5 cases in which signs forbid us to wash the floors at home

Cleaning an apartment is not only a hygienic procedure, but also a symbolic one. Clearing your personal space of junk, garbage and unpleasant elements helps to achieve inner harmony. In a clean, ventilated room you can happily spend time, relax, concentrate on work and take care of yourself. Since ancient times, people have collected signs about cleaning, which helped to carry out this ritual correctly and bring comfort and good luck into life.

What days of the week can you wash and what days can you not?

  1. Monday . Signs do not recommend cleaning floors on Monday. On this day, otherworldly entities can run rampant in such a way that the housewife will pour out the well-being and happiness of the family along with the dirty water. In addition, the accomplice is the day of the Moon - the planet responsible for the emotional state of a person, which is better “not to interfere with dirt.”
  2. Tuesday . Tuesday is traditionally recognized as the best day for cleaning the house and washing the floors. On this day you can easily restore order. Tuesday belongs to Mars. So on this day people are filled with energy, and therefore physical exercise, which is cleaning the apartment, is very useful.
  3. Wednesday Signs say that in order for prosperity, mutual affection, and happiness to always reign in the family, wet cleaning should begin on Wednesday. This day can give a positive attitude to life, joy in the family, luck, and attract good luck.
  4. Thursday . Everything that has outlived its usefulness, all the negativity accumulated during the work week, will go away as soon as you wash the floors on Thursday. Cleaning is done in the afternoon, after opening the windows and doors. Such hygienic measures represent not only ordinary mechanical cleaning, but also energetic cleaning of the house. Attracts positive events. They try to use natural products to wash the floors on Thursday, and after finishing they decorate the house with new interior items or fresh flowers.
  5. Friday . This is the day of gentle Venus, which does not like tension. Therefore, from ancient times it was believed that wet cleaning was not recommended during this period - it led to impoverishment and financial losses. Besides, Friday is obstacle day. No matter what a person starts, everything will stall, be delayed, and not happen as planned. This also applies to something as simple as washing the floors. Situations may arise that prevent you from finishing what you started.
  6. Saturday . Regarding whether it is possible or not to wash floors on this day, folk superstitions and greetings are ambiguous. Some people say that this is a great day to carry out all the work related to cleaning the apartment, since the energies of the day help attract monetary luck and wealth, cure diseases, family happiness and harmonious relationships between household members. And washing your home makes it possible to activate all these energies. However, according to other beliefs, Saturday is the day of Saturn. Any physical activity on this day leads to overwork and shortens life.
  7. Sunday . Once again, an ambiguous day for cleaning an apartment. Christianity introduced a ban on cleaning during this period. It is believed that violation of the rule leads to quarrels and conflicts in the home circle, loss of cash flow, impoverishment, illness and accidents. At the same time, teachings much more ancient than Christianity believe that Sunday is the day of the Sun. A person at this moment is full of energy and there is nothing wrong with using it to cleanse your home.

On a note

Washing the floors before lunch on Tuesday or Wednesday will keep fresh air and positive energy in the house for a long time.

Experts remind that in addition to the day of the week, the phase of the moon is important. It is known that it is better to start important things after the new moon. Cleaning can hardly be called an “important matter,” however, it is better to do it during the waxing moon.


One of the most successful periods for creating cleanliness and comfort is Saturday. Washing floors, picking up trash and other household chores related to putting things in order promise monetary profit, healing from illness, happiness and harmony both with yourself and with your household.

On this day, any, even the most complex and large-scale household work is recommended.

What time of day should I wash?

Cleaning begins with the dawn of a new day, at a time when the Sun reaches its zenith. In this case, all work is completed quickly and without unnecessary waste of physical effort. Completed cleansing can attract positive energy.

But you can’t wash the floors at night. Wet cleaning in the dark will give negative entities the opportunity to get into the house. And, according to superstitions, they are just waiting for an opportunity. They really like the evening time and dirty water: they make it easy to get into the home and run around there with all their might.

Folk signs about cleaning the house at night

Why can't you wash your floors in the evening? Popular superstitions say that with the onset of darkness, evil spirits seek refuge, and find it precisely where people clean their houses after sunset. First of all, this is due to the so-called “washing out” of happiness from the hut. Each housewife has her own opinion on this matter. However, many of them noticed that after washing the floors in the evening, children begin to get sick, quarrels with their husbands become more and more serious, money leaves the family as quickly as during the garbage collection.

Due attention must be given to the brownie - the invisible owner watches over the house and also gives certain signs to his household. For example, when in an apartment, for no apparent reason, cabinets begin to creak, pipes make noise at night, as if someone is banging on them from inside, food quickly spoils, then this is a sure sign that the brownie does not like unclean housing, therefore , evil spirits will gradually fill all the space around.

Folk omens, centuries later, have brought down to our times a wonderful way of fighting the dark forces that, for one reason or another, have settled next to a person. So, you can check whether there are evil spirits in your home in this way: take a church candle, light it and carry it throughout the house. If the light begins to move chaotically, as if from a draft, and starts to smoke, then there is cause for concern. Of course, there is no need to panic, in any situation there is a way out - folk signs advise sprinkling the house with holy baptismal water, lighting as many aroma oils and other church incense as possible.

IMPORTANT. Orthodox priests do not bless people to believe in omens, however, they also do not recommend washing floors in the evening.

Why can't you wash with a towel?

Since ancient times, there was a ban on using old towels to clean the floor. This was explained by the fact that money and material well-being could be washed out of the house. There was a saying: “Washing the floors with a towel is washing money out of the house.”

Another belief says that as soon as a young girl washes the floors with a towel, she will not be able to get married for another 9 years.

They also believed that a towel for washing the floor “forces” a person to constantly return to unresolved issues, problems, and situations. Difficulties and obstacles arise regularly.

Can I clean before leaving?

Mopping the floors while you are about to leave will not do any good. Troubles and obstacles may occur during the trip. The road will be difficult, something dangerous may happen.

If your loved ones are leaving, you can’t even wash them. Signs say that “washing the floors after leaving means washing away the road and good luck.”

Cleaning should be done only after they arrive at their destination, so as not to bring troubles and problems on them along the way.

If you need to spend a lot of time on the road, for example, your loved ones are traveling from Moscow to Baikal by train, you cannot carry out wet cleaning during the first three days after their departure.

Turning a bad omen to your advantage

If you have frequent unpleasant guests, you can get rid of them without conflict. It is worth washing the floors immediately after cleaning them.

Unpleasant guests

It is known that water has amazing properties both to preserve information and to cleanse from negativity, damage and the evil eye.

After the departure of some unwanted, unpleasant guests, we feel weak and unwell. Therefore, it is immediately necessary to wipe the floor, which will discourage them from the threshold and clear the room of bad energy.

Other beliefs

  1. Our ancestors forbade using not only towels as rags when washing, but also old underwear. It was believed that turning a personal item into a doormat could harm the health of the person wearing it. Moreover, such a “rag” can easily wash family well-being out of the house and attract conflicts and quarrels between household members.
  2. Tradition does not recommend doing wet cleaning after viewings or matchmaking. Otherwise, the planned wedding will fail. Nowadays, the very concept of viewing does not exist. But “meeting the parents” still has its place.
  3. You should not wash at the same time as cooking. In this way, you can block the path to cash flow, which in the future will lead to a lack of food due to lack of money.
  4. But when removing the deceased from the house, the floor must be washed. This is necessary so that his soul quickly and easily finds its place in the afterlife, and does not disturb the remaining living relatives.

Sweeping and other nuances

Signs and superstitions surround not only wet but also dry floor cleaning.

  1. A floor swept in the evening does not bode well. Financial well-being is swept out of the home, and hostility and discord are attracted among household members.
  2. Garbage taken out in the evening can bring discord, conflicts, and quarrels into the family for a long time.
  3. It is prohibited to clean not only on major religious holidays, but also on the days following them: Annunciation, Easter and three days before (from Good Friday), St. Fedorin's Day (September 24), etc.
  4. The house must be swept from the far corners towards the kitchen. This saves you from financial losses and early beauty care.
  5. To prevent goods from running away into the corners, the house is swept with one broom. Moreover, you should not sweep with different brooms at the same time as someone else. This can scare away good luck and prosperity from your home.
  6. You cannot “sweep” people who have left the house out of the house. The floor swept after them can bring them troubles, illnesses, and accidents on the road. However, if they constantly come to you without an invitation, and even ask for money, hygiene measures immediately after they leave are allowed.

What not to do

Some people clean their house according to Feng Shui, while others follow proven folk signs. In both cases, cleaning is simple and easy. It is only important to understand what needs to be done in order not to anger good spirits, much less awaken evil spirits. By following simple rules, you can be confident that your home will be filled only with grace and abundance.

  • Cleaning at night is strictly prohibited, especially with a broom. Experts in the field of magic assure that such actions can easily sweep away good luck and happiness.
  • As you know, evil spirits love dirt, so all swept debris should be immediately taken away.
  • Cleaning in front of guests or asking them to help is a bad idea. Such a rash action can bring grief to your family.
  • You can't trust anyone else to do the evening dishes. An outsider will take all the positive energy for himself, leaving all his negativity in return. Only those who live in an apartment should wash dishes.
  • If an unmarried guest washes the dishes in a house where there is a bride, she can easily fight off the groom.
  • It is strictly forbidden to restore order on major church holidays. You can easily invite trouble and anger your Guardian Angel. Unmarried and pregnant girls should be especially careful; by their actions they can bring misfortune to their future children. Washing and sewing on church holidays is also prohibited.
  • In order to attract poverty, it is enough to wipe the crumbs off the table with a towel or wipe the dust in the evening. The crumbs can be collected by hand, placed in a newspaper, and given to the birds in the morning.
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