Is it possible to clean and do other household chores on Sunday?

Is it possible to clean on Sundays and Orthodox holidays? Believers who strictly adhere to church canons, regularly attend services, celebrate religious events and do not want to take on sin ask themselves.

Where did this ban come from? The fact is that cleaning, doing any cleaning means doing physical labor, which requires a lot of effort. On weekends and holidays, you need to devote yourself to rest and reading prayers. You can often hear that the church does not recommend doing laundry or washing dishes on Sunday. You can clean up on another day, so it’s better to do it in advance so that it’s clean on Sunday.

What Orthodox people don’t do on holy holidays

According to established traditions, on Orthodox holidays and Sundays, believers devote themselves to prayers and spiritual concerns. These days you need to distract yourself from worldly problems, forget about grievances and misunderstandings. It will be useful to take care of your relatives and help poor and sick people.

On Orthodox holidays, you cannot do any housework; it is not recommended to sew, embroider, knit, or work in the garden. It is also considered a sin to indulge in gluttony. In addition, believers should refuse to watch entertainment programs, TV series and various films.

The meaning of these prohibitions is that on Sundays and on religious holidays you should think about God, and not clog your mind with everyday problems.

Do not do handicrafts

Why are believers not allowed to create and do handicrafts on Sundays? If you carefully study the Bible, it says that certain things are forbidden to be done on the sixth day of the week, Saturday. The fact is that in former times Saturday ended the week, whereas now Sunday does it. Therefore, traditions gradually changed.

As for needlework, the clergy have nothing against spending creative time on this day, but in the old days it was hard work for a woman.

They don't work in the garden

Work in the garden on Sundays and religious holidays is also prohibited, since it is difficult work. This takes a lot of effort and time, makes you think about worldly concerns, while you need to think about God. Garden work can be postponed until another day.

They don't wash

In ancient times, in order to wash, you had to be well prepared: chop wood, light the stove in the bathhouse, and bring plenty of water. Since then, there has been a ban on washing on Sundays and Orthodox holidays. Then it was not possible to take a shower in comfortable conditions or soak in a bath. Today this prohibition is not strict, but deeply religious people try not to violate it. They prefer to wash the day before.

They don't clean up

The most important question that interests believers is: why you can’t clean on Sunday. There are several different versions of the origin of this ban. Orthodox Christians claim that when God decided to create the world, he did it every day, and on the last day of the week he decided to rest. This is where this belief came from, and since then believers have tried not to do household chores on their days off.

On Sunday you cannot clean also because on this day all believers go to church and spend a lot of time there. Cleaning can wait, because there is another time for this. But what to do if you don’t have time to do this on weekdays: live in the dirt or clean? If people clean up on Sunday or during a holiday, then you definitely need to ask for God’s forgiveness.

They don't wash

Why can't you do laundry on Sundays? Many years ago there were no automatic washing machines and people were forced to wash by hand. Now everything is much simpler, and many priests do not prohibit using a washing machine on weekends and holidays. Some people advise doing laundry on Sunday evening. However, there are still those who believe that this is a great sin. Some people only rest on Sunday and are unable to do laundry on weekdays. Therefore, they do not have a question about whether they can do laundry on Sunday.

They don't swear

Swearing is bad on any day, but it is especially not recommended to do so on Orthodox holidays. This shows disrespect for God. On the contrary, this bright time should be spent caring for others. Orthodox believers must learn patience and wish the best for others.

According to popular wisdom, what should you not do on January 20, 2022?

  • You can't do hard work. For this reason, January 20 is also called Lazy Day. If a stranger wants to give you a gift, refuse to take it, otherwise he will pass on his misfortune, illness or other problem to you. You cannot eat meat dishes on January 20th. You cannot walk around in dirty clothes and count small coins, otherwise you will have a financial crisis. Copied from the site:
  • The feast should not start with the first courses, so as not to lose the chance to achieve your goals this year.
  • Don't sit back and be lazy today. If there is no work, try to find something to do around the house. Otherwise, you risk spending a year in poverty.

Where did this ban come from?

Where and why did the ban come from, why can’t you clean and do laundry on Sundays and holidays? A large number of recommendations regarding prohibitions of any activity are based on centuries-old Orthodox traditions.

The customs have been followed for many centuries, which is why people still adhere to them. In ancient times, it was believed that only lost souls were capable of committing sin.


There are not as many church prohibitions as there are signs that religion does not approve of. For example, it is believed that you should not clean on Sunday because you might sweep money out of the house. As a result, the family will go hungry. On some Orthodox holidays, it is forbidden to swim, braid your hair, or use sharp objects.

All these signs, sins and similar prohibitions have nothing to do with religion and should not be taken seriously. You can clean and do household chores if it does not cause much difficulty.

How to spend a Sunday?

Sunday is the best day to spend with your family. Most often, it happens that you are busy with business all week, of course, but you try to free Sunday for cleaning and other household chores. It's better to go for a walk with your children, chat with your husband, or visit your parents instead. This will bring much more benefit to everyone than running around the house with a rag in your hands.

Some women believe that the holidays have arrived, so cleaning should be organized first. This shouldn't happen.

On a day of pleasant time with your family, you can think about spiritual self-development and attending church services in the morning. Believers prefer to spend their day off in prayers and other important matters. This practice clears the mind and prepares for the coming week. As for other activities, choosing useful ones is not so difficult.

What is recommended to do

If previously only household tasks fell on Sunday, now you need to diversify your leisure time. You can read useful tips on repairs and do them on weekdays, study culinary recipes and please your loved ones on the next Orthodox holiday. And if a woman decides that I want and can clean, and the house will be clean, then she has the right to do so.

The main thing is not to bother yourself by doing other things. They are best done gradually.

What do the clergy advise?

The clergy keep up with the times and do not get hung up on the prohibitions that were common many years ago. The Church claims that no one forbids washing or doing handicrafts. You should only refrain from hard work. Also during church holidays, visiting the temple is recommended. Sunday is best dedicated to God and family.

Almost all coronavirus restrictions are being lifted in Russia. But you will have to wear masks

Rospotrebnadzor approved

new epidemiological recommendations against the backdrop of a decrease in the incidence of COVID-19 and the high prevalence of the “omicron” strain.

Coronavirus restrictions are being lifted in Moscow

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin instructed to unblock travel cards for elderly people and people...

25 February 18:48

The department recommended canceling the occupancy standards for cinemas, theaters, concert halls and museums, as well as public catering. Among the current recommendations, only two remain: wearing masks and disinfection.

“The methodological recommendations relevant during the period of spread of the Omicron strain only recommend maintaining the mask regime in enclosed spaces and an enhanced disinfection regime,” the message says.

According to Rospotrebnadzor, the document concerns various areas of the economy, is relevant to the current epidemiological situation and was prepared taking into account the opinions of scientists and the experience of other countries.

The department explained that the decision to ease restrictions was made taking into account a significant reduction in the incidence and high prevalence of the “omicron” variant among healthy people without clinical symptoms. At the same time, the heads of Rospotrebnadzor departments in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation were instructed to keep the situation to combat COVID-19 under control.

Disease situation in the country

According to Rospotrebnadzor, the incidence of COVID-19 over the past week decreased by 27.6%. The indicator is growing only in six regions.

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Russia has passed the peak of COVID-19 incidence, but the decline in infection cases will occur more slowly...

17 February 16:38

“Based on the results of the eighth week of 2022, 875,280 cases of COVID-19 were registered in the country, the incidence rate was 596.45 per 100 thousand population, which is 27.6% lower than last week,” the department’s press service is quoted by RIA "News"


At the same time, in the structure of incidence, only 10.7% of cases occur in Moscow, the Moscow region and St. Petersburg, and 89.3% in other regions of the country.

Rospotrebnadzor reported that the incidence is decreasing in all age groups.

Over the past 24 hours, 97.3 thousand cases of illness were identified in Russia, and 12.7 thousand people were sent to hospital. The total number of people infected with coronavirus is approaching 16.5 million. More than 350 thousand deaths have been registered in the country.

Features of "omicron" and its symptoms

Coronavirus caused by the Omicron strain occurs in 97% of cases as ARVI or is asymptomatic, Rospotrebnadzor reported.

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Director of the Gamaleya Center Alexander Gintsburg spoke about the features of the coronavirus vaccine...

February 17 00:48

The agency continues to actively monitor the variability of the coronavirus, but notes that the intensity of the epidemic process for coronavirus infection in Russia is decreasing.

Doctor of Medical Sciences Tatyana Ruzhentsova told

that those infected with the “omicron” variant of coronavirus most often complain of weakness, headaches, blood pressure problems and memory impairment.

“In those who have recovered from Omicron, post-Covid syndrome manifests itself less frequently. Complaints include weakness, memory loss, headaches, dizziness, increased or decreased blood pressure, indigestion, and sometimes impaired taste or perception of smell,” Ruzhentsova noted.

According to her, in general, the manifestations are similar to those that were before, but less pronounced. However, the severity of post-Covid syndrome depends not only on the strain, but also on the characteristics of a person’s immune response, general health, timeliness and correctness of treatment, the expert noted.

Let's make a final conclusion

Any religious topic is not always completely clear even to believers, since there are many conventions.

Cleaning on Sundays and holidays is not strictly prohibited, so this ban can be called conditional.

There are stricter rules and commandments that must be followed. If there are any doubts about Sunday work, then in this case it is recommended to transfer all work to weekdays, and the last day of the week can be devoted to proper rest.

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Fourth Commandment

In this commandment, God calls people to work 6 days a week, but the 7th day should be devoted to serving the faith and performing holy deeds. The following are considered deeds pleasing to God:

  • take care of the salvation of the soul;
  • enlighten the mind and heart with religious knowledge;
  • engage in godly conversations;
  • help the poor;
  • comfort the mourners.

The Sabbath rest was given by God to man to restore spiritual strength and perform good deeds. By eliminating daily hassles, a person is spiritually renewed and comprehends the purpose of life. Work is important in the integrity of aspirations, but the salvation of the soul is considered more important.

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