How to professionally care for a leather jacket at home

Regular care

A leather product will remain beautiful for a long time and will look like new if it is provided with appropriate care; this must be done constantly, especially during the season, when the item is used daily.

In order for the jacket to retain its original shape and not stretch or deform, it should only be hung on wide hangers that fit the size.

The air humidity in the room where it will be located is also important; it must be well ventilated and dry enough. When a caring owner uses covers or bags for storage , you should pay attention to the material from which they are made. Natural fabrics are considered the best. Cellophane and other non-breathable packaging are excluded.

When a jacket gets wet in the rain, it is strictly forbidden to forcefully dry it; natural products do not tolerate such treatment; the leather can shrink and dry out. But hanging a wet product in a closet is also unacceptable. First you need to wipe it with a dry cloth and hang it to dry.

A washing machine can also ruin a good leather item. Once you wash a product in it, you can immediately throw it away. And if fuel oil or paint gets on your skin , then it is better to entrust it to professionals, but you must remember that the faster it is processed, the greater the likelihood of the stains disappearing. If you tighten it and don’t go to dry cleaning right away, it will be more difficult to remove the stains.

In any case, it is recommended to take leather clothes to such points before summer storage; they will not only remove stains, but also dye them when necessary. After all, it will not be possible to do this at home efficiently.

Stores specializing in the sale of leather products have a huge selection of care products for this material. They will provide proper care and help preserve your favorite item for a longer period.

Which water-repellent spray for clothes and shoes to choose

Today the rating presented the 12 best water-repellent sprays for various purposes - for clothing or shoes. Among such a variety, everyone can choose the best option.

  • When choosing, you should take into account the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding approved coatings. For example, the composition from SIBEARIAN, despite its excellent consumer properties, is contraindicated for use for products based on smooth leather.
  • Drying time is an important aspect. Formulas from Salamander, Nikwax, SIBEARIAN and Lion distinguished themselves with the fastest drying.
  • Important advantages of this type of product include the absence of a strong fragrance. The DIVIDIC brand distinguished itself here, creating a technology for neutralizing unpleasant odors called “NEUTRAQ”.
  • It is worth noting that among water-repellent impregnations for both clothing and shoes, Collonil products have earned the maximum number of positive customer reviews. Perhaps, German quality, in this case, fully justifies its price.

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Skin care products

Nowadays there is a complete set of skin care products in the commercial services sector; they can truly help with skin care and make it easy and unburdensome:

  • Protective cream . If you lubricate the leather surface with it before use, the risk of stains appearing on it is significantly reduced. Its purpose is to create a reliable barrier to stains of water or fatty etiology. With regular use of creams, the jacket will not show wear, signs of aging, rips, cracks or small scratches.
  • Stain removers . They can handle the most difficult stains. Without damaging sensitive skin and paint, they cope with complex stains from nail polish, all kinds of dyes, food products, and tape.
  • Stain remover spray is another assistant in removing special stains resulting from poor-quality tanning of leather. He will be able to cope with cloudiness on it forever, when other tools remove this defect only temporarily.
  • Ultra cleaners . Typically, this cleaning solution will remove stubborn dirt from leather clothing without damaging it. This is achieved by its gentle composition, which does not contain aggressive solvents. Its advantages are that it can be used with any color of jacket.
  • Air conditioner . When the leather surface becomes hard and brittle due to improper care or wear and tear, an oily water-based emulsion will soften and restore the tired material.
  • Preparations that disinfect leather products and remove mold . It can be used for preventive purposes when the jacket is often exposed to moisture. This product can also be used to treat suede without compromising its appearance.
  • Special wipes for cleansing the skin also remove static electricity, and they also contain substances that protect it from dust and wiping.

Of course, these products are effective, but they are unreasonably expensive, so the demand for them is not high enough. If their price bothers you, then you can use cheaper options, but it is not advisable to use creams intended for shoes to care for leather jackets.

Tips for light clothes

Caring for a light leather jacket at home requires delicacy. White items are the most susceptible to stains, and when removing them you should be careful not to smear the dirt. Colorless products that leave no residue are best. Suggestions for cleaning a white leather jacket:

  • lemon juice;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • milk or lotion to remove makeup;
  • milk (recommended to combine with soda, egg yolk or turpentine);
  • soapy water with ammonia.

A soft rag, sponge or cotton swab is moistened in the selected product. Contaminants are processed. To keep your jacket sparkling clean, it is recommended to periodically wipe it with a sponge and a “cocktail” of milk and water.

To prevent mold from growing in your jacket, which can only be removed with solvents and aggressive substances, it is important to send the product for storage only after it has completely dried. The jacket, dried and lubricated with softening agents, is stored in a cover made of natural, breathable fabric.

In order to no longer think about how to wash a leather jacket, it is recommended to carefully care for your outerwear. Do not be lazy to wipe the product after rain, lubricate the leather surface with protective cream, remove dirt immediately and use a water-repellent spray.

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How to clean it yourself

When it is not possible to buy imported creams and sprays, you should not despair; there are many other, simpler and more affordable skin care methods. Our parents used them even when modern cleaners were not a thing, and their things looked great.

  • Dusty skin can be cleaned with a damp cloth, and if there is dirt stuck on it, a warm soapy solution will help. The main thing is not to wet it too much.
  • If the sleeves and collar are shiny , or a greasy stain has formed on the jacket, then a mixture of water and soap based on glycerin can get rid of the stain. You can also put thin paper on the stain and run a warm iron over it, the fat will melt, be absorbed into the napkin, and the stain will disappear.
  • Did you accidentally get paint on your jacket? There is no particular problem, it is important not to wait too long, and gently wipe the skin in this area with gasoline or acetone. Remove the pungent odor with a slice of lemon.
  • After rain and snow, salt stains may appear on your jacket. This is not a problem, you need to moisten a napkin in table vinegar and walk it over the whitish spots.
  • Does your skin no longer shine and look less new? Then it's time to go to the store for lemons. Then squeeze the juice out of them and generously wipe the entire jacket, after such a session it will shine like new. But acid can make it dry, so after this procedure, it’s good to treat it with additional castor oil.
  • Dark skin has long been cleaned with coffee grounds wrapped in a soft cloth, or orange peel, this gave it shine.
  • An ordinary onion is cut and the surface is carefully rubbed until the cut of the onion darkens. Then it must be refreshed by separating a thin layer and continued until the entire outer part has been processed. Then wipe with a flannel cloth until it shines.
  • Over time, the leather material becomes rougher , small cracks appear, before the situation worsens, it is necessary to mix glycerin with water and treat with a sponge. It will become much softer, and the cracks will not be so noticeable. There is another way: beat the egg white well, then apply it to the skin, and without letting it dry, wipe it off with a damp cloth.
  • Mold may grow on the leather due to non-compliance with care and storage rules. Its foci are destroyed with gasoline, and after treatment, these pieces are thoroughly wiped with a napkin.

When caring for a leather jacket with inserts made of velor, nabeuk or suede, you need to take into account the features of these materials. They are cleaned with alcohol solutions, but greasy products containing wax are not suitable, they will stick the pile together. When processing this part, you need to cover the area around it with film, and spray the insert itself with an aerosol.

Basic Rules

So, the label has been studied, there are clear ideas about whether or not this type of leather should be subjected to certain types of cleaning, ironing and drying. Next, it’s worth moving on to the basic requirements for storing such a thing.

Outerwear made of genuine leather should be stored in an upright position on soft, wide hangers and in a dry place. If the jacket lies for a long time, even neatly folded, then rough folds will certainly form at the fold, which will be difficult to get rid of. In order to avoid stretching the pockets, it is necessary to remove the contents from them in advance. Items such as keys, phones and iron coins can significantly damage the appearance of your pocket. It is preferable to choose soft and wide shoulders for the same reasons, since some types of leather are strongly subject to stretching and sagging.

Before use, you must treat your leather jacket with a special water-repellent aerosol or lotion. This product forms a protective light and invisible layer on the surface of clothing and protects it from moisture absorption and getting wet. In damp and humid weather, it is necessary to treat the jacket 2-3 times a week if it is worn frequently. In addition to the water-repellent emulsion, it is necessary to use moisturizing creams and aerosols designed to nourish the skin. These nutrients can moisturize the skin and prevent cracks and premature abrasions from appearing on it.

First of all, the collar area, cuffs on the sleeves, pockets and the bottom of the jacket are processed. These places are most often subject to friction, both with the body and surrounding objects. It’s still not worth getting carried away with such nourishing products, since the material can be noticeably over-moistened, and the skin will become much darker in the places where the products were applied. It is worth noting that it is enough to treat a leather jacket with this product once a week. It is necessary to choose care products only those intended for clothing. But there are several deviations from the rules. For example, castor oil perfectly nourishes and gives a glossy appearance to leather products.

Regular cleaning of clothes will help avoid problems with removing old dirty stains. In order to clean a leather product from dirt, you should first use a dry and soft cloth. The area of ​​contamination is wiped and traces are removed. If there is a need to clean with a damp cloth, then you should first check how the skin reacts to moisture. For example, this type of leather, like husky, is very delicate and does not tolerate excess moisture. Laika products are designed for dry and warm weather. When water gets in, dark stains appear on it, which are difficult to get rid of. It is cleaned only with a dry method, and in case of severe contamination, it is sent to dry cleaning. Caring for a leather jacket and using one or another method for this depends on the type of leather.

There are also certain rules for preparing things for long-term storage, namely, when it comes to the season, the jacket must be cleaned of dirt. To do this, first wipe it with a soft, dry cloth. After which, if possible, use a damp cloth to go over the entire surface of the item. To dry, outerwear is hung in a dry and well-ventilated area and always on a trempel. It is hung in the wardrobe already in a special case made of natural material, inside of which you can place a sachet with a pleasant aroma against harmful insects and parasites. It is recommended to use covers for storing clothes to prevent external mechanical damage and exposure to sunlight.

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What if the leather jacket is white?

White color is no more easily soiled than dark shades, but dirt is more noticeable on it, so when the jacket is made of light leather, it requires more attention.

It is advisable to remove blood stains as quickly as possible; if the protein compound is absorbed into the material, it will be more difficult to remove it later. Therefore, dirt is removed using a cold soap solution, then the clothes are dried naturally.

Hydrogen peroxide will help restore the skin's original whiteness, but we must not forget that this is an aggressive drug, and paint is not always able to withstand its influence . First, you need to try rubbing the areas from the inside; if no changes occur, then cleansing from the outside is also allowed.

An aspirin tablet dissolved in water can also serve this purpose. After the influence of these solutions, it is necessary to wipe the leather surface. But if you can’t remove the stain yourself, you’ll have to take it to the dry cleaner.

Removing unpleasant odor

The skin has the ability to absorb different odors, which, when mixed, form a persistent unpleasant odor. To remove it, you need:

  • Ventilate by taking it out into the fresh air.
  • Remove dirt using one of the following methods.
  • Fill the bathtub with hot water, add vinegar or ammonia. Hang a jacket over the bathtub to absorb the steam.
  • Wrap the jacket in newspapers for a few days.
  • Sprinkle with coffee (only dark colored jacket!).

Washing a leather jacket

It is not news that skin becomes deformed and deteriorates from contact with water. Therefore, washing a jacket made of this material is fraught with irretrievable loss of an expensive item. The only thing that can be done is to wipe it not with a wet cloth, but with a damp cloth soaked in a soap solution. After this, be sure to wipe it dry thoroughly.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to wash the lining, but what if it does not come off? In this case the jacket is turned inside out , the lining is pulled back as far as possible, and with special precautions it is lowered into a basin of lukewarm water. Care must be taken to ensure that the outside does not get wet. Then the jacket is turned inside out and dried on hangers. These manipulations should not be carried out too often; they are allowed only in cases of extreme need.

And one more important point: until the item is completely dry, you cannot wear it, otherwise the leather may stretch and the item will lose its shape.

How to pet

It happens that while hanging in a closet for a long time, creases and folds form on a leather jacket. Over time they will straighten out, but what if you need to put it on right now? There are several methods for smoothing the skin:

  • Hang the jacket directly on hangers in the bathroom , but so that splashes from the shower do not get on it. Close the door and turn on only hot water. Under the influence of steam, the skin will steam a little and straighten itself.
  • Instead of a shower, you can use a basin of hot water and hang your jacket over it. The process lasts 2 hours, but boiling water needs to be added as it cools.
  • When you have a steam generator or an iron with a steamer at home, the problem is solved even easier. It is enough to direct a stream of steam at the deformed areas. Just don’t bring the tool too close, the maximum approach is 10 cm, otherwise condensation will settle on the skin.
  • You can also iron leather items with an iron, you just need to set the regulator to the lowest setting, and be sure to place a cloth or paper under the smoothing plane; there is no need to turn on the steam generator.

Then, after all the proposed options, it is enough to place the jacket in a dry room for a day, where it will dry and the folds will straighten out.

So, caring for this element of the wardrobe is not particularly difficult, just a little neatness and care, and it will respond with a beautiful appearance and will delight its owner for many years.

Restoring elasticity

Over time, the leather on clothing loses its elasticity and becomes less soft and shiny. But before you give up your favorite thing, try to return it to its original appearance.

Castor oil

Beat 50 grams of this product with egg yolk. The resulting mixture is applied evenly to the skin. After the jacket is dry, remove excess with alcohol.

Laundry soap

Dissolve half a bar of soap in a liter of hot water, add 1.5 teaspoons of ammonia and a teaspoon of fish oil. Rub the skin with this mixture.


Melt butter in warm water at the rate of 3/3. Add ammonia there in a ratio of 3/1. Thoroughly lubricate the surface of the jacket with this solution.

Acetone and ammonia

Wipe the jacket with one of these products and apply glycerin on top. But, since acetone is a good solvent, it is not advisable to resort to its help often.

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