32 ways to remove chewing gum and stains left behind from clothes and other surfaces


Fold the clothes so that the damaged area is on top. Place the item in a bag and put it in the freezer. Leave for several hours, maybe even overnight. When exposed to low temperatures, the elastic becomes brittle and can be easily removed from clothing with tweezers or scraped off with a knife.

If your clothes don't fit in the freezer, use ice cubes. You can use dry ice, it is sold in hardware stores. In this way, you can achieve a similar result as with freezing.

The method is suitable for removing chewing gum from jeans and trousers.

The disadvantage of this method is that if the chewing gum is very stuck, then after cooling it can damage the fabric. It is better to use a low temperature if the piece of elastic is not firmly stuck to the fabric.

What to do if a child eats or swallows gum?

If your child is interested in chewing gum, knows what it is and how to use it, he should know that this product should not be swallowed. After use, chewing gum should be thrown into the trash.

  1. If a child accidentally swallows gum, the main thing is that it does not get into the respiratory tract.
  2. If this happens, the child needs to cough to clear his breath.
  3. As a last resort, of course, you need to call an ambulance

If a child eats chewing gum, it is important that it does not get into the respiratory tract.
If the child swallowed the gum and calmly told you about it, nothing bad happened. After some time, the chewing gum itself will leave the child’s body along the prescribed routes. Rest assured, the chewing gum will not stick to the stomach; for this there is strong stomach acid.


To clean chewing gum from clothes at home, you will need gasoline for refilling lighters, alcohol, and other chemical and organic solvents. The item should be held over boiling water to slightly soften the hardened gum. Apply the product to the damaged area and wait a few minutes. After this, carefully remove the chewing gum from the clothing with a cotton swab, moving from the edges of the stain to the middle.

The disadvantage of this method is the possibility of damaging the fabric structure with chemicals. To make sure the method is safe, apply a small amount of solvent to a hidden area or sample of material.

How to choose the right cleaning method

Methods for cleaning chewing gum are divided into 4 types:

  • cold;
  • hot;
  • chemical;
  • mechanical.

The use of one or another cleaning method depends on the properties of the material, type of paint and area of ​​contamination. Some delicate materials are not recommended for heat treatment.

Silk, chiffon, wool and satin materials cannot be processed using hot methods. To remove chewing gum from their surface, use special sprays, cooling aerosols, or apply ice.

Cold cleaning methods are applicable in many cases, however, they are only effective in the case of fresh, small stains. Old sticky masses that occupy a large area can rarely be removed by freezing and applying ice.

Not all chemicals are suitable for susceptible materials. Harsh products can leave a faded area on velvet, corduroy or patterned fabrics. Before use, any product must first be tested on the reverse side of the product. If no stains remain, then apply directly to the contaminated area of ​​the material.

How to clean shoes

Removing chewing gum from shoes or a leather jacket is quite difficult. The rubber band smudges, dust sticks to it, and an unsightly dark spot forms. Also, during the cleaning process, shoes can be damaged, scratched, ruining their appearance. Safe removal methods depend on the material from which the shoes are made.

Smooth skin

Natural leather cannot be treated with solvents and harsh stain removers, as they damage the material. The easiest way to remove the adhesive mass from such shoes is by freezing them. The product is placed in the freezer for several hours, after which it is carefully cleaned with a wooden stick, brush or other non-sharp object.

The remaining stain is removed from the skin with a special composition: dissolve a tablespoon of detergent in two glasses of water. It needs to be loosened thoroughly. Treat the stain with the resulting foam using a damp sponge. During cleaning, you need to make sure that the solution does not dry on the shoes, as it can ruin their appearance. Remove any remaining product with a wet sponge, wipe the product with a napkin, and lubricate it with shoe polish.


Most stuck gum can be removed from suede shoes by cooling. Apply ice cubes in a bag to the damaged area until completely frozen. Scrape off the hardened gum with a wooden stick or brush. After this, use a nail file or sandpaper to carefully rub the remaining stain, and clean with a suede shoe brush.


It is easier to clean such shoes from sticky gum than leather or suede ones. Just apply ice to the stained area and scrape off the frozen gum. Remove the remaining trace with a cleaning agent or stain remover.

Shoe sole

If you step on chewing gum, there are several ways to remove it:

  • freeze and then scrape off with a knife;
  • treat with solvent and clean;
  • place under running hot water and remove with a brush.

What happens if a child eats a pack of gum?

  • It also happens that they didn’t notice until they turned away, and the child ate the entire contents of a pack of chewing gum
  • In this case, parents should not worry, nothing catastrophic happened. Which child has never eaten or swallowed something disgusting? Chewing gum will come out of a child without any problems
  • The only thing is to make sure that it does not get into the respiratory tract, but this will be visible immediately. Then, in every possible way, help the child cough and push it through.

How to remove chewing gum from a fur coat

How to wipe off chewing gum if it is stuck to a fur coat? It will be quite difficult to remove it without damaging the material. You can try the standard freezing method. You can place pieces of ice in a bag on the contaminated area or hang the fur item on the balcony if the temperature outside is below freezing. After freezing, carefully remove the hardened gum from the fur coat.

You can try a more drastic method - carefully trim the damaged area. The same principle applies to removing chewing gum from hair.

Hot methods

Such methods work ideally for old stains, but may leave a slight sticky residue. Before using hot methods, you must study the material, since they are not suitable for all types of fabric.

Steam generator for removing gum

Hardened old rubber bands soften well under the influence of steam. Remove dirt from a carpet or sofa using a steam generator or a steam iron. To do this, the chewing gum is heated with steam and then removed mechanically.

Steam should not be used on woolen items or synthetic materials with unstable colors.

Steam removal

In the absence of a steam generator and for small fabric items, the following method is suitable:

  1. Boil water in any container (saucepan, kettle).
  2. Hold the sticky stain over the steam for a few minutes.
  3. When the gum softens, remove it with a brush.
  4. Repeat several times until the gum is completely removed.
  5. Wash out the stain.

Boiling water

This method requires caution! Suitable for materials resistant to high temperatures.

There are two options:

  1. Pour boiling water over the gum, then scrape it off mechanically.
  2. Soak the contaminated area in boiling water for 1 minute, and then, without removing it from the water, clean it with a knife or toothpick.

After the procedure, wash the product using detergent.


You should take a sheet of paper or cardboard and attach it to the chewing gum, as shown in the video


Iron the stain on top of the paper or, if possible, on the wrong side of the product. After heating, the chewing gum will stick to the paper and be removed. And the remaining stain is removed with an aerosol or detergent.


For woolen and delicate fabrics, a dry method of heating chewing gum is used - a hairdryer. The further procedure is similar.

Remove chewing gum from carpet

Housewives often notice that chewing gum is stuck to the carpet. How to remove it? There are several effective methods.


Place an ice pack or spray a can of compressed air on the carpet. Make sure the gum has set completely. Using a dull knife or spatula, carefully remove the rubber from the carpet. If it crumbles, pick up all the pieces. Remove the stain with a soap solution.

This method can only remove fresh gum. For old or deeply ingrained pieces, you need to use other methods.


One of the things you can use to remove gum is eucalyptus, olive or peanut oil. Apply a small amount to the carpet, first testing the effect on a hidden area. Do not pour the product out, but use a piece of cloth. Hold the oily rag over the gum. After this, carefully remove the rubber from the carpet using a spatula. The tool must be moved strictly in one direction, and after each movement it should be cleaned so as not to smear the chewing gum on the carpet.

Remove any remaining oil with a solution of washing liquid with a grease removing effect. After this, wipe the carpet with a damp cloth.

Exposure to heat

You can deal with the problem of stuck chewing gum using a hairdryer and regular cling film. The elastic is heated until soft, after which it is captured with film and removed from the carpet.

Stains from dye residues can be removed using several means:

  1. Lemon acid. It also neutralizes odors.
  2. Cleaner with a few drops of vinegar. It is necessary to check the action in a hidden area.
  3. Makeup remover. A small amount will help remove the stain. Make sure that the product does not contain fatty oils. They are good for facial skin, but can leave stains on clothes, sofas, and carpets.
  4. Dishwashing liquid. Ideally copes with pollution due to the presence of aggressive substances.

Chewing gum is harmful to children

If chewing gum brings more trouble to adults than good, then there is no need to talk about children. Children, especially small ones, should absolutely not buy chewing gum.

Children love chewing gum, but it is not good for them.

There is no benefit from it, and an active child who does not yet know how to fully control his actions can accidentally get carried away by something, cry out, sharply reconfigure himself emotionally, and suddenly he can swallow chewing gum.

First reaction to a problem

It is believed that removing chewing gum is difficult, almost impossible. This misconception is based on the assumption that chewing gum permanently glues hair together. This means that the first reaction of most people is panic. Many, succumbing to it, cut off their strands, which leads to a deterioration in appearance.

But such misconceptions have a basis only if the chewing gum on the head was not immediately noticed. In such cases, it is more difficult to pull out the lump, since the viscous mass has time to harden. But there are still ways to separate the frozen substance from the hair. If the problem was detected immediately, it can be solved without consequences.

Heating with an iron

Among the hot methods to get rid of sticky dirt on things, it is worth noting the use of an iron. The technique allows you to remove even old and dry gum. It is suitable for any fabrics that can be ironed at high temperatures. To clean fabric:

  • a thin sheet of paper, a napkin or toilet paper is used for chewing gum;
  • the iron is heated;
  • Gently smooth the chewing gum through the paper surface.

The procedure is repeated as many times as necessary. It is worth considering that a low temperature may be enough to remove fresh gum. Only high-temperature conditions allow you to get rid of old stuck chewing gum. After the elastic has softened and been removed, the item should be washed. The sticky layer is removed with a brush or solvent.

Bonus! 5 steps to get rid of gum on your LCD monitor

  1. Unplug your TV or computer monitor.
  2. Mix equal parts distilled white vinegar and water.
  3. Dampen a cotton cloth with the resulting solution. The fabric should be damp, but not wet.
  4. Gently blot the gum with this cloth. Be careful not to touch or press on the surface of the screen.
  5. Try removing the gum with your fingers. If it does not give in, repeat steps 3 and 4. After the chewing gum falls off the screen, wipe it with a special napkin and connect it to the network.

Removing chewing gum from an LCD monitor
If you know other methods on how to get rid of chewing gum, share them in the comments.

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Cleaning with orange or peanut oil

Other common methods include rubbing the gum with orange or peanut butter.
These substances are not always available in the house, but if you want to gently clean the surface without damaging it, then using them is one of the best methods! Orange oil or peanut butter is applied to a small brush and gently, without touching the adjacent area of ​​​​the fabric, rubbed into the chewing gum. After some time, the softened gum can be easily removed without using excessive force. If all these methods turned out to be ineffective, then you should turn to dry cleaning professionals who, based on their knowledge and experience, using the latest technologies, will be able to clean surfaces or clothing from unpleasant contamination - used chewing gum.

Will tape help?

If the chewing gum has just stuck to the surface of the clothing and has not yet penetrated deep into the fibers, then you can try to remove it with regular adhesive tape. This method is very hygienic - it eliminates the need to touch the gum with your hands. In order to tear off the gum, you should:

  • cut a piece of tape that can completely cover the stain;
  • carefully glue the tape onto the chewing gum, avoiding indentation;
  • With a sharp movement, remove the tape along with the chewing gum.

The sticky mark can be treated with any solvent. For example, acetone, nail polish remover or white spirit.

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Caring for leather shoes at home

What not to do and why?

Despite its strength and wear resistance, leather is a material that can be hopelessly damaged when exposed to strong chemicals and abrasives.

What should not be used to remove chewing gum:

  • chlorine-containing products;
  • abrasive powders;
  • acetone based solvents.

The products listed above are especially harmful for colored leather, as they spoil the paint with which the material is painted.

How to get rid of gum in your hair

Those who have children know: if chewing gum gets into the hair, then the child is guaranteed a “creative” haircut. (The procedure, as a rule, involves screams and whims of the child.) But do not rush to take up the scissors, because there are other, less radical, methods.

Peanut butter and vegetable oils

If the chewing gum is not yet very dry, you can remove it from your hair using peanut butter. To do this, you need to take a creamy paste without adding pieces of peanuts (that is, not crunchy). Then apply the paste with your fingers or a toothbrush to the gum stuck to your hair. The latter will absorb the oil contained in the paste, become elastic and non-sticky - it can be easily combed out of the hair with a comb. Excess paste should be removed with a towel and washed your hair as usual.

Removing gum from hair using peanut butter

Vegetable oils work in a similar way: olive, sunflower and others. But the effect is even better: when the chewing gum softens, it can quickly be removed with your hands. See for yourself:

Silicone hair drops

Typically, girls use these drops to combat brittle and split ends of their hair. They are usually produced in the form of a spray. But few people know that they can be used to remove chewing gum from hair. To do this, apply the drops to the chewing gum and wait 1–2 minutes. Then comb the elastic out of your hair and wash your hair.

Removing gum from hair using silicone spray

Vaseline and mayonnaise

Vaseline is in the medicine cabinet in almost every home. Therefore, this method can be considered publicly available. They need to lubricate the hair around the stuck gum, as well as the comb you plan to use to comb out the gum. It is believed that chewing gum will quickly slide off the hair.

Removing gum from hair using Vaseline or mayonnaise

Mayonnaise is also a commonly available means of combating chewing gum in hair. The principle of application is the same.

Aerosol for removing glue and WD-40

Adhesive remover aerosol is used to clean the adhesive base when applying nail extensions. But it is no less effective in the fight against chewing gum stuck in the hair. To do this, you need to spray the gum with a spray and rub it into it with your fingers. Then remove the gum from your hair with a paper towel and wash your hair.

Alternatively, you can use WD-40. To learn how this is done, read the article on unusual ways to use this drug.

Ice Cube

If in the case of vegetable oils the essence of the method is to soften the gum, here the opposite principle is used: the gum is frozen so that it can be easily pulled out of the hair. To do this, take an ice cube and apply it to the gum for 10–15 minutes. This time should be enough for the gum to harden; then it can be easily broken and removed from the hair in small pieces.

Removing gum from hair using ice

Baking soda

Another available remedy is baking soda. You need to make a paste from it: 1-2 tablespoons of soda to 1-2 teaspoons of water. This paste is applied to the “affected” area of ​​the hair and wait until it dries. Then you should comb out the gum and wash your hair.

Toothpaste, tooth elixir and hand cleaner

A pea of ​​toothpaste should be applied to the gum and rubbed in until the gum begins to be removed from the hair. Add paste if necessary.

Hygiene products that are effective in combating gum in hair also include hand cleaner (you need to rub it into the sticky gum) and mouth rinse (you need to rinse your hair after the cleaner). After about 5 minutes, the chewing gum will fall off.


Moisten a cotton pad with vodka or other strong alcohol and carefully use it to treat the area where the chewing gum is stuck. After a minute, the elastic band should begin to move away from the hair. After the procedure, wash your hair with shampoo.

Use of steam and vegetable oils

For large items, you can use regular steam. This method is much more humane about the fibers and color of the fabric, which means it is suitable for furniture upholstery, natural and artificial fur coats, silk and wool. To achieve the result, you need to boil a kettle with a thin spout. Then:

  • Clothes spoiled by chewing gum are placed directly above the spout of the kettle;
  • wait until the gum softens;
  • Carefully clean off the dirt without removing the kettle.

Any vegetable oil can soften contamination. Sunflower, olive, and coconut are also suitable. The oil must be applied to the chewing gum and left for 30-60 minutes. When the elastic becomes soft, it can be easily peeled off. Oils can also be used to remove marks. They moisten an old toothbrush, and then carefully remove the white sticky layer. Then the treated item is immediately washed in warm water.

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