What is a correction pen, general characteristics and types

The work of any office involves the preparation of paper documents. In this case, there is no escape from errors, blunders, and typos, which can be corrected using clerical putty, clerical putty, or putty, without additional retyping. Office proofreaders, having the main function of correcting defects and errors, differ somewhat from each other.

Device and purpose

A correction pen is designed to remove (mask) errors and blots in handwritten or typewritten text.

You can use a pen to correct any typo.

As a member of a whole family of office supplies, it makes it easy to make spot-on and accurate corrections. This is especially important, since using a correction tape or “stroke” is not always convenient with high text density.

The pen draws much finer than the stroke.

Structurally, such a device is more similar to a pencil or marker than to a pen. However, it uses the same principle of applying coloring matter as a regular ballpoint pen - hence the name.

In appearance, the corrector pen resembles a marker.

The main difference between the corrector pen is a small dispenser, which is a plastic or rubber bag, which is located at the base and is intended for forced supply of putty.

The corrector has a dispenser that supplies the covering substance.

Famous brands that produce correctors

Many companies produce stationery correction pencils and putties. For a long time, the products of Brauberg, Erich Krause, and Staff have remained popular. Companies produce all types of correctors. The buyer can choose and buy putty for notebooks at any price. To make a choice, it is enough to know the basic information. It doesn't hurt to remember what kind of paper it will be used for. If you like a certain brand, remember the name of the text putty - this will make the choice easier.

Corrector pen - what is it, types and how to use?

Since the correction pen assumes one single design option, the existing types of these office supplies differ only in the following:

  • Performance format. It is made like a ballpoint pen or marker - similar to a felt-tip pen, but has a larger body.
  • Type of paint supply: gravity or forced, using a dispenser.
  • Tip: plastic or metal.
  • Volume: from 3 ml. up to 12 ml.
  • Stroke thickness: 0.8-1.0 mm.
  • Composition of the liquid used.

In appearance, the correctors do not differ too much from each other.

Stationery putty

Putty or proofreader is a tool used in office work to correct errors in written or printed paper text. After drying, it looks like a white stripe that completely covers the mistake made. The product was born in 1956 thanks to the American Bette Nesmith, who a few years later formed a company called Liquid Paper, which means “liquid paper”. Initially, the gadget was an ordinary watercolor-tempera, which was used to cover up blemishes with a brush. Subsequently, the composition of the corrector was improved many times.

Attention! Putties differ from each other both in the method of applying the correction layer, the type, and its composition.

By type of putty there are:

  1. Liquid. Inside the container with liquid corrector there are often balls that help to better agitate the solution. They are also found in the form of handles.
  2. Dry. Offers appeared on the market relatively recently and are a tape housed in a plastic case, onto which a layer of dry corrector is applied.

Stationery corrector: what do you need to know about correction fluid?

Today, there are three types of corrective putty:

  1. Water based. The simplest and cheapest option. The disadvantage is that it takes a long time to dry.
  2. Alcohol. Dries quickly, but is critical to prolonged exposure.
  3. Emulsion (oil-based). A successful combination of the first two types - it dries quickly on paper and remains fluid for a long time. Honey, you can't always find it.

Basically, handles differ in the type of putty.


If the correction fluid inside the pen has hardened, there are several proven ways to get it back into working order. So water-based paint is easily diluted with water.

The water corrector is well diluted with plain water.

Dried alcohol corrector can be diluted with alcohol or acetone. You can also use nail polish remover.

If the alcohol-based corrector has dried, you can dilute it with alcohol.

If the stationery putty based on emulsion (oil) has hardened, only a special solvent, which is purchased separately, will help.

Dried emulsion corrector can only be diluted with a special solution.

Important! Sometimes poor performance of a corrector can be caused by its improper use.

For the corrector to work well, you need to use it correctly.
As a rule, when using for the first time or after a long break, it is recommended to shake the handle well - there is a metal ball inside it, specially designed for stirring liquid.

Shake the pen before starting work.

Rules for using a correction pen

Using this type of corrector is no different from a regular ballpoint pen for writing. You need to remove the protective cap, apply the tip to the place where correction is required, and shade the required area.

The corrector is used in the same way as a regular pen.

For pens with a dispenser, you should press lightly on the bag of paint. Some models may have a built-in safety valve. In this case, before painting, you need to press the tip a little so that the putty can flow freely.

Sometimes you need to press harder on the dispenser.


Olesya U, Kaliningrad

“I appreciated the corrector pen, despite its rather high (150 rubles) price. It is impossible to remove a small blot with a stroke, it turns out to be a white spot, but with a pen I put a dot, and everything is in order. Although I also use strokes, sometimes I need to make corrections in documents and calculations.”

Olga S, Yaroslavl

“I work as a laboratory assistant at a factory. I use the proofreader all the time to correct incorrect calculations and entries. I don’t give preference to any one company; I think the disadvantage is that the correctors quickly thicken and, when used, leave unsightly, uneven spots that are inconvenient to write on.”

How to use tape corrector

The main difference between such a corrector and a pen is the method of applying paint.

The tape corrector has a different way of applying paint.

Here it is a thin tape of a fixed width, which is wound on a special drum. The tape corrector has a thin platform at the end, from under which the tape is fed. To make corrections, just touch this pad to the paper and pull it to the side - the white stripe will perfectly hide the blot. This device is mainly used for editing typewritten text.

The tape corrector paints over the text with stripes.

What does the market offer?

Today in any stationery store you can find dozens of different models of correctors, both from well-known manufacturers and not so well known. Products from the French company BIC, which offers a huge range to suit every taste, are very popular on the domestic market.

BIC correctors are the most popular.

If you need good stationery putty, you can safely purchase products from Russian brands Erich Krause and Brauberg, whose products are of high quality and a wide range.

In addition, proofreaders from Mitsubishi – Uni, as well as stationery from Krone and 4Office, can be a good choice.

For those who prefer everything bright and unusual, the British brand Yes offers pens of various colors in original designs.

Yes company offers pens in different colors.

Sometimes modern technologies present very pleasant surprises that subsequently make life much easier, for example, a ballpoint pen, tape or a zipper. So is the corrector pen - what it is, its types and how to use it, some people know it from elementary school.

The correction pen has become an indispensable assistant for students of different ages.

For many people, this simple item has long become indispensable, making it easier to carry out work related to editing and editing text. Ultimately, everyone benefits from saving time and effort.

The most common models

The corrector pen is now one of the most common office supplies. All well-known companies producing such products produce many models. There are several of the most common ones that are popular due to their high quality, ease of use and low price.

  • The best correction pen is Erich Krause. Many users trust this company. Reviews note that this corrector has virtually no drawbacks. It is odorless, beautifully shaped, and easy to use. The metal tip does not scratch the paper and allows you to apply correction fluid precisely. This correction pen is also called arctic white because of its snow-white color.
  • Correctors from BRAUBERG are also popular. They are distinguished by a stylish design, a comfortable tip and a soft body that allows you to easily squeeze out the correction fluid. And the metal ball inside prevents it from freezing.
  • Many users choose inexpensive correctors. These include products. Despite their low cost, they are of high quality, odorless, and the liquid dries quickly.

You can choose any corrector pen. If you know how to use them, then no mistakes in the text will be scary. They can be easily covered up with a high-quality corrector.

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