How can you determine whether an egg is rotten or fresh - what does it mean if it floats in cold water and is it safe to eat?

Eggs are the perfect breakfast, the best start to the day. Especially if it's a great omelet cooked in butter. But during its preparation there is a risk of adding rotten eggs to the already broken eggs, and then the breakfast will be ruined. But there is a way out - check the eggs in advance for suitability. How to distinguish fresh eggs from spoiled ones? To do this, you can use one of seven simple methods.

Smell test

One of the easiest and most reliable ways to determine whether an egg has gone bad is to smell it.

A spoiled egg will give off an unpleasant odor when you open the shell. This smell will be present even if you have already cooked the egg.

In some cases, when the egg is very old or rotten, you may notice a foul odor before you break it.

If the egg smells bad, you need to get rid of it. Since this test is very reliable, it is recommended that you give each egg a good sniff before eating or using it.

Egg marking

Store-bought eggs are marked with a special marking, which can be used to determine the expiration date, manufacturer, and category.

On the left is a table egg, first category. On the right is dietary, selected.

Markings are allowed to be applied not only to eggs, but also to packaging. Which does not contradict Russian legislation, under one condition - the packaging must have a label that is damaged when opened (it is not possible to get the eggs without opening them).

The marking carries important information about the category (weight, size) and freshness of the eggs. There are extended markings, they add a manufacturer’s stamp, packaging date, etc. The first two characters in the labeling are important for the consumer.

  1. The first sign divides the eggs according to freshness:
  2. The freshest eggs are marked with red color and the letter D - dietary ones, with a shelf life of 7 days. In blue and the letter C are table eggs, with a shelf life of up to 25 days.

  3. The second character, which can be numeric or alphabetic, divides the eggs by size:
number 1 - first categoryweight from 55 - 64.9 g
number 2 - secondweight from 45 - 55.9 g
number 3 - third categoryweight from 35 - 44.9 g
letter O - selectedweight from 65 - 74.9 g
letter B - highest categoryweight from 75 g

Don't chase size. The best eggs are medium and small (laid by young hens). Large eggs are laid by older chickens; such eggs contain fewer nutrients.

Visual inspection

Sometimes you can tell by the appearance of an egg whether it is spoiled. You will need to check the egg for signs of possible contamination or spoilage.

What do bad eggs look like? You should discard eggs with any of the following characteristics:

  • cracks in the shell
  • powdery substance on the shell
  • shell looks or feels slimy

Eggs with cracked or slimy shells may be contaminated with bacteria, and a powdery substance on the shell may be a sign of mold.

If the shells are intact, have no obvious signs of damage or contamination, and do not smell, you should do a second visual inspection after you crack the eggs. You should discard eggs with any unusual color change inside, such as pink, iridescent, or greenish egg whites or yolks.

However, according to the USDA, hard-boiled eggs that have a green ring on the yolk after cooking are safe to eat. The green color is often the result of overcooking or high iron content in the water in which the eggs were boiled ().

An egg white or yolk that is runnier than normal may also indicate that the egg is no longer fresh. While this does not necessarily mean that the egg is unsafe to eat, it may have distorted flavor and cooking properties.

Before purchasing eggs, you need to do a quick visual inspection of the eggs in the carton. If any eggs are cracked or leaking, choose a different package.

Checking egg freshness against light

You can check whether an egg is rotten or not using the light, but this will require a powerful light source. In fresh eggs, the yolk is located in the center, there are no inclusions in the white. In laying eggs you will notice slight darkening in the white.

In spoiled eggs, the following may be visible when held up to light:

  • Embryo (fetus);
  • blood ring or large blood clots;
  • Large air gap between the white and the shell;
  • Dark spots;

The presence of any of these signs indicates that the egg is rotten and should not be eaten.

How to identify a spoiled egg in water: “float test”

The float test is a quick and easy way to check the freshness of an egg. The float test does not determine whether an egg has gone bad, but it does provide useful information about the age of the egg.

To perform the float test, place the egg in a large bowl of water. If the egg sinks or remains on the bottom, it is still fresh. The old egg will either stand on its end or float.

The float test works because air accumulates inside the egg as it ages and this increases its buoyancy.

However, an egg that floats may be safe to eat. A person can further test the egg by cracking it to smell it and check for visible signs of contamination.

What are the dangers of stale eggs?

Eggs are the third most common food poisoning after meat and dairy products. Poisoning often occurs due to the Salmonella bacterium; the incubation period is only 72 hours, develops rapidly, and if urgent measures are not taken, death is possible. The biggest danger of infection is eating raw eggs; the bacterium “lives” on the inside of the shell under a protective film.

Recently, quail eggs have been very popular; you cannot become infected with salmonellosis from them, since when quails lay eggs, the eggs are released at a temperature of 40 degrees, and all bacteria die.

If you have allergic reactions to egg products, then you need to eat only fresh dietary eggs. The longer they are stored, the greater the likelihood of allergies.

Try not to buy dirty eggs with adhering droppings or feathers - this indicates poor hygiene in the keeping of chickens.


Candling is a method that producers use to check the quality of eggs. It involves using a bright light to inspect the eggs for signs of cracks and internal defects.

Egg producers typically use automatic conveyor belts and mechanical sensors to quickly and efficiently inspect large quantities of eggs. However, a person can also perform candling at home by holding the egg up to a bright light, such as a powerful flashlight or lamp, in a darkened room.

As with the float test, candling only tests the freshness of the egg. This method will not confirm whether the egg is safe to eat.

When you hold the egg up to the light, you should be able to see the air chamber inside it. The air chamber is a small sac or bubble that is usually present at the large end of the egg.

The egg is still fresh if the air chamber is less than 3mm deep. The larger the air sac, the older the egg ().

Why are they useful?

The protein of this product is completely absorbed by the human body. It is better to eat them boiled or fried. But raw ones can be dangerous if they contain an infection. They are rich in magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc and other useful elements.

They should definitely be eaten by people who are rarely exposed to the sun, because they contain a lot of vitamin D. It is simply irreplaceable for strengthening bones. Lecithin has a beneficial effect on liver function, brain activity, and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Lutene improves vision, and choline prevents the development of cancer cells. Folic acid is essential if you are planning to become a mother.

The shell contains more than 30 trace elements, approximately 2 grams of calcium. It is useful to use in combination with lemon juice. Grind the shells, mix and add a teaspoon to food.

But to get all these benefits, you only need to eat a good, fresh, quality product.

What happens if you eat a spoiled egg?

The main risk of eating eggs is salmonella infection, which is a form of food poisoning. Salmonella is a type of bacteria that can grow both on the shell and inside the yolk and white of eggs.

Symptoms of salmonellosis include ():

  • diarrhea (diarrhea)
  • abdominal cramps
  • fever
  • vomit

According to the CDC, symptoms usually develop 6–48 hours after eating a contaminated egg and last about 4–7 days ().

Most people recover from salmonella infections without antibiotics. However, people with severe symptoms may require hospitalization.

Salmonella infection is often more severe and dangerous in certain groups of people, including:

  • adults over 65 years old
  • children under 5 years old
  • people with weakened immune systems

Not everyone who eats a spoiled egg develops a salmonella infection.

Here are steps you can take to reduce your risk of salmonellosis:

  • washing hands and any objects that come into contact with raw eggs
  • storing eggs in the refrigerator
  • throwing away eggs after the expiration date
  • Cooking eggs thoroughly until the yolk and white are firm
  • using pasteurized eggs for dishes that call for raw or lightly cooked eggs

Can eggs go bad?

Of course, a food product loses its freshness and beneficial qualities over time. Moreover, it spoils both raw and cooked in any way. Another reason why eggs can become unusable or rotten is a violation of the integrity of the shell (the formation of cracks, punctures). Equally important in preserving freshness and benefits is the correct storage temperature and humidity level. At room temperature, the testicles will deteriorate faster in a cool place. Too low humidity causes the product to dry out.

You cannot eat spoiled eggs; this can lead to stomach pain and food poisoning. Therefore, it is important to determine the quality of eggs before consuming or preparing them for food. There are several tricks that can help you check the suitability of raw and cooked foods.


  • When eggs spoil, they begin to smell bad and the yolk and egg white may change color. Cracks or a slimy egg shell can also be a sign of bacterial contamination.
  • How to check if an egg is spoiled? Simple ways to determine the freshness of an egg include: checking the expiration date, visually inspecting the egg shell and its contents for any unpleasant odor. If you have any doubt about whether an egg has gone bad, you should throw it away.
  • The main risk of eating eggs is salmonella infection, which can cause diarrhea, vomiting and fever. You can reduce your risk of salmonellosis by storing eggs in the refrigerator, discarding eggs with cracked shells, and cooking eggs thoroughly before eating.

The article was prepared by experts for informational purposes only. It should not be used as a guide for treating medical conditions and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. In case of illness or any symptoms, you should always consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

Tags: Eggs

About the author: Alexander Fedorov

Candidate of Biological Sciences, biologist, nutrition expert. Graduated from Stavropol State University with a degree in Biology at the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry.

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Shelf life of raw and boiled eggs

The period for which eggs can be stored varies depending on the type and other parameters.

  1. For those that went on sale from the poultry farm, it does not exceed 1 month.
  2. Homemade can be used for 3 months.
  3. Diet eggs have the shortest shelf life - only one week.
  4. Hard-boiled and unshelled, they need to be used in 10-14 days, while unshelled ones take just three days.
  5. It is recommended to eat a soft-boiled egg no later than the next day.

Visual signs of egg freshness

So, how to determine the freshness of a chicken egg? First of all, this can be done by its appearance. In the first few days, the shell looks very presentable, it shines and has a pleasant, even shade. Over time, the surface of the egg becomes dull, the color becomes darker and uneven. You can visually check the freshness and light. Pick up the egg, place it in front of a bright light bulb and examine it carefully. If its shelf life is running out, then there will be dark spots in the center; this is not observed in a fresh product. A characteristic sign of a stale egg can be a very unpleasant odor, but this feature already applies to the last stage. Don't hesitate to throw it away.

How do you know if eggs are fresh?

There are several simple ways to determine the freshness of eggs at home. If the housewife suspects that the product is rotten, it is better to use several methods to obtain more accurate results.

You can check the temperature of the shell. Using this method requires practice. You should rinse the product, shake it, and then touch the tip of your tongue first to the sharp end and then to the blunt end. If the latter is a little hotter, the product is gone and will have to be thrown away.

For boiled eggs, freshness is checked by peeling. The longer the product sits before cooking, the worse the shell will separate from the protein.

Checking the markings

A stamp with the exact date of manufacture and category must be present on products sold in stores. Private sellers may not have it. Dietary products are marked in red; simple dining rooms are marked in black. It is recommended to give preference to products from local poultry farms.

To the light

It is most convenient to use this technique if you have a special device - an ovoscope. However, a simple bright lamp will do. In cases where the yolk is located close to the center, the product can be eaten or used for preparing various dishes: this sign indicates freshness. Darkened areas near the protein are a sign that it is better to eat the product as soon as possible, since it has already had time to sit for some time. Rotten, spoiled ones do not show through at all.

Immersion in water

You can determine whether an egg is rotten or not using a glass of cold water. The method was used even before the advent of refrigerators and various devices for determining freshness. Since the shell is porous, moisture gradually evaporates through it, more and more air remains inside, the mass decreases, which leads to changes in buoyancy. It is recommended to add salt to the liquid: this makes the solution more dense, thereby increasing the accuracy of the experiment.

To check the freshness of eggs in water, you just need to dip them into the liquid. If the product sinks and lies on its side, it is completely fresh and has recently been demolished by a bird. When immersed at an angle, with the sharp tip down, the product stayed for about a week. In the middle of the glass, with the sharp end down, they hang for 14 to 21 days. Spoiled ones float up, unfit for food.

Determination of shell odor

You can smell the shell. Normally it should smell like lime. The smell of hydrogen sulfide indicates a spoiled egg. You can also smell the contents by breaking the shell. If there is a strong characteristic aroma of hydrogen sulfide, it is dangerous to eat egg products.

Egg freshness determined by torsion

A fresh egg barely rotates. If you manage to unwind it, then only a few turns. A damaged one can spin for a long time even with little effort.

Visual inspection

You should not focus on the color of the shell: it depends only on the breed of chickens

You need to pay attention to the surface structure. Normally it should be matte and rough

The appearance of gloss is characteristic of rotten, stale products. Various cracks and chips should also alert you (if there were no reasons for their appearance: impacts, mechanical damage after purchase). You should shake the product (fresh should not make sounds, rotten should gurgle).

You can crack a raw egg to examine the condition from the inside. The freshest whites have a slight greenish or yellowish tint, gradually becoming transparent, heterogeneous, layered, and cloudy inclusions appear. The yolks are initially convex and round; gradually they become flatter. The shade of the yolk is not a sign that helps determine freshness; this feature depends on the breed of chicken. The presence of protein flagella at the edges of the yolk is a good sign: they are preserved only in the freshest specimens and gradually dissolve.

Water test

Fill a saucepan with cold water. Dip the eggs one at a time into the water and see what happens to them. The most recent, 2- or 3-day-old specimens will simply settle to the bottom. Those that are already about a week old will also first lie at the bottom, then begin to move up and sink down again. After 2-3 weeks of storage, the eggs will sink to the bottom only with the sharp tip and will balance on it. This means that they are no longer very fresh, but are still edible. But those specimens that remain floating on the surface can be safely thrown away - even if they are not rotten, they are still no longer suitable for food.

Is it possible to increase the shelf life?

To extend the shelf life of boiled eggs, you can use the following methods:

  1. Wrap the product in thin paper (parchment, tracing paper) . In this form, the product remains fresh for up to five days. The paper not only serves as a barrier to bacteria, but also prevents the shell from drying out quickly.

  2. Immerse the egg in a saline solution . Salt is a natural preservative. To extend the freshness of boiled eggs without refrigeration for up to six days, the product is placed in a steep saline solution (3 tablespoons of salt are dissolved in a liter of water).
  3. Placed in the refrigerator . At a temperature of +3C, boiled eggs retain freshness, taste and nutritional properties for up to ten days. The product is placed in a tightly closed container, which is placed on the middle shelf of the refrigerator, closer to the wall.

Before storing in the refrigerator, the shells are inspected for cracks and dents (damaged products cannot be stored for long periods of time).

Also, do not place boiled eggs on the refrigerator door (sudden temperature changes shorten the shelf life of the product).

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