Why I don’t wash my carpets at a car wash - a sad experience served as a lesson

I want to warn you. A couple of weeks ago I decided to take my carpets to a car wash. For 3 large carpets they calculated a fairly decent amount - 2532 rubles. Well, that’s okay, I thought, but the house will be much cleaner. As it turns out, I was very wrong.

The carpets were given to me completely covered with a decent layer of dust. The following response was given to my remark: “What did you want, roadway. Vacuum your home." But it turned out that dust is not the worst thing. I found a scattering of machine oil stains on one of the carpets. The workers categorically refused to return money for poor cleaning. They say they knew where they were going and should have foreseen all the risks.

How to distinguish a handmade carpet from a factory one

“Prima Cleaning” is a professional carpet dry cleaning in Moscow. For 15 years now we have been doing our work efficiently, which has made us a leader in the Moscow region, as well as in neighboring regions. Our cleaning company will help you clean your carpet or restore damaged carpeting.

The choice of cleaning products for a product depends on the type of stain, material, and production method: manually or in a factory. It is important to answer this question so as not to damage the coating in an attempt to wash it.

Why can’t general cleaning be applied to hand made products? The fact is that in their production natural dyes are used, which are not resistant to many powders or shampoos. These products are produced on the basis of acid or alkali, and this environment reacts with the natural composition of the pigment. To remove stains on handmade canvas, only PH-neutral chemicals are allowed.

The most vulnerable colors of natural dyes are red, burgundy and shades of blue. Under the influence of the detergent, they will blur against a light background, and a pale spot will appear around the bright pattern.

Is it possible to independently determine whether a carpet was made in a factory or by hand? Yes, you need to pay attention to some features:

  • Tag. If the item is made by hand, the label will be marked “Handmade” or “Hand made”. The products of craftsmen are valued higher than those produced by conveyor belts, so the label must contain such information.
  • Bright reverse side. The backing of a machine-made carpet looks dull compared to the front surface. On handmade products, both sides look colorful, expressive, and perfectly replicate each other.

  • Fringe. When made by hand, the side threads are a natural continuation of the main part of the carpet. For factory-made products, tassels are sewn on top, so the presence of seams is a sign of factory production.

  • Edge processing. The most skilled craftswomen will not be able to sheathe the perimeter of the product as neatly and evenly as a machine. Therefore, a clearly stitched edge indicates that it was processed at the enterprise.
  • Minor defects. It is human nature to make mistakes, but a programmed machine is not. The presence of a slight difference in the elements of the design, asymmetry or mismatch of shades is confirmation that the work was done by a needlewoman and not by a machine.

  • Plays of color. In small factories where products are woven by hand, it is not always possible to dye a large number of threads at the same time. Therefore, the material may have different shades, since it was colored in parts in several containers. The background of a handmade rug takes on an interesting color effect.

Knowing these features, it is easy to determine the manufacturing method and select the appropriate cleaning product.

How to start a carpet cleaning business. Market volume

Before you take any action, it is best to collect practical information and analyze the local market. First, you should study the local market and find out its capacity, what services are already offered, at what price, what equipment is used for cleaning, who the clients of these organizations are and whether such services are in demand in your area at all.

The first step is to count the number of potential customers. To make a rough calculation of the market among ordinary residents (we do not take the business segment into account), it is necessary to take the total population of the city. Let's assume it is 1 million people. Roughly speaking, if the average family consists of four people, then you have at your disposal 250 thousand individual houses and apartments or your potential customers. If we assume that every house or apartment has at least one carpet, then the market potential can be estimated at 250 thousand carpets. As the practice of entrepreneurs engaged in this type of business shows, the average area of ​​carpets is 6 square meters. meters (2 by 3 meters). In other words, the rough market potential in square meters for a city with a million people is 250,000 * 6 = 1,500,000 square meters.

Next, we consider the potential of the carpet dry cleaning market in rubles. To do this, open a search engine and look at the price of dry cleaning services per 1 square meter in your city. If we assume that the average price per square meter of carpet dry cleaning is 250 rubles, then the price potential of the market will be 1,500,000 * 250 = 375,000,000 rubles. Taking it as a fact that the service is ordered approximately 1.5 times a year, the annual market potential will be 562,500,000 rubles, the monthly potential will be 46,875,000 rubles. This figure shows how much all carpet cleaning firms operating in a city of over a million people could theoretically earn together. We emphasize that this is only theoretical and specifically based on services for the population. Then you should evaluate the density of competition for carpet dry cleaning in the city. For example, if in St. Petersburg (population about 1 million people) there are 128 companies providing carpet cleaning services, then if all possible revenue is divided equally among all, then each company can theoretically earn an average of 1,959,937 rubles per month. And for example, in Yekaterinburg with 62 points and a population of 1,455,904 people, such potential for one company will be 1,100,733 rubles per month. This simple mathematics tells us that, all other things being equal, the St. Petersburg market is almost twice as promising for the development of a carpet dry cleaning business as the Yekaterinburg market.

Number of organizations providing carpet cleaning services in the 20 largest cities of Russia

City Amount of points Number of points per 100 thousand population
Moscow 480 3,87
Saint Petersburg 128 2,42
Novosibirsk 130 8,1
Ekaterinburg 62 4,25
Nizhny Novgorod 65 5,15
Kazan 16 1,29
Chelyabinsk 80 6,67
Omsk 44 3,73
Samara 25 2,13
Rostov-on-Don 32 2,84
Ufa 55 4,92
Krasnoyarsk 73 6,74
Permian 21 2
Voronezh 22 2,11
Volgograd 20 1,96
Krasnodar 24 2,66
Saratov 31 3,66
Tyumen 72 9,37
Tolyatti 58 8,19
Izhevsk 11 1,7

*according to 2GIS data as of 04/02/18

Of course, all these calculations are suitable for a quick, superficial assessment of market potential. In reality, the balance of power is different: the level of use of dry cleaning services among the population is far from theoretical, and the distribution of the market between players is extremely uneven. For some companies, the carpet cleaning service may only be listed in the price list among other services and not bring any profit, while for others it can be the main source of income.

Somewhat more realistic, but again only approximate figures can be obtained by counting the number of requests on the Internet using the Yandex.Wordstat service. For example, for Yekaterinburg, the number of impressions for the queries “carpet dry cleaning” and related queries is 13,500 times. If we imagine that each of the requests certainly had the goal of making an order, and also the fact that about 40% of search requests come from Google, plus a certain number of customers are regular and place orders directly, then in the best case, the city will be able to calculate for 26 thousand orders. This means that the new company, in theory, can count on revenue of not 1.1 million rubles, but 629 thousand rubles.

Dry cleaning of handmade carpets

It takes a lot of time and effort to produce unique hand made products. It is unforgivable to ruin such a carpet during cleaning. Do not rub it, use a vacuum cleaner or household chemicals on it. For everyday use, avoid contact with liquids. But if something does spill, you need to call professionals. Handmade carpets are cleaned only at the factory without the use of aqua solutions. The processing technology at Prima Cleaning depends on the type of fiber from which the product is made.

How much can you earn from carpet cleaning?

If we are talking about on-site services, then one mobile team can fulfill 4-5 orders per day, earning about 6-7.5 thousand rubles per day, about 4 thousand of which the entrepreneur keeps for himself. That is, the monthly revenue with such options will be about 180-225 thousand rubles, taking into account wages and the purchase of raw materials, the profit will be 90-120 thousand rubles.

For a business in a workshop format, due to its greater throughput, the numbers may be different. For example, when cleaning 10 carpets with an area of ​​20 square meters daily. meters (250 rubles per square meter), revenue will be 1.5 million rubles. Net profit will be about 900 thousand rubles.

What material are handmade carpets made from?

  • Natural sheep wool is a warm, soft thread. To add extra shine, camel or goat fibers are sometimes added.
  • Silk is one of the most expensive materials. Products with a delicate gloss are obtained from the best varieties of these fibers.
  • Cotton is usually used to create the base of a rug or to highlight the contrast of its fine details.
  • Viscose is considered a synthetic material, but it is obtained from natural cellulose, a derivative of wood.
  • Designer carpets with adhesive backing are a stylish covering that can be matched to any interior.

Products made from different materials require special care when cleaning. For each of them we use the appropriate composition. At the beginning of the work, the technologist determines the type of fiber and contaminants. At Prima Cleaning, handmade carpets are cleaned in the most delicate way - dry.

What is dry cleaning

Hydrocarbon dry washing guarantees the preservation of the dye and fabric structure. This is a gentle cleansing without the participation of strong solvents. The essence of the method is that dirt is absorbed into the powder and removed with a vacuum cleaner, rather than rinsing it out in the usual way using water and detergent.

What are the advantages of the dry cleaning method?

  • Save time. The carpet does not need to be dried; it can be immediately laid on the floor or hung on the wall.
  • Gentle influence. The product is not damaged, since there is no aggressive environment.
  • Safety. The powder does not cause allergic reactions.
  • Complete cleansing. All contaminants are removed using a dry method, leaving no streaks.

Dry washing can be repeated many times, but it is not a cheap procedure. Why is hydrocarbon cleaning expensive?

  • High costs for cleaning compounds. Special products are consumed 4-8 times more than during conventional processing of factory coatings.
  • Expensive equipment. Delicate cleaning is carried out using the best machines that will not damage the product.
  • Technologist experience. When cleaning handmade canvases, you need to know the nuances of working with different materials.
  • Individual approach. Exclusive products are cleaned in different ways; the flow method is not suitable for them.
  • Manual labor. To avoid damaging the carpet, cleaning products are tested manually on the carpet. This requires increased attention and accuracy.

Each cleaning of a hand-made product is a process that is carried out in several stages and requires a lot of knowledge and effort from the technologist.

Pitfalls in the carpet cleaning business

As you can guess, the carpet cleaning business is not as rosy as it might seem. Despite the fact that cleaning services are trendy today, in many parts of Russia you may encounter low demand for services because the population is simply not used to it. To better understand the specifics of this matter, imagine that all carpets in the city are divided into three main types.

  1. Commercial carpets.

    These are carpets that are used in organizations and companies. Most often these are so-called dirt traps, which are located at the entrances. The peculiarity of such carpets is that they are made specifically for automatic cleaning. They can be easily washed with the cheapest shampoos and an ordinary high-pressure washer. The advantage of such carpets for business is a quick service process and regular customers. The downside is that large cleaning companies have long staked out a majority of the market.

  2. Homemade cheap carpets.

    No dry cleaning services required. It’s easier for the owners to get rid of them and make a new interior, take them to the dacha, or, at most, clean them with snow or at a car wash.

  3. Homemade expensive carpets.

    They require expensive equipment and knowledge of the specifics of cleaning. The disadvantages of working with expensive home carpets are high risks in case of damage, high costs of fixed capital. Pros - the price for cleaning can be set much higher than usual.

It is not difficult to conclude that the carpet dry cleaning business is far from a “gold mine”. For new companies, entering the market does not mean a guaranteed flow of clients, but rather a rather difficult struggle for an audience and a gradual recruitment of a loyal client base through the provision of high-quality carpet dry cleaning services. Therefore, many entrepreneurs are trying to switch to several types of cleaning services, including cleaning furniture, windows, general cleaning, post-construction cleaning, and so on.


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Dry cleaning of factory made carpets

Products created at the factory also need care and careful handling. The following fibers are used for production:

  • Synthetics. The edges are finished with an even, dense row of stitches on both sides. The fringe is sewn to them separately. If you set fire to a fiber, it will not catch fire, but will melt.

These carpets clean best. They can be entirely machine washed using water-based solvents.

  • Wool. Like all factory products, this carpet has smoothly processed edges. The pile is matte, without a glossy sheen. The thread burns without an unpleasant odor.

Wool fibers are the strongest natural fibers. But cleaning them with ordinary detergents is unacceptable. Chemicals harm threads and dyes, the product is deformed, and the design on it deteriorates. Professional dry cleaning uses organic products that do not contain perchlorethylene or water-based formulations.

  • Viscose. “Cracks” appear on the outside of the product when folded. The reverse surface is smooth, with even rows of knots. When burning, the smell of burning paper is felt, and the thread itself turns to ash.

When exposed to aggressive chemicals, such a carpet sheds and the fibers lose their shape. During dry cleaning, we carefully remove dirt from viscose coatings.

  • High pile carpets (“shaggy”). They do not have a smooth edge. The height of the pile is up to 10 cm. The thread is matte, the surface does not have complex patterns. The fibers do not smolder, but ignite.

When cleaning, a spray extractor method is used. Due to the size of the pile, it requires more water than other carpets and takes a long time to dry.

  • Silk. The surface of the products does not break when bent; they are soft and pleasant to the touch. When set on fire, silk does not burn, but melts with the smell of burnt hair.

Coatings require especially careful handling when cleaning. We use certified products made in the USA, used for delicate fabrics. Such carpets are processed using the dry method. Home cleaning of silk products is contraindicated.

At professional carpet dry cleaning “Prima Cleaning”, a specialist selects a product depending on the properties of the fibers from which the fabric is made.

Dry cleaning at home and at the factory

To clean factory-made silk carpets (as well as for handmade carpets), we use hydrocarbon washing in factory conditions. The remaining fabrics are processed in two ways: at home or dry cleaning. The client decides which option is more convenient for him. It all depends on the material, type of dirt, and where the carpet is used.

At the factory At home
Possibility of cleaning any products, including silk or hand made +
Use of industrial machines +
Re-processing if the result is unsatisfactory + +
Combing and styling the pile after drying + +
No need to wait for delivery and guess the time +
The carpet remains in its place for the duration of the entire wash, it is not taken to the factory +
The owner watches the process +
The procedure does not take much time, the result is visible after 2 hours +

Comparison of washing in a factory and at home

Carpet dry cleaning at a factory eliminates stubborn stains and persistent odors with better results, but doing it at home will cost the owner less.

Dry cleaning of carpets with a fence at the factory

When is it better for a carpet to be factory washed?

  • In order not to spoil silk or handmade products, they should be processed only in a factory setting.
  • Natural materials - cotton, wool, skins - should be dry cleaned. This ensures high-quality results.
  • Parquet, laminate and other floor coverings should not be wetted. If the carpet lies on such a floor, it will not be possible to clean it at home.
  • At home, you cannot wash the foundation, brushes, or remove advanced stains.&

Each stage of carpet dry cleaning with transportation to the factory is carried out using professional equipment. Small debris is removed using a dust extraction machine. Then the canvas is soaked and cleaned with brushes and selected shampoo. After this, it is rinsed, wrung out, and sent to dry in a special chamber. When the product is dry, it is vacuumed, rolled and packed in cellophane.

Factory Processing Methods

Depending on the type of fibers and their contamination, we use several methods of working with products.

  • Production line. This is continuous washing, spinning and drying using professional detergents. The product is loaded into the machine and goes through several stages of cleaning and rinsing.
  • Dry cleaning. A safe way to clean antique and expensive items without using water.
  • Cleaning with rotary machines. The devices are equipped with brushes of varying degrees of hardness. With their help, stains, microorganisms, and larvae are removed from the coating.
  • Steam cleaning. Pre-treatment in which contaminants are softened but not completely removed. Steam is useful in the fight against dust mites.
  • Ozonation. A method for removing unpleasant odors, mold and bacteria. The procedure using ozone is carried out after cleaning the carpet from stains.
  • Aqua cleaning. Delicate washing, which uses detergents based on water-soluble surfactants.

We carefully select the appropriate cleaning regime and detergent for a particular product.

Other carpet cleaning options

The use of Karcher-type car washes is limited, at least by their availability. If you do not have such a device, use the following options:

  1. The most reliable option among those listed seems to be the use of dry cleaning services in specialized companies. Professionals will ensure the selection of the most suitable chemical compositions, taking into account the length of the pile, the quality of its paint and the base of the product. In such establishments, the necessary technical means and places for proper drying are abundantly available.

Dry cleaning

  1. Store shelves are replete with “safe” chemicals for dry cleaning the surface of carpet products. The attached instructions provide the methodology for carrying out this work. But it is imperative to use powerful vacuum cleaners to remove residual cleaning powder from surfaces. The ecological purity of the drugs is conditional.
  2. If you have a washing vacuum cleaner with good efficiency and functionality, you can wash the carpet without moving it. You should not experiment with such low quality devices. The result is excessive wetting of the surface followed by unpleasant odors.
  3. Involvement of a clearing company. The result of the work of reputable companies of this profile is comparable to washing products in a dry cleaner.
  4. Washing small carpets in an apartment's home bath. The process is labor-intensive and thankless. An addition is the impossibility of horizontal cleaning and drying in a non-recommended vertical position.
  5. Cleaning products in the yard of your private household without the use of special devices. The method that was used by our great-grandfathers, proven over the years. In early times, brushes of different hardness, elements of beating and long drying of products were used. Troubles can also be associated with the presence of pets. Drying outdoors in the sun can cause paint to fade.

Drying carpets

Important! When using car wash services, make sure to use detergents designed for carpets. Other chemicals may be toxic and their use is likely to cause problems.

So, using car wash equipment to clean the carpet surface is possible. To obtain a clean product without loss of color and mechanical qualities, you must follow the above rules. Particular attention should still be paid to completely drying the carpet, and when directly washing, use detergents applicable to this type of product. Where exactly to wash a carpet is an individual decision, but it is a good idea to carefully study the reviews of customers who have had their carpets cleaned in the chosen location.

The video below shows the method of cleaning a carpet product by an employee of a clearing company.

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Carpet dry cleaning at home

If the carpet does not need a factory wash, the technologist starts working at home. It takes place in several stages:

  1. Use a powerful vacuum cleaner to remove dust and debris.
  2. Old, complex contaminants are removed separately.
  3. A foam solution is applied to the canvas.
  4. The coating is washed and dried using professional equipment.
  5. The pile is combed and straightened.

To remove dirt at home, the master resorts to one of the cleaning methods:

  • Extractor. Using a special vacuum cleaner, the detergent is distributed over the surface and penetrates deep into the carpet. A chemical reaction destroys dirt, particles of which are removed by the same unit along with the remnants of the cleaning solution.
  • Rotary. After applying the detergent, the rotating brushes clean the carpet. Dissolved dirt and dust are sucked out from the surface.

The equipment used is much more powerful than a regular home vacuum cleaner. The machines do not let through a single particle of dirt or dust stuck in the fibers.

How to make foam?

  • The simplest option is a large sponge. Cheap, but a little tedious;
  • Spray;
  • Much better and more efficient is a foam nozzle. It is not always included with the device. Most often, a foaming agent must be purchased separately. Since this nozzle is specifically designed to produce foam, it is worth paying the extra money;
  • Built-in tank. Some models of Kaercher car washes have a plastic tank for a chemical cleaning solution. This is where diluted auto chemicals are poured;
  • The most convenient option is the plug'n'clean system, which we already mentioned above. It is well thought out and safe. The used container can be easily replaced with a new one.

Dry cleaning of carpets at a car wash

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Many carpet owners use car wash services. This method has two advantages:

  • Affordable price. Car washes charge less than professional dry cleaners.
  • Rapidity. A convenient service if speed is important.

But these advantages hide a number of significant disadvantages:

  • Car wash workers were hired to wash cars and do not know anything about carpets.
  • Employees do not study the product, do not select a product, but use the first shampoo they come across. The composition is not tested for compatibility with the material.
  • Before washing, do not knock dust and debris out of the carpet, but rub it in even more.
  • High-pressure washers used on carpet can damage the fibers.
  • The canvases are dried outside in direct sunlight.
  • The product may be damaged by the fence on which drying is carried out.
  • Return a damp carpet that has an unpleasant smell of rot.
  • They do not provide a guarantee on the quality of washing or the safety of the product.

Although the cost of such a service is quite low, all these actions can hopelessly damage the product, which will have to be restored at a higher price. No one is responsible for any coating damaged at the car wash.

With a 95% probability, after such a wash, a carpet containing jute, cotton, linen, viscose, silk, glue or unstable dye will be damaged. Synthetic fabrics with wool deteriorate less often - in 40% of cases. The completely artificial product tolerates cleaning and drying without damage.

Thus, it is best to wash 100% synthetic coatings at a car wash. Cleaning is inexpensive, takes minimal time and will not harm the artificial fiber product.

Instructions for cleaning Karcher equipment

It is recommended to wash the carpet on a firm surface with a slight slope

Before washing the carpet with Karcher, you need to do some preparatory work. It is important to find a washing area at the initial stage. A flat asphalt surface is best suited for the designated purposes. Ideally, it should be swept and dusted. The easiest way to do this is with the same Karcher.

If you find a site with a slight slope, the water will flow to the side by gravity during washing. This will make the process of rinsing the carpet much easier. There must be a source of electricity and running water nearby. Without them, the mini-wash will not work.

The carpet itself also needs to be prepared for washing:

The main goal of preliminary preparation is to eliminate the maximum amount of dust. The next stage is the selection of a suitable detergent composition.

Carpet products

Products intended for washing cars are not suitable for cleaning carpets and paths. There are household chemicals on sale that contain surfactants (surfactants). When they are dissolved in water and then applied to fleecy material, the level of surface tension in heavily soiled areas is reduced. Dirt quickly binds and is then easily removed.

The most famous product is “Carpet Vanish”. In addition to surfactants, its formula contains oxygen-containing bleach. The manufacturer has thought out the composition of the product in such a way that its use does not cause a strong odor. If you follow the recommended dosage, there is an aroma in the room after cleaning, but it is very light and pleasant.

Mild carpet shampoo is not suitable for pressure washing. The product is designed to remove surface dust and persistent odors (such as cat urine, for example). It is applied diluted directly to the pile, left for 20 minutes, and then removed with a vacuum cleaner. This cleaning ensures the removal of fresh dirt, refreshes the appearance of the product, and returns the original color.

There are no special chemicals for cleaning carpets with a high-pressure washer. Usually simple washing powder is used. It is first dissolved in water, then the soap solution is poured into the container of the mini-equipment. A foam concentrate nozzle is placed on the hose. Karcher is ready to wash carpets or paths.


The nozzle should be held at a slight angle

The equipment is connected to electricity, the resulting foam is applied to the carpet in an even layer. Where there are old stains, you need to hold the nozzle longer. In this case, it is better to hold the hose in such a way that the foam stream hits the product at an angle of 20 degrees.

It is impossible to direct the nozzle perpendicular to the surface being treated: the foam will drive dust into the base of the weave, then it will not be possible to remove it from there. In addition, a direct hit from the jet can disrupt the correct distribution of the pile. Creases form, which after drying will not look very nice.

When the foam covers the entire surface of the carpet, the equipment is turned off: the soap solution should lie for about ten minutes. Then the rinsing procedure begins. To do this, the powder solution is removed from the Karcher container. The device is connected to the water supply. Using a hose, the foam is thoroughly washed out of the pile (the hose must again be held at an angle of 20 degrees).

Removing stains

Stain removal is a complex and important dry cleaning process. The technologist is required to be able to determine the type of stain, understand the materials, and accurately select the appropriate detergent.

Pre-treatment of the product is carried out in the presence of difficult-to-remove contaminants, which will become fixed during cleaning in the machine. At the initial stage, debris is removed with a professional vacuum cleaner. Then the following steps are performed:

  • surface inspection;
  • determination of the type of pollution;
  • studying the carpet manufacturer's recommendations;
  • selection of a cleaning product suitable for the type of fiber.

First of all, the reaction of the paint to the product used is checked. To do this, a drop of the composition is applied to the wrong side. After 15 seconds, they remove it and look at the changes in the pigment: whether it has become discolored or “swimmed.” In this case, a more gentle drug is selected. If the color has not changed, proceed to stain removal.

Depending on the composition of the pollution, several types of stains are distinguished. An experienced technologist distinguishes them during inspection.

  • Protein – dairy products, blood, urine, results of sexual activity. Such pollution has a noticeable boundary. Old marks become hard and dark compared to the background.
  • Tannic – white and red wine, beer, juices. They have clear contours. Color ranges from light yellow to dark brown, becoming lighter as they age.

  • Chemical - felt-tip pens, paints, varnishes, pens, slime. They have a color characteristic of the source and clear boundaries. Over time, paint and varnish stains become hard. If you wet them with water, they will appear in the damp area.
  • Fatty – greasy, fat, dirt. They do not have strict contours. The color of fresh contamination is always darker than the main tone of the material. As it ages, the mark becomes lighter.

All types of stains are divided into fresh and old. Over time, the carpet becomes more and more difficult to clean from dirt, and after the formation of strong chemical bonds with the thread and pigment, it becomes irremovable.

Often the stain contains substances from different groups. Such pollution is called complex. They are particularly difficult to work with because each component requires separate cleaning methods. Sometimes it is impossible to combine them due to the characteristics of the fiber. In such cases, professional dry cleaners use complex stain removers containing several types of solvents and additives. These compositions provide high quality washing.

Thus, for stain removal, products are used that do not damage the dye or fiber structure. We guarantee that the product will not be damaged during the cleaning process, and traces of dirt will not appear over time.

Odor removal

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Home remedies for odor elimination typically mask it temporarily rather than remove it completely. Fighting an unpleasant odor on your own is a futile exercise. The professional dry cleaning company “Prima Cleaning” copes with this task.

Work to remove “amber” is carried out in several stages:

  1. Determining the location of the smell and its source.
  2. Removing debris and dust.
  3. Manual treatment of the area or complete soaking of the product if the source is not identified.
  4. Rubbing the cleaning solution into the carpet.
  5. Removal of the product using an automated method under pressure.
  6. Combing and drying the product.

The carpet attached to the floor is cleaned at home. Handmade products or delicate silk fabrics require special handling, therefore they are cleaned of dirt and odors only in factory conditions. Modern technology, combined with high-quality products, gives one hundred percent results in removing unpleasant odors from coatings.

Proven detergents

The lion's share of success in cleaning coatings belongs to the correctly selected detergent composition. And the key word here is correct. Carpet detergent should be selected based on the nature of the soiling, type of washing and the product itself. After all, a carpet, especially an expensive one, can be ruined not only by improper washing, but also by using the wrong product. Let’s make a reservation: it’s better not to wash natural handmade carpets at home! Not every person can do this correctly, and not every store can find the appropriate product. There is only one way out - specialized dry cleaning. Therefore, we will talk about choosing a product only for factory-made coatings.

Let's start with the fact that each brand of household chemicals has its own carpet cleaner. We will list the most popular and working ones. So, what and how to wash the carpet?

Cinderella carpet cleaner

“Cinderella” involves diluting the solution in water (4 caps), rubbing it into the carpet, drying it, and removing it with a vacuum cleaner. “Vanish” perfectly fights difficult, old, stubborn stains, has a pleasant smell, and washes out perfectly. The product is available in three forms: shampoo (for hand washing, antibacterial, for detergent-type vacuum cleaners), spray, powder. Each product is supplied with instructions, which you should read carefully. How to wash a carpet with Vanish? The shampoo is diluted in water, the foam is rubbed into the surface, dried, and removed with a vacuum cleaner. The same technology applies to the spray, which is sprayed and rubbed in with a sponge. The powder is intended for dry cleaning. It is scattered evenly over the carpet, lightly rubbed into the pile with a brush, left alone for the prescribed time, and vacuumed. Before use, be sure to find out in the instructions which product is suitable for your carpet.

Carpet cleaner “Shine”

The rest of the products are used in a similar way, with the exception of Kärcher powder, which is used exclusively in conjunction with a special spray device: the powder is diluted and poured into the tank. However, cleaning carpets with a detergent of this particular class at home is still possible: today there are devices on sale from this company that are intended specifically for domestic use.

Dry cleaning of carpets after flooding

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A burst pipe or a broken washing machine is a natural disaster on an apartment scale. Floors and carpets suffer the most from water. What happens to the product after flooding?

  • Stains and stains appear on the carpet.
  • The canvas exfoliates and becomes covered with waves.
  • The product acquires a musty smell.
  • Mold and pathogenic microorganisms multiply in the pile.

The carpet not only looks bad, but also harms the health of people and animals. Drying the canvas will not correct the situation if the product is damaged. It is important to put it in the hands of professionals in a timely manner, and not try to bring it into proper shape yourself.

Technologists work with carpets that have survived flooding in several stages. The duration and details of the process depend on the thickness of the pile and the type of fiber.

  1. Extracting moisture using the extractor method.
  2. Application of antifungal agents.
  3. Cleansing from impurities.
  4. Combing and styling the pile.
  5. Removing residual moisture.

It is important to assess possible damage and transport the product correctly so as not to permanently damage it. Therefore, when giving the carpet for cleaning, it is better to entrust its removal to specialists.

Dry cleaning of carpets after a fire

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If disaster knocks on the door in the form of a fire, the floor coverings will certainly fall into disrepair. Soot and soot spoil the appearance, penetrating deeply into the canvas. Carpets are saturated with the smell of burning and acquire an unpleasant musty aroma due to the abundant pouring of water during extinguishing.

It is not possible to fix these problems on your own. This type of work requires special equipment and cleaning products. Not only will they not damage the product further, but they will also save it by returning it to its original appearance.

Carpet cleaning after a fire at the Prima Cleaning factory is carried out in stages:

  1. Determination of the degree of contamination and damage by experts.
  2. Selection of cleaning products and mode.
  3. Removing debris and dust.
  4. Deep cleansing - application of compounds using equipment.
  5. Removal of dirt and solution under high pressure.
  6. Combing the pile and drying.

At the factory, not only dirt and odors are removed, but also hardness and freshness are restored with the help of special solutions.

Carpet repair and restoration

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Time leaves its mark on everything, including carpets. Both factory models and exclusive handmade products deteriorate. Their restoration at the factory is a popular service, which more and more owners of coatings are turning to.

What problems do Prima Cleaning specialists solve?

  • Holes. Working with this type of damage is a long, painstaking process in which the master manually restores the canvas with the pattern.
  • Burns. A specialist removes melted areas and restores them, carefully selecting each thread and shades of patterns.
  • Discolored areas and stubborn stains. Areas faded by the sun or exposed to chemicals are retouched and tinted.
  • Color blur. The dye spreads when in contact with large amounts of water or unsuitable cleaning agents. The technologist selects a new pigment and restores the drawing.
  • Wear of pile, fringe, moth eating, damage to edges - Prima Cleaning professionals can handle all defects. We strengthen the edges, add new tassels or fringe.

The repair sequence is usually as follows:

  1. Studying the product: type of fibers, dyes, weaving method.
  2. Preparing for work - cleaning the canvas.
  3. Return of form.
  4. Restoration of damaged areas.
  5. Recreating the original appearance of the coating.

Prima Cleaning provides repairs and delicate dry cleaning of carpets with delivery throughout Moscow and the Moscow region. We restore the beauty of paintings at a reasonable cost and completely eliminate any defects.

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