Is it possible to throw away an old, broken mirror? How to properly throw away a mirror? How to clean a mirror with rituals and spells?

In one of the previous articles, we found out that a mirror is not just a household item in which you can look and fix your hair. The mirror surface absorbs all the information, both good and bad, so that on occasion it can be returned to the person who looks at it. As a rule, such a case occurs when the mirror breaks. In this case, you need to get rid of the item that has become unnecessary as soon as possible. How to properly throw a broken mirror out of the house without consequences, we'll look at it in this article.

How to properly throw a broken mirror out of the house

The broken mirror pieces need to be collected using a brush and dustpan. Under no circumstances do this with your bare hands, otherwise you will end up in trouble. Mirror dust should be collected with a vacuum cleaner. Only the one who broke it should collect the fragments for their further disposal. If the culprit is a child, any blood relative should sweep instead.

It is absolutely forbidden to look into pieces of the mirror: this will attract illness to you. If you have black paint, it is better to paint over such fragments.

Before taking the mirror to the landfill, wrap it in a strong cloth. The place where the mirror stood/hung/lay should be treated with a cloth soaked in blessed water.

Is it possible to throw away mirrors?

Situations arise when parting with old items is inevitable. If the product was inherited from the previous owner, you must remember that the objects retain a special energy that may be unsafe. It's better not to use such things.

It is not advisable to store or use a mirror that is cracked and darkened by time. Not only is the reflection not visible in it, or it is distorted. Such a thing has a bad effect on a person’s mood and on his energy resources.

Sometimes a mirror leaves its usual place not only because of damage. Changing the interior, rearranging, buying a new accessory that you like are situations that lead to the elimination of old things.

What to do with an old mirror: is it possible to break the fragments

If the mirror shatters into several pieces when dropped or as a result of an impact, you may want to separate them to make it easier to take them to the trash. This cannot be done - there will be many more problems.

The mirror, or what is left of it, can be taken out and thrown into the trash. But it’s better to do it differently: bury it in an “untrodden” place - where people practically never go. When you take the mirror out of the house, say the words of the following spell:

“I take away misfortune, adversity, and illness from home. Amen"

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How to throw away a broken mirror

Difficulties may arise with an object that has lost its integrity. In this case, rituals are difficult to carry out, there is a risk of cutting yourself, and it is not always convenient to wait until the phase of the waning moon. This is especially true for families with children and pets.

You can properly throw away a broken mirror using these recommendations:

  1. Carefully collect all the fragments on a thick sheet of paper or fabric.
  2. Wrap in several layers of material and put in a bag.
  3. If there is an unnecessary box, it is better to place the remains of the mirror in it so that street animals are not harmed.
  4. Get rid of trash by throwing it in a trash container.

Old mirrors store a large amount of information. It is believed that the energy contained in them, in the wrong hands, can greatly harm the former owner and everyone who often looked at it. Carrying out cleansing rituals allows especially superstitious people not to fear harm. In addition, it must be remembered that a breakable item is dangerous in itself, and therefore requires good packaging.

How to throw away a whole mirror correctly from the house

An entire mirror also has its own recycling algorithm. It is not advisable to leave a used item at home. After all, such a mirror no longer absorbs negativity, but only gives it away.

Finding out that a mirror no longer fulfills its protective function is quite simple - its surface darkens, chips and cracks appear on it.

The old mirror should be washed with a cloth soaked in a salt solution. After this, cross the reflective surface 3 times with a candle purchased in the church.

Having done all these manipulations, wrap the mirror in thick dark paper and say the words:

“I crossed myself, washed away the superficial, closed it from the views of strangers. From now on this mirror has dimmed for us. Not mine, not from me, not for me. Chur"

That's it - now the mirror is ready for you to take it out and place it near the trash cans.

How to simply throw away an old mirror surface?


  • There are several more rules that should be followed when disposing of a mirror. It is best to do this yourself, that is, without anyone's help.
  • If the mirror is very large and you are unable to remove it from the house yourself, use the help of a friend. But in this case, you will have to wrap it in black cloth, and only then take it out of the house. In addition, you should not immediately hang a new one in place of the removed mirror.
  • It takes about a week after you get rid of the old piece of furniture.

As you can see, there are a lot of signs regarding mirrors that are very useful. Because they will help you cleanse the old mirror of foreign energy, as well as get rid of your own and properly throw away the item. So that with its help it is impossible to send damage or some kind of witchcraft.

How to properly throw an old mirror out of the house in the trash: clean the mirror with salt and candle fire

Answering the question of how to properly throw a whole mirror out of the house , you need to consider the method with salt and a candle.

Place a church candle in a bowl of salt and read the following plot: “I burn all evil, I renew the mirror, I charge it with joy and happiness. Let it be so. Amen!".

Wait until the candle burns out completely, sprinkle the surface of the mirror with salt and recite the above spell three times. The salt should remain on the mirror for three days. After that, you can flush it down the toilet.

Break someone else's mirror

Often damaging someone else's

the mirror is dangerous both for its owner and for the person who broke it. Most often, this means that a major quarrel will occur between the owner and him, as a result of which they may stop communicating.

If someone else's

powder compact along with the mirror in it, you can carefully pull it out and throw it away, wrapping it in a thick cloth. If the owner does not mind, you can perform a cleansing ritual, but it is best to do this alone.

When can you throw away mirrors?

The mirror can be used in several directions. Firstly, this is the main part of the interior. No woman can live in a house without mirrors

And men need to look at this piece of furniture every day, because it is very important to see how you look at the moment. Also, people who return home, if they forgot something, look in the mirrors

By doing this, they replenish the lost energy that was spent after you crossed the threshold.

Residents of the apartment try to change not only all the furniture, but also the mirrors, because in the modern world there is such a large number of such pieces of furniture that you want to put something special in each room. At such moments, it is necessary to throw away old mirrors. Therefore, it is worth knowing how to do it correctly. Never store old things in the house, and do not accumulate old energy. This can lead to unpleasant events.

Do not store the item if scratches begin to appear on it. Throw it away immediately and don’t regret it. Even if this thing was passed down to you by inheritance, you should not keep it. If the mirror accidentally breaks, then do not panic. First of all, you must collect all the fragments. Not a single fragment should remain in the house. You have to worry about making sure your reflection doesn't show up in the shards. The main thing is to think positive. You shouldn’t immediately program yourself that trouble will soon overtake you.

Why you can't keep old mirrors

There are several reasons why it is best to remove an old mirror from your home.

There are several reasons to get rid of old mirrors. They are connected not only with the mystical, but also with the practical side of life.

  • An antique piece of furniture may not fit into a new environment.
  • An old thing can make you feel sad for no reason. In this case, you need to get rid of the mirror as quickly as possible, because this indicates its bad energy and negative influence.
  • If the mirror has survived several generations, then it has accumulated many not always pleasant memories that will be reflected in the current life of the family.
  • The interior item may be damaged, which will affect its aesthetics and usability.
  • For superstitious people, an old mirror is a real well of other people's memories that influence everyone who looks into its surface.

Therefore, it is recommended to get rid of such a dangerous item by first performing a cleansing ritual.

If the mirror is old and you don’t really need it, it’s better to get rid of it. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to throw away mirrors if they are not needed or pose a mystical danger. The answer will be in the affirmative, because such items are truly unsafe for the health and psychological well-being of all family members.

How to avoid negative consequences

In order not to bring trouble to your family and to ensure that you avoid negative consequences, you need to buy a new mirror and hang it in place of the old one. If it is larger in size, then this is even better, since it will be energetically superior to its predecessor.

Instead of an old mirror, it is better to replace it with a new one. To avoid the negative influence of mirrors in the future, keep them clean. If their surface becomes covered with dust, then discord may begin in the family. In addition, it is recommended to smile at your reflection more often, so that the looking glass remembers only good emotions and returns them back threefold.

Now you know what to do with an old mirror if it is not needed and you can independently carry out a cleansing ritual to protect yourself and your loved ones from the mystical influence of this item on the life of your family.

What to do with a broken mirror

You cannot throw away a broken mirror in the usual way. At the same time, it is a bad omen if something old, cracked or broken is kept in the house for a long time. To throw away a damaged item, other rituals are performed:

  • The fragments are covered with a dark cloth and followed by a dustpan and broom.
  • Do not collect fragments with your hands: there is a risk of injury. They try to sweep away the fragments without looking into them.
  • The fragments are poured out of the scoop separately into an opaque garbage bag or wrapped in a dark cloth.
  • They throw it away.

You can’t store the fragments in the house, so they don’t hesitate to dispose of them. For this reason, throwing it in the trash is not appropriate. The dust is wiped with a rag, which is also then thrown away.

If you need to leave the fragments at home (there is no way to throw them away now), they are carefully washed with running water: it removes negative energy. It is better to pour them into a plate or other container.

To ward off trouble and negativity, the fragments are taken out of the apartment:

  • Pack the broken mirror well in a bag or bag, tie it and throw it into running water.
  • If there are no bodies of water nearby, they find a place that they will never have to visit. At night they bury the fragments under a tree and leave without looking back.

Additionally, at the time of disposal, protective words are spoken. It is not necessary to use any formulas, these can be words with the message that it is not happiness that is thrown out of the house, but grief, that trouble is turned away from the house.

Old mirrors are witnesses to various events, store information, and pose a serious threat to the residents of the house. You definitely need to get rid of them. But you can’t just take an object shrouded in mysticism to the trash can.

A broken mirror must be disposed of immediately

There are folk beliefs on how to do this correctly. Having studied the rituals that help clean the reflective surface, you can safely throw away the mirror or dispose of it as you wish.

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