of product will not lead to anything good.

The resulting solution is mixed with a stick, and then jeans are placed in it. The container is placed on the fire and after boiling, the clothes are cooked for another 20 minutes. The pants need to be stirred periodically.

Hydrogen peroxide

A simple but effective way of whitening can be considered the use of hydrogen peroxide. The item is placed in the washing machine, and then washing powder and 2 tbsp are added. spoons of peroxide.

The advantages of this method include the fact that neither things nor the machine will be damaged. As a result, the pants will be much lighter than before washing.

If you don’t want to completely discolor your pants, you can use sponges and brushes to create a real masterpiece. A solution of water, soda and powder can be applied to the pants, and then the pattern can be drawn out.

Lemon juice

Denim can be lightened with lemon juice. To do this, you need to prepare a solution. For 1 liter of water take 1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice. If there is no lemon juice, you can use citric acid in the amount of 1 teaspoon.

Lemon juice is an effective natural lightener.

The item is soaked in the resulting solution for several hours. When everything is ready, you need to rinse the jeans in clean water and then dry them.


Sometimes a situation arises when it is necessary to lighten jeans made of thin material. In this case, it is not recommended to use aggressive substances. Then how to make new jeans lighter? It's simple: it's best to use baking soda.

Please note that using soda you can get several new shades

. The lighter the jeans are, the longer they need to be washed.

Partial whitening

When there is no goal to completely change the color of denim, but you still want to refresh the appearance of your favorite trousers, you should use some tricks and give free rein to your imagination. Creativity is always welcome, which is also true in clothing design. The main thing is to know when to stop. Partial whitening of jeans is possible in several ways.

Patterns and drawings

Using a stencil and a bleach solution, a simple pattern is created, for example, stripes, polka dots, hearts.

What you will need:

  • finished stencil;
  • dense backing for fabric of a suitable size;
  • sponge;
  • gloves;
  • solution based on peroxide or chlorine.

How to use:

  • It is better to outline the location of the future pattern in advance;
  • A backing is placed inside the trouser leg to prevent the solution from leaking;
  • the sponge is soaked in bleach and applied to the desired area using a stencil;
  • the duration of action of the solution depends on its concentration and the desired intensity of the pattern;
  • The trousers are rinsed in clean water and dried.


An interesting effect is obtained if the trousers are consistently kept in bleach with boiling water. The jeans are suspended above the container and lowered in a vertical position to the desired transition level. By gradually lifting the trousers out of the solution at regular intervals, you can get the effect of transitioning from blue to light blue to white.

Whitening areas of the product

This method is similar to applying stencil designs, only in this case there are no frames, only imagination!

Using a free-form sponge, apply the bleach to the desired areas. For example, to simulate abrasions, the liquid is distributed in smooth movements along the trouser leg from top to bottom.

Tip: for a visual effect of volume, highlight areas on the hips and buttocks.

To achieve the popular tie-dye effect, the item is tied into a tight knot and placed in a solution with bleach. This method of soaking helps to achieve an unusual visual effect in the form of contrasting blurry spots. Their distribution throughout the fabric directly depends on how the knot was tied.


Since white jeans are gaining more and more popularity, let's try bleaching dark ones. This color goes well with any outfit. There are many ways, for example, a special whiteness product, as well as Domestos, soda, lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide, etc. Some of this should definitely be in your home. Choose the method that is most suitable for you. All products have proven themselves to be effective bleaches. But to get beautiful white jeans, you need to follow the instructions exactly.

In addition to the above, there are special paints, but they are expensive and therefore not profitable. While it's still better than buying new pants, it can remove stains or yellowing from old items

Whatever method you use, it is important to understand that if the fabric structure itself is damaged, then it is unlikely that the item will be saved

How not to spoil something

To prevent things from deteriorating, it is better to use natural products.

When aggressively bleaching, it is important to consider the color of the trouser threads . They are often not bleached and contrast with the rest of the product.

  1. A great tip is to try bleaching your old jeans first.
  2. It is best to evaluate the result of the bleaching procedure (i.e. color and shade) after drying. If they are not brightened enough, the process is repeated.
  3. It is better to add aggressive bleach to a minimum.
  4. When using Belizne and Domestos, you must use gloves and put a mask on your face.
  5. Do not mix different bleaches as this can create toxic fumes.
  6. If you feel unwell during the procedure due to a strong odor, you need to open the windows and leave the room.

It is better to dry jeans not in the house, but in the open air, to get rid of the unpleasant odor.

Why you may need to bleach denim pants

Today, women (less often men) bleach their jeans for the following purposes:

  1. It’s inexpensive to get a fashionable wardrobe item, because in stores such bleached trousers cost twice or three times more than regular models.
  2. Hide the stain in a visible place.
  3. Turn those denim pants that have been sitting on the top shelf of your closet for years into a fashionable wardrobe staple.

Often the reason for a risky experiment is the desire to become the owner of fashionable jeans without spending half, and sometimes the entire monthly salary on it. Both girls and adult women who want to keep up with the times bleach denim trousers.

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