Effective ways to remove chewing gum from different surfaces

Man, although not from the ruminant suborder, has always loved to chew. It is known that even in Ancient Greece they chewed the resin of the mastic tree to freshen breath and cleanse the oral cavity. In the 16th century, Europeans replaced tar with chewing tobacco. And the first semblance of modern chewing gum appeared in the middle of the 19th century.

Since then, chewing gum has become a part of people's daily lives. According to the International Chewing Gum Association (and there is such a thing!), the average American consumes 182 packs of bubble gum per year, the British - 125, the German - 102, the Chinese - 20. Russians are not far behind - 84 packs of mints per person in 12 months .

One can argue until one becomes hoarse whether such consumption is justified from the point of view of dental health, but one thing is indisputable: chewing gum causes a lot of problems if it sticks to clothes or shoes, or even more so gets tangled in the hair.

We conducted a “spectral analysis” of methods for removing chewing gum and are ready to present them to you in our review.

Rules for removing chewing gum stains from hard surfaces

In the case of stuck chewing gum, it is important to consider how long it has been on the material. Some experts believe that the sooner you start clearing the lump, the better. But a number of “experienced” victims have a different opinion: if you start removing the chewing gum right away, it can be smeared even more. It's better to wait until it hardens.

How to remove gum from wooden surfaces, floors, tiles, stone and linoleum

The main condition for completely removing chewing gum from a wooden table and other furniture is that its surface must be cold and dry.

  1. Wrap the ice cube in a bag.
  2. Move it over the contaminated surface for 2–3 minutes.
  3. When the gum has completely hardened, scrape it off with a spatula.
  4. Wipe the unvarnished surface with warm soapy water.
  5. Treat varnished surfaces with ammonia diluted with water (2 parts water and 1 part alcohol).
  6. Wipe dry to avoid streaks.

Chewing gum is easier to remove from polished wood, since it does not have the opportunity to penetrate the pores of the material.

To remove chewing gum from granite, marble and tile, the stain must be frozen. The method described above for cleaning wooden surfaces is suitable. If the chewing gum is stuck to the linoleum, it needs to be cooled very much, but you will have to use the spatula with great care so as not to scratch the top layer.

This is interesting. In Forbes magazine's ranking of the top ten unusual things in the world, one of the leading places is occupied by rapidly decomposing chewing gum. It does not stick to the surface and is easily washed off with plain water.

How to clean glass, porcelain or earthenware

Kitchen utensils suffer from chewing gum no less often than clothing and shoes. The easiest way to remove sticky lumps is with hot water. If the material allows, then boil the dishes or limit yourself to a stream of hot water. Under the influence of high temperature, the chewing gum will melt and drain on its own.

If chewing gum is stuck to the dish, you can use hot water to remove it.

The exception is dishes made of thin glass. It is better not to heat this material, but rather to cool it (just don’t freeze it, otherwise it will burst), and then carefully remove the remains with your fingers.

We remove sticky mass and greasy marks from iron, liquid crystal surfaces and plastic

For iron, you can use the “cold method” (as for wood, stone and linoleum) or the “hot” method. The second one is considered more reliable.

  1. Direct the hot jet of the hair dryer at the stuck gum.
  2. After softening, remove the residue with a napkin or brush.
  3. Rinse with cool water and wipe dry.

After removing the chewing gum, the iron surface should be rubbed well with a soft, lint-free cloth.

If the rubber band is stuck to your computer monitor or laptop, you need to act carefully.

  1. Turn off the device and let it cool to room temperature.
  2. Mix distilled vinegar and distilled water in a 1:1 ratio. Attention! You cannot use regular tap water - it will leave stains.
  3. Pour the liquid into a spray bottle.
  4. Apply it to a lint-free cotton cloth.
  5. When blotting the gum, try to remove it from the surface. Do this carefully, as you may damage the top layer of the LCD film.
  6. Repeat the previous step until all the elastic has been removed.
  7. Wipe the screen with a dry cotton cloth to remove any greasy residue.

Removing chewing gum from LCD surfaces must be done with extreme caution so as not to damage the thin film.

Cold ways

When you need to remove chewing gum that has stuck to the fabric, you should immediately try cold methods of fighting. They are the most popular and effective. Exposure to cold (frost) makes the Velcro brittle, it crumbles and is easily removed.


You can remove sticky substances from a skirt, trousers, jeans, T-shirt or other small clothing by placing it in the freezer in a plastic bag. The residence time in the freezer is 1-2 hours, after which the chewing gum should come off on its own. If this does not happen, carefully scrape it off with any hard object.

Important! When packing an item in a bag, you need to make sure that it does not touch it or clean areas of the fabric. If necessary, place parchment between layers of clothing.


Chewing gum from a jacket or other large item that cannot be placed in the freezer can be removed using ice by applying it to the stained area. For convenience, place ice in a bag. Wait a couple of minutes until the chewing gum hardens, then scrape it off with a knife or a stiff-bristled brush.

If you have dry ice, you can use that too. It is produced in the form of sprays, which are used to cool microcircuits, and there are special aerosols to combat chewing gum stains. The latter are the most convenient to use.

This method is used when you need to remove elastic from a carpet, rug, fur coat, coat, or sheepskin coat.

How to clean the sole of stuck chewing gum: saving sneakers or boots

What could be more unpleasant than stepping on chewing gum, especially if you are in a hurry or wearing a new pair of fashionable sneakers for the first time. But you shouldn’t despair: there is a way that helps you quickly tear off the rubber from the sole.

  1. Soak a cotton pad in alcohol, acetone, or nail polish remover.
  2. Blot the sticky mass for 3-4 minutes, applying and lightly pressing on the tampon.
  3. Remove any residue with a knife or an unnecessary toothbrush.

Please note: if the gum is stuck to shoes with bright colored soles, then the above solvents must be mixed with water in a ratio of 1:0.5.

The textured sole is more difficult to clean, so you can’t do without alcohol or acetone

To scrub colored or smooth soles, use methods using vegetable oil.

  1. Drop any vegetable oil onto the stuck chewing gum.
  2. Wait 2 minutes.
  3. Remove the sticky lump with a napkin.

If you don't have oil on hand, use sand or coffee.

  1. Sprinkle sand or ground coffee onto the gum.
  2. Use your finger to roll it into a ball and remove it from the sole.

You can also remove chewing gum from shoes using the “cold” method, placing the shoe on it for 15–20 minutes. into the freezer.

If you need to act quickly

If gum is stuck to your clothes and you don't have time to wash or freeze it, there are a few other methods you can try. Some of them are suitable even if trouble happened on the street.

Saving jeans with vinegar

If you are faced with the problem of how to remove chewing gum from jeans, the surest way is to do it with vinegar. We will also need a toothbrush again. The whole action takes place in four steps.

  1. Heating. The vinegar should be slightly warm.
  2. Application. Dip a toothbrush into the seasoning and immediately apply to the gum.
  3. Removal. Using a brush, remove the chewing gum.
  4. Wash . We send the prepared item to be washed. But if you are in a hurry, and there is nothing to change into, then that’s all for now, and go about your business - the remnants of the stain will not be noticeable. However, the vinegar smell may remain, so it's best not to walk for long periods of time. When you return home, you should wash your jeans immediately.

We remove chewing gum... with chewing gum

If the chewing gum is very stuck, and there is nothing at hand, you can quickly run to the nearest store and buy... chewing gum there. This is a convenient way to get rid of chewing gum outside the home. Once we have everything we need, we need to do two things.

  1. Chew. It is advisable not to prolong the pleasure.
  2. Clean clothes. Now, using a fresh rubber band, peel off the stuck layers from your clothes step by step. So - until the successful ending.

If the “trouble” stuck to the shoes

Even if such a problem happened to the boots you just bought, don’t be upset. There is a way. You will need a liquid containing acetone or itself.

  • Let's apply. We apply the liquid to a rag and carefully try to saturate the unfortunate area.
  • We wait . We will need a few minutes for the chemical processes to begin.
  • We delete. This is where a knife comes in handy. Or any sharp object. We use it to remove gum from shoes.

There are quite a few ways to deal with the “chewing” problem and they help. You can even remove old chewing gum from clothes. But it is important to understand that not every experiment ends successfully. Therefore, if the item is very expensive and the fabric is delicate, then it is better to play it safe and go to a dry cleaner, where they can remove chewing gum from clothes using professional methods.


How to wash a carpet, rug or rug

If chewing gum gets on the carpet, there are two ways to remove it. The first is suitable for short-pile coverings.

  1. Remove the gum with your hands as much as possible.
  2. Soak a soft cotton cloth with white spirit.
  3. Wipe away the remaining mark.

Before treating the carpet with any product, remove the gum by hand.

If the pile is long, use scissors.

  1. As in the previous instructions, remove most of the gum with your hands.
  2. Gently trim away any remaining tangled lint.

These methods are also suitable for cleaning fluffy car mats.

We remove chewing gum from thick clothing: jeans, knitwear, jackets, shirts, down jackets and bed linen

If the elastic has frozen on jeans, a cotton blanket, a thick blanket, linen bedding or sheets, a shirt or down jacket, then it is best to use the cooling method for removal.

  • freeze the spoiled item in the freezer or place a piece of ice on the lump of gum;
  • wait until the sticky mass freezes completely;
  • Remove the gum with your fingers or an unnecessary toothbrush.

The best way to remove chewing gum from denim is with ice.

You can also use a special Freeezer cooler, which is sold in radio parts stores.

The spray is used in soldering and radio mounting to cool surfaces, but is also great for removing stuck gum.

  1. Apply freezing spray to stuck gum.
  2. Remove dirt with your fingers or a brush.
  3. After treatment, it is advisable to wash the item, as an unpleasant odor may remain.

Do not use an iron to remove stuck gum. It doesn't do a good job and leaves stains on clothes that are difficult to get rid of.

Old stains from gum stuck to thick jeans, school jackets or pants can be removed in unusual ways. For example, another chewing gum.

  1. Place fresh chewing gum on the sticky one and press with a knife.
  2. Quickly tear off both elastic bands.
  3. Repeat several times until the lump is completely removed.

Paradoxically, chewing gum can be removed with another piece of gum: apply a fresh gum to the dried one and remove the entire lump

Another simple way is to use tape or tape.

  1. Place a piece of tape or duct tape on the gum.
  2. Peel it off quickly.
  3. Repeat until all the pieces remain on the tape.

You can use sticky tape or tape to remove a wad of gum.

How to remove elastic from cotton trousers, skirts, sweatshirts, T-shirts or synthetic dresses

Thin knitwear, cotton shorts, leggings, and stretchy synthetics require special handling. When rubbed, they can stretch greatly and the item becomes completely deformed. If the fabric does not fade, use your regular nail polish remover.

  1. Soak a cotton pad in the liquid.
  2. Apply to the lump.
  3. Use your fingers or a knife to carefully remove any remaining gum.

Carefully remove the lump of chewing gum soaked in nail polish remover using a knife.

Dishwashing liquid can help remove chewing gum from colored stretchy fabrics.

  1. Pour any dishwashing liquid onto the stain.
  2. Leave for 15–20 minutes.
  3. Remove the gum.
  4. Wash the item as usual.

Dishwashing liquid can be replaced with peanut butter. Drop it onto the stuck gum, carefully remove it with a napkin and wash the clothes.

Hot ways

Chewing gum can also be removed from jeans by heating. High temperature makes the gum softer and more pliable. It loses its stickiness, it can be rolled up and easily separated from the fabric. These methods work faster than freezing, but are not suitable for all fabrics.

Boiling water

If there are no restrictions on the washing temperature for the item, you can get rid of the chewing gum using boiling water. Soak the item in boiling or very hot water for 5 minutes. After this, wipe off the gum with your hands. If boiling is undesirable, then you can limit yourself to pouring water that has just boiled over the item.


This method of removing chewing gum is equally effective for jeans or school uniforms, which is why it is often recommended. The fact is that you can iron any thing, regardless of what fabric it is made of and what size.

Removal procedure:

  1. Take a sheet of cardboard.
  2. Place the clothing on top with the chewing gum against the cardboard.
  3. Carefully apply the iron from the wrong side until the chewing gum is completely transferred to the cardboard. Do not move as you would with normal ironing to avoid further smearing the stain. The iron power is average.

You can also iron the gum on top through gauze, napkin or paper in the same way.

Advice! Dishwashing detergent or soap can help get rid of traces left after chewing gum.


A stream of hot air acts similar to an iron, but more delicately. All you need to do is direct a stream of hot air at the strongest setting onto the chewing gum. After such warming up, all that remains is to remove the residue with an old toothbrush. Since this method is the most gentle, it can be used even for woolen and silk items.


You can get rid of chewing gum using steam. If you have a steam cleaner, use it on the contaminated area. If this device is not available, use this method:

  1. Pour water into the kettle and let it boil.
  2. Hold the item over the spout of the kettle.
  3. Once the gum has softened, brush it off with a toothbrush.

Home and professional products for chiffon, silk items, leather jackets, briefcases and furniture

Silk, chiffon and other delicate fabrics require special care when removing a clump of gum. One sudden movement can irreparably damage the product. To remove the gum, you will need warm vinegar.

  1. Heat 9% table vinegar to 40–50 degrees.
  2. Soak an unnecessary toothbrush in it.
  3. Remove the gum by gently wiping the surface.
  4. Wash the item as usual.

After removing the chewing gum with vinegar, the item must be washed, as it will smell unpleasant.

To avoid damaging delicate fabrics, you can use a special spray called Chewing Gum Removers. Its effect is similar to freezing, only several times faster. With it, the elastic band is removed easily and without loss.

One such aerosol can remove several dozen chewing gums stuck to different surfaces

  1. Treat stuck gum with spray.
  2. Remove the frozen mass with a spatula, spatula or nail file.
  3. Let the fabric dry.

Please note: light shades may appear darker after applying Chewing Gum Removers.

In order to wipe off sticky gum from the leather surface, you will need saddle soap (a special detergent for leather items). Prepare a dense foam from it and wipe the lump with a sponge until it disappears completely.

The best way to clean leather is to use saddle soap.

There is another method suitable for leather furniture - cutting off the gum with a knife. After this, you just need to remove the residue with a stiff brush and lubricate it with special oil or regular Vaseline.

How to dissolve and remove chewing gum from different surfaces: from old jeans to a leather bag - video


To clean chewing gum from clothes at home, you will need gasoline for refilling lighters, alcohol, and other chemical and organic solvents. The item should be held over boiling water to slightly soften the hardened gum. Apply the product to the damaged area and wait a few minutes. After this, carefully remove the chewing gum from the clothing with a cotton swab, moving from the edges of the stain to the middle.

The disadvantage of this method is the possibility of damaging the fabric structure with chemicals. To make sure the method is safe, apply a small amount of solvent to a hidden area or sample of material.

Cleaning chewing gum from car seats

To effectively remove stuck chewing gum from car seats, you need to choose a method suitable for the material from which it is made. The most convenient and universal method is considered to be cooling using a piece of ice.

You can remove chewing gum from the leather surface of a car seat using a freezer and scissors.

If you need to remove chewing gum from fabric seat upholstery, use the option of using warm milk.

  1. Moisten stuck gum with milk warmed to room temperature until it begins to crumble.
  2. Remove any residue with any cleaning agent.

After chewing gum is removed, a greasy residue often remains on textile surfaces. Any stain remover or dishwashing gel will help get rid of it.

How to clean a car seat - video

Helpful information

Tips for removing chewing gum from different surfaces:

  1. If you find a rubber band, you need to act quickly. The sooner measures are taken to remove it, the better.

  2. Sometimes ordinary adhesive tape comes to the rescue, and passes it over the stain several times. This method is only effective if the trail is fresh.
  3. If you are not sure that the composition will not damage the fabric, first you need to test it on an inconspicuous area.
  4. If you use a knife to remove chewing gum, you can only rub the surface with its blunt side.
  5. When using acetone, kerosene or other aggressive solvents, you need to protect the skin of your hands with gloves, and the room should be well ventilated.

How to get rid of gum stuck to fabric: rating of effective methods

First place goes to freezing, this technique allows you to remove the remaining elastic from any fabric. Moreover, after strong cooling, even old, stubborn chewing gum can be removed quite easily.

The second position is for solvents such as white spirit or nail polish remover. It should be remembered that these products are only suitable for dense materials of light shades. As for delicate fabrics, there is an alternative for them - vinegar. Third place is shared by dishwashing gels and makeup remover lotions.

Of course, special aerosols have no competition, but the question of their versatility remains open. After using them, white marks may remain on colored fabrics of any texture.

How to remove gum from skin or hair

If the elastic is stuck to the skin, moisten it with warm water and remove it with your hands. Some experienced “rescuers” recommend wiping the lump with lemon juice, this will help the chewing gum come off faster.

But you can remove sticky mass from your hair at home in several ways.

  1. Cold. Apply a piece of ice to the matted hair after 4-5 minutes. remove pieces of frozen gum.
  2. Soda. Mix it with water in a 2:1 ratio, apply it to your hair, let it dry and remove the stuck gum with a comb.
  3. Vegetable oil. Lubricate the contaminated hair generously, then comb out the gum with a wide-toothed comb or remove it with your hands. As an alternative to oil, you can use Vaseline or full-fat mayonnaise.
  4. Lemon conditioner. To prepare it you will need lemon juice, water and hair conditioner in a 1:1:1 ratio. Apply the mixture to your hair and, kneading, remove the gum, which gradually loses its stickiness.
  5. Alcohol. Wet your hair, wait 1-2 minutes, then remove the elastic with your fingers.
  6. Silicone for split ends of hair. Wet the affected hair, wait until the gum begins to slide down the hair and remove it with your hands.
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