How to clean a new refrigerator before first use: Removing bad smell from the refrigerator

The need to purchase a new refrigerator often takes you by surprise. After the refrigerator is delivered from the store, any housewife wants to quickly fill it with food to avoid spoilage and test the new unit. But there's no need to rush.

The refrigerator must be prepared for the first start by wiping its internal surface with a disinfectant solution.

From the article you will learn how to clean the inside of a new refrigerator in order to avoid further troubles such as a musty smell and premature spoilage of food.

Why wash your new refrigerator?

We are not talking about the need to wipe the inside of the refrigerator from dirt, but the need to disinfect it. It is necessary for several reasons:

  • After the final assembly of a household appliance, particles of plastic and metal shavings remain on its surfaces. They are not visible to the human eye, but will settle on the products. Especially a lot of them accumulate at the joints of parts and sealing rubber bands. It is these places that need to be given special attention;
  • Transporting a refrigerator is another reason why microscopic dust and dirt accumulate on its surfaces. Internal surfaces are no exception;
  • treatment with a disinfectant solution will help get rid of the plastic smell that is inherent in all new devices. If it is not removed, it can be absorbed into the food. They will become unfit for consumption.

Important: after treatment the smell should disappear. If this does not happen or some other defects are discovered, you should definitely contact the store with a request to replace the product with a working one.

Processing rules

Before loading the refrigerator for the first time, you need to prepare it:

  • remove the shipping packaging, remove all shelves, drawers and grilles;
  • thoroughly wipe all chambers with the recommended solution;
  • Dry the surfaces with a clean cloth or napkin.

How to avoid damaging your refrigerator during maintenance and use?

It is required to defrost the device at least once every three months. It is not recommended to unconditionally believe manufacturers who write that you can do without such an action.

This action helps achieve several effects at once:

  • Reducing the load on the freezer compartment.
  • Extension of service life.
  • Getting rid of unpleasant odors from stale food.

The refrigerator compartment needs to be cleaned every week. It differs from a freezer in that it is used for storing finished products. If you don’t get rid of at least part of the traces in time, unpleasant odors will appear in any case.

For additional protection against unpleasant odors, you can place saucers with the following components on the shelves:

  1. Soda.
  2. Lemon slices.
  3. Pieces of black bread.
  4. Crushed activated carbon.

These absorbents only require periodic updating with new analogues.

Plastic or glass containers with lids are the best option for storing food inside. What to wash with, everyone chooses for themselves.

How to clean a new refrigerator from smell

It is permissible to use both improvised means and specialized chemical compounds that can easily be found on the shelves of any supermarket.

Folk remedies are less toxic, but they may not cope with the task.

How to clean a refrigerator - home remedies

If you don’t have special chemical compounds at home, and it’s too late or you don’t want to go to the store for them, you can use what is almost always available in every home.


The drug can be used not only for its intended purpose, but also for household needs.

To treat a new refrigerator, you need to prepare a solution of 1 liter of water and 1 tablespoon of alcohol.

For convenience, the product is poured into a spray bottle and then sprayed over all surfaces. Wipe with a clean napkin or rag.

Advice: after treatment, the room must be well ventilated.

Baking soda

There is a universal remedy in almost every home. A soda water solution is also suitable for treating a new refrigerator:

  • Dilute 2 tablespoons of soda in one liter of boiled warm water;
  • the treatment is carried out with a sponge, which is generously moistened with liquid.

Important: when preparing a disinfectant solution, you must ensure that all soda crystals dissolve in the water. Otherwise, you can scratch the walls of the new unit, which will subsequently collect dirt and bacteria.

Table vinegar

Another substance that is universal in nature and has disinfectant properties.

For processing:

  • prepare the composition in proportions 1:1;
  • Wipe with a sponge soaked in a weak acidic solution, and then dry with a clean cloth.

Important: Special care is required when working with vinegar. The room should be ventilated, vapors should not be inhaled, and it is better to work with gloves.

How to clean a new refrigerator - household chemicals

The chemical industry produces many compositions for the initial treatment of the refrigerator or for removing persistent contaminants.

It is important to choose exactly the product that is intended for this type of household appliance. Others will not work, they may be too toxic or strong.

This will not only ruin the plastic surface inside, but will also negatively affect the external enamel and sealing rubber bands.

Tip: products can be produced in the form of sprays, wipes, gels, liquids. It is recommended to choose those that will be convenient for you to work with.

Unicum - refrigerator cleaner

A product for treating and cleaning the refrigerator with a natural composition.
There is no need to thoroughly rinse off the “chemistry”; just wipe with a clean, dry cloth after application.

After application, Unicum leaves a protective nanolayer on surfaces that:

  • removes unpleasant odors;
  • prevents fungal infections;
  • prevents the growth of bacteria.

Suitable for processing internal and external surfaces.

It is characterized by its low cost - about 200 rubles per bottle with a 500 ml sprayer.

Important: processing must be carried out wearing personal protective equipment.

CLEAN HOME - refrigerator odor cleaner

The composition of the product is non-toxic and safe for humans and animals.

The main active ingredients are water, hydrogen peroxide, glycerin and antistatic.

CLEAN HOME not only eliminates unpleasant odors in a new refrigerator, but also ensures the whiteness of the plastic during further maintenance.

No rinsing required.

Another advantage of this brand of household chemicals is their low price. A 200 ml bottle will cost about 80-100 rubles.

Luxus Professional - refrigerator odor remover

The Luxus Professional line includes several products for cleaning the refrigerator with different odors.

The product will not only help remove the plastic smell, but will also add the aroma of fruits or herbs - grapefruit, mint or lime.

The unique formula will help disinfect the new device and eliminate biological contamination from fish or meat that may arise during operation.

After cleaning, the composition is safely removed from the surface, safely decomposing into its components.

Tip: If after the first application the smell of plastic is still present, it is recommended to re-treat and leave the herbal composition to act for 2 minutes.

A bottle of delicious-smelling product from Luxus Professional (500 ml) will cost about 130-200 rubles.

Electrolux FRIGO CARE - cleaning product for the inside of the refrigerator

A refrigerator cleaning product from an Italian brand will easily remove unpleasant plastic or musty odors, clean shelves and other surfaces, penetrating into the deep layers.

Simply spray the liquid onto all areas that require cleaning and wipe with a dry cloth after 3 minutes. The peculiarity of Electrolux FRIGO CARE is that it is not dangerous in case of accidental contact with the eyes, and has a pleasant smell.

Many buyers bypass the cleaning liquid of the Italian manufacturer due to the fairly high cost - about 900 rubles for a volume of 500 ml. But the high price is compensated by economical consumption and excellent cleaning performance.

Top house - refrigerator care set

Top house - a whole set for caring for your refrigerator at a reasonable price.

The set includes:

Spray absorber for cleaning internal and external surfaces.

Microfiber for moisture absorption.

A special kit from Top house contains everything necessary for the initial treatment of the refrigerator and further maintenance:

  • spray for cleaning internal and external surfaces, which forms foam after spraying;
  • mini gel odor absorber. Allows you to fill the internal volume of the unit with a pleasant aroma, but does not mix with the smell of food;
  • a cloth made of a unique material - microfiber. This material is recommended to be used for both dry and wet cleaning. It perfectly absorbs excess moisture and does not leave lint.

A whole set of products is relatively inexpensive - about 500 rubles.

What and how to wash?

When cleaning refrigerators, just follow these simple recommendations:

  • They start by cleaning the internal parts. Move from top to bottom, paying special attention to the corners.
  • Don't forget about the drain hole in the rear compartment either. First, take a brush and run it over the work surfaces. Then the syringe is filled with detergent and the channel is filled with it.
  • Don't forget about the holes on the fan grille. For them, take cotton swabs soaked in a cleaning product.
  • Then they wash the external parts of the device, the capacitor on the back side. The main thing is that the sponge is soft enough for it.
  • The sponge is cleaned of the remnants of all cleaning products and rinsed in water. This is necessary to go over all surfaces again.
  • Take a dry towel and use it to wipe the equipment inside and out.
  • The device is left open for some time so that all remaining moisture evaporates.
  • All that remains is to install the parts in place and check their functionality. To understand how well it was possible to wash the inside of a new refrigerator.

How to clean the inside of a refrigerator after defrosting

The refrigerator requires constant maintenance, which will help prevent the formation of odors, mold and bacterial growth. If the necessary cleaning measures are not carried out, the products will quickly deteriorate and smell unpleasant.

It is especially important to thoroughly clean the entire surface of the refrigerator after defrosting. Modern appliances do not require defrosting, but they also need periodic cleaning.

The frequency of cleaning and disinfection measures depends on:

  • type of cooling system;
  • intensity of use of the device;
  • degree of workload.

It is recommended to inspect the products placed on the refrigerator shelves once a week. And you should wash its internal surfaces once every three months or after each defrosting.

It is recommended to use stronger products, since during use, plastic surfaces turn yellow and absorb grease. The product should be one that can cope with all existing contaminants in a short period of time.

As with primary treatment, you can use home remedies or chemical formulations.

Preparing to wash

First of all, the refrigerator must be set to defrost mode. To do this, press the button or turn the knob to the appropriate position. To speed up the process, you can place a container of hot water inside or use a hair dryer.

Important: all manipulations must be carried out with the device de-energized. Before starting any actions, unplug the refrigeration unit from the outlet!

Before you start cleaning the refrigerator after defrosting, you need to prepare:

  • remove all food and medicines. The products should be placed in a bowl; it is advisable to sprinkle them with ice to avoid spoilage. Defrosting will take more than one hour, so it is better to move some of the food to the refrigerator of your family or friends;
  • free the unit from shelves and drawers;
  • apply the selected product to the internal surfaces and leave for the time recommended by the manufacturer;
  • wash removable elements. The bathroom and available tools are suitable for this - sponges, brushes;
  • wash external elements;
  • clean the hole for collecting melt water - with a toothbrush or a special brush;
  • Rinse the treated parts with clean water (if necessary) and wipe dry. It is recommended to additionally leave the device open and empty for 15-20 minutes to dry under natural conditions. During this time, those parts that could not be dried with a napkin will also become dry.

Now you can load the products back and connect the unit to the electrical network.

How to care for your refrigerator?

Compliance with additional simple rules helps to reduce the intervals between repair work. They also extend the overall service life.

  1. Coffee grounds, ammonia, vinegar and citric acid are folk remedies that help fight unpleasant odors. They are diluted with warm water or added to a gauze cloth. All that remains is to periodically wipe the shelves inside the equipment.
  2. It is important to periodically check the internal contents. If a product sits on the shelf long enough, it is disposed of without regret.
  3. Only containers with a deep bottom are used when defrosting fish or meat. In this case, blood and water do not get on the shelves.
  4. Paper or polyethylene is placed at the bottom of boxes that are used for storage, so that stains do not appear inside.
  5. The internal compartment will not get dirty if you use bags and containers to store food.
  6. It is recommended to wash the shelves and drawers in the refrigerator at least once a week.
  7. Any stains should be immediately wiped and treated with disinfectants, especially if they remain after the soup. Then the frequency of washing internal surfaces is completely reduced.
  8. Those products that have a short shelf life are consumed most quickly.
  9. Different shelves are used for storing cooked and raw foods.
  10. In the freezer, fish and meat are placed at the bottom.

Home Remedies

Home remedies will help you clean and give a pleasant aroma of freshness to your refrigerator after defrosting.


Microscopic abrasives are not capable of harming tooth enamel; they will also gently remove dirt in the refrigerator. A small amount of paste is applied to a sponge or brush and the chambers are processed. Then rinse off with clean water and wipe with a dry cloth.

Lemon juice

Citric acid can cope with a variety of contaminants - from limescale to a dense layer of fat.

The cleaning solution recipe is simple - 1 tablespoon of citric acid (2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed juice) and half a liter of warm water.

This product is best used if there is a lot of darkening and an unpleasant odor in the refrigerator.

Important: the home remedy is quite aggressive. It should not be applied to rubber seals.

Laundry soap

An alkaline solution is prepared from a bar of dark soap (about 100 g). It will need to be grated for better dissolution in an aqueous environment.

The water should be as hot as your hands can handle. After thoroughly dissolving the soap, the surfaces of the refrigerator are treated with an alkaline solution.

After application, all surfaces will have to be rinsed with clean water. Soap can be applied to rubber seals.

Tip: in order not to grate the block, you can choose a liquid version of laundry soap in the store.

Features of cleaning the chamber with the “No Frost” system

The most important element in the operation of the “No Frost” chamber is the ventilation system. Its blockage can lead to disastrous consequences, including failure of the device. The first thing you should do is clean the ventilation holes in both chambers - the freezer and refrigerator. To process them, you will need cotton swabs and clean water at room temperature or a weak soda solution. The holes must be processed very carefully. External panels can be treated with chemical cleaning agents, with the exception of abrasive ones that can scratch the surface.

I start cleaning Refrigerators operating with the No Frost system from the ventilation holes.

Important! It is forbidden to remove the panels covering the ventilation. You violate the terms of the warranty agreement with the device manufacturer, and in the event of force majeure (incorrect operation of the device, breakdowns) you lose the right to free repair work.

Household chemicals for the refrigerator

Chemical agents, of course, are more effective and can clean the refrigerator in the shortest possible time. Their use requires the use of protective equipment and careful study of the instructions.

Sano Refrigerator Cleaner

A powerful product that will quickly remove grease and dirt from any surface of the refrigerator.
Does not require rinsing. The manufacturer warns that Sano Refrigerator Cleaner should not be applied to the cable or electronic control panel.

The cleaner is economical and comes in a 750 ml bottle.

It has a low cost - about 500 rubles.

Ready-made product Belizna Ice

The product from the Ukrainian manufacturer is universal and belongs to professional chemistry.

With its help, you can process not only household units, but also industrial refrigerated chests and thermal bags. It is a ready-made solution that does not need to be diluted with water.

The peculiarity of the chemical composition of White Ice is that it can be used even at temperatures up to – 250 C. At the same time, it can be used to treat all surfaces that are used for the production of refrigeration equipment.

It is successfully used in various types of industry that work with this type of equipment and do not have the ability to completely defrost it or disconnect it from the network.

Important: Ice white is used for very heavy soiling, applied for 5-10 minutes. Then you need to rinse it thoroughly with running water.

Bilysna Ice is difficult to find in stores, although it is inexpensive - about 250 rubles for 750 ml.

Tortilla cleaning compound

The manufacturer positions its products as environmentally friendly. After drying, the remaining liquid quickly decomposes into non-toxic components.

The cleaning composition is not capable of causing harm to humans or animals or the environment.

An additional effect is imparting a pleasant lemon aroma to the internal chambers of the refrigerator.

What mistakes can you make with your refrigerator?

It’s easy to avoid problems if you follow what experienced people say.

  • If a coat of ice has formed on the walls of the freezer, you should not try to break it off immediately.

Because of this, there is a high probability of damage to internal channels. The evaporator is definitely damaged if a characteristic hissing sound appears during chipping with a sharp object. The difficulty of replacing the part and the manufacturer influence how the repair will proceed in a particular case.

  • Do not place hot containers on the plastic part near the device body.
  • The surface will simply deteriorate. It is better to give preference to special heat-resistant stands for dishes.
  • To clean rubber seals, it is forbidden to use a wide sponge and then do without complete drying. The sponge itself leads to deformation, and remaining moisture leads to the formation of mold.
  • When cleaning, do not forget about the part of the device that is located at the back. Metal rods periodically accumulate large amounts of dust. This becomes one of the reasons for compressor failure.
  • When cleaning the back wall, do not wet the sponge with too much moisture. It helps close contacts if it gets into the internal mechanism of an electrical unit.
  • It is necessary to clean not only the visible parts, but also the drain holes, which also collect dirt. The owner can easily choose what to wash with.

Life hack - how to remove the smell in the refrigerator using improvised means

Special gel odor absorbers are not always at hand, but something needs to be done urgently.

Regular black bread will help. It needs to be cut into pieces and placed on the shelves of the unit. The same method will also remove the smell of plastic in a new refrigerator.

It is recommended to close the doors. In addition to bread, the following is used for these purposes:

  • tea bags (bags should not be used);
  • small pocket bags filled with rice or sugar;
  • a small plate filled with soda.

Tip: natural sorbents take longer to act than artificial ones. They need to be left in the refrigerator for 8-10 hours and then thrown away.

Do I need to wash it?

Before starting the refrigeration chamber, it is necessary to check the internal space for the presence of various factory waste paper and packaging materials. Next, the new refrigerator needs to be washed with special products so that no dirt remains and there is no plastic smell.

Even if, after a visual inspection, the unit appears clean and there are no traces of dirt, cleaning should be carried out without modification. The main material for making the internal parts of the refrigerator is plastic, therefore, if it is not used for a long time, this leads to the appearance of an unpleasant aroma inside the chamber.

What should you not do when cleaning your refrigerator?

Before washing the device for the first time, it is worth remembering a number of restrictions, compliance with which will help protect the device from damage and extend its service life:

  • Do not use chemicals that are not labeled “for cleaning refrigerators.” Often, universal cleaning compositions contain chlorine as an active substance. It copes well with stains in the bathroom, toilet or removes stains on clothes. But chlorine is harmful to the surfaces of the refrigerator and its rubber sealing parts. It is strictly forbidden to use such means;
  • Do not use abrasives. These include dry powders and gels with large particles. The abrasive can be a hard brush or a special base on a sponge. Minor scratches will forever ruin the appearance of the device and make the surfaces porous.

Important: one of the main restrictions is that you cannot load a wet unit with products and connect it to the network. After all activities are completed, you need to leave it for half an hour to dry naturally. And only after that connect the power.

Washing technology inside and out

How to effectively clean a new refrigerator before use? Regardless of the cleaning composition used, care will be required to treat the refrigerator: its design features are such that you will have to pay a lot of attention to the little things (for example, poorly washed drawer corners may still emit an unpleasant odor). It's better to go according to plan:

  1. Remove all removable elements from the chambers - shelves, drawers, trays, side pockets and other components. It is better to wash them with detergents under running water in order to accurately wash off not only dirt, but also any remaining product. Don't neglect corners and recesses. Dry all elements thoroughly or wait until they dry naturally.
  2. Wash the chamber walls from top to bottom.
  3. Be sure to check the drain hole (it is located on the back wall) - very often the strongest smell comes from it. It can be washed with a syringe or a medical rubber bulb by pouring a washing solution into the channel.
  4. Cleaning the rubber seal can be successfully done using an old toothbrush.
  5. Once the inside of the appliance has been washed, wipe it dry and leave the door open to allow the walls to dry completely.
  6. Wash external surfaces using the same product. Slightly move the device away from the wall and inspect the back wall. If it is very dusty, remove the dust with a vacuum cleaner.
  7. Return the components to their original locations.
  8. After 6 hours, you can connect the device to the power supply and fill it with contents.
  9. If the technical smell is still noticeable, wipe the inside of the unit with a sponge with a solution of vinegar or citric acid. After this, wait 4 hours before turning on the device.

We start washing from the walls of the refrigerator chambers.

Important! All containers and packaging loaded into the chambers must be clean and dry on the outside - the chambers should be taken care of. There is no need to help the formation of an extra layer of ice in the freezer and increase the humidity level in the refrigerator compartment.

Tips before starting the refrigerator for the first time

Small tricks will help you quickly prepare your refrigerator for first use:

  • Before spraying, go over surfaces with a dry microfiber cloth. This will help collect microscopic dust and make cleaning easier;
  • Lemon slices are a natural disinfectant and flavoring agent;
  • Another product that will help disinfect the refrigerator before loading food for the first time is pharmaceutical chlorhexidine. For 1 liter, two tablespoons of disinfectant are enough.

After purchasing a new refrigerator, you will have to prepare it for further use. Before connecting the device to the network, it must be thoroughly inspected and washed.

How to clean a new refrigerator? There are a lot of remedies - homemade ones or chemical compounds. Their use will allow you to get rid of plastic or metal dust and disinfect surfaces that have been touched by the hands of sellers, movers or buyers.

Aggressive chemicals or abrasives are not suitable for processing. The refrigerator needs constant care, only in this case it will last a long time and unpleasant odors, mold and bacteria will not appear in it.

Preparing for washing

A refrigerator has been brought to you. The first thing you need to do is look inside. The refrigerator and freezer compartments may contain items that are completely unnecessary for further use. We are talking about packaging materials - film, foam spacers. Throw away this trash.

Gather all the items needed to sanitize the unit so you have them on hand:

  • rubber household gloves to protect the skin of the hands;
  • sponges, napkins or clean cloths;
  • a clean, dry towel to remove excess moisture;
  • the entire set of selected means - traditional or chemical;
  • if you need to make a solution, prepare it.

A sponge, rubber gloves and household chemicals are all you need to clean the refrigerator.

Defrost types

There are several ways to get rid of ice on the walls of the refrigerator. Each of them has its own characteristic features.


Without human intervention, the ice will not melt on its own. You need to wait until the thawed water collects in a special tray. The event involves the following actions:

  • it is necessary to disconnect the unit from the network;
  • free all space from shelves and products;
  • open the door;
  • then all surfaces should be washed;
  • wipe all walls dry;
  • Reconnect the unit to the power supply.

Bosch is considered a popular and reliable company. For the refrigerator compartment, only automatic drip or “No Frost” defrosting mode is used. The freezer defrosting system in Bosch refrigerators can be manual or automatic.


Models of household appliances with semi-automatic defrosting mode require human intervention:

  • To start the ice defrosting process, you need to press the special defrosting mode button.
  • Then the frost slowly melts.
  • As soon as the ice has completely melted, operation of the refrigerator resumes automatically.

Getting rid of specific aromas

If the specific “culprit” of the smell is known, we act accordingly. Each problem is solved in its own way.

Spoiled Meat

Unfit for consumption, semi-finished meat products emit hydrogen sulfide and ammonia, which creates a persistent rotten smell. How to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator in this case? We throw away the meat and, if there were other unpackaged foods nearby, then those too. Then wash the freezer and refrigerator compartments with clean water. To re-process, add one of the following products to the water:

  • soda,
  • ammonia,
  • table vinegar,
  • lemon juice.

Wet a napkin with the solution and thoroughly wipe the inside of the refrigerator. We also thoroughly wash and dry the removed parts (preferably in the open air). We leave the refrigerator open for several days. After returning removable parts and products to it, we place odor absorbers inside.

old fish

Even fresh, it has a specific unpleasant smell, and if it has been stored for a long time... You will have to work hard.

We turn off the refrigerator and start cleaning after defrosting. Wash it, let it dry and air out. We moisten a napkin with lemon juice, wipe the surfaces, and leave for several hours. Use a damp, clean cloth to remove any remaining dried juice and keep the door open for another two hours.

Only after this, having made sure that unnecessary aroma is eliminated, do we lay out the food and turn on the device. It is a good idea to use absorbers that quickly destroy the odors of fish, onions and mold. For example, activated carbon. The product absorbs odors and refreshes the space. A few charcoal tablets placed in a saucer and placed in the refrigerator will achieve the desired result. And also - orange or lemon peels, salt or sugar on a saucer.


The following trouble also happens: mold has appeared in a refrigerator that has not been used for a long time (for example, in the winter at the dacha). The following will help get rid of black spots of fungus: emulsions, sprays, gels - Sif, Comet, Sano, Mister Muscle, special cleaner ZOOL ZL-377. Be sure to rinse the surfaces after treatment with clean water or a soda-vinegar solution. Baking soda will prevent mold from appearing in the future. Especially if you put it in an open saucer on the refrigerator shelf.

A solution of vinegar with hydrogen peroxide and thorough washing of the cabinet with soapy water will destroy mold . Be sure to dry all the parts, otherwise the fungus will appear again due to humidity.


The seal and condensate drain also need careful cleaning. Be sure to clean these places, leaving no chance for the fungus to settle and multiply here.

If there is an ultraviolet lamp in the house, use it to destroy fungal spores by directing the light stream inside the refrigerator for half an hour.

Smell of plastic

The smell of plastic will disappear after washing the new refrigerator on all sides with solutions of vinegar, soda or ammonia (you will need a teaspoon per liter of water). Vinegar is diluted by half with water. Baking soda is absolutely harmless, so it should always be on hand in the kitchen to quickly clean up dirt. To wipe the refrigerator, take two tablespoons of powder per liter. And ammonia leaves no traces and fights germs. And all products remove the smell of plastic. Wiping the internal surfaces with vodka is guaranteed to get rid of germs. You can also add lemon juice.


It is recommended to cover up the smell of medicines with other strong ones, for example, onion. To do this, cut the onion in half and place it on a shelf or in a door. If you don’t like the new “aroma”, you will have to buy a special odor absorber - an adsorbent. Or make it with your own hands from available materials. We suggest using lemon. Cut the fruit in half, remove the pulp, pour soda, rice grains inside, or place cubes of black bread. Such an absorber must be changed once a week, otherwise it will smell unpleasant.

How to properly clean a refrigerator

“General cleaning” can eliminate the smell in the refrigerator in a short time and for a long time. How often you have to do this depends on the type of cooling system. If it is No Frost, two or three such cleanings per year are enough. If the system is drip - monthly.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • Turn off the appliance, remove food and removable parts, and allow the freezer to thaw without resorting to forced defrosting.
  • Wash the cabinet, shelves, drawers, trays, not forgetting hard-to-reach places. The best way to clean the refrigerator is up to the housewife to decide. Take care of the health of your household - use gentle detergents. Don't be afraid of chemistry - use synthetic ones.
  • After treatment, you need to rinse the refrigerator again, now with clean water.
  • Wipe all knots dry and leave to air for 5-6 hours.

When everything is finished, you can place aroma absorbers on the shelves.

Drying equipment

After washing, the surfaces are wiped with moisture-absorbing material. Paper towels, flannel cloth, and microfiber cloths are suitable.

Features of drying the refrigerator:

  • the chambers are dried with the doors open;
  • removable elements are dried outside the refrigeration chamber;
  • In summer, the chamber and removable elements are dried for 90 minutes, in winter - up to 3 hours;
  • Products are loaded into the chambers half an hour after the equipment is turned on.

The refrigerator is washed regularly, taking into account the recommendations for operating the equipment. Clean with folk remedies or household chemicals to care for this equipment. The drugs are used according to the manufacturer's instructions.

What are your secrets for cleaning your refrigerator? Comment and share the article with your friends on social networks. All the best.

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