14 best ways to quickly remove kerosene smell from clothes

Kerosene is an excellent special product that is used to remove various types of stains. At the same time, kerosene is a product that is produced on the basis of oil; it has an unpleasant and persistent odor, which is problematic to eliminate. If you have a problem eliminating the smell of kerosene from clothes, leather or dishes, you can eliminate them using a couple of simple tips described in this article.

What else can you do to remove the smell of kerosene?

If the aroma is spreading from some containers that you used for kerosene, but you would not like to throw them away, choose one of the methods below.

Option 1

  1. Dissolve mustard powder in hot water until smooth.
  2. Pour the solution into the item to be cleaned.
  3. Shake several times for half an hour.
  4. Leave for 30-40 minutes.
  5. Discard the used solution.
  6. Rinse with warm water.
  7. Rinse with cold.

Option 2

  1. Prepare lime milk: mix 1 part quicklime and 3 parts water.
  2. Mix thoroughly.
  3. Fill the container to be cleaned with the solution.
  4. Shake several times.
  5. Leave it for a while.
  6. Drain the mixture.
  7. Fill the container with new solution.
  8. Let it brew for 2-3 hours.
  9. Rinse.

Features of the treatment of pediculosis in children

Children under 5 years old should not use kerosene, but older children are not recommended to use this substance in concentrated form. You need to mix it with oil, water and other ingredients, and also reduce the exposure time.

  1. Mild composition for children: mix kerosene with shampoo 1:1, apply to the head and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse, comb and dry hair. Duration of treatment: 14 days, repeat 2-3 times.
  2. Gentle mask with honey (3 tbsp) and kerosene (1 tsp): mix the ingredients with a teaspoon of shampoo and dilute 4 tbsp. l. hot water, then treat the roots, put on a cap for 30 minutes. Duration of treatment: daily, no more than 5 days.

After treatment, the head is washed several times with shampoo and the hair is combed. The consequences of improper use of kerosene for a child can result in chemical burns and allergic edema.

Ways to remove kerosene smell from clothes

If you are faced with an unpleasant, pungent and persistent aroma of kerosene, use only proven methods and means that will really help you get rid of the smell of kerosene on clothes. Here are some of them:

  • Weathering. The most budget-friendly, or rather generally free, method is to air things out in the fresh air. But the disadvantage of this method is the speed of solving the problem. It depends on the material of the clothing and the amount of flammable mixture on it. If you use this method, the smell will disappear within a week.
  • Dish soap and baking soda. Take a washing bowl and fill it with cold water. Add half a cup of dishwashing detergent to the liquid and shake the solution thoroughly. Soak the desired item in it for 1-3 hours. After the time has passed, pour out all the contents from the basin and pour warm water, washing powder and 1 tablespoon of soda into it. Wash the item by hand in this solution. Dry in fresh air if possible.
  • Fabric softener. Add fabric softener and laundry detergent to warm water. Wash the item in the solution and dry it in a draft. Repeat this procedure 3-4 times. The smell should disappear.
  • Chlorine bleach. First, wash the item thoroughly in warm water by hand, but do not dry it. Pour a small amount of bleach into a bowl of water and place the item in this solution for a few minutes. Then rinse your clothes under plenty of running water.

How to wash your hands and hair

You can get rid of the kerosene smell on your hands with a mustard solution. It is necessary to add a small amount of mustard to the water and thoroughly wash your hands and other contaminated parts of the body in it. Before washing, you can sprinkle a little mustard powder on your hands. After the procedure, you should definitely wash off the remaining solution with warm soapy water. If the method does not help, you should turn to a more serious method. We are talking about Nettoyant Mains aerosol, which is designed to remove pungent odors and dirt from hands. A similar product can be purchased at any automobile store. The aerosol comes out of the can in the form of foam, but quickly transforms into flakes in the air. The product should be rubbed well over your hands and between your fingers, then thoroughly rinse off the residue with running water several times.

Kerosene is usually applied to hair for medicinal purposes: as a restorative mask or to prevent head lice. This product really does its job wonderfully, but leaves behind a terrible aroma that is so difficult to eliminate. To remove the smell, you will need to act in several steps.

First, you should wash your hair with shampoo, it is better to do this several times, your hair should not be greasy. Next, you will need a mixture consisting of water, mustard powder and essential oil. You need to achieve a mushy consistency. The composition is distributed throughout the hair for several minutes. Next, the mixture is washed off and the hair is treated with conditioner.

If the smell does not disappear immediately, do not rush to conclusions. As a rule, it is difficult to achieve an ideal result after one time. Only after several sessions will the scent go away completely. Therefore, you will need to be patient so as not to aggravate the situation and harm your hair.

To avoid smelling like a gas station

Oil and its refined products, such as gasoline and kerosene, emit an unpleasant aroma for everyday life. At a gas station, garage or workplace, the smell of these substances is somehow familiar and does not irritate anyone. But in everyday life, you want to get rid of the smell of gasoline on clothes and other things immediately.

After all, both gasoline and kerosene are often used at home to remove greasy stains from the surface of walls. They are good for wiping off black shoe marks on the floor and cleaning items made of wool and velor. After such events, things become saturated with a persistent, characteristic odor, and something needs to be done about it.

The fact is that when washing by machine, the unpleasant vapors of gasoline or kerosene will first permeate the insides of the unit with their aroma.

The second thing you should not do is use chlorine bleach even on white fabrics, since gasoline vapors readily react chemically with chlorine, releasing very harmful substances.

There is a very simple and very effective way to get rid of the gasoline aroma. You need to hang up your clothes or just take things out into the fresh air. In a private house this could be a courtyard, in a multi-storey building it could be a balcony or loggia.

Gasoline belongs to the category of volatile substances and normal weathering helps a lot. True, this will require quite a lot of time: from two to 14 days. And mandatory washing afterwards.

If there is not just a smell, but gasoline stains on your clothes, we will use the following methods:

  • Exposure to high temperature. We wash the stain with soapy water, then rinse it with clean water. Place a soft cloth or gauze folded in several layers on a table or ironing board. We place the item of clothing with the stained area on it and gently iron it through a clean cloth. The thermostat must be set to the mode for ironing silk.
  • Using dishwashing detergents. Dissolve the detergent in hot water and soak the damaged item in it for about an hour. After exposure, we manually wash the stains and rinse them in a solution with a special balm (any one will do, for example, Lenor). To dry, clothes should be hung outside or on an open balcony.
  • A good way to remove gasoline stains is using a composition that is prepared by mixing 1 tablespoon of potato starch with 2-3 drops of turpentine and the same amount of ammonia. Using a brush (you can use a toothbrush), rub the resulting paste into the stained area. Then we wash the item in hot water with washing powder, rinse, and dry.

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A mixture of baking soda and salt will help remove the smell of gasoline from clothes.

Kerosene is an oily liquid of a yellowish tint or completely colorless. Compared to gasoline, it has fewer volatile substances. Therefore, if kerosene gets on your clothes, simply airing it will not help remove it completely. You can save trousers, a skirt, a shirt, a dress using the same methods that we described above.

This may seem strange, but kerosene can be easily removed with purified gasoline. Simply rub the stain and then soak the item in any of the suggested solutions. Wash using detergent with reinforcement and dry in fresh air. There will be no trace of kerosene left.

In addition, ready-to-use mustard or its powder will help rid clothes of the smell of kerosene. It is necessary to soak damaged items for an hour or two in a solution of hot water with mustard and high-quality washing powder. Wash by hand the first time, then you can repeat washing in a machine by adding salt and soda to the powder. The kerosene will evaporate completely.

There are times when none of the recommended methods can be used. This applies to outerwear, suits, and other items that are not recommended to be washed. Then there is only one thing left to do - go to the dry cleaner. Here, all activities to rid clothes of gasoline or kerosene will be carried out professionally using special preparations.

The proposed rules must be followed not only when gasoline or kerosene odors appear, but when carrying out any actions involving cleaning clothes:

  • We work only in rooms with good ventilation and opening windows.
  • We wash items stained with kerosene or gasoline separately from other items.
  • We do not clean near sources of fire or flammable substances.
  • Before using any drug, we test its effect on a given fabric, using a small and inconspicuous area of ​​clothing.

After processing or washing, the products should only be dried in the open air.

How to make a cleaner at home

In everyday life, purified kerosene is often needed. It is used for cleaning and lubricating various devices. The following will help rid hydrocarbons of impurities:

  • salt,
  • coal,
  • hot water.

Add half a kilo of salt to a liter of kerosene. Everything is mixed. Place gauze in the funnel. The hydrocarbon is poured through it into another container. You can put activated carbon in a funnel and simply run slightly heated kerosene through it. The procedure is repeated 5 times. Cleaning with hot water is as follows. Hot water and kerosene are taken in equal proportions. Mix by shaking. Let stand for 15 minutes. After a quarter of an hour, the liquid will separate into water, dark sediment and pure kerosene.

See also

TOP 10 means and methods on how to get rid of and remove the smell of rubber

Some nuances of clothing care

The proposed rules must be followed not only when gasoline or kerosene odors appear, but when carrying out any actions involving cleaning clothes:

  • We work only in rooms with good ventilation and opening windows.
  • We wash items stained with kerosene or gasoline separately from other items.
  • We do not clean near sources of fire or flammable substances.
  • Before using any drug, we test its effect on a given fabric, using a small and inconspicuous area of ​​clothing.

After processing or washing, the products should only be dried in the open air.

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Things to consider before work

Due to the fact that kerosene is a specific and flammable substance, when starting to clean clothes stained with kerosene, you should pay attention to the following:

  • you should work in a spacious room with access to fresh air,
  • there should be no flammable objects or open fire nearby,
  • the temperature in the room should not be too high, since in this case the kerosene begins to evaporate intensely, and the concentration of its vapors in the air can quickly increase and cause headaches and other negative reactions of the body,
  • before processing the item to be cleaned in the machine, it is necessary to wash it by hand, changing the water several times so that the smell does not permeate the washing machine itself,
  • Clothes contaminated with kerosene should be washed separately from the rest,
  • dry the cleaned item in the open air,
  • Before trying to remove a kerosene stain using any chemical, you need to check its interaction with the fabric in an inconspicuous area.

However, if the item needs to be “saved” at any cost, then only an experienced specialist can give the best recommendations on how to get rid of the smell of kerosene and its presence on clothes.

How to remove the smell of kerosene from the floor?

The easiest way to eliminate the unpleasant smell of flammable petroleum products is to use wood sawdust:

  • Pour sawdust into a bowl of water.
  • Take out the wood sawdust soaked in water and spread it over the floor surface.
  • Wait 2-3 hours.
  • Sweep away the sawdust with a broom.
  • Wash the floor with water and washing powder.
  • Repeat if the smell remains partially.

You can also use special products in the form of aerosols, which are sold in special automotive stores. Before using the product, you must read the instructions. Procedure:

  • Shake the can.
  • Spray the product over the problem area of ​​the floor.
  • Rub.
  • Eliminate by washing the floor with soapy water.

Anyone who is interested in cars or other mechanisms, in a broader sense than “let me drive,” or anyone who has dealt with repairing them, knows firsthand how difficult it can sometimes be to wash hands that become dirty after dancing with machines. Covered with all kinds of petroleum products, dirt, sludge and who knows what else. So I, both by virtue of my profession and by virtue of my hobbies, often and conscientiously dirty my hands to the utmost. Over a significant number of years, I have used different means. But most of them did not work as we would like. What I tried: 1) Warm water - of course better than cold, but to be honest it is of little use. And besides, it is not always possible to get warm water.

2) Various types of solvents: kerosene, gasoline, white spirit, diesel, solvent, and various nitro. All this dissolves oily dirt well, but this is apparently not enough. “Complex” stains are still not completely washed off. In addition, flammable products have big disadvantages. The smell remains for some time - in principle, I don’t care, besides, “I’m not a man, I should smell like tobacco and gasoline!” But still, there are often situations when the stench of fuel is very inappropriate. Another big and probably main drawback is that by frequently wetting our hands with fuel, we greatly harm these very hands. The skin cracks a lot, hurts, itches, becomes rough like a rhinoceros’s butt - and it’s clear why. I myself have tried more than once to use wood shavings along with fuel, and of course it works much better, but it’s also not ideal. In addition, all the same shortcomings remain. If I still have to use solvents, then I rub my hands, and then wipe them thoroughly with a dry cloth, then if necessary again, and finally with water and soap.

3) Special products such as Chistik, Taffscrub. I really liked them - they wash away all the dirt as if by magic. When you use it for the first time, your eyes widen with the question “Why was that possible?” Essentially it is some kind of paste mixed with plastic abrasive. Which is hard enough to wipe off dirt and soft enough not to scratch the skin. BUT STILL, such miracle remedies have a drawback - the price. You won’t save money on them, especially if your hands get dirty every day and several times.

I also heard that people use fairies, but to be honest I doubt its effectiveness, although I have to try it. I also heard a rather exotic, but according to the “source” effective method - this is to wipe your hands with a filter cloth, it absorbs dirt well and then rinses just as well.

And finally, after much experimentation, I found a product for myself that works no worse than special products, but costs less, and it’s just a FUCKING LIQUID SOAP. The most ordinary, any, even the cheapest. But there are a couple of nuances: you need to apply it to a dry hand, that is, not wetted with water, and add a small pinch of soda, ordinary baking soda. I do it as follows: I “spit” a couple of times with soap from the dispenser on my hand, there (in hand) a pinch of soda. And then, carefully, without spilling the mixture, I stir and rub the product over my hands. To simultaneously rub your hands and mix the composition evenly. And immediately we see the effect - any oily dirt disappears to zero. Then we wash it all off with water without any problems, and our miner’s rake turns into the paws of a freaking baby. Try it and you won't be disappointed. I hope it was useful to someone.

Sometimes you have to deal with kerosene in everyday life. Most often this is done by drivers, builders and pilots. Sometimes hydrocarbons get on clothes, and they retain an unpleasant odor for a long time. People who have had to deal with this problem are interested in how to remove the smell of kerosene from things, clothes, and furniture. We will help solve this problem.

Is it possible to use folk remedies?

Eliminating an unpleasant odor means you don’t have to buy potent concentrates and pay a lot of money for them. The usual means at hand will also work for this:

WHITE VINEGAR. It is considered a universal remedy. It can quickly clean surfaces of bacteria, and the unpleasant odor will disappear. To do this, pour half a glass of vinegar into the tray and put the machine on an idle wash cycle.

IMPORTANT! Please note that the first water is usually poured out during washing. That’s why vinegar is poured 15-30 minutes after the start of the cycle. The time depends on which mode is selected.

LEMON ACID . Pour 100-150 grams into a container. We set it to the longest mode. When the process has come to an end, clean the drum with a damp cloth.

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Bleach Alive Ultra-concentrated destainer/deodorizer

If a person’s work involves constant proximity to kerosene and its use, it is recommended to purchase Alive Ultra oxygen bleach.

It consists of sodium percarbonate and soda ash. The product is absolutely safe and quickly removes stains and odors from kerosene.

Mode of application:

  • for a spot with a diameter of 3 cm you need less than 0.5 tsp. oxygen bleach;
  • the fabric is moistened, rubbed with this product, then rinsed;
  • can be used for machine washing.

Alive Ultra-concentrated destainer/deodorizer costs 882 rubles.

This is a universal product suitable for removing odors and stains from carpets and rugs. It is also used for the bathroom and toilet.

When caring for fabric stained with kerosene, you must adhere to certain rules.

  1. Clean clothes from oil products in a well-ventilated area.
  2. Do not perform the procedure near flammable things.
  3. Damaged items cannot be washed in a washing machine immediately; the equipment will also acquire an unpleasant odor.
  4. The effect of the chosen product should first be tested on an inconspicuous area so as not to spoil the fabric.

If the selected products do not help solve the problem, it is better to seek help from a dry cleaner.

Such establishments employ specialists who can deal with any odors and stains. At the same time, the clothes will look like new. After all, they use proven, professional tools.

The widespread use of kerosene began in the mid-19th century.

A white or slightly yellowish oily liquid appeared in every home. Oil distillation product

used for lighting in kerosene lamps, in kerosene stoves and kerosene gases - for cooking.

A substance with a pungent, persistent odor quickly found additional use as a panacea for a common scourge - a remedy for and their eggs - nits.

Technical or lighting kerosene is used for treatment. Other types of it may contain dangerous impurities and additives. Let's figure out how to remove lice with kerosene.

General recommendations

When caring for fabric material on which kerosene has been spilled, it is important to follow some rules. Contaminated clothing should only be cleaned in a well-ventilated area. Under no circumstances should you clean products where flammable items are located. Do not immediately put soiled laundry in the washing machine, as it will absorb an unpleasant aroma. Pre-hand wash is mandatory. To make sure that the item will not deteriorate after cleaning using the chosen method, it is worth conducting a test on an inconspicuous area of ​​​​the clothing.

If none of the above remedies help solve the problem, you should contact a dry cleaner. Such establishments employ professionals who know how to deal with any unwanted odors. Things will look like new. Our specialists use only proven and reliable products, so you can definitely trust them.

How to remove the aroma of kerosene from clothes?

There is no multifunctional product to remove the aroma of kerosene from clothes at home, but many substances help this effect. Here are those that can help you get rid of the unpleasant aroma:

  • Mustard powder;
  • Extract for washing dishes;
  • Kitchen soda;
  • Wood sawdust;
  • Climate control unit for laundry;
  • Chlorine bleach;
  • Slaked lime.

Important! These products can only be used depending on the material of the product. First, check the type of fabric, its compatibility with the product, and then begin the cleaning procedure


To prevent the appearance of mice, it is necessary to perform a number of preventive measures:

  • First of all, you need to regularly carry out wet cleaning using disinfectants.
  • Food products should be stored in tightly closed containers.
  • Care must be taken to ensure that there are no crumbs or pieces of food left on the table or floor.
  • It is useful in a village household to get a cat or borrow one from neighbors for a while, so that the animal leaves an unpleasant odor for rodents.
  • Dried herbs are placed in the corners, the aroma of which mice do not like. Such plants include tansy, mint, wormwood, black root and chamomile.
  • It is necessary to hermetically seal all cracks and openings through which rodents can enter the house.
  • The use of ventilation grilles will prevent mice from climbing into the room through the ventilation shaft.

Mice are not the most pleasant neighbors, both in a private house and in an apartment. But it’s even more unpleasant to discover the corpse of a rodent in the neighborhood, emitting a pungent odor. To solve the problem, there are many methods, both folk and professional, that will help you quickly and easily get rid of unattractive aromas.

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How to remove the smell of kerosene from clothes? - Basic Rules

Before you start removing unwanted fragrance from your clothes, pay attention to some rules and tips that will help you solve the problem more quickly and easily:

  • It is good to check the room before starting work and upon completion.
  • When working with kerosene, set aside all flammable items.
  • Clothes that you have cleaned with this substance should be washed separately.
  • Before washing clothes treated with kerosene in the machine, wash them with your hands several times. This needs to be done because the washing machine drum is capable of absorbing an unpleasant odor, which will then transfer to other clothes.
  • To determine whether a cleaning product is suitable for a given type of clothing, apply a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​the item. This test will show the compatibility of the product with the fabric.
  • After cleaning the item, dry it in a draft - this will allow it to be well ventilated.



Starch, washing powder and ammonia

How to remove the smell of kerosene? There are also methods for removing unpleasant odors from fabric. Starch and washing powder, when used correctly, will quickly get rid of this problem.

  1. Potato starch is an excellent remedy for any unpleasant odors. To prepare the product you will also need turpentine and ammonia. The components are mixed in the same amount, 1 tbsp is enough. l. everyone. Apply with a clothes brush, then clean the item. Ammonia is a wonderful remedy that has been used to get rid of stains for a long time, and turpentine and starch will add an unsurpassed aroma.
  2. Items exposed to kerosene are washed with powder. We remove the oil stain by hand, then put the clothes in the machine. Wash at least 3 times. It is better to buy powder with a deodorizing effect.
  3. Ammonia is suitable for light-colored fabrics. It is diluted with water in proportions 1:8, and the item is washed as with regular powder, by hand.

After washing, things are hung out in the open air; it is advisable that the clothes remain like this for 2-3 days.

Kerosene is a volatile substance that will quickly dissipate if a slight odor remains.

Instructions for use

The use of kerosene for pediculosis
At home for

take technical kerosene. There are several varieties of this substance with different chemical components. Therefore, you should not experiment with your health.

It is impossible to wash your hair with kerosene and get rid of lice this way. It takes time for the substance to cover absolutely all the lice on the head and break down the sticky substance of the nits. Treatment of head lice with kerosene is dangerous due to the development of an allergic reaction. If you decide to use a substance, a sensitivity test must be performed. A minimal amount of kerosene is applied to the skin of the elbow. Observe the condition of the epidermis and sensation for 30 minutes. If you have unpleasant symptoms, you should not use the product. You need to know exactly how long to keep kerosene on your head

Since too long an exposure time causes burns and significantly damages the hair. If you treat your head with kerosene, you should be especially careful. The substance is highly flammable

The slightest spark from the fire will lead to an instant ignition of the head. You cannot smoke, be near a fireplace, candles, or cook near a gas stove. It is possible to poison lice with kerosene, but there is a possibility of severe toxic poisoning in humans. A sharp, concentrated odor provokes dizziness, headache, weakness, and vomiting. In case of severe poisoning, pale skin, blue color on the lips, decreased blood pressure, and arrhythmia appear.

The procedure must be carried out in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated area. If any unpleasant symptoms are present, it is necessary to wash off the composition and provide the person with a free flow of air.

Using kerosene to remove lice

Initially, it is necessary to properly dilute kerosene to kill lice. It cannot be used in its pure form. To soften the effect, dilute with vegetable oil. To ensure that the product is well distributed throughout the hair, add shampoo.

Recipe for removing lice:

  • Mix sunflower or olive oil with kerosene in equal proportions. Add a small amount of shampoo. Apply the mixture to damp hair.
  • Kerosene is mixed with honey in equal proportions. Add a little hot water and shampoo. Apply to hair and foam for even application. Can be diluted with any foaming agent. Then wash your hair well.

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There are other recipes for use against head lice. But there’s no need to worry too much. The main ingredient is kerosene. It will not be possible to mitigate its negative impact.

After thorough hair treatment, a special cap or plastic bag is put on the head. A scarf or towel is tied over the top. Wash your hair with regular shampoo several times. Rinse with water with the addition of citric acid and vinegar. For 500 ml 1 spoon of substance. This will make the hair not so stiff and make it easier to comb out nits.

Special compounds for the machine

To eliminate unpleasant odors in your car, you can use one of the means - neutralizers. They are produced with various fragrances.


The spray is intended for car upholstery care. SmellOFF is also suitable for cleaning trunks and other surfaces.

The drug contains:

If necessary, the treatment should be repeated. Price for 0.5 l – from 670 rubles.

Neutralizer Carpet & Cloth Refresher

Spray neutralizer allows you to eliminate odors from the car interior. The drug is sprayed into the cabin after the source of the unpleasant odor has been eliminated. The product shows high efficiency in any climate and at any humidity, including high humidity.

Application procedure:

The product should not be wiped off; the product should dry on the fabric itself. Price – from 800 rubles.

Doctor Wax

Doctor Wax is an eco-friendly product for car interiors. The gel in the box can be placed under the seat. The advantage of the drug is the absorption of unpleasant odors and the creation of an aroma of freshness and cleanliness in the car. The average price is about 400 rubles.

Dry cleaning

When clothes that smell of tobacco smoke cannot be washed, and other dry cleaning methods have not helped cope with the task, you can try purchasing one of the products used by specialized dry cleaners. But it should be borne in mind that with insufficient experience and the absence of all the necessary information on the use of aggressive substances, home dry cleaning can lead to clothes being damaged.

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How to remove odor from a washing machine

If suddenly, out of ignorance or by accident, an item soaked in kerosene was washed in a washing machine without preliminary manual processing and washing, then the smell will certainly “eat into” all the parts of the machine, and it will be impossible to wash it in it.

How to wash this irreplaceable home “helper” then? In order to clean it from kerosene and eliminate its smell, it is necessary to degrease all its internal parts.

  • citrus car degreaser;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • borax.
  1. Pour degreaser into the car.
  2. Fill the drum with unnecessary rags and towels for better odor absorption. You can add a glass of table bite.
  3. Run a full wash cycle at high water temperature.

If the smell is not removed, you must repeat all cleaning steps.

You can remove traces of diesel fuel on things, including the smell of this fuel, using other similar substances, for example, kerosene or gasoline. This method may seem strange, but it gives good results. The fact is that the listed solutions tend to evaporate, therefore, if you soak soiled clothes in them, traces of diesel fuel, as well as foreign odors, will evaporate along with the gasoline or kerosene composition.

In this case, you need to soak the textiles for forty to fifty minutes. After this time, the fabric will only need to be washed from the selected fuel (gasoline or kerosene). This is very easy to do with quality laundry detergent. You will also need to rinse the treated item at least twice and then dry it outside.

Another way to remove diesel fuel odors is to use isopropyl alcohol. It is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5, respectively, and then used to soak clothing that smells of fuel. In this case, things must be in the liquid for at least one hour. Then the fabric must be removed from the solution, rinsed and washed with washing powder. To carry out the last manipulation, you can also take laundry soap.

It is very easy to eliminate the smell of diesel fuel using a dish gel, for example, Fairy. For 7 liters of water take 4 tbsp. l. gel. The item should be left in the prepared solution overnight, and the next morning wrung out, rinsed and washed in an automatic machine, after adding fabric softener to it.

If you have soda ash, you can try to remove the pungent odor from textiles using it. To do this, make a saturated soda solution in which to completely immerse the dirty items. Waiting time is from two to four hours depending on the degree of contamination. After this treatment, the textile products will only need to be washed in an automatic washing machine using some kind of fragrant fabric softener.

  • Mustard powder. Mix it with water to form a saturated solution, in which you then soak the textiles for fifteen minutes. Next, place the fabric in the washing machine and wash it on a regular wash cycle. To enhance the effect, it is also recommended to add a little dry mustard to the drum of the unit.
  • Natural lemon juice. Combine it with refined vegetable oil (proportion 1:2, respectively), and then thoroughly rub it into the traces of diesel fuel. Then wash the textiles using laundry soap. Things should be dried outdoors for two or three days.
  • Acetone. This product is suitable for soaking only white clothes. When all the stains on things have disappeared, the textiles need to be washed and hung outside to dry and at the same time air. White spirit will work instead of acetone.

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Handling fuel-stained items always ends with airing them out. This is necessary so that the smell of diesel fuel completely disappears from the fabric. Frosty air copes with this task especially well. In the winter season, it is enough for a textile product to spend a day outside to get rid of the unpleasant odor forever.

Now you know how to remove odors of various fuels from clothes. However, do you know what not to do in this case? First of all, it is not recommended to process things stained with gasoline, diesel fuel or kerosene in a washing machine. This will cause the drum to become dirty and also become saturated with a foul fuel aroma. It is better to carry out the first washing procedure in a separate basin.

You should also know that after one wash and airing, the smell from things does not completely disappear, so be prepared for the fact that the previously described procedures will need to be repeated several times.

A little about oil

Machine oil, motor oil, grease and similar substances are a family of lubricants. The main task of the liquid is to reduce the coefficient of friction and create a protective anti-corrosion film.

An important characteristic is viscosity, or fluidity. Thanks to this property, the substance penetrates into the smallest cracks, holes, and is absorbed into the pores. A useful feature for metal turns into a problem for clothing.

The material mostly consists of fabric formed by threads. The latter have a good wettability coefficient. Penetration of oil into the internal structure occurs due to the capillary effect. Therefore, the combination of the properties of the oil and the characteristics of the fabric ensures good liquid absorption and difficulty in removing machine oil stains.

Removing unpleasant odors using home methods

There are many different methods used to remove kerosene odor from fabric. They are used when things are contaminated with diesel fuel or gasoline.

How to remove kerosene smell from clothes?

Popular methods to help clean fabric and rid it of stench:

  1. Method 1: White vinegar, baking soda, eucalyptus oil. Apply baking soda to the stain. Then the item is washed by hand and placed in a washing machine with added powder. After the first wash cycle, add 2 cups of white vinegar to the fabric softener compartment (this will not damage the washing machine). Rinse the damaged item in it 2 times. Then turn off the device and let the clothes sour in vinegar water for 2 hours. Then carry out another rinse cycle. When the water has drained, the clothes are wrung out by hand and the procedure is repeated again, but with the addition of 10 ml of eucalyptus oil, it remarkably eliminates the odor. Dry things in the open air.
  2. Method 2: Baking soda and dish detergent (powder). Both ingredients remove kerosene stains and eliminate unpleasant odors. The procedure is repeated until the stench is completely eliminated.
  3. Method 3: alcohol. It breaks down carbon bonds in kerosene, making it easier to remove stains from clothes. They used to remove the smell before, now there are more modern methods, however, almost everyone has it in their first aid kit and will help if they don’t have the necessary components. Mix one part alcohol with six parts water and immerse clothes in them for 30–50 minutes. Then wash in the usual way.
  4. Method 4: alcohol. High concentrations of alcohol in vodka have the same effect in the fight against kerosene as ethanol. Vodka is mixed with water in equal parts, clothes are placed in the solution for 1 hour.
  5. Method 5: ammonia. Like alcohol, this substance can break the carbon bonds in kerosene. Mix 1 part ammonia and 10 parts water to dilute the substance well and not damage the fabric. Keep the item in the mixture for at least 60 minutes, then wash it in the washing machine with good detergent and conditioner.
  6. Method 6: Chlorine bleach. Whiteness will help get rid of the smell and remove the stain, if the type of fabric allows it. It is dissolved in cool water and placed on clothes for 2 minutes. After using bleach, rinse the laundry thoroughly under running water.
  7. Method 7: To get rid of diesel smell from your hands and clothes, using mouthwash (any brand works well). This product usually smells like mint, and this plant can quickly cleanse the stench of the mouth and things.
  8. Method 8: coffee is a little-known remedy for removing the smell of kerosene, but it is very effective. The thickener is applied to the area where the petroleum product got in and left for 2 hours. It absorbs unpleasant odors, and then things smell nice.
  9. Method 9: Lemon juice. This substance is caustic and quickly eats into your hands, which means it will help wash away the smell from clothes. How to wash a stain and remove the stench? First, clean the stain with baking soda. Then pour 1 glass of freshly squeezed lemon juice (more is possible) and a little water into a laundry cup and leave the clothes for several hours. All that remains is to put it in the machine for 1 wash and rinse cycle. After you wash your clothes, your clothes will smell nice.
  10. Method 10: mix slaked lime, sawdust, mustard powder and detergent (shampoo, for dishes) in equal quantities. Apply the product to clothing and wash as usual. This method takes a long time. Removing the kerosene smell will take some time, but your favorite things will be saved.
  11. Method 11: soap and airing. Regular laundry soap will help remove traces and the smell of kerosene from leather clothes. Rub the item well with it, then rinse and leave the item in a well-ventilated place.

Getting rid of oily liquid is not at all difficult. But still, when working with kerosene, you should be careful or use old things suitable for working with this substance.

Useful tips

Before you start removing diesel fuel from clothes, you need to remember some nuances:

It will be easier to wash off the fuel if it has not yet ingrained itself into the fabric, so you must begin removing the stain immediately after detecting the stain; You need to wash off diesel fuel correctly: treating the dirt from the edges and gradually moving towards the center of the stain; When removing this type of pollution, it is important to remember your own safety: diesel fuel is a flammable substance, so work should not be carried out near an open fire; If all the methods for removing diesel fuel have been used, but no result has been achieved, you can use an old but proven method - ironing the item with an iron. To do this, lay sheets of paper on the stained area and iron them

The process is long, since many sheets will have to be replaced; This method is not suitable for all types of fabrics, but, in general, it is very effective; Diesel fuel leaves behind greasy marks, so in some cases it is advisable to heat treat the product. If the fabric allows, then the clothes can be boiled with the addition of detergents. This process will help get rid of not only dirt, but also unpleasant odors.

What is kerosene and what are the difficulties in eliminating it?

Kerosene is a flammable substance in the form of a yellowish or almost colorless liquid. It has an oily consistency as it is a petroleum product and is produced by distilling petroleum.

Areas of use of kerosene in everyday life:

  • Paint thinner.
  • Fuel for lighting and household appliances.
  • Removing rust.
  • Ethnoscience.
  • Preventing head lice.
  • Washing mechanisms.
  • Strengthening hair strength.

Important! There is no universal way to remove traces and odors from kerosene. You need to first prepare for the fact that all the efforts made may turn out to be useless and the smell will leave the clothes only after a while

What not to do

The first and main rule is to forget that you have a washing machine in your house. You will have to wash your clothes only by hand and, possibly, more than once. The fact is that when washing by machine, the unpleasant vapors of gasoline or kerosene will first permeate the insides of the unit with their aroma. And with subsequent loads, it will certainly penetrate into other things, and the scope of combating unpleasant odors will increase significantly.

The second thing you should not do is use chlorine bleach even on white fabrics, since gasoline vapors readily react chemically with chlorine, releasing very harmful substances.

Special cases

Let's look at how to get rid of some characteristic odors that are unpleasant for the person himself and his environment.


The best way to get rid of tobacco smell on clothes is to smoke only outside the apartment, otherwise the smoke will gradually permeate all things. The following remedies will help free things from the spirit of tobacco.

Vacuum cleaner

The smell of tobacco accumulates on dust in clothes. Things are knocked out, covered with a damp cloth and vacuumed at high power.

Tip: It is useful to keep clothes near steam - hang things near a hot shower, over a basin of hot water, then dry them. The smell of tobacco also quickly disappears in the cold.


The coffee beans are ground and placed in a fabric bag. The smelly items are loosely placed in plastic bags for several hours, with coffee sachets placed between them. Outerwear is dried near the radiator, on which a bowl of ground coffee is placed.

Citrus peels

The peels, packed in fabric bags, are placed directly with the items in the drum. The same bags are placed in clothing closets so that the smell of freshness permeates the clothes.

New things

If airing does not get rid of the smell of dyes or synthetic fabrics from new things, ammonia will help. Take 1-2 tablespoons of ammonia per liter of cold water and soak the new item for an hour, then wash it in the recommended mode.


Special sprays help get rid of the smell of cats, dogs, birds and other pets on clothes. A home remedy is to soak the item in a vinegar solution (2 tablespoons per liter of water).

Rotten aroma

The smell of rotten meat can be easily removed using citrus fruits. Squeeze lemon juice (dissolve citric acid) and add to water when washing, soaking or rinsing. Let us remind you that the product has a whitening effect.


The smell of sweat ingrained into clothes sometimes remains even after washing in an automatic machine. Often the item cannot be washed, and the sweaty smell needs to be gotten rid of.

Oxygen stain removers

Oxygen bleaches dissolve all contaminants in fabrics, so they can also eliminate odors. Use only on items that can be bleached.

Laundry soap

72% laundry soap kills most bacteria and helps get rid of fatty particles. Rub soap onto dirty areas, leave for 5-10 minutes, wash the item and rinse well.

Dish soap or hair shampoo

Sweat contains fatty particles, so dishwashing detergents and shampoo dissolve them well. Contaminated areas are moistened, left for an hour, then washed.

Cold environment

If you don’t have time to tinker with clothes, you can take things out into the extreme cold or place them in the freezer for several hours. The smell of sweat will die along with the bacteria.

Vinegar essence

The essence is diluted to a concentration of 6-9% (table vinegar). Place it in a spray bottle and spray individual areas or the entire item. Allow to dry well and ventilate.


To remove fishy smell, soak clothes in solutions:

  • laundry soap;
  • vinegar;
  • light - in bleach;
  • shampoo, dish soap.

After washing, items are rinsed in cold water.

Traces of gasoline or diesel fuel are first removed with a stain remover. Then they fight the smell by soaking the clothes in a solution of ammonia, soda, lemon juice, laundry soap or hydrogen peroxide.


How to get rid of the smell of gasoline on clothes? Our first action when we discover a gasoline stain is to wash it. However, it is not recommended to use a washing machine for this. Explaining that traces of fuel can remain on the drum or eat into the rubber band, thus the washing machine can absorb the “aroma” of gasoline. With further washing, it may eat into other things.

It is worth using regular hand washing. To do this, soak the soiled clothes in a basin with cool water and powder for a couple of hours. Afterwards we wash and rinse again with the addition of conditioner.

You can also try leaving the clothes in a high-quality detergent solution for 12 hours and then washing them.

To remove the smell of fuel, you only need to wash things in cold water.

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