Why you can’t wash floors with a towel: who came up with this ban?

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Each housewife has her own rules for cleaning her apartment and her own means at hand. When choosing a rag for washing floors, few of them think about existing signs and superstitions. Namely, popular beliefs prohibit using a towel used to wipe your face to wash the floor. But there is another, more practical explanation for this ban.

Signs and superstitions about washing the floor with a towel

One of the main signs says that if you use a towel to wash the floors, you can lose family happiness, since the towel will easily wash away the well-being from the house. It is also believed that by washing the floor with a towel and then throwing it away, you can deprive yourself and your loved ones of financial well-being.

Our ancestors did not dare to get rid of towels, because they were afraid of damage that they could cause with the help of a discarded towel.

Until now, many are confident that if you neglect the main purpose of the towel and wash the floors with it, scandals will begin in the family

If an unmarried young man or an unmarried girl lives in the house, then by washing the floors with a towel, you can doom them to eternal loneliness.

New life for old towels

If you don't feel comfortable throwing away an old item, you can find many ways to give it new life:

  • Napkins: Simply cut a towel into several small pieces and wrap some pretty thread or thin ribbon around the edges.
  • Mittens or mitts for the kitchen: the product is cut into squares, circles, etc., and sewn in several layers.
  • Shopping Bag: Cut out pieces from a towel, put them together and you have a great shopping bag.
  • Soft toys: they will fit perfectly into the interior and will delight you with their originality, especially if you take a towel of bright colors.
  • Sofa cushions: making them yourself is very simple. If you have a lot of old towels, they can also be used as filler, and they can be used to make cute bath mats.

Each housewife has her own opinion whether to use old towels for washing floors or not. Even when a superstition seems frivolous, pay attention to home advice about impracticality. And choose other rags for cleaning the room, and, if you want, use towels to make small, but more convenient and pleasant things.

Origins of the ban

For our ancestors, the towel played not only a practical, but also a magical role. It was believed that a spell could be placed on the towel, which would bring happiness and financial well-being to the home, and would help single people get married faster. Not a single church ceremony was complete without a towel; they also served as home decoration - often the towel was placed in the “red corner” under the icons.

In Ancient Rus', a towel could change the fate of its owner, influence the weather and surrounding circumstances. The main thing is to embroider one or another pattern. That is why throwing away or misusing towels was considered a bad omen. Towels were carefully preserved and passed on by inheritance.

What uses can you find for old towels?

There are many ways and possibilities to extend the life of a towel. It can be cut, cutting out frayed areas, and sewn in several layers. Makes a good oven mitt for the kitchen.

You can make several small ones from a large bath towel. The trimmed pieces can be used to make an excellent quilt.

Each housewife herself must make a choice: whether or not to use a towel for washing floors, whether or not to believe in popular beliefs. But in any case, we need to think about why all baptism and wedding ceremonies are still not complete without a towel, and in some villages embroidered towels are preserved, which are used to decorate “holy corners,” especially on Easter and Trinity.

AlinaAuthor of the article

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  1. Nadezhda April 22, 2022 at 10:11 pm

    It’s clear that if you take a towel - with embroidery and knitted lace, which goes from burning to burning and, due to its disrepair, is used when cleaning, it’s like desecrating the memory of ancestors...... But if you take a piece of terry cloth in the form of an old towel and use it for cleaning the floors What’s so terrible about it....., it’s very comfortable, there are no streaks and it wrings out well if it’s cotton.


Esoteric opinion

From an esoteric point of view, any thing stores the energy of the person who used it. Thus, the towel is able to preserve the energy of all family members at once. If you wash the floors with this towel, you can significantly disrupt people’s energy balance by mixing their aura with dirt from the floor. Such actions will lead to illness and misfortune.

Esotericists believe that a child’s aura is especially susceptible to destruction, and therefore all children’s things, not just towels, cannot be used for any other purpose.

Particular damage can be caused to a child if you wash the floor with a towel. Children's energy is very weak, so the harm to the health and fate of the baby will be very strong.

Another explanation: impracticality

From a practical point of view, there is another, “earthly” explanation why it is better not to use face towels for other purposes. As a rule, terry, bamboo and other types of products are purchased for the face and hands. The manufacturing material is distinguished by its structural density and absorbs moisture from the body very well, but it is inconvenient to wash floors with them. They cannot be wrung out, which leaves a lot of water on the floor. In addition, for example, a terry towel begins to lose its lint.

Products that are loose are also not suitable for cleaning. They leave behind significant water stains that are not absorbed, no matter how many times the floors are wiped.

So, given this explanation, it is not practical to use old towels for cleaning floors. Every housewife will simply have to wash the floor with another, more suitable rag.


Superstitious people believe in the existence of the brownie, and the little “master of the house,” according to popular belief, gets angry when the tenants leave their home dirty at night. On the other hand, the same beliefs prohibit cleaning in the evening.

In order not to anger the brownie and at the same time not to violate time-tested prohibitions, experienced housewives recommend doing the following:

  • If a person cannot devote a whole half of the day to do general cleaning at home, then you can make it a rule to break it up into parts. For example, you can restore visual order in your apartment all week, devoting no more than 10–20 minutes to this activity every day. The main cleaning, which in this case will require only a couple of hours, is planned for the weekend.
  • You should not use a washing machine in the evening, because dirty water coming out of the machine through a pipe into the sewer, just like garbage thrown out at night, can “wash” money out of the house. It’s better to wash in the morning, getting ready to go to work, or at lunch, if possible (especially since modern washing machines wash clothes very quickly).
  • You can use a vacuum cleaner in the evening if necessary, but you need to remember that the garbage it collects from the dust collector (as well as the garbage swept with a broom) should only be taken out into the street in the morning.

Of course, it is sometimes difficult for a modern person to find a few free hours to do a big cleaning at home. It’s better to tidy up your apartment for at least a quarter of an hour every day and make it a rule not to litter too much. Then the house will always be in order, and no evening cleaning prohibitions will be violated. It’s not for nothing that wise people say that cleanliness is not where they clean, but where they don’t litter.

Signs about windows

Angels sometimes look through it, you can offend them.

If the curtain breaks or falls, the owner of the room will have a fight with her friend. If a window breaks or cracks, the protection of the apartment is weakened. You are threatened by an evil sorcerer or evil spirits. The first consequences will affect communication with people.

In an apartment with windows facing north, few people stay for long. Sometimes this sign has a positive meaning - the most avid sloths in such a house may develop a craving for travel or another reason to spend less time at home. But more often we are talking about heavy energy, which repels residents.

You cannot wash the floors if one of your relatives has just left:

It is better to wait until relatives reach the appointed place

, and then start cleaning, sweeping, or washing the floors. According to the signs, otherwise you can bring trouble both to yourself and to those people who left. After all, previously it was always customary to say: after someone leaves, washing the floors means good luck, and also completely washing the road!

This belief can also be used in the opposite meaning.

If you really want the person who left to never cross the threshold of your house again, then after he leaves, scrub the floors in the hallway.

What does common sense say about washing floors with a towel?

You shouldn’t wash floors with old towels for more mundane reasons:

  • Often people use products made of dense material for wiping - bamboo or terry. They perfectly absorb moisture from human skin, but it is difficult to wring out such towels, which means the floor will be wet. And over time, the terry cloth will begin to lose its lint, leaving it on the wet floor;
  • paper and other loose towels leave water stains behind.

Obviously, after such cleaning you will have to wash the floor. If you wash a cork floor with a towel, it will quickly become unusable due to the abundance of moisture.

It is difficult even to collect water spilled on the table with a towel, all housewives know this

Folk signs about cleaning

Many superstitions that have survived to this day help to cope with troubles. Our ancestors believed that thanks to cleaning, we could bring prosperity into the house and protect it from any evil.

Cleaning on religious holidays is prohibited

On such days, it is important to think about spiritual growth and prayers, and not about worldly activities that can wait

You only need to sweep the floor from the farthest room to the threshold to ensure that all the negativity is included.

You cannot take revenge through the threshold, so as not to sweep away the monetary energy and attract the attention of ill-wishers to your family

In the evening, you should not take out the trash to avoid troubles and the outflow of monetary energy.

It is better not to involve guests in cleaning the house. While washing the dishes or helping you sweep the floor, they can take your happiness and good fortune with them, leaving you alone with your troubles.

You can attract poverty into your home if, after sunset, you wipe the dust and brush away the crumbs with a towel from the poor table. The crumbs need to be carefully collected by hand and then placed in any container to feed the birds later. According to the sign, this way you can attract happiness and money luck into your home.

During the waning moon, it is best to wipe dust, wash windows, mirrors and furniture. Housewives should know that washed and ironed items during this period retain their freshness and neat appearance for a long time.

During the growth of the Moon, they engage in activities that will help increase wealth and prosperity. At this time, you can water and replant flowers, clean the kitchen and prepare delicious and complex dishes more often.

This is interesting: How often do you need to vacuum and wash the floors in an apartment in different rooms - we describe from all sides

Negative energy

The direct purpose of the towel is to dry the body after washing. As it decays, it accumulates more and more negative energy. According to signs, using this item for cleaning can cause frequent illness, deterioration of health, and the development of chronic diseases.

Such a disdainful attitude towards the cloth with which family members previously wiped themselves leads to frequent quarrels and “washes away” family happiness.

Wash the floors in the evening

In Russia, it is generally accepted that cleaning is a thankless and ignoble task, the floors are washed only by a cleaning lady who “doesn’t have the intelligence for anything else,” then, let’s say, in Japan there is a completely different philosophy.

Every self-respecting Japanese respects cleaning and, during the process, sets himself up to think in a positive way. It is believed that if a Japanese does not take off his shoes on the threshold of any house, then such a dirty person can, regardless of the feelings of another person, walk through his life in dirty shoes.

Esotericists advise cleaning your home from negative energy more often, and doing this not only by washing the floors. Lighting scented candles, hanging special bells, and using various incense will help “clean” your apartment.

There are many signs associated with cleaning. In particular, superstitious housewives are worried about the question: at what time of day is it better to put things in order, and when it is not worth cleaning.

Often, after spending the whole day at work or with small children, only the evening is left for cleaning. However, many have heard that washing the floor after the sun has set is strictly prohibited. It was believed that as soon as it gets dark outside, evil spirits immediately begin to rule everywhere.

Evil sorcerers and witches performed their rituals at nightfall. For this reason, if you start washing the floor at night, you can deprive your home of positive energy. All the evil spirits can easily break into such an unprotected house and bring illness, misfortune, minor domestic quarrels and poverty to the household.

It was believed that the woman who loved to wash the floors at night had children who grew up extremely disobedient, and even in poor health.

Thus, washing the floors at night means washing away all the good things from the house.

Folk signs about cleaning the house at night

Why can't you wash your floors in the evening? Popular superstitions say that with the onset of darkness, evil spirits seek refuge, and find it precisely where people clean their houses after sunset. First of all, this is due to the so-called “washing out” of happiness from the hut. Each housewife has her own opinion on this matter. However, many of them noticed that after washing the floors in the evening, children begin to get sick, quarrels with their husbands become more and more serious, money leaves the family as quickly as during the garbage collection.

Due attention must be given to the brownie - the invisible owner watches over the house and also gives certain signs to his household. For example, when in an apartment, for no apparent reason, cabinets begin to creak, pipes make noise at night, as if someone is banging on them from inside, food quickly spoils, then this is a sure sign that the brownie does not like unclean housing, therefore , evil spirits will gradually fill all the space around

Folk omens, centuries later, have brought down to our times a wonderful way of fighting the dark forces that, for one reason or another, have settled next to a person. So, you can check whether there are evil spirits in your home in this way: take a church candle, light it and carry it throughout the house. If the light begins to move chaotically, as if from a draft, and starts to smoke, then there is cause for concern. Of course, there is no need to panic, in any situation there is a way out - folk signs advise sprinkling the house with holy baptismal water, lighting as many aroma oils and other church incense as possible.

Is it possible to wash the floors and tidy up before leaving home?

There are as many approaches to order in the house as there are people living on earth. Some people clean at any time of the day and under different circumstances. Some lovers of cleanliness and comfort still listen to folk signs that do not recommend doing this before leaving.

Why can't you clean up when someone leaves?

When going on a trip, people often resort to traditions established by their ancestors. Before a long journey, they always prayed in front of the images and took a blessing. No one sets off on a journey without first sitting down for 1-2 minutes. There is another well-established sign that prohibits washing floors on the day of departure of guests or relatives.

Failure to comply with this belief threatens the following negative consequences:

  • the trip may end in an accident or disaster along the way;
  • unexpected health disorder, injury;
  • troubles due to loss of luggage or money.

Experts in folk signs believe that those who neglect them may not return to the house from which they set off at all.

Is it possible to do cleaning immediately after guests or relatives leave?

Visits from loved ones always involve unnecessary cleaning of the apartment. These include mountains of dishes, food waste from prepared treats, as well as chaos in the hallway and common areas.

As soon as the guests leave the hospitable home, the hostesses try to quickly restore order and begin to clean up. However, guided by popular wisdom, you should not start a full-scale cleaning right away. You can start with the following procedures:

  • wash the dishes and put them in cabinets;
  • clean and wash the plumbing;
  • remove excess house shoes in the hallway, put things in order on the hanger;
  • if necessary, change the bed linen and send it to the wash;
  • tidy up the living rooms: put back books, magazines, audio CDs, collect toys;
  • To water flowers.

It is believed that the person seeing him off with a broom (or vacuum cleaner) sweeps the path ahead for the person. And washing the floors completely deprives him of luck.

Recommendations for cleaning the house from which you travel

When accompanying a relative or close friend on a trip, do not start urgent cleaning work. This is never done directly before the road. Firstly, the upcoming training camps will interfere with putting things in order. And secondly, there are things that are prohibited “on the road”:

  • Departing guests must reach their home before the host takes up the doormat.
  • When sending someone from your family to the resort, take your time to restore cleanliness and order. In case of urgent need, you can wash the floors no earlier than the next day.
  • It will be easier for a husband leaving on a business trip or to study to get to his destination if no one follows him to take out the trash, sweep or wash the floors.

If the matchmakers who came to negotiate the wedding have left the house, then hasty cleaning can ruin all plans. A failed celebration and offended future relatives will be the result of these imprudent actions.

It is considered a positive sign to thoroughly sweep and wash the stairs in the entrance before the upcoming journey. Such an action, as it were, clears the path and eliminates all unwanted events that may happen on the journey.

When to start cleaning after guests leave

When a person is about to leave, they always wish him a happy journey or an easy journey. The reasons for this go back to antiquity - then travel was an event that was accompanied by danger.

Imperfect means of transportation and robbers on the roads could cause a lot of problems at any time and pose a mortal threat. Therefore, the attitude of ancestors towards a long journey has reached the present times precisely with fear and worries for the life of the one who leaves the confines of home.

Signs warn you to start cleaning the house with washing the floors immediately after leaving. Without fearing for the life and well-being of a loved one, you can do this only a few days after the farewell.

The exception is unwanted guests who, with their presence, burden the owners of the house. For such visitors, they try to wash the floors by adding table salt to the water. This procedure saves the owners from damage and the evil eye of envious people. And uninvited guests are “washed out” from the house forever.

Where signs concern peace of mind for the safety of loved ones, time is powerless. The robbers on the roads have disappeared, a wide choice of transport has appeared, travel on which does not always end well. That is why all rituals associated with seeing off on the road are sacredly observed in every family. It is better to adhere to the signs than to pay for inattention and indifference with debilitating experiences.

How to properly clean your house?

The day for cleaning the house has been chosen, now it needs to be organized correctly. According to an old saying, a woman should clean only with her head covered, otherwise she will not have time to do anything and will become a poor cook. It is also not advisable to clean up and wash the house with the windows open. Such actions can lead to quarrels with relatives.

Here are some other beliefs about proper cleaning:

  • The house should be swept in the direction of the kitchen. If you take revenge on the exit, you can lose your beauty and money (or simply “sweep your dirty laundry in public”).
  • The table should only be wiped with a rag or sponge and always on a plate (not on your palm). You cannot wipe the tabletop with paper - this will lead to losses and discord. Never sweep up crumbs by hand.
  • It is advisable to do all the cleaning in the house with one broom - if you use several, then all the goodness will “scatter to the corners”.
  • Garbage collected from the floor is not stored in the house, especially until the next day. You need to take it out as soon as possible, since it is very easily damaged.

Signs about glasses, mirrors and dishes

When cleaning, we pay a lot of attention to the cleanliness of windows, shop windows and mirror surfaces. But are we taking care of them correctly? For example, everyone knows that broken mirrors should not be kept in the house. But few people know that they need to be washed with the addition of holy water. This will protect you from the “evil one” who likes to look there and take away people’s health, wealth and luck along with their reflection.

It is worth adding a little holy water to the water for washing windows. This way you will protect them from the penetration of negative forces from the outside. And in order not to once again attract harmful brownies and kikimoras into the house, do not leave dirty dishes on the table. And, of course, do not keep plates, cups and glasses with cracks or chips in your home. Throw them away without regret, otherwise your “frugality” will cost you dearly.

All things have their own energy

Many astrologers and esotericists argue that cleaning the house should be approached wisely. Otherwise, you can bring trouble on yourself. But the fact is that all things have memory and accumulate energy. We don't see it, but it has a great influence on our lives. If you treat everything negligently, you can significantly damage it for yourself.

In order not to incur problems, when cleaning premises you need to use all four elements: water, air, earth and fire. This may seem complicated, but in practice it's quite simple. The first thing you need to do is wipe off the dust and carry out wet cleaning using water and household chemicals, then ventilate all rooms well. After this, you should walk around the entire apartment three times with a lit candle. You need to move clockwise from the front door.

As a result, you must return to the original point, where you should cross yourself three times and stand in silence for several minutes. Such cleaning should be carried out at least once a month, and the most favorable period is considered to be the waning moon.

The practical side of the issue

What to do with an old towel if you believe in folk omens? Try using it in handicrafts. First, wash the product thoroughly and remove stains. Pieces of terry cloth can be used to make a fun patchwork-style item, for example, a rug for the front door. The dense material makes comfortable oven mitts.

And for those who are not afraid of signs, there is nothing wrong with using an old towel to wash the floor. True, there are some disadvantages to this method: such matter absorbs moisture abundantly, but it is difficult to squeeze it out. As a result, puddles remain on the floors, and this is harmful for linoleum, and especially for parquet or laminate.

It is completely forbidden to wash a cork floor with a towel - this is a direct way to destroy it. In addition, an old towel is often littered with threads and fiber fragments, which interferes with the cleaning process. But even the oldest cotton terry towel is irreplaceable when you need to wipe the surface quickly and dry.

Each housewife independently decides what to use to wash the floor and for what reasons should she refuse to use old towels for this purpose. Folk wisdom and traditions are enough for some, while others are more concerned about the convenience of cleaning.


What days of the week can you wash and what days can you not?

  1. Monday . Signs do not recommend cleaning floors on Monday. On this day, otherworldly entities can run rampant in such a way that the housewife will pour out the well-being and happiness of the family along with the dirty water. In addition, the accomplice is the day of the Moon - the planet responsible for the emotional state of a person, which is better “not to interfere with dirt.”
  2. Tuesday . Tuesday is traditionally recognized as the best day for cleaning the house and washing the floors. On this day you can easily restore order. Tuesday belongs to Mars. So on this day people are filled with energy, and therefore physical exercise, which is cleaning the apartment, is very useful.
  3. Wednesday Signs say that in order for prosperity, mutual affection, and happiness to always reign in the family, wet cleaning should begin on Wednesday. This day can give a positive attitude to life, joy in the family, luck, and attract good luck.
  4. Thursday . Everything that has outlived its usefulness, all the negativity accumulated during the work week, will go away as soon as you wash the floors on Thursday. Cleaning is done in the afternoon, after opening the windows and doors. Such hygienic measures represent not only ordinary mechanical cleaning, but also energetic cleaning of the house. Attracts positive events. They try to use natural products to wash the floors on Thursday, and after finishing they decorate the house with new interior items or fresh flowers.
  5. Friday . This is the day of gentle Venus, which does not like tension. Therefore, from ancient times it was believed that wet cleaning was not recommended during this period - it led to impoverishment and financial losses. Besides, Friday is obstacle day. No matter what a person starts, everything will stall, be delayed, and not happen as planned. This also applies to something as simple as washing the floors. Situations may arise that prevent you from finishing what you started.
  6. Saturday . Regarding whether it is possible or not to wash floors on this day, folk superstitions and greetings are ambiguous. Some people say that this is a great day to carry out all the work related to cleaning the apartment, since the energies of the day help attract monetary luck and wealth, cure diseases, family happiness and harmonious relationships between household members. And washing your home makes it possible to activate all these energies. However, according to other beliefs, Saturday is the day of Saturn. Any physical activity on this day leads to overwork and shortens life.
  7. Sunday . Once again, an ambiguous day for cleaning an apartment. Christianity introduced a ban on cleaning during this period. It is believed that violation of the rule leads to quarrels and conflicts in the home circle, loss of cash flow, impoverishment, illness and accidents. At the same time, teachings much more ancient than Christianity believe that Sunday is the day of the Sun. A person at this moment is full of energy and there is nothing wrong with using it to cleanse your home.

On a note

Washing the floors before lunch on Tuesday or Wednesday will keep fresh air and positive energy in the house for a long time.

Experts remind that in addition to the day of the week, the phase of the moon is important. It is known that it is better to start important things after the new moon. Cleaning can hardly be called an “important matter,” however, it is better to do it during the waxing moon.

Household beliefs that attract prosperity and good luck

People have long noticed: in order to get rich, live in goodness and prosperity, it is not enough to work from morning to night. We need to enlist the support of higher powers. Luck has a capricious character. There are special household signs that help lure her into your home.

The surest sign of good luck is to find a horse's horseshoe. If you are lucky enough to find such an item, hang it above the front door of your apartment. This guarantees luck, joy, and protection from any troubles. But don't try to cheat fate. A purchased horseshoe does not have mystical properties. If you don't have one, a bridle will do.

Signs for the home for wealth and luck:

  • In the evening, place a broom at the threshold with the whisk facing up so that money does not leave the house.
  • If you see a spider in your apartment, don’t touch it. This is for profit. It's even better if it clings to your clothes.
  • At night, show the new moon a coin and hide it in your pocket. Money will start following you around.
  • Remove crumbs from the table with a rag, then the year will be successful.
  • Place a coin under the threshold, hide a banknote under the tablecloth on the dining table - prosperity will appear in the house.
  • After eating, collect the crumbs in your palm and feed the birds - there will always be money.
  • When leaving the house, step over the threshold with your right foot so as not to scare away your fortune.
  • If the laces break, the money will rush into the house.
  • Spilled sweet tea or other drink - to profit. The sign will come true quickly - on the same day or the next day. If a person is upset that he wet himself, then the belief will not work.
  • Fortune favors those who rise early. If you get up with the first rays of the sun, the day will be successful (whoever gets up early, God will give it to him).
  • A beetle flew into the apartment window and brought good luck. If such an insect lands on a person, it is fortunate.
  • Before leaving, clean up and wash the stairs so that good luck awaits you along the way.

Why is it under no circumstances recommended to wash the floors in the house in the evening:

According to signs, those housewives who start cleaning after sunset

, they risk wiping out the home’s wealth, luck, finances and even health, both their own and the health of all household members.

didesign021/ Shutterstock

According to ancient beliefs, cleaning, just like any other action

, you need to start spending time in your home on strictly defined days. For example, on the waxing Moon it is recommended to start all things, and on the waning Moon it is recommended to finish them.

The same applies to washing the floors in the house.

Signs recommend doing this action exclusively in the morning, while the Sun is just beginning its path across the sky, it is then that the Universe will provide assistance in everything, and any work and accomplishment of tasks will be easy, and the energy in the room will be filled with purity and a certain strength.

When we start cleaning the floors late in the evening or at night

- then we run the risk of inviting evil spirits into our house, since we will thus allow them to rule in our home. After all, it is known that night time is entirely in the power of various evil spirits, which only do what they do, waiting for their owners to engage in unclean deeds.

It has been noticed that after such evening or night cleaning of houses

scandals and various quarrels usually broke out among people, and the residents of such a house always felt a complete breakdown and could even get sick.

According to popular belief, washing floors at night means living without money!

Any financial income in the evening or at night can be very quickly washed away from the house, after which it is almost impossible to attract them back into the house. If you wash the floors in the first half of the day with charmed water using money, then such a nuisance can be completely eliminated.

KrimKate/ Shutterstock

If you decide to clean your home immediately after your guests have left

, at night, then this also threatens you with all sorts of troubles. Because your house, of course, will remain clean, but your friends will also forget the way to it.

In general, in order to properly clean your home

, there are even special days. Thus, according to the signs, it is recommended to put the house in general order on Thursday, in the morning, and also early on Saturday morning.

How to find time to clean your house if you're busy?

But if you clean up your home on Friday at any time of the day

- this is not very good. This is a bad omen. All harmonious relationships, as well as material wealth, can leave the house along with garbage and dirt.

It is also not recommended to clean your home on Sunday.

On this day it is recommended to rest and engage in spiritual practices.

If you look at it from a scientific point of view,

then it turns out that it is not devoid of common sense and even looks quite reasonable. Any cleaning is not complete without adding detergents to the water, which make the cleaning process easier. And although the manufacturers of all these chemicals claim that their drugs are harmless, it is better to ventilate the room for several hours after using them.

When cleaning in the evening it is completely impossible to do this and therefore you have to breathe chemicals all night.

If we return to the signs, our ancestors left us a whole collection with different rules

, which explain why and when you should never wash the floors, so as not to bring all sorts of misfortunes upon yourself and your family.

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