How to stop a dog from crapping in the wrong place at home: expert recommendations, folk remedies, medications. Why does a dog shit at home, on the bed?

The appearance of an animal changes the atmosphere and decor in the house. His clumsy attempts to walk and jump cause affection, but the occasional puddles cause indignation. In the first months of life, this is a normal phenomenon and you will have to make every effort and be patient to potty train your baby. But if this happens systematically or an adult pet suddenly begins to mark its territory, then it is advisable to analyze the situation. Useful advice from breeders and veterinarians will help you stop your dog from crapping in the house at any age.


Little puppies don’t realize that they don’t go to the toilet in the apartment. They are kept in quarantine for a certain period of their lives until they have received all their vaccinations. As a result, puppies are left with no options but to relieve themselves on the carpet or blanket. To keep the house clean, you can organize a tray and diaper.

At first, the pet will sit in the designated place, play, sleep, and shit on the floor. When you start walking, you shouldn’t rely on instincts. The dog will frolic, explore the area around, but not relieve itself. In puppies, the urinary system is not sufficiently developed, and if the owner does not notice the pet’s throwing, it will defecate in the house.

When an adult trained dog begins to relieve itself on the floor, it is probably showing resentment. This often happens when a pet was surrounded by caring owners and suddenly remains alone in the house. No one is to blame, since it is difficult for the animal to understand and accept new circumstances.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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It happens that a dog begins to shit in retaliation for an unfair punishment. Breeds are known to strive for dominance, and if the owner is too kind, a surprise awaits him.

We must not forget about diseases. If a dog eats exclusively dry food, it is at risk of developing problems in the genitourinary system. Hypothermia while walking can also cause incontinence.

Psychology of communication with a pet

During a walk, your four-legged pet not only performs its natural duties, but also marks its territory. By sniffing marks on the ground and vegetation, it obtains information about previous animals. The owner should not interfere with the dog's instinctive reflexes. Also, the dog owner must show that he is in charge and not allow him to lead the person during a walk.

Important! For obedient behavior, the pet is rewarded with a treat and always praised.

Any animal from the canine family considers the people with whom it lives to be a pack. The puppy must be made to understand in time that he is not the leader of the pack, but the owner. This issue is especially relevant with dogs of large breeds, which feel superior in mass and strength.

How to toilet train a puppy

House training a puppy takes an average of 5 months. With age, this process becomes more complicated, as a certain type of behavior is formed.

First you should arrange a place for the toilet. Pet stores sell special trays for dogs with low sides and diapers. The latter can be replaced with newspaper. Before a new family member arrives in the house, you need to remove carpets, floor coverings, etc.

First, you need to let your baby run around the house and explore it, and watch where he chooses a place to relieve himself. At these moments, the dog is controlled by instincts, it marks its territory. Where he walks most often, there is room for a litter box. The number of litter boxes is not limited, but should be reduced as your pet gets older.

A good quick training method is to cover the floor with newspapers. Every day you need to reduce the territory and move towards the tray. If your baby likes secluded places, it is recommended not to restrict access to them. For weaning, bowls with food and water are placed in places where puddles are common. This will automatically cause your pet to refuse to eliminate near this area.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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It is also recommended to constantly monitor the dog. As soon as she starts tossing and turning, you need to take her to the tray or to the diaper. It is advisable to repeat these same actions after sleep and food. When the puppy has done all the work in the right place, he should be praised, stroked, and rewarded with a treat.

If a small dog relieves itself in the house incorrectly, the puddle can be moistened with a diaper and placed in the tray. This way, the puppy is shown where he should pee. At first, it is advisable to rarely change a diaper or rag, and do not rush to wash the floor under the toilet.

Dogs, unlike other animals, are naturally clean and quickly learn the rules of hygiene.

Stop your dog from fouling in the house

It is impossible, without taking measures, to wean a grown-up puppy or an adult dog from crapping in the apartment. But it won’t be possible to act with force. In each individual case, it is necessary to take into account the reasons for bad behavior and eliminate them.


From 6 months the baby begins to endure, the urinary system is ready for emptying by the hour. Walking is introduced. In the first days there will be an acquaintance with the new environment, and upon returning home, a trip to the toilet. Over the months of quarantine, puppies usually develop just such an algorithm of actions. To discourage your pet from shitting on the floor, you need to use the following tricks:

  1. Half an hour before going for a walk, feed the dog and wait until it starts looking for a place.
  2. It is recommended to stay in the air with her for a long time and give her something to drink at the first request. If she wants to go to the toilet in the house, she will soon not be able to stand it and go to the grass.
  3. When the long-awaited event happens, you need to praise the baby.

If the puppy turned out to be a tough nut to crack and peed or pooped in the apartment after a walk, then next time it is better to go with him to a place where other dogs gather and praise someone else’s pet for toileting.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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The intervals between going out for a walk should not exceed 8 hours.

Adult dog

If an animal appears in the house from other owners, then you will have to be patient to accustom it to the street and stop it from crapping in the house. You can’t be angry at failures; for him, moving and changing his family is a lot of stress. The situation may also be due to resentment. You need to show care, don’t be lazy to stroke and praise him once again. A slow development of the regime is needed.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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If suddenly your dog starts peeing or pooping on the carpet, you first need to find the reason in your relationship with it.


  • a child or another animal appeared in the house;
  • a full-time job appeared;
  • the pet is often left alone, he lacks attention and it does not matter whether he is an adult male mastiff or a female lapdog.

You need to endure and pay every possible attention to your pet.

If a dog deliberately shits in the house in the absence of the owner, you can try leaving him in a special cage. There must be food, water, soft bedding and favorite toys inside. You should start getting used to a new habitat when all household members are in the house.

Teaching an adult dog to go to his place, and not to the carpets, is possible only with determination and rigor. It is important to show disapproval and frustration, as many breeds are driven by a desire to dominate.

If an old dog begins to pee and poop in the house, it is recommended to take it to the veterinarian. You may have to come to terms with the problem due to a disease of the urinary system. The doctor can recommend hygiene products and talk about care.

Prohibited and permitted methods

It often happens that people take a dog into their family without studying the main points of raising it. This threatens permanent puddles and piles around the house, which over time will introduce a persistent smell of feces into the atmosphere of the apartment. If all efforts are in vain and the puppy continues to poop in inappropriate places as he gets older, it means the owners are doing something wrong.

What is not recommended to do:

  1. You cannot raise your voice at the animal while the pet is defecating and immediately after it. Such actions will develop the wrong reflex in the dog; it will begin to shit in secret places or eat excrement in order to hide traces of the crime.
  2. It is prohibited to hit an animal or poke its nose into a puddle. The pet will be afraid of such treatment.

How to proceed:

  1. Regularly take the animal to its place at the same time. You can’t take him outside or take him to the toilet today and skip all the events tomorrow.
  2. When the dog does the right thing, you need to praise it with treats, pet it, and hug it. In the future, she will do anything for approval.
  3. If you constantly repeat the same actions, the animal will remember them and will not crap in the house.

When a baby misbehaves, the owners should scold him with behavior, not screaming. It is important to show frustration and dissatisfaction. Representatives of decorative breeds and many large dogs can be punished by ignoring them. For them, there is nothing worse than lack of attention.

Worth remembering

Urine stains on your favorite carpet or floor can be a little damaging to your relationship with your dog. Prevention is better than cure. Our tips that you have read previously have been verified. However, they cannot predict what is wrong with your dog from a distance. To be sure, contact a good specialist. It is worth choosing only proven animal psychologists and behaviorists. Avoid fire trainers who do not understand the needs of dogs. If someone offers you a 5-second solution in the form of electric collars or spikes. For the good of the dog - run!

Chemical and folk remedies

If regular trips outside and visits to the litter box do not help to wean your dog from peeing in the wrong place in the house, you can arm yourself with special means. They are sold in a wide range in veterinary pharmacies and pet stores. To choose the right product, it is recommended to consult and get advice from a specialist. He will tell you how to use it correctly and when to expect results.

The most popular means:

  • Antigadin;
  • Fresh;
  • Puppy Trainer;
  • Smart spray;
  • Ordagone, etc.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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They contain substances that cause urine to dissolve and odor to disappear. The effect occurs 1-2 hours after spraying. It is necessary to select a different product for each pet, since not everyone reacts equally to the repeller.

If you don't trust chemicals, you can treat the carpet and floor with household products from the kitchen cabinet.

  1. Medical alcohol. After applying it, the dog will avoid the scalded area for a long time. It is recommended to place swabs with alcohol around the perimeter of the apartment.
  2. Vinegar. The pungent smell scares the dog away and forces him to look for a new toilet.
  3. Soda. It is enough to sprinkle it on a puddle, and it will neutralize the urine.
  4. Citrus. To wean a puppy from shitting, fruit skins are laid out around the house, and the marked areas are treated with their juice.

It is recommended to be careful when handling folk remedies so as not to harm your pet. Too aggressive solutions and products can burn the nasal mucosa.


All dogs simply cannot stand the smell of rubbing alcohol! If the dog smells a hated aroma, then for a long time he will not approach the place where the echo of this substance came from.

Soak cotton pads in alcohol and place them along the beds.

At home, it is enough to simply wash the floor or wipe the carpet with a cloth soaked in water with a small alcohol content.

This smell lasts for a long time, the dog should have enough time to stop shitting.

Common mistakes

Teaching a puppy or adult dog to go potty correctly takes a lot of work. Animals, like children, understand only a good attitude, so many novice breeders make a number of mistakes:

  • harshly punished for pranks;
  • pronounce the nickname too loudly and in a negative connotation;
  • equip one toilet;
  • close the bathtub, the room where the dog likes to relieve itself;
  • beat the animal;
  • change the location of the tray;
  • walk with your pet at different times;
  • do not follow the meal schedule;
  • They are not raising a dog.

Is it worth punishing for wrong behavior?

If the dog disobeys and refuses to follow commands, it must be punished. When the owner notices that the dog is about to mark the territory, that is, a house or apartment, it is better to prevent this activity. By allowing the pet to mark corners, the owner automatically loses the role of the leader of the pack, which he must be. You need to scold the dog and put him in the tray.

The dog also responds to the owner’s aggression with aggression.

Important! The punishment should not be too severe; it is unacceptable to shout at the dog or hit it. Compliance with commands is achieved by regular training of the animal.

The process of raising a well-mannered pet should be approached consistently and seriously. It is necessary to follow a daily and feeding schedule. Puppies are walked 5-6 times a day after meals, adult dogs - before feeding.

Pets of small breeds, such as pugs, spitzes or toy terriers, prefer to urinate on a diaper, especially in the cold season. You should accustom your pet to one specific place, without praising it, so that it understands that it is optimal to defecate outside.

Veterinarian advice

If a person loves a dog, it will definitely reciprocate. Of course, one cannot ignore and silently remove puddles and piles from it; it is necessary to build a correct line of behavior.

Veterinarian advice:

  • if the baby has done something dirty, then it is advisable to talk to him in a stern tone;
  • when the dog starts looking for a place to shit, you need to drop something or hit it to distract attention and quickly take it to the toilet;
  • While walking, it is recommended to find a friend for your pet. He will become an example of behavior.
  • It is advisable to play with the dog in the fresh air until its intestines and bladder are full.

If a male dog cannot be trained, then perhaps it is time to castrate him or breed him. As an alternative, drugs are used to regulate sexual heat.

Many families adopt a dog for fun and do not train it. Therefore, problems begin with the animal’s behavior and toilet. But if you systematically deal with the animal, then these problems can be avoided.

Actionable recommendations

Regardless of the age of the dog, the following rules must be observed:

  • Contain emotions. Do not raise your voice or engage in physical violence. The pet will only get scared and hide the results. Poking his nose is also useless; the dog will begin to eat his own excrement. It is better to stop incorrect behavior with the help of appropriate commands. The animal must be taken for a walk to complete the process.
  • Punish wisely. The tone should be upset and impressive. You should defiantly ignore your pet and not play with it, and put away its toy for a couple of hours. An adult pet can be easily hit with a rolled-up piece of paper or a slipper.
  • Maintain consistency. A clear schedule, the same commands, and responses to the right behavior are important.
  • Walk more. If possible, wait for the results of each walk.
  • Encourage success. Give treats, show strong emotions (pets feel them).

A dog can pee only twice a day, but this is not good for health. Therefore, be sure to walk 3-4 times a day.

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