Is it possible to replant an orchid during flowering: step-by-step instructions and transplantation features

  • January 7, 2019
  • Plant care
  • Sergey Klimov

The home orchid is the favorite flower of any housewife who loves to do indoor gardening. Despite the fact that they are easy to care for, it is often these plants that make you think about whether it is possible to replant an orchid during flowering. Of course, here it is worth considering the type of flower, since most of them do not require replanting, but everything will depend, first of all, on the condition of the root system and the substrate in which the plant is planted.

When should you replant an orchid?

If you carefully study the literature that describes how to properly grow an orchid so that it does not get sick or die, you can find lines that they are epiphytes that prefer to grow in symbiosis with a variety of tree crops.

It is known that such wild orchids do not require rooting at all. In nature, they easily find a place under trees, entwining their bark. This is how rain moisture or falling dew gets to them in abundance. Nutrients are found in fungal cultures, which can always be found in large quantities on trees.

But at home there is neither natural soil nor tree bark. Therefore, it is worth taking care of timely replacement of the soil. And this condition is the most important for the further successful development of the plant. Many lovers of this flower are interested in the question of whether it is possible to replant an orchid during flowering, and what should be done? It is known that the plant grows very quickly, so the soil and its nutrients are rapidly depleted.

Household orchids need to be replanted to ensure that there is constant supply of nutrients for the plant. Therefore, it is always necessary to change the soil completely, and not add a little fresh soil. If you have no experience in transplanting orchids, then after such a procedure they may get sick and even not bloom for a long time. This is due to the fact that each plant can absorb nutrients only in the form processed by mushrooms. Each orchid gets used to a certain type of mushroom.

When the soil is changed, a change in its microchemical composition occurs, to which the flowering plant must still get used to. To avoid this situation, you can mix a few particles of the old composition into the new soil.

Criteria for transplantation

Every orchid lover should skillfully determine the time when to replant the plant. To better navigate this period, you just need to know a few criteria that will help even an inexperienced gardener not miss the right moment for transplantation.

The plant needs to be replanted when the root mass no longer fits in the flower pot. It is also worth making sure that other numerous aerial roots do not form, as this also indicates that the pot needs to be changed immediately. Another criterion that would indicate the need for replanting is the appearance of yellow spots on the flower leaves.

It is worth thinking about whether it is possible to replant a plant if the leaf mass is much larger than the size of the pot in which the orchid grows. If it has not bloomed for more than 3 months, then this is another sign that the container and soil need to be replaced. According to specialized literature, an orchid should be replanted two years after its acquisition, but it is still worth determining the replanting period in a practical way, knowing all the criteria for replanting.

Many gardeners do not know whether it is possible to replant an orchid during flowering, for fear of harming the plant. It is known that it is better to carry out this procedure in the spring-autumn period, when the plant is at rest after flowering. But if it does bloom, then this is not a hindrance, since orchids are not sensitive to pruning part of the root system.

For which species is it better not to do this?

Phalaenopsis tolerates the procedure most easily during this period - it quickly adapts and practically does not lose buds.

However, there are also capricious varieties. These include:

  • cymbidium;
  • dendrobium;
  • angrecum.

The effect of transplantation on orchid flowering

It is known that an orchid can bloom for more than 10 months, so many gardeners do not know whether it is possible to replant an orchid when it is blooming. After all, the owners are afraid that the flowers may fade after the procedure and all the buds will fall off. But replanting while the orchid is blooming is possible, and it will not in any way affect what the new bloom will be like.

By the way, you can even prolong flowering if, before planting an orchid in a new pot, you shorten all the flower stalks that are already there by about 2 centimeters. This will help grow a new root mass while producing even more side flowers.

Transplant instructions

It is not difficult to replant an orchid at home if you follow the instructions given in this article. First you need to prepare for such a procedure by choosing a suitable soil. It is selected in such quantity as to match the chosen pot, and then questions about whether it is possible to replant a blooming orchid will not even arise.

It is necessary to choose the pot for the plant correctly. It is best if it has transparent walls, which will help the sun's rays to freely enter the plant and allow the root system to develop properly. The new flower pot should be slightly larger than the previous one. In addition to the container for replanting, the orchid will need a stick to which the flower will be tied, a sharp knife and pruning shears that will allow you to easily remove damaged roots.

The first step is to release the earthen coma where the roots of the flower are located. To do this, the flower pot can be cut or turned over, slightly squeezing the plant.

At the second stage, the root system should be cleaned of old soil and washed with warm water.

In the third step, you should carefully examine the root system of the orchid. If traces of any pests are suddenly found or a disease can be seen on the roots, then you should immediately prepare an insecticide solution and immerse the root system in it for thirty minutes. You should soak the pruning shears in alcohol and cut off all the rotten and dry parts, leaving only clean and elastic roots. To protect the roots of the plant, you can sprinkle them a little with charcoal, previously crushed.

At the fourth stage, you should properly prepare a new container for replanting the orchid. The pot should definitely be dipped in a strong solution of potassium permanganate, and then filled with expanded clay or drainage material to two centimeters.

The fifth step allows the orchid to be moved from the container of water in which it was immersed, removed and, carefully straightening the roots, placed in a new pot. As the roots grow, soil is added and compacted. Some roots can be left without soil: they will absorb moisture from the surrounding air and help improve photosynthesis processes.

The sixth step allows you to arrange the plant so that the trunk does not bend or break. Many flower growers do not know whether it is possible to replant an orchid during flowering, since they do not understand how to keep the flower stalks after replanting. To do this, it is still better to use sticks made from natural material, such as pine or bamboo. They are stuck into the pot next to the orchid stem and the branches are attached to them using special clothespins.

Rules for choosing a pot for an orchid

Is it possible to replant an orchid so that it does not get sick and continues to delight with its flowering? This is possible if you follow a few simple rules, several of which will allow you to choose a flower pot wisely. After all, how normally the flower plant will develop depends on what the flowerpot is.

In order for excess water to flow out of the pot normally, it must have the required number of holes. You should not replant the orchid into a pot that is too large in volume, since such a plant will no longer bloom, but will only turn green. You cannot use a glass pot, as the orchid will not have enough oxygen.


The soil for an orchid should consist of crushed tree bark with a small amount of charcoal, perlite and sphagnum moss. The amount of moss depends on the humidity level in the room. In most apartments the air is dry, so a third of the moss is added to the soil when planting. It absorbs water and gradually releases it to the roots.

Watering orchids after replanting

For the further normal development of the orchid, it is necessary to properly water the plant. Initially, this is done immediately after transplantation.

For high-quality irrigation, the water should be boiled and cooled, adding a few different nutrients to it: nitrogen, potassium, magnesium. A pot with an orchid is lowered into this water. The next watering should be done only after 14 days.

Further flower care

After transplantation, no special care is required. The only thing is to shade the upper part of the flower from the sunny color during the week.

Watering is done immediately. Water needs to be boiled with the addition of calcium and magnesium. The entire pot is immersed in it for 40 minutes. Thus, the soil is saturated with nutrients. The next moisturizing procedure should be carried out no earlier than 2 weeks later. Fertilizing is applied after 3 weeks.

There is a place for an orchid in any house or apartment. It will delight not only the owners, but also the guests with its beauty and amazing aroma. With proper care it blooms long and beautifully. In the direction of Feng Shui, the orchid is also used. Not cut, but indoor representative is perfect. Its belonging to noble plants has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere in the house. Capable of activating zones in a positive direction. In an ancient Japanese legend, there is a belief that an orchid, having a feminine name, is considered a male flower. Combining 2 elements, it is suitable for balance in the family.

By following the general rules for caring for a flowering orchid when transplanting, you can protect it from diseases and pests. The main thing is to monitor the condition of the root system. A timely moistened substrate is a guideline for subsequent actions. Most varieties of orchids sold in stores are hybrids. They are adapted to environmental conditions, weather and pests. Therefore, there should be no problems in transplanting or growing.

Tips and tricks

Some tips will help you replant your orchid so that it continues to delight you with its flowering. So, after washing the roots from the old soil, they need to be dried for a long time, about 7 hours. Drainage can be not only expanded clay, but, for example, broken brick, but only crushed, and even pebbles.

If the orchid has already grown greatly, then it should be divided into two pots. After transplantation, such a plant should be cared for more carefully and thoroughly. It is always worth remembering that any transplant for an orchid is a lot of stress, so you should be careful and competent about this procedure.

If gardeners were wondering whether it is possible to replant an orchid when it is blooming, now they no longer face such a question.


The more responsibly you approach the transplant, the more successful the process itself will be. Before you get started, prepare everything you need: disinfected scissors or a sharp knife for cutting faded peduncles, a new transparent pot, fresh loose substrate, an activated carbon tablet.

If the orchid has just finished delighting you with its flowering, then the peduncle needs to be cut off. After this, you can begin the process of replanting the plant.

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