How to remove grease stains from clothes and other things

Every housewife is familiar with the problem of greasy stains on trousers, shirts or dresses. They are almost impossible to scrub off and remove during hand or machine washing, so you have to use various methods to get rid of the problem at home.

How to remove a greasy stain from suede, linen or cotton fabric? How to wash fat from trousers, shirts or dresses correctly and quickly? What products are needed for white or colored fabric? Folk remedies will come to the rescue.

How to remove a grease stain immediately after it appears

How to remove grease stains quickly and easily? If you have gotten grease on your clothes and noticed it right away, you can use the quick method and clean the item right away.

  • Blot up the grease with a paper towel or clean cotton cloth. You should not rub grease stains, as this will only increase the size of the stain, which is more difficult to get rid of.
  • After the cloth or paper has absorbed the fat remaining on the surface, cover the problem area with salt.
  • You will have to repeat this until the salt “pulls” the fish, pork or vegetable fat out of the tissue. Afterwards you need to remove the remaining salt using a napkin.
  • After removing the salt, wash the stain with dishwashing detergent and wash the entire item.
  • Dish detergent also works on stubborn grease stains and can remove marks left by machine oil.

Features of removal from different types of fabric

An unpleasant fishy smell can be emitted by things that have not even been in close contact with fish. The aromas of frying will smell on clothes and kitchen utensils, which should be washed as soon as possible. If, when cutting up smoked fish, fat gets on the tablecloth or napkins, a greasy mark will remain on them; if you delay the washing, the stain will eat into the fabric and become rotten. If the smell has permeated your outerwear, special care will be required when cleaning it.

Fabrics can be divided into groups:

  • household (napkins, tablecloths, towels, car covers);
  • colored items that require delicate washing;
  • things in neutral tones;
  • washable outerwear;
  • outerwear that cannot be washed.

The easiest way to remove fishy smells is from the first group of fabrics. Such textiles can be washed, wrung out, bleached, without worrying that things will lose color and shape. You cannot use bleaches or powders with a bleaching effect on colored fabrics, but you can use a stain remover pencil. It will easily remove fish oil stains from clothes while maintaining their color. Things in neutral tones and outerwear that can be washed are soaked and washed when removing odors. It is worth choosing the method of influence carefully. Outerwear that cannot be washed should be subjected to stain removal procedures locally in those places where it came into contact with the fish. If there is no contact, you can try to ventilate things, wrap them in paper, sprinkle them with salt, leaving it on the fabric for several days.

What to do with old greasy stains

How to remove a greasy stain and clean the fabric of trousers or a T-shirt after a lot of time has passed? Traces can be considered old if 3-4 hours have passed since their appearance. It is not easy to clean fabric from such contamination, but it is quite possible. To get rid of stains, there are the following methods:

  • Dissolve ½ cup of salt in a container of hot water and place clothing in the solution. After half an hour, wash the item with laundry soap and rinse thoroughly. This method can only be used on things that cannot fade.
  • Wipe the stain with a swab dipped in gasoline or turpentine, after placing a thick napkin or sheet of paper under the fabric. It is recommended to clean greasy stains from the edges to the inside, periodically replacing dirty swabs with clean ones. Afterwards, wash the item in warm water.
  • Combine turpentine and ammonia in 1:1 proportions. Apply the resulting liquid to the problem area for 4–5 hours. Afterwards, you need to wash your clothes in a warm soap solution.
  • Apply a small amount of glycerin to the fabric, and after 30–40 minutes, remove any remaining dirt using a cotton swab. This method is also suitable for fresh greasy stains.
  • Dilute baking soda with warm water to form a paste. Apply the solution to the grease stains, and when it dries, remove the remaining soda and wash the item.
  • Pour 0.5 liters of Coca-Cola or Sprite into a bowl of warm water and soak the soiled item in the container. After a few hours, wash your clothes as usual.
  • Mix equal amounts of vinegar (not essence!) and warm water and soak clothes in the solution for 10–15 minutes. Then wash in warm soapy water and rinse thoroughly. This method is suitable for getting rid of greasy stains on fabrics that may fade.

Effective ways to remove fish odor from clothes

Fish, thanks to its taste and nutritional properties, takes its rightful place on the everyday, holiday or dietary table. The product has the disadvantage of a difficult-to-remove odor that can penetrate and eat into any surfaces or textiles.

Professional dry cleaning will easily remove rotten fishy smells from textiles, carpets, car covers, and clothes. The method is not cheap, it takes time, and not everyone has the opportunity to wait several days for an item. The method is easy, gives 100% results without much effort, and is ideal for some. Others can, using available food products and household products, remove the unpleasant smell of fish and its grease stains on their own. Of the minuses: the process will take several hours (less than dry cleaning), but requires some effort on the part of the housewife - manual soaking, rinsing.

Dry cleaning

If trouble occurs with clothes made of delicate fabric, which are not recommended to be exposed to moisture, dry cleaning comes to the rescue. It is also recommended to turn to professionals if you are not sure of the successful outcome of using home remedies. Dry cleaning workers are guaranteed to achieve a positive result without ruining the clothes.

If none of the methods help, which is unlikely to happen, then in this case you really need to turn to dry cleaning specialists for help. They have many more tools and methods in their arsenal to cope with this problem.

  • If your job involves constant contact with fish, and odor control is a regular procedure for you, then try cleaning several things at once - this way you will save cleaning agent.
  • If you have time, before you start washing, wrap clothes saturated with fishy smell in sheets of plain paper or newspaper - it will be able to absorb most of the “aromas”.
  • After washing, clothes should be dried in a well-ventilated area, or best of all, outside. By the way, it’s even easier in winter, since frost also neutralizes nasty odors.

Washing rules

To get rid of the unpleasant smell of fish, clothes must be washed, after removing greasy stains with a special pencil (such as “Udalix”). Perhaps this will be enough.

Before washing, greasy stains are generously sprinkled with potato starch or salt to degrease the fabric, remove excess fat, and treated with stain removers. It is necessary to wash at the maximum temperature allowed for a particular fabric, using lemon-scented powder. Before washing, please read the product care instructions! Double rinsing is an additional plus to machine washing in the fight to keep clothes fresh. If the goal was not achieved the first time, it is worth repeating the procedure.

How to remove from the apartment during frying, boiling or baking?

Methods for eliminating fishy odor during different types of heat treatment:

  • if the fish has a pronounced smell, before cooking it must be soaked in brine with the addition of vinegar, pepper and bay leaf;
  • when frying, the smell will be less intense if, after heating, add a few drops of lemon juice to a frying pan with vegetable oil;
  • You can give the fish a “subtle” taste and get rid of the smell if you add a little milk to the broth during cooking;
  • so that the fish does not emit a strong smell when baking, it is placed in the oven in foil or in a sleeve - this advice will eliminate the need to wash dishes;
  • If you plan to leave the fish head during cooking, then you must remove the gills.

To flavor the room, you need to heat the salt in a frying pan, and then the lemon or orange zest. Coffee beans are used in a similar way. This article will tell you how to remove the smell of river fish before cooking.

General breeding rules

It is important to remember that improvised means and household chemicals will not always give a positive result in the fight against fish odor. You can remove it from cotton fabrics yourself. If outerwear, silk, satin, lace or thin synthetic items have been soiled, you will have to take them to the dry cleaner. At home, when using traditional methods, the above-described items of clothing can easily be damaged, so it is better not to take risks and entrust the work to professionals. In other cases, you should try to get rid of the smell on your own.

It is important to remember that products such as citric acid, baking soda and vinegar can cause brightly colored items to fade.

No sleep and no rest

One of the brightest representatives of bottom-dwelling fish that do not have a swim bladder are, of course, sharks. In order not to drown while sleeping, these predators need to be active. Unlike humans and many land animals, for whom swimming is a rather short-term activity, sharks are forced to involuntarily be in constant motion from the first day of their life to the last!

The absence of a swim bladder does not allow sharks to always remain in a “suspended” state in the depths, as many other species of fish can. If she stops her wave-like movements with her muscular fins and prominent tail even for a moment, then the gravity of her own body will inexorably pull her to the bottom! It is curious that this is why dead sharks never float to the surface, but fall like stones to the bottom.

As mentioned above, in the traditional understanding of sleep, these fish never sleep. They are in constant motion both day and night. However, some of them still manage to rest. Special species of sharks that live in coastal waters swim into small underwater caves located at shallow depths in rivers or lakes. There they lie on rocky ledges or at the bottom.

We can conclude that in the literal sense of this understanding, not a single fish sleeps, but some lucky ones, whom God has awarded with swim bladders, can still afford to at least somehow rest, which cannot be said about the bottom and deep-sea fish.

Fish is a tasty and healthy product. However, it has a very unpleasant smell. Any type of fish emits a pungent aroma that can be felt indoors, on hands, on dishes and on clothes for a long time. You can get rid of it, but you will have to make an effort.

How to wash fish oil

Reading time: 4 minutes. .4k. Published 06/29/2016 Updated 01/11/2019

Many childhood memories are associated with the not-so-tasty “delicacy” that their parents forced them to drink – fish oil. Parents, concerned about the health of their children, voluntarily forced them to drink this thick liquid. The idea was good - to strengthen the immune system and create conditions for the young body to develop correctly. Our mothers and grandmothers were right about this. Also, the use of a natural product helps to normalize metabolic processes, reduce the layer of subcutaneous fatty tissue, remove cholesterol from the blood, and remove harmful substances. Having all these advantages, the liquid is quite difficult to wash off from clothes. Today we will talk about how to remove fish oil, and we will touch on the topic of other “fishy” stains.

Boiling water

It should be noted right away that this method is only suitable for white items made from dense natural fabrics:

  1. Fill half a pan with water and add one piece of laundry soap into it.
  2. Place the container over medium heat, place the clothes inside and bring to a boil.
  3. After this, keep the item in the solution on the fire for another thirty-five minutes.

You will be able to see how well this treatment works - not a trace of the fish smell will remain.


Starch can be used to remove grease from fabrics that cannot be washed by hand or in a washing machine. The course of action is as follows:

  • The freshly contaminated area is covered with dry starch.
  • The powder is lightly rubbed into the fabric and kept in it for at least 20 minutes.
  • The procedure is repeated several times until the contamination disappears from the material without a trace.

For your information! For old stains you will need to use hot starch. The powder is also applied to the old stain, covered tightly with a white cloth on top and slightly heated with an iron. Since the fat will be absorbed into the powder slowly, the procedure will have to be repeated several times.

Video material

The fishy smell can really ruin things and your mood, but it's all nothing if you know how to deal with it. Use our methods and tips to help you cope with even the most difficult cases.

Imagine: you put the most tender pink salmon fillet on a board, grate the zest of an orange and mix it with coarse sea salt, Provençal herbs, pink pepper... and get ready to enjoy the most delicious ceviche of your life... If only all this were as fashionable food bloggers write! Well, why don’t they talk about the fact that you will also have to “enjoy” the smell of fish, which remains on the clothes even after washing?! They just know these ways to quickly eliminate unpleasant odors.


Dishwashing liquid

An equally effective way to get rid of the problem is dish gel, preferably with a lemon scent. Sources of odor are wiped with the product and left for 30 minutes. Without washing off the gel, the item is washed by hand.

If you have an expensive and branded dishwashing detergent at home, then you can also use it to combat fishy smell. These lemon-scented products are especially good:

  1. Pour a little onto the stained area.
  2. Leave for half an hour and then wash by hand.
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