How to get rid of woodlice in an apartment using industrial means and folk methods

Woodlice in the house: Pixabay Woodlice in an apartment is a rather unpleasant neighborhood. These tiny creatures look disgusting and can become a source of infectious disease in humans. If wood lice appear in the house, you need to get rid of them immediately. Advice from experts in the field of housekeeping will help in this difficult task.

What do woodlice look like that live in apartments and houses?

Woodlice are different. The most common woodlice found in our homes are the common woodlice and the rough woodlice. They have an oblong body, divided into several segments, each of which has a pair of legs. An adult woodlice can reach a length of 20 mm.

At the sight of danger, some species curl up into a hard ball, while others successfully imitate death.

Woodlice reproduce quite quickly, laying eggs.

  1. The most famous species is the common woodlouse (Armadillidium vulgare). She has a dark body color and a high shell. Favorite habitats are damp basements and cellars of private houses. At the slightest disturbance, this type of woodlice curls up into a miniature ball.

    Common woodlouse settles in damp basements or cellars of houses

  2. The second most common species is the rough woodlice (Porcellio scaber). She lives mainly in apartments. Distinctive features of this variety:
      carapace with a reddish tint;
  3. ability to crawl quickly;
  4. lack of ability to roll into a ball.

    Woodlouse likes to live in apartments with high humidity

Penetrating into houses and greenhouses, woodlice can cause significant damage to agricultural products. For this reason, they are unwelcome guests not only in apartments, but also on farms, gardens and orchards.

Detailed description of appearance

Her appearance is rather unremarkable. The color can be white, gray, light brown or brown.

The body is oval in shape and tapers towards the bottom. Consists of segments and is covered with a shell. It has a strong chitinous shell, on which there are many pores, because of this the body does not retain moisture well. In the back of the body there are bifurcated tubes, it is through them that water enters the body. Some species may have a pattern on their back.

The body has a head and abdomen. Woodlice have 7 pairs of legs across two branches. One pair overlaps the other, and the outer branches create a strong frame. And on the internal vapors there are respiratory outgrowths and they perform the function of gills.

The front legs have respiratory organs in the form of air cavities that open from the outside. The first segment of the abdomen covers the head; the last segment has a deep notch.

There are two pairs of antennae on the head: antennae and antenullae. The anterior pair is not fully developed. The second helps you navigate and perceive the world around you. The eyes are located on the sides of the head. The upper jaws do not have tentacles.

Reference! The chitinous shell that covers the body periodically becomes small and then the woodlice begins to molt. They dump him. There can be as many molts as the woodlice grows.

Where do wood lice most often appear?

Owners of homes in which woodlice have settled often wonder: where and why do they come from? Pests appear in residential premises, moving from basements and attics. One of the woodlice's favorite places is the bathroom. They can also start up in the kitchen, balcony, toilet and sometimes in the cavity under suspended ceilings.

Where and why can they appear?

The main factor in the appearance of woodlice in the house is the presence of dampness necessary for their existence. In addition, insects are attracted by the opportunity to feed abundantly. They use as food:

  • rotting vegetables or fruits;
  • trash can with leftover food;
  • flowers and soil with the required level of moisture.

The presence of these little pests in your home can also be indicated by chewed leaves and stems of indoor plants.

Woodlice often choose flower pots as their place of residence due to high humidity.

Preventative work

To prevent the appearance of wood lice, you need to take care of the cleanliness of your home. Do not leave spoiled vegetables in basements and pantries. Dampness is the main reason for the entry of uninvited guests. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain normal humidity in the rooms. Dampness can arise from a faulty ventilation system.

Note: There is a misconception that dehumidifying the air will save you from dampness. However, dry air is even more harmful to humans.

Stands for flower pots should be washed periodically to prevent the accumulation of stuck soil. The accumulation of dirty dishes and garbage can also provoke the appearance of woodlice. It is necessary to monitor the serviceability of plumbing fixtures. If leaks occur, the problem should be quickly resolved.

Any chemical or traditional method will not be able to cope with the problem if the original cause is not eliminated - contaminated soil in flowers, humidity and clutter. With comprehensive implementation of measures and elimination of the causes of occurrence, you can easily get rid of this insect.

How to kill woodlice: industrial means

Modern means designed for baiting various types of insects are excellent for getting rid of woodlice. There are currently several types of such substances on the market:

  • insecticidal aerosols;
  • spray concentrates;
  • powders;
  • insecticidal crayons (pencils);
  • gels;
  • sticky traps;
  • fumigators;
  • ultrasonic repellers.

Insecticidal aerosols

These include a variety of Dichlorvos, Clean House aerosol, Raptor for crawling insects, Combat Superspray. However, these substances are useful only when treating certain areas where large concentrations of woodlice are observed. These drugs are not suitable for ridding the entire house or basement.

Concentrated sprays

The most popular products are called Delta Zone, Taran, Xulat Miko, Tetrixy, Cucaracha, Get. With their help, the premises are treated by many representatives of disinfection services. Using these drugs, you can destroy woodlice over large areas.

Insecticidal powders

These preparations (Riapan, insect repellent Clean House, Fenaxin) are intended for scattering around the perimeter of the premises. The effectiveness of powders is not very high, since not all woodlice prefer to move on the floor. For this reason, their use is advisable only as additional control measures.


Such products are ideal for use on vertical surfaces, where wood lice are more susceptible: a large amount of toxic substance adheres to their shell. Crayons and pencils are great as barrier agents that can be used to treat the spaces around where insects enter your apartment.

Sticky insect traps

This option is suitable as a preventive measure and is not used as a primary remedy. Using sticky traps you can catch single individuals, but this will not solve the problem of destroying all woodlice that have settled in the house.


Although fumigators are traditionally used against flying insects, they can also be used to control woodlice infestations. As practice shows, these devices are very effective and allow you to get rid of annoying crustaceans with regular use.

How can you poison woodlice: industrial products in the photo

Insecticidal powders can only be used as additional measures to combat woodlice.

Among all industrial products, sprays are best suited for killing woodlice.

Insect chalk helps protect your home from the recurrence of woodlice.

Insect gels can destroy only a small part of the woodlice population in the house

Insect traps, like sticky gels, remove only a small part of the insects that have settled in the house. Fumigator is an effective means of combating woodlice.

The ultrasonic insect repeller is useless and has no effect on woodlice.

Ultrasonic repellers are the least effective in combating woodlice, the use of which gives practically no results.

Attention! The use of chemicals in the fight against woodlice is highly effective, but most of these products are unsafe for humans and pets.

The use of chemicals gives results only after preliminary preparation of the apartment, which involves blocking access to wood lice from external sources. Otherwise, processing will be required more than once.

When choosing and using a chemical to kill insects, follow the basic rules:

  • When examining the product on the counter, pay attention to its level of safety for people and animals, as well as the absence of unpleasant odors;
  • Before using the drug, read the instructions carefully. If necessary, use respirators and rubber gloves to avoid poisoning.

According to observations, wood lice do not tolerate treatment with hot steam. Temperatures exceeding 70 °C are critical for their life. This control method can be used as an alternative to chemicals.

Folk methods to help get rid of woodlice

There are many folk remedies for fighting woodlice. They have a certain level of effectiveness, as well as safety for pets and children.

The most popular method is spraying boric acid

One of the most common methods is to spray a boric acid solution in areas where wood lice accumulate. Using this product you can destroy a certain number of insects, but you will need to treat the room multiple times.

Boric acid powder diluted with water is a good way to get rid of woodlice.

Economical method of destruction - dry kvass

Dry kvass can be purchased at the store. Its smell repels woodlice, forcing them to leave the room.

  1. Take 0.5 liters of boiling water and dissolve 100 g of dry kvass in it.
  2. Spray the resulting solution in the bathroom, toilet, along cracks, on shelves, corners and on the floor.
  3. Close the room for 8–10 hours.
  4. After the specified time has passed, rinse off the solution with a cloth and clean water.

A solution based on dry kvass repels wood lice

We fight insects with soda and pepper

Baking soda and pepper are poisonous to wood lice. When the solution gets on the shell, it destroys it, leading to the death of the insect.

  1. Dissolve 3 grams of baking soda and 3 grams of red pepper powder in 1 liter of cold water.
  2. Use the resulting solution to treat areas where pests accumulate.

A solution of baking soda and pepper destroys the shell of woodlice, leading to their death

A method suitable for a basement, cellar or garage

Take salt and sprinkle it on the floor and in the corners of the room affected by woodlice. You can also prepare a saline solution and spray it over surfaces. Using this method, you will be able to drive away uninvited guests from your apartment, basement or garage.

Salt scattered in corners and on the floor makes woodlice leave the room

How to poison wood lice in the bathroom and toilet - video

What sizes are there?

Depending on their size, woodlice are divided into small, large and giant.

Little ones

The sizes of such wood lice range from 1 mm to 1 cm. Their color depends on their habitat. It can be blue, pink, yellow, etc. The habitat of small woodlice is living quarters and damp places. They feed on plant waste, mold and moss. They absorb moisture through milked tubes on the last pair of limbs. The secretions leave the body in the form of ammonia vapor due to the pores on the shell.


Outwardly they are no different from small ones. The only difference is their size, which can be up to 4 centimeters. One of these woodlice is the tongue woodlice.


Again, they are no different in appearance, except for their huge size. There are 9 species of giant woodlice in total. One of the largest of them is the sea cockroach, the size of which is 10 cm. The habitat of this woodlice is water. It belongs to the deep-sea inhabitants. Deep-sea woodlice generally have a body length of 15 to 40 cm. The largest giant woodlice caught was the giant isopod Bathynomus giganteus, which was 76 cm long and weighed 1.7 kg.

How to make bait and traps yourself

In order to kill woodlice, you can use homemade traps.

  1. Take a birch broom or a regular rag.
  2. Wet thoroughly and leave in the corner of the room overnight.
  3. In the morning, take this item out of the house and shake out the woodlice.

If woodlice have chosen a flower pot:

  • take raw potatoes or carrots and, after cutting out the core, place them near the indoor plants;
  • In the morning, throw away the bait along with the woodlice that have crawled inside.

It should be noted that these methods have low efficiency. Discarded woodlice can return to their favorite home.

No. 17. Heat treatment

This method is often used when colonies of woodlice are clearly visible visually and are at an accessible distance. The fact is that crustaceans die at temperatures above 70°C or when exposed to steam. Therefore, if possible, a steam cleaner or hair dryer is quite suitable.

As for indoor plants, very often the only way to save them is replanting. Before transplanting the flower into another pot, you need to rinse its roots well. If everything is very sad, you should lower the plant for 15 minutes in a container with warm water. Destroy any woodlice that float to the surface

Rating of the most popular means

According to the estimates of the majority of Internet users, among the specialized means to get rid of woodlice in residential premises, the most effective are:

  • Tarax is a universal insect repellent;
  • Scabengel bait gel. The substance is easily applied to any surface, does not have a pungent odor and allows you to reduce the number of woodlice in a few days. The main advantages of the drug are ease of use and high efficiency;
  • new generation dichlorvos “Varan”, odorless and safe for people and pets;
  • Get is a liquid concentrate, as well as an analogue of this drug, produced under the name “Master”;
  • Tetrix is ​​a potent remedy that contains cypermethrin, which allows you to get rid of woodlice for more than 70 days. This drug is very toxic, but it guarantees high results in the fight against any insects. Its use requires compliance with the precautions described in detail in the instructions.

Popular means of exterminating insects in different rooms - gallery

Tarax is an effective insect killer

Scabengel bait gel is liked by users due to its ease of use and high efficiency

Dichlorvos "Varan" is harmless to people and pets

The drug Get has proven itself well in the fight against woodlice

Tetrix is ​​the most effective drug that gets rid of woodlice for a long time

Reviews of the best means to kill woodlice

My husband and I started reading articles “How to get rid of wood lice”, the advice surprised us - wash the floor more often, dry the room, in the end all the articles had approximately the same information: only a team of professional pest control agents can deal with them, and not at once! We were about to call this team when my husband came across Tarax powder on the Internet. I want to say right away that there is very little information about this miracle remedy. And it really works, even for pennies!

Olga Ostapchuk

Based on my personal experience, I can say that dichlorvos Varan “Universal” produced by Sibiar OJSC (it seems that it is also produced by Arnest) perfectly deals with cockroaches, fleas and woodlice, but removing the latter is not so easy. It will be very useful for pet owners.


After a long search on the Internet, I ordered GET. I did everything according to the instructions and sprayed it all over the room. I did all this wearing gloves and a mask. I was lucky that I had the opportunity to leave home and there were no pets or children. After the first treatment, cockroaches and woodlice remained alive for some time, but gradually disappeared.

Svetlana Chi

Potential Difficulties

The use of chemical components may be potentially dangerous. This is why they require considerable caution. After the component used has taken effect, it should be removed from the treatment site. Children, family members with allergies, and pets should be moved to another place for the period of insect control.

The person handling synthetic products must wear a mask and gloves. Windows must be left open. It is believed that chlorine and quicklime have the greatest effect on wood lice.

A way to permanently remove insects: professional disinfection

If you live in an apartment building, and the use of different methods of controlling woodlice does not bring the desired results, you can use the services of specialized companies that disinfect premises.

Professional disinfection of the apartment helps to get rid of harmful insects forever

Ordering a service has the following advantages:

  • such services use drugs that are safe for people and pets;
  • The disinfection procedure is very effective. After treatment, woodlice will not appear in your home for as long as possible;
  • the use of special equipment allows you to neutralize hard-to-reach areas of the apartment;
  • In case of pests returning earlier than the guaranteed period, the companies provide re-treatment completely free of charge.

Before the disinfectant arrives, you need to move the furniture away, and after treatment you will have to do a general cleaning.

No. 26. Help from professionals

When all means have been tried, but there is no desired result, there is always a backup option - the help of specialized specialists. Today, many companies and SES provide services for the destruction of indoor pests. What are the advantages of such cooperation?

  • The correct medications will be selected (effective against wood lice and safe for people).
  • The professionals will accurately calculate the required amount and concentration of funds.
  • When working, special equipment is used that allows you to process the most inaccessible places.
  • A guarantee is provided against the return of arthropods within a certain period of time.
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