How to Get Ants Out of Your Home and Yard: The Ultimate Guide


People have long admired the hard work and tenacity of ants and treated them with respect. But only until these little terrorists decide to settle in a person’s house. To get rid of them, you should understand what attracts ants to residential buildings, and what you need to do if you find them on your territory.

  • Why are house ants dangerous for humans?
  • The main types of ants settling in houses
  • Reasons for the appearance of ants in private homes
  • How to get rid of ants using chemical means
  • How to get rid of ants using folk remedies
  • Lifehack

Why are house ants dangerous for humans?

Ants that have settled in a house cause a lot of trouble for the people who live in it. Multiplying insects can be found at every step: on the table, in the bread bin, in a jar of sugar, and even in still-sealed bags of kefir or yogurt.

Ants not only spoil food, but are also carriers of dangerous diseases. An insect that has been in a trash can or toilet can bring dysentery, typhoid fever, cholera, diphtheria, and worm eggs into the house.

Therefore, having discovered such neighbors near you, it is better to immediately find where the ant house is located and destroy it without regret. If you cannot find the nest, then you should look for an effective remedy for ants in the house, with which you can drive uninvited guests out of the house.

War against insects in the garden

  • Place a rag soaked in kerosene or gasoline under the tree.
  • Sow calendula near gooseberries or currants. It attracts ladybugs, which eat aphids.
  • Moisten cotton wool or woolen cloth with a carbolic solution and tie it around the trunk of a fruit tree.
  • Attach sugar water traps to branches.

  • Sprinkle quicklime on the ant heaps and pour water over them. This will put the pests to flight.
  • Dip twigs with aphids in a soap-ash or soap-salt solution. Such a shower will corrode the skin of the aphid, and it will become unviable.

The main types of ants settling in houses

Almost all ants live outside. But some species can only survive at home, at room temperature. There are also species that move into houses in the fall to spend the winter.

The following types of house ants are distinguished:

  • Pharaonic;
  • Thieving Ants;
  • Turf.

Pharaoh ants are large in size and have a red-colored shell. These insects live only in heated rooms and cannot tolerate outdoor conditions.

House thief ants obtain food by raiding neighboring anthills or by settling in residential buildings. These insects are small in size and colored brown, red or yellow.

Turf ants are very small ants that are dark red or black in color. They often take a liking to cracks in concrete, crevices in panel houses or baseboards, from where they raid food supplies located in kitchens.

Reasons for the appearance of ants in private homes

Many people, when they see insects in their kitchen, are perplexed: why are there ants in the house?

Female thief ants enter houses to find a secluded place and establish their own colony. Often insects are brought in by the owners themselves along with vegetables and fruits. Some types of ants that get into an apartment in this way die, and some get used to it, crawl under the floor and set up anthills there.

Ants can also appear in your home for the following reasons:

  1. Infected neighbors' apartments, basements and attics.
  2. Failure to comply with basic hygiene rules: untimely removal of garbage, crumbs on the floor and food left open can lead to the fact that careless owners will soon have to think about the question: what to do if there are ants in the house?
  3. Introducing a large number of insects along with garden soil for seedlings.
  4. Bringing the uterus into the house with food or furniture.

How to mix dry baits with boric acid

Dry products are considered more effective, and they are easier to dilute.

Recipe for the simplest dry bait

  1. Pour some jam or syrup into a saucer.
  2. Place it in an area where insects are likely to gather.
  3. Place a barrier of boric acid around the saucer. Ants, having plunged into sweets, will take poisonous crystals into their colony.

Recipe for dry bait based on boric acid

  1. Mix powdered sugar and boric acid in equal proportions.
  2. Pour the resulting powder onto small pieces of cardboard or napkins.
  3. Place it in secluded “ant” places: under the bathroom sink, on the kitchen cabinet.

Please note that all baits will have to be updated periodically. Over time, the composition dries out and the product becomes less effective.

How to get rid of ants using chemical means

Private houses and the lower floors of high-rise buildings are most susceptible to ant invasion. Regardless of whether ants have appeared in a private house or apartment, you need to urgently take measures to expel them from your home. Today in stores you can find many different products designed to combat ants.


Dichlorvos is an effective remedy for ants and other insect pests. This product is toxic, so before treating the room, it is necessary to remove all food products, dishes and cutlery from it.

Dichlorvos is used to treat not only those places where insects have accumulated, but also areas under kitchen furniture, a gas stove, and near the trash can. It is also necessary to treat all cracks in the floor and baseboards.

After treatment with Dichlorvos or another toxic agent, all family members must leave the house for at least three hours, and upon return, ventilate the room and wet clean surfaces.


If you don’t know how to get rid of ants in a private home, you can buy Mashenka chalk at a hardware store. It is used to treat areas where ant paths are laid. As a rule, after 2-3 such treatments, pests disappear without a trace. But if there are a large number of insects, they can simply move to another safe place.

Ultrasonic repeller

An easy way to get rid of ants is a stationary ultrasonic insect repeller. This device operates within a radius of about 200 m, which allows you to completely clear a large house of pests.

Gel and spray Raptor

The action of the Raptor gel is aimed at destroying the entire colony of ants. Insects that have eaten the poisonous gel come to the anthill and die there. And since ants feed on the remains of their fellows, they also die after eating poisoned individuals. Thus, this ant poison can destroy the entire nest.

Raptor is also available in spray form. It is recommended to use it if you know the exact location of the nest. If its location is unknown, then the Raptor ant spray will destroy only working individuals. And the queen will remain alive and quickly restore the size of the colony. In addition to Raptor, on store shelves you can also find gels and sprays Raid, Fas, Sturm, Get and others.

Regent granules

The granules dissolve in water according to the instructions on the package. Then the resulting solution is poured into all the cracks in the floor, under baseboards and other hard-to-reach places. Large areas are treated with a spray bottle. Treating your home against ants with this solution gives good results. However, due to the toxicity of Regent, it is necessary to remove food and utensils from the premises before starting treatment.

User reviews about the effectiveness of using boric acid against ants

This year I tried the effects of this Miracle Powder on my summer cottage. In the beds, after planting the seeds, the ants began to actively close up more and more anthills. I sprinkled Boric acid directly into the burrows and 2 weeks have passed and there are no more ants.

Svetlana 1141

I strongly advise everyone to use Boric acid. This is a truly effective, cheap and safe remedy in the fight against uninvited guests.


I bred mine with boric acid and yolk. It's been 8 months now and I haven't heard anything. Mix one yolk (boil the egg for at least 30 minutes) + 1 sachet of boric acid, put it on the lids and place your loved ones throughout the apartment. I think this mixture is incomparable with living creatures, but it can easily be hidden from children.


In fact, I used the “Liquid bait” method (5 g of BORROX or BORIC ACID, 50 g of sugar and 50 ml of water), and also added jam. Everyone died!


How to get rid of ants using folk remedies

It should be borne in mind that natural remedies do not always work as effectively as chemical drugs. Therefore, you will have to spend more than one day fighting insects.

If there are animals or small children in the house that can reach poisonous baits, then it is better to use natural ant repellents.

So, how to get rid of ants in the house using folk remedies?


These insects cannot tolerate strong odors, including vinegar. Wash the floor in the room that was attacked by ants every day with a vinegar solution.

If you regularly pour vinegar into the cracks from which insects crawl, then over time they will leave your home. To prevent ants from crawling into your house from the street, clean with a vinegar solution from time to time.


Little pests really don’t like the smells of cinnamon, cloves, red and hot pepper. To force them to leave their home, you need to scatter ground spices around the house.

Ground black pepper is also added to water for cleaning floors, which repels ants and forces them to look for new habitats.


When cleaning the house, you can add a decoction of mint or the essential oil of this plant to the water for washing floors. This folk remedy for ants will work especially effectively in a private home, since garden ants will not crawl into a home whose floor smells of plants that are unpleasant to them.

Bait recipes: liquid mixtures and balls with boric acid

Today, the Internet is replete with everyday experiments and grandmother’s advice for getting rid of ants. You can prepare effective products based on boric acid from various ingredients: eggs, potatoes, sugar or yeast.

Yeast and sugar - an old recipe

Prepare a mixing bowl, 4 tbsp. l. honey or sugar syrup, 1 tbsp. l. yeast, 1 sachet of boric acid, unnecessary caps or small saucers.

  1. Mix yeast with syrup or honey.
  2. Apply a thin layer of the mixture onto the saucer or lid.
  3. Place dishes with poison in places where ants accumulate.

Poison from boric acid with glycerin

Another effective bait is a glycerin-based recipe. To make it you will need:

  • 2 teaspoons glycerin (sold at the pharmacy);
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp. l. water;
  • 1 tsp. honey;
  • 1/3 tsp. boric acid.
  1. Mix the mixture thoroughly until smooth.
  2. Wear rubber gloves.
  3. Roll out small balls from the mixture.
  4. Set out treats for the ants.

As they eat or dry out, give the ants new food.

There should not be a lot of sweet bait for ants so that it does not spread

How to prepare liquid bait

Take 5 g of boric acid, 1 tbsp. l. sugar, a small amount of water, 1 tbsp. l. any jam.

  1. Mix all ingredients and pour into small containers. You can use unnecessary lids and saucers.
  2. Place baits in a secluded place.

Liquid baits based on boric acid will help you get rid of ants

There is another recipe. You will need 1 tsp. boric acid, 2 cups water, 10 tsp. sugar, any jam.

  1. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  2. Pour the resulting poison into a larger container, for example, an unnecessary container.

    You get a lot of mixture, but you don’t need to pour it into different jars; the ants can get by just fine with just one bait.

  3. Place it in a secluded place.

Effective egg yolk based products

Egg yolk, potatoes and minced meat are suitable as a base for bait. For a simple recipe you will need 2 boiled egg yolks and 0.5 tsp. boric acid.

  1. Wear rubber gloves.
  2. Mix the ingredients.
  3. Roll out small balls and place them in different places.

Balls of potatoes and eggs are made in a similar way. Take 3 small boiled potatoes, 3 boiled egg yolks, 10 g boric acid, 1 tsp. Sahara. Mix everything, make balls and place around the apartment.

The poisonous balls will have to be renewed from time to time - some will be eaten by ants, some will dry out and lose their properties

Minced meat balls

Another tool that will help you poison uninvited guests.

  1. Take 2 tbsp. l. fresh minced meat and 2/3 tsp. boric acid.
  2. Mix the ingredients.
  3. Roll out balls and place them in places where ants gather.

Such recipes are quite effective, but be careful: meat or egg balls may attract your pets. Place baits where animals cannot reach them.

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