Easy and effective ways to get rid of the smell of dog urine

You can get rid of the smell of dog urine using professional products - Zoosan, SmellOff spray, BOI-Zh, as well as improvised substances such as vinegar, baking soda, Domestos, Mister Proper or Muscle, Whiteness. You just need to know the manipulation algorithm so that the coating is not spoiled by aggressive chemical compounds, and the contaminated area is completely cleaned.

The efficiency of work increases significantly if the pet owner follows certain rules for getting rid of the smell and stains of dog urine - fresh and old.

How to get rid of the smell of dog urine: basic rules

Getting rid of the smell of dog urine is quite simple if you follow the basic rules of “manipulation”:

  • If a pet has urinated on a carpet, carpet or any other textile covering, then under no circumstances should you wipe the puddle with a wet rag. It will only penetrate deeper into the fabric, so it is better to use paper napkins/towels or toilet paper, dry cotton material.
  • Do not remove urine from the carpet by rubbing or rubbing movements - this will only allow the liquid to penetrate deeper into the fibers of the textile. It is better to wipe the puddle with blotting movements, trying not to touch the clean coating around it.
  • It is always more difficult to clean up old traces of a “crime” than fresh ones. And although dog urine does not smell as pronounced and unpleasant as cat urine, cleaning should be done immediately after discovering a puddle.
  • Some detergents are overly aggressive towards various floor coverings. Therefore, before using a specific one for the first time, it is worth experimenting on a separate section of the floor to prevent its damage.
  • If there is parquet or laminate on the floor, then traces of an animal on it must be removed immediately. Even if urine remains on such a surface for a short time, the boards may swell and become deformed, which is irreparable.

Sometimes the dog finds very “mysterious” places to defecate; the room smells of dog urine, but no puddles are visible. You can detect them using an ultraviolet flashlight. It is enough to shine them into the most secluded corners - and the “unauthorized” liquid will be immediately detected.

General Tips

Treating sofa upholstery soaked with dog urine with ordinary water will not provide a 100 percent guarantee that the furniture will stop smelling unpleasantly. Animal urine contains sodium, uric acid, urine, electrolytes and urobilin.

Most of these elements are not soluble in water. When decomposing during evaporation, urea gives off a pungent odor of ammonium. Dog and cat feces have a particularly unpleasant odor due to the high levels of ammonia in the urine.

The older the animal, the more pungent the smell of its urine. Getting rid of fresh stains is easier than dry and old ones. If dog urine gets on upholstered furniture, it must be cleaned as soon as possible before it has time to penetrate deeply into the fabric or skin.

Attention! It is advisable to scrub your pet’s feces thoroughly, as even a faint odor becomes a “tag” to which the dog will return regularly.

How to remove dog urine smell from carpet

As soon as a stain of dog urine is noticed on the carpet, you need to remove it urgently so that the smell does not remain; to do this, perform the following steps:

  • The puddle is blotted with paper or dry, clean textile napkins. You can use toilet paper or tray filler - the latter is scattered in a dense layer onto the liquid and swept away with a broom after a few minutes.
  • Wipe the “crime scene” with a rag soaked in a solution of vinegar (1:1 with water). It is advisable to wipe both the front side of the coating and the back.

After this, it is advisable to take the carpet out for airing - the stain should be completely dried so that the old smell of dampness does not appear. Often this is physically impossible to do, then it is worth using special means to eliminate the smell of dog urine. Suitable:

  • Zoosan is a solution that is added to water according to the instructions and simply washed with a rag or brush. This product is free of chlorine and fluoride, is safe for pets, and helps remove dog urine from your carpet without having to hang it in a draft.
  • BOI-Zh – eliminates the smell of urine from any fleecy surface, regardless of the size of the fibers. The required amount of product is diluted in water (you must follow the instructions), the finished mixture is applied to the stain and left for 15-20 minutes. Then the treated area of ​​the carpet should be rinsed with clean water.

From the floor

The easiest way to remove a dog urine stain from a regular floor is:

  1. the liquid is soaked with paper towels or toilet paper;
  2. the place of bowel movement is wiped with a solution of vinegar and water in equal proportions;
  3. The floor should be washed with ordinary clean water.

A good helper in the fight against the smell of dog urine on the floor will be Mr. Proper. You need to dissolve 60 ml (one cap from the package) of the product in 5 liters of water and wash the floor. There is no need to rinse off the solution, but if Mr. Proper was used “in its pure form,” then this procedure will be necessary. May also be useful:

  • White - contains chlorine, so use it with extreme caution: with open windows/doors, after removing the pet from the room, wearing gloves and, preferably, a respirator or mask. The bleach is diluted in water and the floor is simply washed - not only will the smell of urine be eliminated, but the surface will also be disinfected. 15 minutes after the first manipulation, you need to wash the floor again with plain clean water and wait until it dries completely.
  • Domestos - contains specific chemical components that eliminate unpleasant odors, wash away stains and destroy pathogenic microorganisms. You need to dissolve 4 caps of the product in 5 liters of warm water and wash the floor with this product. There is no need to rinse anything off.

From linoleum

To get rid of the smell of dog urine, linoleum will have to be washed on both sides - this material allows liquid to pass into its structure and if the puddles are old, then general washing cannot be avoided. In the process, you can use any available means:

  • professional for cleaning floors - Mister Muscle or Proper, Domestos, Whiteness;
  • a solution of vinegar and water.

After this, the linoleum must be dried in the fresh air or by creating a draft in the room and raising the covering above the floor surface by placing boards, bricks and other objects.

If the puddle is fresh, then there are no problems - the liquid is soaked with paper or dry textiles, then the problem area is wiped with water with added professional products. In this case, there is no need to specially dry the coating.

Rules for removing stains

It is easier to remove liquid from a smooth floor. It is enough to collect urine with a rag and disinfect it with any means:

  • If the stain appears on a carpet or other fleecy surface, you need to blot the area with a dry paper towel folded in several layers. Change the towel until it remains dry.
  • Then a dry towel is placed in place and pressed with a weight. This will allow you to absorb the liquid that has managed to penetrate deeply.
  • If you initially mix urine with water, it will be much more difficult to remove the stain and smell.
  • At the last stage, the area should be disinfected and rinsed with clean water.

The dog peed on the sofa: how to remove the smell

The best way to remove the smell from a sofa if a dog peed on it is to take it to the dry cleaner or call a professional to your home. But this method is not only time-consuming, but also quite expensive. Therefore, you can use the following tips:

  • If the sofa upholstery is removable, then it should be washed in hot water with added fragrance or conditioner.
  • If it is impossible to remove the upholstery, the stain is treated with cleaning products for sinks and toilets - they contain chemical compounds that will completely “kill” the unpleasant odor. But this must be done extremely carefully, as they can damage the fabric.
  • You can use Mister Proper or Muscle to clean the floors. It is not diluted, but applied in a thick layer directly to the spot where the dog defecated. After 10-15 minutes, everything should be washed off with clean water using a brush.
  • If a puddle on the sofa is detected immediately, then after soaking the liquid, you can cover the stain with a thick layer of baking soda and wait 20-30 minutes. After this, you need to vacuum the sofa - neither the stain nor the smell will remain.

Pharmacy products

To eliminate stains on the sofa, as well as to get rid of the unpleasant odor of urine, pharmaceutical preparations are often used. The most popular pharmaceutical products are:

  • Ethanol. It helps eliminate urine odors from pets, small children and adults.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Acts against animal urine and old stains.
  • Iodine. Effectively copes with stains on dark sofa fabric.
  • Potassium permanganate. Used to eliminate the smell of urine from pets or children.
  • Ammonia. Used to remove adult urea stains and odors.
  • Glycerol. This drug effectively breaks down uric acid crystals.

The smell of baby urine can also be eliminated using a product called “Hyposulfite”.

How to remove the smell of dog urine in an apartment depending on the time of their appearance

Of course, your pet needs to be taught certain rules of behavior, but this will take some time. Therefore, you need to know how to remove the smell of dog urine in an apartment; you need to make a choice in favor of a specific method, taking into account the timing of the appearance of puddles.

Remedy for old stains

Old stains are best removed in the washing machine - you need to remove the covers from sofas and armchairs, but there are other products available that apply to different surfaces.


This substance can remove the smell of dog urine not only from hard surfaces, but also from any textile surfaces, including carpet/fleecy ones. First, you should prepare the product itself - mix it with water in a 1:1 ratio of Domestos or Beliznaya, any “chemistry” containing chlorine in the composition will do. Then moisten the sponge in the prepared solution and treat the problem area of ​​the coating. After 5-10 minutes, repeat the procedure and perform them 2-3 in a row with the specified break.

All you have to do is wait for it to dry completely and wipe the area with a damp (not wet!) cloth.

Hydrogen peroxide

This product can easily get rid of old dog urine stains from linoleum or tiles. To work you will need:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • baking soda;
  • dishwashing detergent, but can be replaced with liquid soap.

You need to mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda with the same amount of the selected detergent and add 1 tablespoon of the medicinal product to the mixture. Mix everything until you obtain a homogeneous paste with small grains. Apply the finished mixture to the problem area and leave for 30-40 minutes. During this time, the surface will dry and the remaining product can be simply wiped off and the floor wiped with a damp cloth.

Hydrogen peroxide can be used at any percentage.

Potassium permangantsovka

You need to dissolve ½ teaspoon of potassium permanganate in 1 glass of water (250 ml). Moisten a sponge in the prepared product and wipe the surface with an unpleasant odor until it completely disappears. There is no need to wash the floor after the procedure with clean water.

This method is optimal for cleaning parquet and any other wooden surfaces, but only dark ones.


This method of getting rid of puppy urine is great for laminate and hardwood floors. You only need to dissolve 1 teaspoon of the specified drug in 1 liter of water. Then the liquid is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed on the contaminated surface. After 10 minutes, wipe the stain with a dry cloth.

Not suitable for light-colored flooring.

Fresh tracks

If a pet makes a “puddle” directly in front of the owner, then immediate measures must be taken to eliminate it, then the smell will not have time to be absorbed into the surface.

Table vinegar

You need to mix ordinary table vinegar with water in a 1:1 ratio and pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle. Spray the solution onto the stain and leave it until completely dry. Next, you need to mix a small amount of liquid soap with water, whip up foam and use a sponge to wipe the area previously treated with vinegar.

If the procedure was performed on carpet, then after liquid soap you should use clean water; on the floor, simply wipe everything with a dry cloth. Additionally, the carpet is vacuumed.

If the stain is large and has a pronounced stench, then dry baking soda can be poured over the vinegar layer and, after drying, removed with a vacuum cleaner.

Laundry soap

This product will help get rid of even the strongest dog urine smell from any surface, but it is especially effective on textiles. You need to grate a small amount of soap, dissolve the resulting shavings in warm water and leave everything for 15-20 minutes - the product should infuse.

Next, soak the sponge in a mixture of soap and water, treat the contaminated area and leave for 5-10 minutes. Remains of the product are removed with a damp cloth.

Baking soda or cleaning powder

You need to mix 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials and 2 tablespoons of water to make a paste. Apply a thick layer of it to the problem area and leave until completely dry. Then the remaining product is removed using a vacuum cleaner. It is better to use a brush for application.


It can be used to remove stains from any surface, and it also disinfects. Alcohol will discourage the dog from urinating in that area again, so treating contaminated areas in this way can be called a preventative measure.

The alcohol should be poured into a bottle with a spray bottle and the problem area should be treated with a spray bottle. The product disappears quickly, so there is no need to rinse everything additionally with clean water or soapy water.

Household chemicals

Detergents and cleaners are sometimes used to treat upholstery that has a foul odor and yellow stains. The most commonly used are the following:

  • dishwashing liquid;
  • laundry soap;
  • regular soap (preferably baby soap);
  • liquid soap;
  • shampoo;
  • mouth rinse;
  • a stain remover that has an anti-odor effect;
  • washing powder (antibacterial);
  • rinse aid

In addition, you can purchase special products that eliminate the smell of urine from cats and dogs. Odorgon is considered an effective drug. Aerosols are also sold to repel cats from furniture.

Effective spray against dog urine odor

The most effective spray against the smell of dog urine is SmellOff, the composition of which is natural and safe for humans and any pets. To use it to solve the problem that has arisen, you need to:

  1. Blot moisture with paper napkins or towels or a dry textile rag.
  2. Shake the spray bottle several times.
  3. Spray the product onto the contaminated surface; if the stain and smell are old, it is better to pour it onto the surface.
  4. Use the product around dirty surfaces - for example, treat the floor under the sofa, baseboards.
  5. Leave everything until completely dry - this should take 12 hours.
  6. Ventilate the room.

This spray can be used to clean shoes, clothes and upholstered furniture, any carpets, and surfaces in cars. It is recommended to be careful with parquet and first test the reaction of the material to SmellOff on a remote area of ​​the floor.

The smell of dog urine is not as pronounced as cat urine, but still unpleasant. And stains from your pet’s puddles remain for a long time. Therefore, it is better to clean problem areas immediately after finding “traces of a crime,” although old stains can be easily eliminated with the help of professional products or improvised substances.


The smell of dog urine, especially old ones, is difficult to remove. The older the dog, the more foul-smelling the urine:

  • The liquid penetrates deep into the surface and hardens.
  • When an animal's urine comes into contact with the surface, special substances begin to be released that are not washed out with ordinary water.
  • A favorable environment is created for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

The smell does not disappear on its own, so you should start cleaning as soon as possible.

Security measures

It is important to remember that home cleaning products must be chosen based on the upholstery material.

To prevent deformation of the sofa structure and to avoid irreparably damaging the fabric of the furniture, observe the following rules:

  • There is no need to scrub the stain vigorously with a sponge, rag or brush, this will make the situation worse and the urine will penetrate deep into the fabric. It is important to get wet to absorb as much moisture as possible;
  • Do not overfill the stain. The affected area will be difficult to dry, leading to mold and a musty odor;
  • The effects of household chemicals are checked in advance on the internal areas of the sofa before use;
  • When using any chemical, you must strictly follow the instructions;
  • You should not try to clean delicate fabrics and lint yourself. It is better to immediately contact the dry cleaner;
  • After treatment, it is necessary to ventilate the room as much as possible.

How not to damage the carpet?

Removing an unpleasant odor without damaging the carpet is not as simple a task as it seems at first glance. Very often, when dealing with pet urine stains, a person encounters damage to the carpet. This is especially true for folk untested methods.

Often the smell of urine goes away, and along with it the brightness of the pile or its color completely disappears. To avoid carpet damage, it is recommended to follow these tips:

  • Hot water ensures better effectiveness of cleaning products. But before applying it to the carpet, it needs to be cooled. Otherwise, damage to the pile structure is possible.
  • The faster you remove urine from the carpet, the less damage will be done to the surface. The longer the urine remains in the pile, the worse its condition will be.
  • When using the brush, it should be guided only in the direction of the pile. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the pile will subsequently break and remain in that position. In addition, if the carpet is tilted incorrectly, it experiences greater stress and therefore wears out faster.
  • To combat urine stains on the carpet, you should not use tea (especially strong tea), sauerkraut or brine from it. Traces of such “cleaning agents” are practically not removed.
  • Dishwashing or laundry detergents may contain aggressive components that damage the composition of the pile. Therefore, it is better to test their effect on a small area.
  • You should be especially careful when using folk remedies. They are also pre-tested before using them over a large area.
  • When buying ready-made household products, it is better to take those that are marked “Bio”.
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