Storage rules and shelf life of natural honey: standards according to GOST

Timely collected natural honey, if properly stored, can retain its beneficial properties for quite a long time. At the same time, the shelf life of natural honey directly depends on compliance with the rules of its storage, including the room and container in which the nectar will be located.

So that you do not have any difficulties with storing this beekeeping product, we will consider the main nuances of this process: storage rules at home, as well as factors that can cause spoilage of the product.

  • Shelf life of honeycomb
  • Storage rules at home
  • Deadlines


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    Time frame (months)
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    In the honeycomb120120120

    Preserving honey in different states

    The value of a bee product lies in its benefits to the body: vitamins and microelements help strengthen the immune system, have anti-inflammatory properties, and protect against various viruses and bacteria.

    Honey comb

    All the properties of the product will be stored longer if you keep natural honey in honeycombs, but this is not so easy. After all, the “gift of bees” in this form is quite susceptible to moisture and attracts insects, which will completely spoil the product in a short period of time. But if the honeycomb is cut into pieces, placed in an airtight jar and stored in a room with constant temperature and humidity without foreign odors and insects, then the honey can be preserved in this form.

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    Note! You can also store honey in honeycombs in the refrigerator. If there is a lot of bee product, you can keep it in a cellar or in a room with good ventilation.

    Ideal storage conditions:

    1. No exposure to sunlight.
    2. Temperature - +3 °C-+9 °C.
    3. Humidity, no more than 21%.
    4. No foreign odors.

    In liquid form

    Honey always crystallizes; this is a natural phenomenon; in a liquid state it cannot be stored for a long time. The time for sugaring is 4 months, and this depends on the type of honey.

    It is best to purchase honey in a liquid state in summer and autumn; it is not advisable to do this at other times. If a bee product is stored in liquid form for a long time, it means that it is not fresh and of poor quality.

    Do honey and honeycombs have an expiration date?

    According to the law, it can be stored for 8 to 12 months. However, this only applies to the product that is pumped out of the honeycomb and poured into industrial packaging.

    The specific period is set by the manufacturer. In honeycombs it can retain its properties for years, since they are securely sealed and protect against the penetration of microorganisms.

    Even after pumping, natural honey that is properly stored will remain fresh for much longer than a year. It should be borne in mind that after 12 months vitamins and beneficial microelements will begin to disappear, so it is still better to consume it fresh.

    Several factors influence shelf life:

    • variety;
    • chemical composition. A large amount of honeydew - a sweet substance collected by bees - shortens the storage period;
    • bees' diet. If a beekeeper constantly feeds them sugar, the result is unhealthy and quickly turns sour;
    • maturity. Unscrupulous producers pump out honey before it is fully ripe, which provokes fermentation. This will be indicated by the foam formed on the surface and the sour taste.

    IMPORTANT! Properly maintained mature honey will retain its nutrients and freshness for at least 2 years.

    There are known facts of using honey as a preservative to preserve perishable foods for a long time. Therefore, theoretically this period is unlimited. But industrial production and the desire of unscrupulous entrepreneurs to make a quick profit do not allow us to talk about a modern product in this way.

    Is it possible to eat expired bee products?

    Expired and spoiled honey are not the same thing. If the product has been properly stored for 12 months in accordance with the necessary conditions, then even after this period it is quite suitable for consumption. This is possible due to the fact that the high concentration of sugar and the almost complete absence of moisture does not attract bacteria to reproduce.

    Reference. Over time, honey can crystallize, but this does not affect its properties in any way.

    In order for honey stored in the house to retain its medicinal properties for a long period, you need to give preference to natural products in glass containers with a tight-fitting lid and initially set the temperature, humidity and lighting suitable for the product in the place where storage is intended.

    Shelf life and storage of food products are periods during which food retains its nutritional value and meets the requirements for the content of hazardous substances and microorganisms. Knowing these periods is very important. You can obtain detailed information on the shelf life and storage conditions of meat, sausages, frozen dumplings, chicken and other minced meat, as well as fish, eggs, mushrooms and champignons on our Internet portal.

    Storage rules

    Proper storage has a significant impact on shelf life. First you need to decide on the container. The best option is aluminum, stainless steel. Glass, clay, enamel or ceramic containers are also suitable. Plastic must be abandoned, as its microparticles gradually make the contents toxic, this happens within a year. An iron container is also not suitable: it will oxidize and ruin the product.

    The most important nuance is that the container must be hermetically sealed to prevent the penetration of microorganisms, as well as foreign odors.

    In addition, the ambient temperature matters. It should be 6...20 °C. A refrigerator is ideal for storage, preferably with a freeze-dry function. Room heat promotes rapid loss of beneficial properties and fermentation.

    The humidity in the room should not exceed 75%, and it is advisable to protect the place from light and heat sources.

    How not to store

    The following conditions significantly reduce shelf life:

    • temperature above 20 °C;
    • exposure to direct sunlight;
    • humid air more than 75%;
    • unsealed packaging.

    Opening the package triggers negative processes and leads to a gradual decrease in beneficial properties.

    Each of these factors leads to fermentation and spoilage of the product. Therefore, before purchasing, it is important to inquire about storage conditions.


    Crystallization is a natural process of changing a liquid state to a solid state. It has nothing to do with the expiration date.

    Moreover, timely crystallization indicates that the honey is natural, does not contain impurities and is not diluted. With the exception of certain varieties, for example acacia, which crystallizes for about a year, natural must be candied in 3 months.

    The speed of this process is influenced by the type of grass from which the bees collected nectar, as well as the storage temperature. The refrigerator speeds it up; room temperature, on the contrary, slows it down.

    What determines the period of suitability?

    The shelf life of bee products depends on the following factors:

    1. Temperature - For long-term storage, the room must be cool to allow natural preservation/crystallization of the product.
      The optimal temperature is +1 - +20 degrees. When storing natural honey in a residential area, it is necessary to maintain the room temperature within +25 degrees and place the container in a dark place. In a number of exceptions, the product can be left in the refrigerator at a temperature not lower than -5 degrees.
    2. Humidity - the room must be dry, as changes or high humidity (more than 75%) can activate fermentation.
    3. Packaging plays an important role when storing honey. Modern containers for product preservation are glass or plastic. The longest period will be ensured by storage in glass containers. It is not recommended to store it in plastic packaging for a long time, so after purchasing or transporting it, it is advisable to immediately pour it into separate jars or wooden barrels.
    4. Tightness is an additional influencing factor. If this is followed, the product will not lose its taste, will not absorb foreign odors, and will not begin to ferment. A tight lid protects against high air humidity and bacteria. At the same time, if you strictly observe the temperature and humidity conditions and initially pour the product into the correct containers, the tightness of the container will no longer play a fundamental role.

    Some types of bee products are more susceptible to fermentation, so they must be placed in the refrigerator immediately.

    Signs of corruption

    A spoiled or fermented product can be identified by its organoleptic properties:

    • foam on the surface;
    • sour taste.

    Once the process is started, honey becomes useless and can cause negative consequences for the body.

    Poor quality

    You can recognize a low-quality product visually or using several methods:

    1. When transfusing, drops and splashes are observed. A high-quality one folds into a mound that slowly spreads out.
    2. A kilogram of undiluted product is placed in a 0.8 liter container; a liter jar will weigh about 1.5 kg. Other ratios indicate dilution with water.
    3. Turbidity, opacity.
    4. Sediment.
    5. Foam.
    6. Presence of sour taste.
    7. When rubbed between fingers it rolls off.
    8. Faint smell.
    9. Harvested more than a few months ago, it has not been candied.
    10. If you pour it over a piece of bread and let it sit for a few minutes, it should harden. If it softens, it means it consists of syrup.
    11. You can dilute a spoonful of honey in a glass of water: this will reveal the presence of impurities.


    Poisonous is a product for the production of which bees collected nectar from plants dangerous to humans. It is toxic and can lead to unpredictable health consequences.

    When consumed, it causes symptoms similar to intoxication: nausea, dizziness and even convulsions. It is impossible to detect it visually; laboratory tests are required. Therefore, you need to take the product seriously and purchase from trusted manufacturers.

    How to determine freshness in a store or at home?

    To determine the freshness of a product, first of all, you should pay attention to the appearance of the container. If it is a product from a store, then there is an expiration date on the label. For a natural product and a store-bought product with poor storage procedures, the following is typical:

    • fermentation bubbles;
    • mold film;
    • foreign odor;
    • sour taste.

    Fresh honey has the following characteristics:

    • nice smell;
    • taste that matches the bouquet;
    • thick and viscous, consistency or crystallized (buckwheat and acacia do not crystallize);
    • homogeneous.

    Liquid honey does not exist in nature in autumn and winter. Therefore, if you want to buy liquid honey, you should know that it has been melted. If you do this at high temperatures, then honey will lose its healing properties, but if it is done gradually at 30-45 degrees, it will retain it. It is safest to purchase only thick honey.

    Is it possible to use expired

    It is strictly prohibited to use expired food. After a set period, vitamins and nutrients disappear, and the fermentation process begins.

    In addition, if we are talking about plastic containers, then the material has already released toxic particles into the contents, and the product has become dangerous. May cause poisoning, as well as systemic malfunctions of internal organs.

    However, there is a way to partially revive honey. If fermentation has just begun, you need to completely remove the foam from the surface and put it in a water bath to warm up.

    IMPORTANT! The temperature should not be higher than 37 °C.

    It takes 40 minutes to warm up. During this time, pathogenic microorganisms will be destroyed and the storage period will be extended. However, it is better not to eat it, but to use it for cosmetic masks, massages, and going to the bathhouse.

    Mandatory conditions of detention

    It should be immediately clarified that natural bee nectar is a rather capricious product. In order for it to retain not only its taste, but also its beneficial qualities, special storage conditions should be created for it (Figure 2).

    Buckwheat, flower or any other variety will remain useful only if you follow these recommendations:

    1. Container: storage containers should only be glass. You can buy the product in a large plastic container, but after that it is advisable to pour it into separate small jars. The containers should be small, since constantly opening the jar leads to the penetration of bacteria into the container, which means the shelf life of the nectar is reduced.
    2. Lighting: It is advisable to limit the access of light to containers with nectar. To do this, you can use either dark glassware, or initially place the containers in a dark and dry basement or cellar.
    3. Temperature: in order for the bee product to retain its beneficial properties, it is important to observe the temperature regime for its storage. It should be within +8+15 degrees. But it is much more important to prevent sudden temperature changes, which can cause condensation to form in the container and the product to deteriorate.

    In addition, it is advisable to store the product separately from food with a strong odor, since honey quickly absorbs foreign aromas.

    Figure 2. The product is stored in small glass containers away from sunlight

    As a storage container, you can use not only glass, but also enamel, ceramic or wooden dishes. The only exception is barrels made of softwood. This material contains special resins that can spoil the smell of nectar. In an oak barrel, the product may slightly change color and darken, but this will not affect its taste and beneficial properties. Artificial nectar does not have such strict storage rules, but since it does not contain any useful substances, it is better not to buy it in the first place.

    Honey: a product that does not spoil?

    I think you have heard more than once that honey is the only product that does not have an expiration date. On the one hand, this is true, because honey itself has a number of unique properties. On the other hand, honey is a product that cannot be stored forever, because if it hits the supermarket counter, it means it has already had contact with the external environment.

    History knows a case when honey, according to researchers, stayed in a hermetically sealed container for more than 4 thousand years, and at the same time did not lose its healing properties.

    It happened in Egypt, when a vessel with honey was found in one of the pyramids next to the burial, which was apparently 4 to 5 thousand years old.

    Previously, honey served as a kind of “bribe” to the guards of the other world, where the soul of the deceased pharaoh or the top of the government was sent.

    When the vessel was opened and they realized that it contained honey, they began to carefully examine it. As it turned out, it was not only suitable for consumption, but also contained a full range of useful substances.

    This fact is, of course, impressive, and suggests that honey has no expiration date, but this is not the case.

    Firstly, let’s not forget that honey in those days was exclusively natural, which means the absence of impurities, sugar and other substances could have a positive effect on its suitability. Secondly, honey, while in the pyramid, was stored under ideal conditions - in a dark, dry and not hot place. Together, these factors could indeed extend the shelf life of honey, but we cannot call it a non-perishable product.

    Although it is worth remembering that honey is not only a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients, but also an excellent natural preservative that can not only extend the shelf life of other products, but also remain fresh and healthy on its own.

    However, we see an expiration date on every jar we buy, which means it exists, and we should know how long it lasts.

    The beneficial properties of honey cannot be overestimated

    Storage location and room requirements

    The storage must meet certain requirements:

    • No strong odors or household chemicals.
    • Protection against insects.
    • Humidity level – 60-80%. A higher indicator will cause the absorption of excess moisture and the beginning of the process of souring and fermentation. For the same reason, using a wet spoon is not allowed.
    • No direct sunlight or artificial lighting. Healing substances begin to break down even after a short exposure to light.
    • Not accessible for children. Children consuming excessive amounts of bee products can cause a severe allergic reaction.

    Be sure to read:

    Rules for storing food in the refrigerator and freezer, laying out on shelves for long-term storage

    The following places are suitable for storage:

    • kitchen cabinet,
    • cooling chamber,
    • pantry,
    • bedside tables on the balcony, loggia,
    • basement.

    What to do if honey is sugared?

    1. Place it in a place whose temperature is above 35°C. This can be either the most ordinary bathhouse in the country, or an electric oven. The honey should sit for 5-7 hours and then become liquid. But know that the higher the temperature, the faster the honey will melt; as soon as it takes on a liquid form, you need to bring it to room temperature, since its quality will deteriorate every hour.
    2. Heating with a water bath. If using the first method is not possible, you can always melt the honey in a water bath. You need to put the product in a glass jar and place this jar in a small saucepan. Find a larger saucepan and fill it with water halfway. Then place a small saucepan over the water and turn on the gas. After the water boils, reduce the heat to low and wait for the honey to become liquid.
    3. Microwave. You need to pour the honey into a microwave-safe container. There is no need to use a lid, just microwave for 2 minutes at maximum power. After the time is up, take out the bowl and stir the honey thoroughly with a spoon. But this option is the worst, since the product loses the maximum amount of vitamins.

    Why honey can be stored for a long time

    Beekeepers have known since ancient times that following the rules of production and storage allows the product to remain suitable for a long time. For each variety there is an optimal collection time, when the nectar contains a minimum amount of moisture and is saturated with acids.

    Flower nectar that is collected ahead of schedule is suitable for consumption, but cannot be stored for long.

    Compliance with collection technology allows you to enjoy the sweet taste of a natural delicacy all year round.

    A store-bought product is marked with an expiration date, as required by trade rules. Basically, this information is perceived as the date of manufacture, and not the end of the expiration date.

    Buying honey: how to correctly recognize and choose natural honey

    Determining the quality of honey

    The most important thing is buying honey! Always check the seller's documents. You must be sure that you are purchasing a natural product. To determine the naturalness and quality of honey, it must be subjected to examination. The quality of honey must be confirmed by certificates. An accurate examination can only be performed by experienced specialists from the relevant laboratories, but there are tests that can be carried out at home and even on the market. Pay attention to its external characteristics:

    • color: honey can be transparent and colorless (clover and acacia), light amber (linden), amber (sunflower), dark amber (buckwheat), dark (honeydew);
    • consistency: freshly pumped honey has a liquid, slightly viscous consistency; after about 1-2 months it begins to crystallize. Honey comes in solid (stone) form. Liquid honey should be both tender and homogeneous. Natural honey is quickly absorbed into the skin. The adulterated product is rough and may have hard lumps;
    • taste: sweet, slightly tart, but pleasant, causes slight irritation of the oral mucosa;
    • aroma: good-quality honey has a pleasant, unique floral aroma, which can be enhanced by slightly heating the product in a water bath.

    How to spot a fake

    Now let's figure out how to distinguish real honey from counterfeit honey. When buying loose honey, you can be guided by the following taste and external characteristics:

    1. Liquid honey cannot be cloudy. Sometimes they sell fake liquid honey, passing it off as acacia honey.
    2. Shrunken – may have stratification and inhomogeneity.
    3. Honey that tastes like caramel is not worth buying; it probably has added flavorings or was overheated.
    4. The taste and color must correspond to a certain type of honey. The taste of high-quality honey is tart, with a specific honey aroma, and not irritating sweetness. There will be no foreign solid particles or sediment left on the tongue. A slight burning sensation in the throat will also indicate the high quality of honey.
    5. It is difficult to identify fake honey by color; the palette is too diverse. Do not forget that the chemical industry does not stand still. Along with flavorings, a huge amount of food coloring is produced.
    6. Sugar honey can be identified by its very white color. The dark brown color suggests honeydew honey. If the color is dark and the aroma is weak and resembles the taste of caramel, then it is molten honey.
    7. It is easy to determine the ripeness of honey by its viscosity: The consistency of mature honey should be thick, but not too thick;
    8. Ripened honey, like a ribbon, is wound and layered on a spoon;
    9. Unripe, with a high water content - it will quickly drain from a spoon. Adulterated honey pulls out from a spoon in thin threads, whereas in flower honey the threads break off at a certain point.
  • Honey is heavier than water and weighs approximately 1.4 kg. The lower the weight, the more water the honey contains.
  • When poured, high-quality honey forms a “slide”.
  • As a rule, various impurities are added to fake honey: sugar syrup, beet or starch syrup, saccharin, etc.
  • To detect sand or starch, honey is dissolved in water. If the solution becomes cloudy and without sediment, then there is no impurity. Otherwise, a precipitate will form. Another way to identify starch is to add a few drops of iodine tincture to the solution. To confirm the starch content, the solution will turn blue.
  • An admixture of chalk can be detected by treating the sediment with some acid or vinegar: in this case, foaming will occur due to the release of carbon dioxide.
  • Potato or sugar syrup or cane or beet sugar can only be detected through complex tests in special laboratories. A natural admixture of honey is pollen. The presence of pollen in it does not indicate falsification, but the naturalness of the honey, and by its nature one can judge from which plants the nectar was collected, i.e., determine the type of honey.
  • We recognize fermentation: a specific sour smell, active foaming, burnt alcohol taste, gas evolution on the surface or in the volume of honey.
  • The label on the container must contain information about the standard, variety, botanical species, time and place of honey collection.
  • If you have a keen sense of smell, you will be able to appreciate real honey by its amazing and very fragrant aroma. Therefore, this method has a right to exist, but you should not rely on it entirely.
  • Maturity

    Only mature honey is beneficial . Ripe honey contains no more than 20% water, it crystallizes evenly and densely. The ripeness of honey can be determined even when purchased at the market: if you twirl a spoon in honey and then lift it above the container, the mature honey will curl onto the spoon, and the unripe one will cough out.

    Ripe honey under favorable conditions retains its natural qualities for a long time.

    Unripe honey contains excess moisture. Nectar with a high proportion of moisture cannot be stored for a long time:

    1. Unripe honey is produced by pumping out unsealed or incompletely sealed honeycomb frames.
    2. Does not have many beneficial properties of mature honey.
    3. It exfoliates to form 2 layers of different consistency, thick and candied below, and liquid and syrupy on top.
    4. It will ferment or sour in a short time.

    Note: Honey can be prevented from souring by heating it to a temperature of 63 °C for 30 minutes. After this, it is suitable for the production of confectionery and drinks. You can prevent souring of honey by pasteurization; the greatest effect is achieved by pasteurization for 5-10 minutes at 78 °C.

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