Furniture care. How to polish furniture to make it look expensive?

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During operation, even high-quality furniture fittings gradually lose their appearance. Small scratches and chips appear on the surfaces, and the color fades. In addition, wooden furniture can absorb grease, after which stains remain on the surfaces, which are very difficult to get rid of. But this does not mean at all that the fittings need to be replaced with new ones. There are several simple methods that will help restore furniture to a presentable appearance.

Beer and wax

When wood fittings begin to fade, scratches appear on the surface and the color gradually changes. A simple home remedy based on beer and wax will come to the rescue. Pour one glass of beer (dark) into a saucepan, add a teaspoon of wax and bring to a boil over low heat. After the solution has cooled, it is applied to the surface and allowed to dry. Only after the solution has completely dried and hardened is the surface polished to a shine using a woolen cloth. This product will help eliminate minor scratches, restore the damaged glossy structure and create a protective film.

Applying glaze

Before starting the main work, it is recommended to test it on an unnecessary piece of wood. The thing is that after application the glaze can change its original appearance. Preliminary testing will ensure that you like the shade. Otherwise, you will have to suffer a lot to remove it.

There is nothing complicated about glazing. Using a brush, spread the glaze evenly over the entire work surface. Particular attention should be paid to problem areas such as corners and cracks. In these areas you should not spare material. You need to apply it very quickly, since most types of glaze dry in just 10-20 minutes. If you do not have enough time or in some places it was not applied very well, then use regular paint thinner to eliminate defects.

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When all the work is completed, you should have a thin transparent layer that gives the wood a shine. Paper towels will help achieve the desired thickness. Wipe off any excess glaze before it dries, and spread the rest evenly over your work surface.

Vinegar and ammonia

In one glass of water, add a third of a glass of ordinary table vinegar and one coffee spoon of ammonia. In this solution, you need to moisten a napkin (for washing dishes) and wipe the surfaces well. This product can eliminate even the most stubborn grease stains and remove old plaque without damaging the surface structure.

What you need for polishing

Now we are not talking about professional products from the store, designed specifically for the care of polished cabinets and tables. What available tools can be used for the same purposes?

  1. From the kitchen cabinet: vegetable oil, wine vinegar, brewed tea, salt, flour, milk, potatoes, beer, sauerkraut (brine).
  2. From the home first aid kit: burdock oil, talc or baby powder, ethyl alcohol.
  3. From the bathroom: shampoo, liquid soap, antistatic spray.
  4. From the pantry: turpentine, gasoline, shoe polish.

Of course, you can’t do without special equipment. First of all, you will need pieces of soft flannel and cotton fabric, a small piece of leather or suede, and cotton sponges. As well as a bowl and pan, measuring cup and knife. Since some of the products used are quite aggressive, and you simply have to work with your hands, protective rubber gloves will also come in handy.


If you want to return the furniture to its high value and its former appearance, it is best to carry out restoration. Of course, restoration is only possible if the furniture is made of natural wood. First, the surfaces are cleaned of old varnish. If there are small chips, deep cuts or dents, they are masked with a special putty. Next, a new layer of varnish is applied. Experts recommend using varnish with shades, since old wood tends to lose its natural color over time.

Preparatory work

Adding shine to furniture is called glazing. Before you start, you need to make sure that the item already has a base coat. If it is missing, then you need to start with the finishing. For this, you can use any materials except natural resins, for example, shellac. They are very difficult to remove from work surfaces, so if you make even the slightest mistake, the furniture will simply be damaged.


The simplest and most effective way to restore the presentable appearance of furniture is to use special polishes. They are based on synthetic oils and fibers that fill microcracks on surfaces. These products have a pleasant smell and are very easy to use. Polishes contain three main components: antistatic, silicone and wax. Regular use of polishes will help restore damaged wood structure and significantly extend its life.

Inventory preparation

Glazing wood is a fairly simple process that doesn't require much effort. There are a large number of ways to do this, but this article will discuss the simplest one. It assumes the following inventory:

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  • brush for mixing components;
  • brush for applying glaze;
  • container for preparing glaze;
  • paper towels;
  • steel wool (oil-based glaze).

That's all that will be needed for glazing furniture. As you can see, the list is minimal, so you don’t have to buy any expensive tools or specialized equipment.

Useful tips for caring for furniture

To extend the life of furniture and prevent loss of its appearance, follow these recommendations:

  • Once a month, wipe surfaces with soapy water. Simply lather your hands with laundry soap in a small amount of warm water and wipe the furniture with this solution. This will keep it from fading.
  • If fingerprints from oily fingers are visible on surfaces, you should use cosmetic talc. Apply a small amount of talcum powder to a rag and blot the stains.
  • If stains from water or spilled products are very visible on the furniture, prepare a mixture of wheat flour (1 cup) and sunflower oil (a tablespoon). Treat all areas with streaks and remove any residue with a cotton napkin.
  • Surface scratches can be masked with shoe polish by selecting the desired shade.

You should not get rid of old furniture, especially if it is made of natural wood. Using such simple means at hand, you can quickly and effectively restore the presentable appearance of your furniture.

AlinaAuthor of the article

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Use of solid wood furniture

The most important thing is creating the correct temperature regime. The temperature in the room must be maintained at least about degrees Celsius. The moisture regime is no less important - it should remain at 40-65%. In conditions of high humidity, stains may form on furniture, and excessive dampness will lead to dulling of the varnish. But if the air in the room is too dry, then cracks may appear on the furniture.

It is also worth taking care of the correct arrangement of furniture - it should not be placed near heat sources, as well as any heating equipment. You should maintain a distance of 1 meter. Also, do not place furniture where direct sunlight may fall on it.

How to remove scratches from polished furniture

To remove mechanical damage from varnished surfaces, you can use oil products and stains. Folk methods can also help remove scratches on polished furniture at home:

  1. Rub a wax crayon of a suitable shade and melt it in a water bath. Apply to the scratch, clean and polish the furniture with a soft cloth.
  2. Shoe polish perfectly fills microcracks, the main thing is that the color of the cream matches the shade of the wood of the polished set.
  3. Rub the scratched areas with a walnut kernel. Walnut oil will fill the cracks and make the damage invisible.

Industrial polishes - are they worth buying?

Industrial polishes contain special substances that fill microcracks in the furniture surface, as a result of which the structure of the material becomes even and smooth - polished.

Today, store shelves are filled with a variety of products from different manufacturers. They, to one degree or another, make care easier, but how safe and effective they are is always up to the consumer to evaluate after purchase. This is a matter of personal choice.

Important! It is not uncommon for a manufacturer to promise water-repellent, shockproof and antistatic effects. But in the end you only get disappointment and an unpleasant aftertaste in your soul. Although, for the sake of fairness, it is worth noting that expensive means will indeed provide such a result, but cheap analogues are a game of “believe it or not.”

Furniture wax is a good alternative

You can find furniture wax on the shelves of hardware stores. This substance has been used to coat furniture for centuries. And today it ranks first in wood processing and care.

What are the advantages of using wax:

  • furniture can withstand long-term loads;
  • wood does not lose its texture, retaining natural warmth;
  • the velvety properties of the material are preserved;
  • after coating, the color of the product becomes more expressive;
  • the ability to choose any tone during restoration;
  • The thick consistency fits well on the surface of the wood, filling all cracks and scratches.


  • furniture wax should be applied to clean, open-pore furniture (so that there are no paint coatings);
  • a labor-intensive process when the surface is varnished (needs to be thoroughly cleaned).

Important! Furniture wax is in most cases used on freshly made furniture, or for thorough restoration of furniture products. When you need to remove a few small scratches or slightly refresh the color, it is better to use a polish with wax or silicone additives.

Wax furniture polish AMWAY™

This is the option when you can trust the manufacturer, because more than one housewife has already noted the effectiveness of this brand’s products for various purposes.

An excellent Amway polish, which has established itself as an ideal assistant for the care of wooden and lacquered furniture.

Important! The creamy aerosol spray consists of a mixture of wax and silicones. After use, the darkened wooden surface acquires its original shine and gloss, and scratches disappear.


  • creamy structure - does not flow, does not drip;
  • fresh lemon aroma - non-toxic;
  • convenient aerosol can;
  • easy to use.
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