Just add water, or how to clean a carpet with a vacuum cleaner

When was the last time you wet-cleaned the carpets at home? But between the fibers of the carpet, a large amount of debris, tiny dust, and bacteria accumulates. The issue of carpet washing is especially acute in families with small children, pets and allergy sufferers. Accumulating dust and microorganisms can cause illness or deterioration in health.
Often users limit themselves to regular dry cleaning and dry cleaning of carpets once every few months. Another option is to clean by hand using special carpet cleaners. Needless to say, this method of cleansing is much more labor-intensive.

A convenient solution to the problem of carpet cleaning is to use special household appliances - a washing vacuum cleaner for wet cleaning of carpets. The principle of its operation is simple: a stream of water is supplied to the nozzle of the washing vacuum cleaner, often with a concentrated cleaning agent, and then the moisture, along with contaminants, is sucked back into the dirty water tank. Reservoirs with clean and dirty water are always separate, so that already collected dirt and dust do not fall back onto the carpet, as is always the case with manual cleaning.

Which carpet can be washed and which cannot?

Despite its simplicity, this method of vacuuming is not suitable for all carpets. A washing vacuum cleaner will be very useful when you need to clean the carpet from:

  • synthetic fibers: acrylic, microfiber, polyester, nylon;
  • mixed pile;
  • knitwear, if specified in the manufacturer's instructions.

Wet cleaning with detergent is not suitable for:

  • natural materials: wool, silk, fur;
  • viscose;
  • jute products with long pile;
  • thick cotton, linen.

To make sure you don’t damage anything and to avoid unnecessary doubts, refer to the care instructions for your carpet. After cleaning, it is important that the carpet is completely dry. Drying will help prevent the formation of mold and the accumulation of bacteria inside the pile.

Dry cleaning technology

Effective cleaning of carpet is possible without the use of special products and chemical solvents. To do this, it is quite enough to use a dry mixture without water - essentially it is a dry powder for cleaning carpet. First, you should treat the surface with a vacuum cleaner with an appropriate attachment in the form of an auger brush . It will clean the surface, straighten the villi and restore their natural structure. In turn, the powder is applied manually or using a special device.

To ensure maximum absorption of dirt by the powder, it is necessary to leave it on the carpet for a certain time - the period of action will depend on the degree of contamination and is often no more than two hours. The effect of the powder is based on the properties of the granules to leave a certain amount of moisture in their structure, which helps dissolve mud deposits and absorbs powder particles.

After a period of time sufficient for absorption has passed to remove the powder substance using a vacuum cleaner . Dry cleaning technology is relatively new, but its effectiveness is helping to increase its adherents . The convenience of such cleaning is explained by the fact that you can walk after the procedure, and an important advantage is the fact that after cleaning the fibers remain dry and do not require drying, which is necessary when wet cleaning.

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Algorithm for cleaning carpets using a vacuum cleaner

  1. Before wet cleaning, remove all large dirt and debris from the surface with a traditional vacuum cleaner. The preliminary stage can be canceled if you use universal washing vacuum cleaners from the BISSELL CrossWave series. They simultaneously vacuum and wash the surface.
  2. Assemble the washing vacuum cleaner according to the instructions. If the kit includes replacement attachments, choose the one you need according to the length of the pile.
  3. Fill the tank with clean water. Add carpet detergent in the required proportion. Choose universal concentrates or special preparations for cleaning carpets. If you are using the solution for the first time, first apply it to an inconspicuous area of ​​the carpet and after 15 minutes check whether the material has deteriorated.
  4. Select the mode with maximum suction power.
  5. Work the entire area of ​​the carpet evenly and slowly, starting from the edges, moving the brush towards the center. Consistently move it back and forth in short movements. Slowly move the brush overlapping and carefully brush each area so that the solution washes as much as possible of all the bristles of the bristles.
  6. Be sure to dry the coating after wet cleaning the room. To do this, you just need to vacuum it and leave it for 20 minutes to 1 hour. During this time, you should open a window or door and ventilate the room in which the carpet is located. You can place a mop or some long object under it to help the air circulate better. This way it will dry much faster. Some equipment has a separate accessory for sucking moisture from the surface of the carpet. However, if you have a BISSELL CrossWave vacuum cleaner, the fibers dry immediately after wetting, so no additional time is required. If the carpet has not yet dried, and you already begin to walk on it, the pile may become deformed.
  7. Drain the dirty water from the container and remove any remaining clean water. It is necessary to rinse the tanks, nozzles and dry the removable parts of the washing vacuum cleaner.

If you follow the recommendations, it is enough to properly clean the carpet once a week.

The best powder formulations

High-quality products for cleaning vacuum cleaners are divided into 2 types - powder and liquid shampoos. Powdered ones are not recommended for use by housewives themselves due to the high probability of clogging equipment filters. In the future, this will lead to rapid breakdown, but according to users, cleaning with powders is of poor quality, which is explained by the need to dissolve the components, and this does not always happen quickly.

However, powdered detergents also include the most popular vacuum cleaner detergents. These include Zelmer and KARCHER.

Zelmer features convenient packaging

Zelmer is a powder intended for cleaning carpets with your own hands and for cleaning with a washing vacuum cleaner. It contains components that are safe for children and animals, has no fragrances, and is therefore recommended for use by people with allergies. The only drawback of the presented powder is the need to additionally wash out the particles after each use of the vacuum cleaner. The cost of the powder is about 1000 rubles.

KARCHER powder in a jar protects children and animals from exposure

KARCHER is a powder for dilution in water and use in a washing vacuum cleaner, intended for cleaning any type of floor covering, as well as for carpet cleaning. Powder manufacturer – Germany. The product is characterized by rapid solubility, which means there is no need to apply additional cleaning after cleaning.

Advantages and types of washing vacuum cleaners

Models for wet cleaning allow you not to take the carpet to the dry cleaner and not to clean it manually.
Powerful devices can effectively clean all types of stains, get rid of bacteria, and remove dirt. Modern vacuum cleaners have standard carpet cleaning and deep cleaning modes with enhanced water supply with concentrate and increased suction power. Other benefits depend on the type of vacuum cleaner:

  • Traditional models with a telescopic tube are convenient to use for cleaning pipes, tiles, and windows. Thanks to the water supply, even carpets with dried stains can be cleaned. They have an increased volume of tanks for clean and dirty water, so you will need to top it up less frequently during operation.
  • Vertical washing vacuum cleaners are more mobile and lighter. At the same time, the suction power and cleaning quality are similar to classic devices. For example, the BISSELL 2571N HydroWave washing vacuum cleaner is suitable for wet cleaning of hard surfaces, carpet, and carpets with a pile of more than 2 cm. When operating in the “Express” mode, due to the controlled liquid supply, the carpet will dry in 30 minutes.


Depending on the types of work performed and the intended purposes, washing vacuum cleaners are divided into several types:


Their dimensions are several times different from a conventional washing unit. The area of ​​use of this type of vacuum cleaner is quite large.

Vacuum cleaners in this category vary in their power; the most powerful models can instantly collect moisture from the floor. Often, professional units are equipped with floor dryers.

Foam extractors

The special cleaning solution is easily foamed by air flow without the use of water. It can only be used on carpets and fabrics. The foam comes into contact only with dirt and lint without damaging the fabric.

Washing vacuum cleaners are divided into types depending on the filter for dry cleaning:

  • Cyclone filters imply the presence of a flask that operates on the principle of a wind tunnel. Thanks to centrifugal force, the dust is compressed.
  • Models with dust bags. To clean, you just need to shake out the bag and periodically insert a new one.
  • Vacuum cleaners with an aqua filter collect dust into a container of water, thereby providing the cleanest possible cleaning effect. The air is not polluted. There are cyclone, separate and hookah water filters.
  • Units without filters will be ideal helpers for allergy sufferers. At the same time, dust mites, dust itself and fungal mold do not enter the air. Thanks to the turbine, maximum pressure is created, which sends dust into the water.

What carpet cleaning products should I choose?

First of all, look at the instructions for the vacuum cleaner, which indicate the washing rules and requirements for cleaning solutions. Most brands of cleaning products offer the use of their concentrates for wet cleaning, including for carpet or sofa. For example, the BISSELL brand, like the companies Thomas, Zelmer, KARCHER, has a series of highly effective cleaning products for different types of coatings and dirt. All of them meet the basic criteria for choosing a solution:

  • hypoallergenic composition of the product;
  • cleaning products are not caustic;
  • do not contain dyes, heavy metals, phosphates;
  • do not contain chlorine, which can ruin the color of the fibers after washing.

Pay attention to what type of dirt the product is intended for. Consider the specially developed composition BISSELL 1146J. It better removes deep-seated dirt from carpets and upholstered furniture, filling the air with a natural aroma of freshness during cleaning. We recommend BISSELL 1087J concentrate for wet cleaning in homes with pets. In addition to excellent cleaning properties, it additionally has odor control technology: pets will no longer leave unpleasant surprises in the same place. Of course, it is possible to wash away dirt and stains with a regular detergent such as Vanish, carpet washing powder, regular soda solution or similar chemicals. But in the case of the Bissell technique, all of them will be less effective. Compared to a branded detergent, under the same conditions of use, the consumption per m2 of apartment floor will be less for Bissell products.

How to clean carpet from urine?

The main task is not to wash, but to remove the unpleasant odor. Most often, such problems occur in those who keep pets in the house or have small children who are potty training. Therefore, incidents involving urination on the carpet are not uncommon.

Ways to eliminate urine:

  • It is necessary not to wash it out, but to separate the urine into its component parts to get rid of the unpleasant odor. To do this, you need to do a few simple manipulations.
  • Use sanitary pads to soak up all the urine. Oddly enough, sanitary pads absorb moisture very well and retain it inside due to the formation of a gel composition. Next, you need to mix water and vinegar in proportions of three to one to prepare a strong solution.
  • It must be applied to the stain using a spray and wait until it dries. After this, pour a thin layer of soda and salt. Three percent hydrogen peroxide is mixed with water in a 1:1 ratio and poured into a spray bottle. A little dishwashing liquid is added there.
  • Using a sprayer, the solution is treated with soda. As a result of the reaction of soda and vinegar, as well as hydrogen peroxide, a white foam will form. Under no circumstances should you remove it immediately. You must wait 2 hours.
  • You need to wait until the mixture dries a little and remove everything with a vacuum cleaner. Under no circumstances should you wet the cloth again and try to remove the soda and vinegar with a rag. After this, you can carry out the usual wet cleaning of the carpet.

Urine cleansing

Additional recommendations

  • If the washing vacuum cleaner comes with several attachments, select the one you need specifically for your carpet and its pile length.
  • The sooner you start cleaning after the stain appears, the easier it will be to clean the carpet.
  • To clean particularly difficult stains, it is recommended to pre-soak them for a while. The solution should penetrate deeper into the stain and begin to dissolve it from the inside.
  • When working with a classic washing vacuum cleaner, it is better not to use hot water. However, the warmer the water, the more effective it is at removing dirty stains. BISSELL engineers solved the problem: they developed the first washing vacuum cleaner that works with water at temperatures up to 60 °C.
  • Don't moisturize one area too much. Otherwise, it will take longer to dry out and mold may appear there.
  • When using a washing vacuum cleaner, use environmentally friendly products, especially if children often play on the flooring or pets rest.

How to remove dents from carpet

They moved the furniture, and footprints in the form of dents on the surface of the carpet spoil the appearance. We will show you how to update your carpet with minimal financial costs. The best way to remove dents on carpets is steam. To eliminate defects in the flooring, you will need a steam iron or steam generator. With their help, steam treatment is carried out until the pile becomes pliable and soft. After this, the area with the dents is carefully combed out with a stiff comb.

Home craftsman

The popularity of the device is growing every day. Housewives all over the planet breathed a sigh of relief with the advent of irreplaceable helpers. Everyone is familiar with the difficulties of washing carpets, and a washing vacuum cleaner greatly simplifies this process. People suffering from allergies treat these craftsmen with special gratitude.

The washing vacuum cleaner has undergone many transformations before appearing before us in its modern design. The first models were inefficient, did a poor job of washing, and had impressive dimensions. Modern compact devices can cope with any type of surface (including laminate), returning your home cleanliness and freshness.

Cleaning the pipes

I am writing under the impression: Thomas is the best plumber! Of course, he is not able to install a faucet or replace a mixer... (I think so for now. Surely Thomas engineers are working on this! Editor’s note). But he can handle blockages. Three minutes of work - and the container for dirty water is filled with black, very black liquid with sand and dirt. Wow!

Preparing for cleaning

You need to replace the furniture nozzle with a small rubber plunger.


Simply place the nozzle over the drain hole and turn on the vacuum cleaner.


A lot of dirt gets into the vacuum cleaner, and the water now flows without stagnating in the sink.

What I especially liked

Speed ​​is a minute solution to a complex problem.


After cleaning, the smell in the bathroom is not particularly appetizing. Therefore, try to carry out this procedure when it is possible to ventilate the room.

How to clean carpet using tea leaves?

This option is only suitable if you were going to clean dark carpet. Light-colored surfaces may leave significant stains that are difficult to remove.


  • After drinking the tea, you need to sprinkle the tea leaves on a dirty area of ​​the carpet. Next you need to wait until the tea leaves dry.
  • After this, the residues are collected using a vacuum cleaner or a broom.
  • Before scattering the tea leaves, squeeze it out so that it is not very wet

Dirty carpet

Professional cleaning products and special methods

Industrial products are considered the most reliable and effective if they are used correctly. Professional cleaning equipment also guards cleanliness.


A special carpet shampoo can remove even stubborn stains. The composition is applied manually. First, 1 part of the product is diluted with 9 parts of water and whipped into a fluffy foam. Vanish is then applied to the carpet using a sponge. After drying, the remaining foam is removed with a vacuum cleaner.


Domestos removes difficult stains and at the same time destroys bacteria. It is better not to use the gel on dark or bright carpets, as the colors may suffer. Before use 1 tbsp. l. The product is dissolved in 1 liter of water. Add 1 tbsp to the composition. l. liquid soap and apply it to the contaminated area with a cleaning cloth. After wiping off the dirt, rinse the area with clean water. You can replace the product with “Whiteness”.

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Cleansing powder "Mystic" can become an indispensable assistant in the household. It cleans glass and metal objects, carpets, furniture, and removes old stains from linen. The product will quickly refresh soiled carpets. It is enough to wipe the carpet with a solution prepared from 3 liters of water and 30 g of powder. After using the cleaner, wipe the surface with a cloth soaked in clean water.


Extractor cleaning involves processing the carpet using a machine method. First, a soap solution is sprayed over the surface and left for several minutes so that the composition is absorbed into the fibers. The contaminated foam is then sucked up by the extractor's powerful vacuum pump. This type of cleaning is suitable for wool and synthetic carpets. Delicate coatings may be damaged by extractor cleaning.

Steam cleaner

First you need to clean the carpet with a vacuum cleaner. After this, they are treated with a steam cleaner, which cleans the carpet of old dirt using hot steam. This method will remove even stubborn dirt. For heavily soiled areas, additionally apply carpet cleaner. A special pad makes the steam cleaner easier to slide.

How to choose a Thomas brand vacuum cleaner

Many owners of country cottages and city apartments dream of purchasing a washing vacuum cleaner from the Thomas brand. This home assistant is very simple and effective in operation, while being quite economical in energy consumption. Each vacuum cleaner from the manufacturer of the same name comes with instructions that any housewife can quickly understand. Before making a purchase, buyers should carefully study the reviews of the owners of such equipment, as well as watch thematic videos in which experts talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this or that modification.

How to clean carpet using ammonia?

This product is used if there is juice or red wine on the carpet.


  • It is necessary to remove dust using a conventional dry cleaning vacuum cleaner and prepare a cleaning solution
  • 5 ml of ammonia is added to a liter of water, a brush is wetted in this solution and the carpet pile is wiped
  • Leave for 5 minutes. Next, everything needs to be wiped with a dry, clean cloth.
  • Please note that it is advisable that alcohol does not get on the carpet base. Ammonia can damage the structure of the product itself
  • Be sure to open all windows while cleaning. If there is exhaust ventilation, turn it on
  • Because ammonia smells quite bad and can cause poisoning

Cleaning with ammonia

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