Sleep calculator: what is it for and why is it so important to get enough sleep?

Find out why this is so important

Every person knows from childhood that he must sleep at least eight hours.
Only in this case can we guarantee ideal conditions for recuperating after a hard day and enjoying the next one to the fullest. However, what should good sleep look like? How much sleep do you need to get enough sleep and successfully recuperate during the night? Our online sleep calculator will help you find out this treasured figure, which is calculated on the average duration of sleep phases.

It is believed that sleeping less than seven to eight hours in most cases threatens poor health. But scientists note that this is a stereotype, since the duration of a night's rest may be different for everyone. The primary task is to take into account the phases of sleep and carefully monitor them.

Is sleep schedule so important and how does it affect performance in sports?

When you exercise, especially at high intensity, there are only two ways to restore energy: sleep and food. Even if you follow a special diet, you need to pay special attention to rest. You should try to go to bed and get up at the same time.

As soon as we lose sleep, we pave the way to illness.

7 tricks to help you fall asleep in a few minutes

How does the sleep calculator work?

When a person falls asleep, he goes through several cycles of alternating slow and fast sleep phases. If you wake up during the slow phase, you will feel heavy, groggy and tired. It will be more difficult for you to wake up and get out of bed, which will not happen if you wake up at the end of the “fast phase”. This is why it is so important to wake up at the right time.

The online sleep calculator takes into account the duration of sleep cycles, which last on average 90 minutes. You need to indicate the time when you intend to go to bed, and we will give you the answer to the question of when is the best time to get up in the morning in order to feel fully rested. The calculator also takes into account the time it takes to fall asleep, so you don't need to add it to your wake-up schedule. We have already done it for you.

But why do you need to use any sleep calculators at all? To understand this, you need to understand what kind of process this is and why it is so important for our body.

Which is better - sooner or later?

The proverb “He who gets up early, God gives him” encourages us to get up early. It is believed that when you wake up early in the morning, you:

  • you live longer;
  • you can take care of yourself;
  • you will receive a powerful charge of energy;
  • there will be more positive emotions;
  • you will have time to do everything in a day;
  • you can handle difficult things.

It is important that the hours for sleep are fully used to restore energy and strength. But if you like to get up at dawn, then you need to go to bed early. The table will show you when to go to bed in the evening to wake up refreshed.

Dream - what is it?

Sleep is a special state of human consciousness, which includes several stages (phases). The stages naturally replace each other at night according to a certain pattern. This phenomenon is a natural physiological process that allows us to guarantee proper rest for our brain. A sleeping person has a minimal reaction to the outside world, because he must recover before the next day of activity.

The average duration of a person's sleep depends on numerous factors , each of which has a special meaning:

  • age;
  • floor;
  • lifestyle features;
  • nutrition;
  • degree of fatigue;
  • external factors that persist during sleep (location, noise level, etc.).

With serious sleep disorders, which do not happen very often, the duration becomes specific. The minimum duration of rest is a few seconds, the maximum is several days.

What are the dangers of lack of sleep?

So, we found out that a person needs to sleep 7–9 hours a day. Now let's see what a lack of sleep can lead to - disruption of sleep duration.

If short sleep enters the system, we are faced with the dangerous phenomenon of chronic sleep deprivation. The habit of many today includes short sleep during the week. On weekends, a person supposedly compensates for the lack of sleep by sleeping until 12–13 o’clock in the afternoon. Alas, this not only does not make up for what was lost, but also worsens the picture. Doctors gave this phenomenon the name “sleepy bulimia.”

Consequences of lack of sleep:

  • decreased immunity;
  • decreased performance, concentration, memory;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • headache;
  • obesity (the body, as if in defense, tries to make up for the lack of energy with extra calories);
  • in men, due to lack of sleep, testosterone levels decrease by 30% (the belly begins to grow even in thin men, and there is a risk of inflammation of the prostate gland);
  • the level of the stress hormone cortisol increases;
  • Depression and insomnia may develop;

The main danger of lack of sleep is the disruption of the body's normal biological rhythms. During the day, each organ and system has its own periods of activity and rest. Chemical reactions occur inside the body, which also depend on biorhythms.

Violation of sleep and wakefulness and the duration of rest leads to very serious internal disorders, the cause of which is desynchronosis. Unfortunately, the list of disorders that can result in desynchronosis is not limited to those listed above.

Up to a certain point, a person can cope with lack of sleep by changing his lifestyle through an effort of will. However, over time, chronic lack of sleep can lead to sleep disturbances that one cannot cope with.

Signs of lack of sleep

The best way to tell if you're getting enough sleep at night is to take stock of your condition during the day. Although people who are used to constantly “saving money” on their vacation may no longer remember what it’s like to truly be awake, to be as concentrated as possible. But there are certain signs that a person is not getting enough sleep.

You may be sleep deprived if:

  • need an alarm clock to wake up on time;
  • you can reset the alarm clock for a few more minutes after the ringing;
  • difficulty waking up and getting out of bed;
  • you feel sluggish during the day;
  • you can switch off in a meeting, in classes or in an empty office;
  • feel drowsy while driving and after eating;
  • need a nap during the day, at least for a short time;
  • fall asleep quickly while watching TV;
  • on weekends you can sleep much longer than on weekdays;
  • fall asleep within 5 minutes of getting into bed.

What are the types of sleep disorders?

  • Insomnia (insomnia) - a person has difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep.
  • Hypersomnia is unhealthy sleepiness.
  • Parasomnia - sleepwalking, night terrors and nightmares, bedwetting, epileptic seizures at night.
  • Situational (psychosomatic) insomnia is insomnia of an emotional nature that lasts less than 3 weeks.
  • Presomnia disorders - when a person has difficulty falling asleep.
  • Intrasomnia - frequent awakenings;
  • Post-somnia disorders - disorders after waking up, fatigue, drowsiness.
  • Sleep apnea - slowing and stopping of breathing during sleep (the patient himself may not notice anything)
  • Bruxism is a spasm of the masticatory muscles during sleep - the jaw clenches, the person grinds his teeth.

Sleep disturbances can lead to diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, obesity, decreased immunity, irritability and memory loss, muscle pain, convulsions, and tremors.

If you have sleep-related problems, you should consult a neurologist or psychotherapist.

Phases of sleep: types, description

To understand what a dream is, you need to understand the structure. It becomes a mandatory requirement to take into account the characteristics of each of its phases: slow and fast. This is the basis of all online sleep calculators, including ours.

The slow-wave sleep phase occurs immediately after we fall asleep. At this time, a person is only capable of dozing, but subsequently sleep becomes deep.

There are four stages of slow-wave sleep :

  1. Nap. At this stage, the brain remains active due to inertia. Then activity decreases. A person falls into a deep sleep under the influence of fatigue. Despite the fact that we fall asleep deeper and deeper, the risk of periodically waking up still remains.
  2. The second stage allows the person to calm down. At the same time, consciousness turns off. At this time, a person has increased sensitivity to sounds and decreased muscle activity.
  3. The third phase of sleep resembles the second, but there is still a difference. It lies in the different intensity of brain work (many scientists combine the second and third phases into one).
  4. The fourth phase becomes the deepest, and a person can see calm, pleasant dreams.

The REM sleep phase has a corresponding duration. At this time, the brain becomes active, and the eyes can “dart.” During this stage, a person may wake up and feel active.

The four stages of non-REM sleep and REM sleep constitute one cycle. There can be four to six cycles per night. The online sleep calculator shows all six time periods that correspond to the end of the fast phase, when waking up is most beneficial for the body.

Myths and facts about sleep

Myth: Sleeping an hour less will not affect your activity during the day.

Fact: a person may not feel very sleepy, but a lack of nightly rest, even 1 hour, can affect the adequacy of thinking and the speed of reaction. Plus, even this seemingly minor lack of sleep can compromise your cardiovascular health, energy levels, and ability to fend off infections.

Myth: The human body quickly adapts to different sleep schedules.

Fact: in fact, the body is capable of “rebuilding” its biological clock by a maximum of 1-2 hours a day without consequences. This means that after moving to a different time zone or after switching to a night shift, the body may need at least a week to adjust to the new schedule of life.

Myth: Getting more sleep at night can relieve excessive daytime fatigue.

Fact: It is important to understand that the quantity and quality of sleep are two different things. Some people can sleep for 9-10 hours, but do not feel rested after waking up just because the quality of their rest wants to be better.

Myth: On the weekend you can sleep off the entire week.

Fact: It is impossible to completely compensate for the lack of sleep accumulated during the work week. This practice can only negatively affect the rest-wake cycle, due to which a person may remain active late into the night on Sunday, but will have a very difficult time waking up on Monday morning.

Is long sleep beneficial?

Well, if lack of sleep is so harmful, we think, then we need to sleep a lot. Sleeping 10–15 hours a day is considered excessive. It turns out that lack of sleep and too much sleep are equally harmful to humans. When there is an excess of the sleep hormone, a person very quickly begins to become overtired. It happens that such people say: the more I sleep, the more I want.

This happens due to the fact that the same biological rhythms of the body are upset. As a result, the levels of hormones necessary for a healthy life change. Such people feel a lack of strength, laziness and apathy.

As with lack of sleep, too much sleep reduces performance, and all this can lead to depression.

Often a person chooses sleep, consciously avoiding important matters, problems and traumatic situations. This further worsens his condition and relationships with loved ones, because these problems do not go away, but only accumulate like a snowball.

Physically, excessive sleep can lead to an increase in migraine attacks, stagnation of blood in the vessels, increased blood pressure, swelling, etc.

Is sleeping during the day good or bad?

A number of European countries, especially Mediterranean countries, practice an afternoon siesta - a short afternoon rest. Of course, this is also due to the peculiarities of the climate (it’s hard to work in the midday heat), but it was also noticed that even a short half-hour rest gives a new influx of energy, increases visual and mental concentration, and improves performance.

In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it. The optimal time for a daytime nap is no more than 30 minutes.

Prolonged daytime sleep leads to an imbalance in a person's biological clock, causing headaches, lethargy and apathy. Yes, and at night you will have difficulty falling asleep.

Many beliefs are associated with a bad dream at sunset. The time between 16 and 17 hours is considered the worst for rest, because according to the legends of the ancient Slavs, the sun, going beyond the horizon, draws out and takes away the energy of a sleeping person. During this period, Morpheus does not increase strength, but shortens the hours of life; the person gets up not rested, but exhausted.

To believe or not to believe in myths is everyone’s business, but doctors do not recommend sleep during this time period. Even if you really want to sleep, it is better to wait, endure and go to bed closer to night.

Why do you need to get enough sleep?

Sleep deprivation is the lack or complete absence of satisfaction of the need for sleep. This phenomenon may be due to serious sleep disturbances, conscious choice or coercion. Depriving a person of such rest is a difficult test that no one can cope with. Within a few days, there is a complete loss of clarity of thinking, after which you can only think about how to fall asleep. There is a serious risk of falling into a borderline state, which is characterized by confused consciousness. It is not surprising that lack of sleep is a sophisticated torture that is actively used during various types of interrogations.

In most cases, lack of sleep leads to the following consequences :

  • muscle pain;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • depression;
  • constant drowsiness;
  • weakened immune system;
  • dizziness;
  • fainting;
  • headache;
  • hallucinations;
  • irritability;
  • memory impairment;
  • nausea;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • increased activity;
  • slow reaction;
  • almost constant yawning.

Symptoms are determined by the characteristics of the body , so each person reacts differently to sleep problems.

A study conducted at the University of Chicago Medical Center found the negative impact of lack of sleep on the ability to absorb glucose. For this reason, many people are faced with diabetes, which is not so easy to treat. Another undesirable manifestation is suppression of the secretion of somatotropic hormone. With its deficiency, excess calories lead to active weight gain, and in children and adolescents – to stunted growth.

Why is it important to sleep in the first third of the night?

It is at this time that somatotropic hormone is released: it is involved in building muscles, restoring the body, and normalizing the mental state. As the somnologist notes, somatotropic hormone is the hormone of leaders. People who are calm about life's difficulties, can control their emotions and have strong immunity, as a rule, its level is increased.


You should not deprive yourself of sleep in the first third of the night, as this will be fraught with increased sensitivity and a constant feeling of stress.

For information on what you shouldn’t do before bed, watch the “Championship” video.

How much sleep does an adult need?

Scientists note that the duration of sleep is determined by the body individually. For this reason, eight hours a day may even be too much for some. For some, four to five hours are enough for proper rest. Many are inclined to think that everything is individual and there are no boundaries. So how much sleep does an adult need?

On average, it takes six to eight hours a day to get enough sleep. In most cases, the body is set up for eight hours of sleep. However, you should not rely on statistics, because each organism has its own characteristics. History provides vivid examples when famous people did not fit into standard schedules:

  • Napoleon slept five hours a night;
  • Einstein - 12 hours;
  • Leonardo da Vinci - 15-minute sleep every 4 hours (1.5 hours in total).

Only you can decide how much sleep you need: eight hours, less or more. If you pay close attention to your well-being and experiment, you can understand what length of night's rest will be optimal for you. To get started, try using our online sleep calculator. Stick to the regime that he calculates for several days, and you will definitely notice changes for the better: you will stop wanting to sleep during the day, it will become easier to wake up in the morning, and you will have more energy.

What time should you get up in the morning?

The time to wake up may be different for everyone. Someone wakes up at 5-6 in the morning and feels rested. For others, even at 9-10 o’clock it seems that they haven’t gotten enough sleep. Everything depends on the body’s biorhythms; it’s not for nothing that people are divided into “larks” and “night owls.”

People who go to bed at 10 pm and wake up early are considered early risers. Night owls' sleep time begins well after midnight. They cannot get up even at 9-10 o'clock in the morning. It is very difficult to change your lifestyle from night to day, if it is connected with the biological rhythm of life.

But many people have to readjust because of the work schedule at the enterprise, an incorrect, nocturnal lifestyle. Then everything can end for a person with depression and serious illnesses. To get enough sleep, you need to develop a certain routine, distribute rest and work time.

You can’t suddenly change your lifestyle; do it gradually and gently, because the body must get used to the changes.

How much sleep does a child need?

In children, as in adults, the duration of sleep is individual. Sleep duration indicators for children depend on their age:

  • Children 2–4 years old should sleep about 16 hours;
  • 4–5 years – 13 hours;
  • 6–7 years – 12 hours;
  • teenagers - up to nine hours.

In each case, sleep for a person becomes the basis of his good health, so you need to take care of proper rest in order to always feel alert and healthy. Use our sleep calculator to know what time you need to get up in the morning to feel energized!

Lucid dreaming

A rather interesting direction in the study of dreams is lucid dreaming. This is an altered state of consciousness when a person in a dream realizes that he is dreaming. And this gives very interesting opportunities. After all, almost every person has ever flown in a dream, been instantly transported to another place, or done something else that they cannot do outside of sleep. But usually we understand that it was a dream only after waking up. And only then are we surprised by what happened in the dream. And in the dream itself, all this is taken for granted and taken for granted. People who have learned to understand in their dreams that they are dreaming know how to control what happens in their sleep. This is a lucid dream. At the same time, the most difficult thing is to understand that everything around is a dream, and then you can do almost whatever you want.

There are several techniques to learn how to lucid dream. Such techniques are aimed at making a person either aware in the dream that he is sleeping, or control the very moment of falling asleep, which will allow him to maintain consciousness to a certain extent. For example, an effective technique is to frequently repeat the self-directed question “Am I sleeping now?” When a person gets used to asking himself this question while awake, at some point he will ask himself this question in his sleep and realize that he is dreaming. You can also train yourself to constantly observe everything that happens and analyze it.

How to understand that we are in a dream?

  • Look for differences in the environment from the usual.
  • Ask yourself the question “how did I end up here” - after all, in reality we can always answer this question, but in a dream the scenery often changes instantly, but this surprises you only when you wake up.
  • Try breathing with your mouth and nose closed. In a dream it is real.
  • Follow the information around you. In a dream it often changes. For example, the hands on a watch dial may show the time several hours apart a few seconds after first glance. And the inscriptions on signs or covers may change.
  • Look at yourself directly or in the mirror. It is possible that you will begin to change.
  • Look at a familiar person. He may look completely different from what he should look like, or even look like a different person. But at the same time, in a dream it will not be surprising.

But do not forget that this is still an altered state of consciousness. If you get too carried away by lucid dreams, you can become somewhat detached from reality. You can also lose control of your dreams and fall into a hyper-realistic, uncontrollable nightmare. In this case, you either need to force yourself to wake up by force of will, or restore volitional control over the dream. You also need to remember that regular sleep is still useful, and allow yourself to just get enough sleep.

Hours and minutes

So what time should you go to bed? There is no option that would suit all people in the world and there cannot be. Even for the same individual there is no strictly defined indicator - the optimal time for going to bed is quite approximate and varies from day to day.

You will never meet a person who will tell you: “Ivan Ivanovich, you should go to bed at 22.47, not a minute earlier or later. Then your sleep will be simply perfect, and in the morning you will wake up as vigorous and fresh as a daisy, and overjoyed you will go towards a new day.”

Don't wait for a ready-made solution. You will have to determine what time you should go to bed on your own. three simple questions for yourself

First. Determine your chronotype

Are you a Lark or an Owl? If you are a Lark, then you will feel best when you go to bed at 20.00-22.00, if you are an Owl, then you will like the late bedtime at 00.00-03.00. And representatives of the intermediate type, of which the majority are, can choose any time for themselves: under certain conditions, they can get used to both early and late falling asleep, although they usually prefer the period from 22.00 to 01.00. This is how we determined the approximate time you need to go to bed. Now let's try to narrow the boundaries.

Test online:

Determine whether you are a night owl or a morning person and understand what time you need to wake up

Second question. When do you feel most sleepy?

At what time do you feel most sleepy in the evening? Observe yourself and your condition for 3-4 days. You will notice that from morning to night (this is especially noticeable in the afternoon and evening), approximately every hour and a half, you will be overcome for a few minutes by a feeling of relaxation, lethargy, drowsiness... Alternating episodes of alertness and drowsiness is called the “basic sleep-wake cycle.” Watch yourself and notice when exactly in the evening you want to sleep most. Soon, in the two to three hour period that you chose after determining your chronotype, you will determine 1-2 moments when it is best to go to bed.

And finally, third. Your real possibilities

Let's match needs with capabilities. what time you should go to bed. Now think about it: at what time do you have a real opportunity to do this? A common situation: an inveterate early riser begins to yawn desperately every evening at exactly 21.00. But he is unable to fall asleep and/or maintain normal sleep, since the TV in the house continues to work for a couple of hours, conversations continue to sound, and the stomping of feet can be heard.

In such cases, you need to show persuasiveness, persistence and flexibility: after holding a family council, legitimize the time when everyone goes to bed or at least starts making less noise. Sometimes this is not possible. For example, if a baby goes to sleep at 11 pm, and his tired mother needs to fall asleep an hour earlier. Here it is worth considering the issue of postponing falling asleep too early. Count the same hour and a half from your ideal time to fall asleep - after waiting for the next attack of drowsiness, you will fall asleep easily and quickly as soon as you get into bed. However, if an hour and a half has not yet passed, but you are tired and feel that you can quickly fall asleep, go to bed immediately when such an opportunity arises.

Tips for quality sleep

Somnologists recommend building your daily routine in such a way that there is always room for uninterrupted sleep for 6–8 hours. If there is a regular lack of night rest, you should allocate 1-2 hours during the day.

To get a better night's sleep, you need to allocate a special room in your living room for this, where you can put a comfortable, spacious bed. There should be no working electrical appliances or electronics near the headboard.

For normal sleep you need: silence, darkness, fresh air and coolness. It is advisable to install soundproof windows in the bedroom, use thick curtains, and be sure to ventilate the room. You can use a special light-protective eye mask.

For better relaxation in the evening, it is advisable to take long hot baths and have dinner at least 3 hours before. You need to plan your day so that you don’t start new projects, physical training or hard work shortly before bed. Overwork often causes a paradoxical reaction - the brain remains in an excited state for a long time, but the muscles are in good shape.

The right psychological attitude will help you start your morning easier. To do this, you should plan in advance the main tasks for the next day, and when falling asleep, think about pleasant things.

The power of time in human life

The daily routine is associated with the power of time, which forces us to come into this world and leave it. By correctly calculating a horoscope, you can find out the lifespan of a person, the lifespan of the Universe, and much more (very few people can do this).

The perception of time depends on our worldview. In childhood, time passes slowly, but as we get older, time passes faster and faster. That is why, closer to old age, a person should pay more attention to the development of his consciousness and spiritual values ​​than to material things, which death will very soon take away from him.

A person should strive to see that time is a law that requires respect. By following this law, we will become healthier and happier, we will feel lighter, and, ultimately, we will feel free. Following natural laws and frameworks is real freedom for a person.

If you can accept and apply in your life at least one aspect of everything you learn in this article, then this will already give you enormous power after a while.

There is one rule in the Vedic system of perception that is important for you to apply:

Of all the recommendations that you will learn today, choose and apply in your life those recommendations that you liked and that seem most practical. You don't have to try to accept everything at once - it's impossible.

We are all different, so one recommendation may suit one person and not another. Be reasonable.

Differences between people according to doshas

In Ayurveda there is an important concept of dosha.

Doshas are the qualities of the human body. There are three main doshas.

The first dosha is called vata. Literally means lightness and airiness in the body. Often such people have a thin physique.

The second dosha is called pita. It means a “bilious” state of consciousness and body, in which everything can make a person nervous. He may be red-faced, loud, arrogant, have good digestion, etc. Such people, as a rule, have a strong body and a “fiery” character.

The third dosha is called kapha. Literally means "slime". Usually this is a calm and kind person, prone to being overweight. Sometimes this turns into drowsiness and lethargy.

These doshas mix and form different types of characters and bodies.

There are certain tests to determine your dosha. With these tests you can determine your dosha. And then it will be possible to determine what kind of nutrition and activity of life is right for you.

One product in a store can be healthy for one person and poisonous for another person. This is how you need to carefully approach your life and your health according to the recommendations of Ayurveda.

A person must understand the issues of doshas, ​​nutrition and other aspects of a healthy lifestyle even before having children.

Because if we feed our children foods that are poisonous to them, then we will turn into child killers. And if we feed them healthy foods, then at a minimum we guarantee them good health and a long life.

Before the birth of a child, parents must be able to determine its nature, know which foods are medicine for it and which are poison.

What a person eats in childhood and adolescence is the basis for well-being in adulthood and old age.

The right alarm clock

The sharp crack of a clock, tearing a person out of deep sleep, does not contribute to a good start to the day. A surge of bad mood does not bring anything useful, especially in bad weather.

A good start to the morning should be accompanied by pleasant little things. You can set your favorite music, a loved one's voice, or your own as a wake-up signal. Several options can be envisaged.

Fashionable know-how - a smart alarm clock, worn as a bracelet on your hand. It is equipped with a function to determine the optimal time to wake up using electronic scanning of biocurrents. The signal is sent during the REM sleep phase, when awakening occurs more easily.

When you hear the alarm, you must open your eyes and perform several active movements, for example, swinging your arms and legs. In winter you need to immediately turn on the lighting, in summer you need to open the curtains. The light perfectly disperses the remnants of drowsiness.

To wake up easily, you need to sleep

We continue the saga of determining the best time to wake up! To determine what time to wake up, you must, among other things, take into account your genetic need for sleep. For the vast majority of people, 7-8 hours of rest is enough. For some, 4-5 hours are enough to get enough sleep, while others need 10-12 hours to gain vigor (and this is not a sign of laziness!).

You will sleep less - and neither the "early owl" tests, nor arithmetic calculations, nor the smartest alarm clocks in the world will help you wake up refreshed. If you want to wake up at the best time, then you should sleep as much as your body requires. And not an hour longer or less!

Rest regime disturbances

According to Pchelina, unbalanced sleep provokes the appearance of insomnia (insomnia) and disruption of the sleep-wake cycle. “This is dangerous due to worsening mood, decreased performance, rapid fatigue and an increased risk of cardiovascular dysfunction,” the expert notes.

Pchelina identifies several types of sleep disorders that are most common in modern humans:

  • Hypersomnia (excessive sleepiness): it is divided into several subtypes. The most studied variant is narcolepsy (an autoimmune nervous disease characterized by attacks of drowsiness and sudden falling asleep). Other types often develop as a result of mental illness. For example, depression. A sleep disorder of a mental nature does not pose a threat to health, but significantly worsens the quality of life of patients.
  • Sleep breathing disorders: most often associated with obstruction of the upper respiratory tract due to structural features of the oropharynx and larynx, for example, due to a crooked nasal septum. One of the negative factors is also being overweight. These symptoms are especially dangerous because they increase the risk of death from strokes and heart attacks.
  • Sleep movement disorders: a very heterogeneous group, typically characterized by involuntary limb movements, jerks and seizures. Often found in people with restless legs syndrome. The main cause of these disorders is a disruption in the metabolism of the neurotransmitter dopamine (one of the so-called “happiness hormones”) in the brain. These diseases are not dangerous, but can make it difficult for patients to fall asleep and lead to frequent awakenings at night.
  • Parasomnia (for example, sleep paralysis or sleepwalking): The cause is still unknown. It is believed that this is due to delayed maturation of neural connections between sleep and wakefulness centers in the brain.

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